Rita Coolidge

Rita Coolidge

Nacimiento : 1945-05-01, Lafayette, TN, USA


Rita Coolidge is an American recording artist. During the 1970s and 1980s, her songs were on Billboard magazine's pop, country, adult contemporary, and jazz charts, and she won two Grammy Awards with fellow musician and then-husband Kris Kristofferson. Her recordings include "(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher", "We're All Alone", and the theme song for the 1983 James Bond film Octopussy: "All Time High".


Rita Coolidge


Joe Cocker - Mad Dog with Soul
La turbulenta vida del cantante de soul y blues, el fallecido Joe Cocker. Un ex instalador de gas de Sheffield, catapultado al estrellato mundial en 1969 en Woodstock con su legendaria interpretación de la canción de los Beatles, "A Little Help from My Friends". Pero a principios de la década de 1970, los demonios internos de Joe Cocker casi lo matan. Superando sus luchas con el alcohol y las drogas, reconstruyó su reputación como "uno de los grandes vocalistas de rock and roll de todos los tiempos" (descripción de Billy Joel). La película mezcla las propias palabras de Joe Cocker, con un archivo poco común. Su esposa (Pam Cocker) y su familia, amigos y los legendarios compositores y músicos con los que colaboró ​​cuentan la historia de Joe Cocker. La película tiene imágenes de desempeño eléctrico crudo, histórico en todas partes.
Delaney & Bonnie & Friends: Live In Denmark 1969
The band, which consisted of Bobby Whitlock on keys, Carl Radle on bass, Jim Gordon on drums, Jim Price on trumpet, Bobby Keys on saxophone, Rita Coolidge on backing vocals, and Billy Preston on keyboards, is on fire during this performance. Clapton’s presence most definitely brought excitement to this lineup and while George Harrison adds to the curiosity factor, he plays little more than support guitar in the background. Knowing now what this cast of players would go on to do, this makes for one very interesting watch.
Havana Jam '79
The story of the celebration of the historic three-day Havana Jam festival at the Karl Marx Theatre, in Havana, Cuba, from March 2-4, 1979.
Tom Jones: Duets by Invitation Only
En este DVD único, Tom Jones canta a dúo con algunas de las estrellas más importantes del mundo de la música. Estrellas que cambiaron el panorama de la música pop para siempre con sus éxitos. Entre ellos se encuentran Tina Turner, Dusty Springfield, Isaac Hayes, Rita Coolidge y Gladys Knight. Tom Jones comparte escenario con estos talentosos cantantes y juntos interpretan emocionantes versiones en vivo de éxitos legendarios. ¡Este magnífico DVD no solo es un tributo al increíble talento de Tom Jones, sino también a los fantásticos artistas que, a través de sus duetos con Tom, rinden homenaje a una de las más grandes leyendas de la música pop!
Rita Coolidge: Concert in the Park
This DVD contains 12 of Rita Coolidge's greatest hits.
Changing Hearts
Mrs. Phelps
Basado en la galardonada obra de Daniel Wright "Colored Eggs", es un drama / comedia sobre la vida, la pérdida y el amor entre un excéntrico grupo de personajes cuyas vidas se cruzan en circunstancias menos que ideales.
Navidad en las nubes
A classic comedy of mistaken identity and romance set during the holiday season at a ski resort that is owned and operated by a Native American Nation. Shot on location at The Sundance Resort in Utah, this is the first contemporary romantic comedy to feature an almost entirely American Indian cast. The film was featured at the 2001 Sundance Film Festival.
Making A Noise: A Native American Musical Journey with Robbie Robertson
Self - Cherokee
This doc explores "The Band" guitarist and songwriter Robbie Robertson's Native American background. Half Mohawk on his mother's side, the film follows him back to the Six Nations reservation in Ontario where he spent summers growing up and picked up his first guitar. The resulting album, "Contact From the Underworld of Red Boy", draws on his childhood First Nation influences and includes musical collaborations wth Native artists such as John Trudell, Rita Coolidge and Buffy Ste Marie.
Theme Song Performance
El agente 009, compañero de James Bond, es asesinado en Berlín Oriental, aunque consigue llegar a la residencia del embajador británico antes de morir, llevando consigo una valiosísima pieza de orfebrería: un huevo de Pascua, creado por Fabergé. En Londres, especialistas del Servicio Secreto constatan que se trata de una falsificación de la joya original, que será subastada en breve. El hecho de que en un corto período de tiempo se hayan vendido piezas parecidas despierta las sospechas de los responsables de Inteligencia, que temen una maniobra rusa que estaría encaminada a recaudar fondos que irían destinados a oscuras operaciones. Tras la pista de Kamal Khan, turbio traficante de objetos de arte, James Bond llega a la India, lugar en el que descubrirá la relación entre el sospechoso, una misteriosa mujer conocida como Octopussy y el General Orlov, implicados todos ellos en una conspiración que pretende desatar un conflicto nuclear.
Rita Coolidge: All Time High
Music video for "All Time High" by Rita Coolidge, the theme song for the James Bond film Octopussy.
The Raccoons on Ice
Melissa Raccoon (voice)
The Raccoons on Ice is the second of four specials leading up to the television series The Raccoons. It initially aired on CBC and in syndication on December 20, 1981.
The Christmas Raccoons
Melissa Raccoon (voice)
In this prelude to the television series 'The Raccoons', Bert, Melissa, and Ralph Raccoon have their home accidentally stolen when it is cut down to become a Christmas tree.
The Johnny Cash Christmas Special 1978
For his 1978 Christmas special, the third in as many years, Johnny Cash moved the taping of the Christmas Special to Los Angeles, and, predictably, the program takes on a Hollywood feel. Guests include Kris Kristofferson and singer Rita Coolidge, both friends of the Cash family who perform a heartfelt "Please Don't Tell Me How The Story Ends," and Steve Martin, one of America's hottest new comics at the time. June Carter Cash, as always, performs with her husband, and other family members make appearances in this special as well.
Ha nacido una estrella
El éxito como cantante de Esther Hoffman es paralelo al proceso de autodestrucción de su marido John Norman, una estrella del rock en decadencia y adicto a las drogas.
Free to Be… You and Me
Free to Be…You and Me, a project of the Ms. Foundation for Women, is a record album, and illustrated book first released in November 1972, featuring songs and stories from many current celebrities of the day (credited as "Marlo Thomas and Friends") such as Alan Alda, Rosey Grier, Cicely Tyson, Carol Channing, Michael Jackson, and Diana Ross, among others. An ABC Afterschool Special using poetry, songs, and sketches, followed two years later in March 1974. The basic concept is to encourage a post-60's gender neutrality, while saluting values such as individuality, tolerance, and happiness with one's identity. A major thematic message is that anyone, whether a boy or a girl, can achieve anything.
George Carlin: The Real George Carlin
Carlin recorded his only network special, The Real George Carlin, in 1973. Featuring bits about growing up in New York, the material is neither profane nor squeaky clean – but has a slice of life element obviously lacking in the cuddly Carlin of the '60s. There’s a gold star moment of longhaired George mocking a cardboard cutout of the suit and tie version, and so take-em-or-leave-them musical appearances by BB King and Kris Kristofferson. Certainly, worth a modern glance.
Pat Garrett y Billy el Niño
La historia de Pat Garrett y Billy the Kid, los dos compañeros de fatigas y temidos forajidos que en el Viejo Oeste tomaron rumbos separados para uno de ellos, Pat, convertirse en sheriff y el otro, Billy, seguir viviendo sin horizontes, cansado y sin dirección.
Joe Cocker - Mad Dogs & Englishmen
"Joe Cocker - the Rotating Rocker - and his 42 member communal touring company Mad Dogs & Englishmen with the Master of Space and Time Leon Russell - see them perform in the pleasure palaces of America - it's a moving picture" says the classic film poster. See this spectacular rock 'n' roll tour documentary and get a dramatic visual record that captures the spirit of the hippie era with mind-blowing performances, crazy backstage footage, and spaced-out interviews. Supporting cast includes Claudia Lennear, Rita Coolidge, Sherman Jones reciting "Face on the Barroom Floor," and Canina the dog.
Rita Coolidge: On Stage at World Cafe Live
The Midnight Special Legendary Performances: More 1979
The Midnight Special es un programa musical emitido en horario nocturno por la cadena NBC durante los años 70s y principios de los 80s creado y producido por Burt Sugarman. El primer programa fue emitido como un especial el 19 de Agosto de 1972 y comenzó su emisión regular el 2 de Febrero de 1973, su última emisión fue el 1 de Mayo de 1981. El programa, de 90 minutos de duración se emitía los Viernes después del "The Tonight Show" presentado por Johnny Carson. El programa tuvo varios presentadores excepto en el período de Julio de 1975 hasta Marzo de 1976 en el que la cantante Helen Reddy lo presentó de forma habitual. Wolfman Jack fue también presentador del programa siendo Helen Reddy una de sus frecuentes invitadas. La canción tradicional folk "Midnight Special" cantada por Johnny Rivers era la que servía de sintonía del programa.