Justice Osborne
Cuando la hija del abogado Simon Crawford muere atropellada por un conductor que se dio a la fuga, el hombre jura vengarse, pero cuando aparece muerto un vecino, se convierte en el primer sospechoso, al descubrir que la víctima estaba implicada en la muerte de la chica.
A young man's attempts at seduction and social climbing lead to mayhem.
Diplomáticos británicos están a pocas semanas de concluir un acuerdo con un país del Oriente Medio para un nuevo contrato del petróleo favorable para sus intereses. Sólo hay un problema, el hombre con el que debían cerrar el trato, el Príncipe Jamil, heredero al trono de este rico país, aún no ha llegado a la edad mínima necesaria para gobernar. El gobierno británico tiene miedo a que, durante las semanas que faltan antes de su cumpleaños, el joven sea asesinado. Para evitar que esto ocurra, la Oficina Británica en el Exterior echa mano del Coronel Drexel, un veterano héroe de guerra, y de David Frazer, un soldado americano. (FILMAFFINITY)
Judge McWhirrey
Una anciana busca una institutriz para su nieta Laurel (Hayley Mills), una adolescente caprichosa y rebelde, cuyas anteriores tutoras apenas duran unos días en el cargo. Sin embargo, un día aparece en sus vidas una misteriosa mujer, Miss Madrigal (Deborah Kerr), que mantendrá a raya a la muchacha, aún a costa de que descubra su oscuro pasado.
Hallmark Hall of Fame's second version of Shakespeare's classic play, with the same two stars and the same director as its first version, but a different supporting cast.
Archbishop of Canterbury
Inglaterra, siglo XII. Drama histórico en el que se narran los enfrentamientos entre Enrique II Plantagenet, rey de Inglaterra, y Thomas Becket, que llegó a ser canciller y después arzobispo de Canterbury (desde 1162). Las desavenencias entre ambos comienzan cuando en 1164 (Constitución de Clarendon) el rey lleva a cabo una reforma del sistema judicial que reduce substancialmente las prerrogativas de la Iglesia.
Rex y Stella Black ponen en marcha un plan para estafar 50.000 libras a una compañía de seguros. Rex finge su muerte en un accidente aéreo, cambia de aspecto y, utilizando un pasaporte robado, vuela a España, donde Stella se reúne con él. Sin embargo, la personalidad de Rex empieza a cambiar, lo que se agrava con la llegada de Stephen, un joven investigador de seguros que lo pone muy nervioso. Stella, asustada, intenta seducirlo para alejar el peligro, pero Rex, convencido de que Stephen ha descubierto el fraude, intenta eliminarlo. (FILMAFFINITY)
A night watchman at a garage is found murdered, and four teddy boys are put on trial for the crime. Witnesses and suspects give differing accounts of the lead-up to the crime, and the truth emerges.
Grand Lama
Harry (Crosby) y Chester (Hope) son dos actores de vodevil que viajan al Tíbet en busca de una cura que devuelva la memoria a Chester. Cuando por fin dan con ella, su memoria mejora tanto que se aprende sin querer una fórmula secreta que hace posibles los viajes espaciales. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dr. Lieberman
Superproducción sobre el nacimiento del estado de Israel (1948). Seiscientos once judíos que han sobrevivido a los campos de exterminio nazis, abandonan Alemania en un barco (el "Estrella de David") que atraca en Chipre. Después de superar grandes dificultades, logran al fin zarpar de la isla en el "Éxodo", barco de carga con destino a Palestina. El objetivo de los refugiados es crear el estado de Israel. Akiva, un líder fanático, considera que el terrorismo es la única vía para construir la nación, pero su hermano Barek y su sobrino Ari Ben Canaan (Paul Newman) no son de la misma opinión.
Dr. Francis Cochrane
El prestigioso pianista Stephen Orlac viaja a Francia para casarse con Louise Cochrane. Pero el avión sufre turbulencias durante el viaje y acaba teniendo un accidente, en el que Orlac acaba perdiendo las manos. Ese mismo día, el asesino Louis Vasseur ha sido ajusticiado. Mediante cirujía, al pianista le implantan dos manos nuevas, pertenecientes al cadáver de Vasseur. Es entonces cuando el Mago Nero y su ayudante vietnamita intentan chantajear a Orlac, ya que son capaces de resucitar el espíritu maligno que las manos de Vasseur poseen, a lo que Orlac no podría oponerse.
James Duncan MacHardie
Alfred Eaton (Paul Newman), un joven ambicioso que quiere conseguir las cosas por sí mismo sin deberle nada a su padre, se casa con una joven (Woodward) de una buena familia de Philadelphia (Pennsylvania). Poco a poco, Alfred empieza a prosperar, llegando incluso a trabajar en Wall Street, pero su matrimonio no funciona como esperaba.
Clarence Olderberry Sr.
Jean Carter, la hija de 11 años de una familia que recién se ha mudado a un pequeño pueblo de Canadá, dice haber sido corrompida por un hombre que le ofreció caramelos. El viejo del que hablaba la niña resulta ser el Sr. Olderberry, abuelo de la familia más antigua, arraigada y poderosa de la ciudad. Aunque los padres están convencidos en denunciar el caso a la policía, el proceso judicial no será tan sencillo como esperaban.
Sir Howard Hallam
A titled Englishwoman proves more than a match for the fearsome Captain Brassbound.
Stephen Banning
Dos arqueólogos, padre e hijo, dirigen una expedición que está estudiando en Egipto la tumba de la reina Anaka. El padre comete el inmenso error de leer en voz alta un conjuro que devuelve la vida a Kharis, el guardián de la reina, el cual, a partir de ese momento, no tiene más objetivo que eliminar a quienes han turbado el reposo de Anaka.
Sir Patrick Cullen
Four doctors face a serious dilemma when the beautiful wife of a TB-stricken artist begs one of them to cure her brilliant, but amoral, husband.
Mr. Fowler
En un hotel al viejo estilo conviven desde hace tiempo varios huéspedes fijos: un militar retirado, una madre estricta y decadente con su hija, un matrimonio fracasado, un profesor de cultura griega... Viejas historias y nuevos problemas que se hacen carne viva entre los barrocos muros del hotel.
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un espía británico tiene que llevar a cabo en Alemania una arriesgada misión. Para ello, cuenta con la ayuda de un colega que finge ser vendedor de relojes. Cuando la identidad de este hombre se descubre y es asesinado, el espía encuentra un nuevo contacto en un cabaret: Lily, una mujer que finge ser cantante. La historia de amor que deben simular para llevar a cabo su cometido acaba haciéndose realidad.
Edgar Demange
Alfred Dreyfus, a German-Jewish captain serving in the French Army, is falsely accused of treason and made a scapegoat for military espionage in an act of institutional anti-Semitism. Sent to prison, he becomes a cause célèbre for the novelist Émile Zola, who dubs it the "Dreyfus Affair." Eventually, Dreyfus is pardoned when the military cover-up is made public, and he returns to France. But his name is forever tarnished by the accusations of treason.
Guerra de los Cien Años. Francia. "La doncella de Orleáns", después Santa Juana, fue la gran heroína francesa en la guerra contra los ingleses; finalizada la contienda hubo de afrontar el juicio de la Inquisición
París, 1928. Tras la Revolución Rusa de 1917 y, después de varios años de exilio, un grupo de súbditos leales al zarismo sigue buscando el rastro de la Gran Duquesa Anastasia, la única superviviente de la matanza de Ekaterimburgo (1918), ciudad donde los bolcheviques de Lenin acabaron con la dinastía de los Romanov.
The Other
Las consecuencias que sobre una pareja de recién casados caerán por disfrutar de su luna de miel en Montecarlo.
An angel finds that she needs money to fulfill her mission on Earth. Her only solution to this problem is to pawn her harp.
Un actor protagoniza un extraño concurso que enloquecerá a sus admiradoras y que consiste en una lotería cuyo premio es él mismo.
Después de una dura guerra, el rey Arturo, con la ayuda de Lanzarote, su caballero más fiel, consigue unificar toda Inglaterra bajo su mando. Después de ser derrotado por Arturo, Sir Mordred descubre la relación entre Ginebra, la esposa del rey, y Lanzarote, y se servirá de este hecho para acabar con el reinado de Arturo.
Lord Durrisdeer
Durante el siglo XVIII, dos hermanos enfrentados toman diferentes partidos en bandos opuestos que luchan por el trono de Inglaterra; el príncipe Carlos, heredero de los Estuardo, llama a las armas a sus compatriotas para derrocar al rey Jorge.
El contable de una casa de comercio en Holanda, hombre con una especie de obsesión con los trenes, descubre al dueño de la firma en el momento en que éste va a escapar con el dinero del negocio. En una lucha que sostienen, el hombre cae en un canal y el gerente cree que lo ha matado. Tentado por el dinero, toma el Expreso de París que pasa en ese momento, abandonando a su mujer y sus hijos.
A su vuelta de las Cruzadas, el Rey Ricardo Corazón de León es apresado en Austria. Su hermano Juan se niega a pagar la elevada suma de dinero que exigen a cambio de su libertad, ya que así puede seguir usurpando el trono de Inglaterra. El caballero Ivanhoe, uno de los partidarios de Ricardo, intentará por todos los medios conseguir el dinero del rescate.
Cuando regresa a Roma, después de tres años en el campo de batalla, el general Marco Vinicio se enamora de Lygia. Pero ella es cristiana y sus creencias le impiden enamorarse de un guerrero. Aunque fue adoptada por un general retirado, jurídicamente es una esclava de Roma. Pero Marco consigue que el emperador Nerón se la ceda en pago por sus servicios.
Lord Palmerston
Based on the Reginald Berkeley stage play, this compelling historical drama offers a depiction of the life story of Florence Nightingale (Anna Neagle), the young 19th-century Englishwoman famously drawn to a career in nursing. Traveling to Turkey during the Crimean War, Florence gains a reputation for being devoted to the care of wounded soldiers and for pioneering higher standards for sanitary hospital conditions.
Theodore, un ingeniero aeronáutico, debe someter a revisión un avión de su compañía. Después de examinarlo, detecta un cierto desgaste de los materiales que implicaría un riesgo lo bastante alto como para que le parezca oportuno advertir a la tripulación de un aparato que se encuentra en pleno vuelo.
Mr. Playfair
A clerk in a law office investigates a murder, and finds that nearly all her colleagues at work have a motive.
Bank Manager
W. Somerset Maugham introduces three more of his stories about human foibles.
British Consul
Dos hermanos ingleses (David Tomlison y Jean Simmons) visitan París con motivo de la Exposición Universal de 1889. Después de instalarse en un lujoso hotel, por la noche van al Moulin Rouge, donde ella pasa una agradable velada, pero él siente un enorme malestar. A la mañana siguiente, ella comprueba estupefacta que tanto su hermano como la habitación que ocupaba han desaparecido. Sin embargo, en el hotel todos le aseguran que ella llegó sola. Nadie cree en sus palabras, excepto un joven (Bogarde) a quien el desaparecido había prestado cincuenta francos la noche anterior.
The British Judge
Adam Hayward is a successful New York City defense lawyer. One day he receives a cable that the British war buddy who saved his life at Anzio Beach is now in trouble with the law in England. Taking the advice of his secretary to go to England rather than wire money, Adam arrives in his friend's village to find him about to stand trial for the murder of the hired stable-hand, Lawrence.
Marc Antonio Verano
En el año 1500, el duque César Borgia espera casar a su hermana, recientemente viuda gracias al veneno, con el heredero de Ferrara, el cual impide su conquista de la Italia central. A esta delicada misión envía a Andrea Orsini, amante de su hermana y tan falto de escrúpulos como él mismo. En camino, Orsini se encuentra con Camila Verano, esposa del conde de Citta' del Monte, próximo objetivo de Borgia, por la que se siente de inmediato atraído. Estos sentimientos le hacen volverse contra su mortífero amo, a quien nadie traiciona dos veces.
Father Perez
Christopher Columbus overcomes intrigue at the Spanish court and convinces Queen Isabella that his plan to reach the East by sailing west is practical.
Dr. Liddel / The Cheshire Cat (voice)
Filme que a través de escenas combinadas entre seres humanos y marionetas, revive la historia imaginada por Lewis Carroll de una niña atrapada en un mundo extraño y maravilloso por igual.
Mr. Hanray
Un despiadado hombre de negocios vive obsesionado con su hijo Edward, al que sería capaz de proteger a cualquier precio; pero su vástago, lejos de pagarle con la misma moneda, sólo siente hacia su padre odio y desprecio.
Polonius - Lord Chamberlain
Después de haber asesinado a su hermano, el rey de Dinamarca, Claudius se casa con la reina y ocupa el trono danés. En medio del dolor, al príncipe Hamlet se le aparece el fantasma de su padre reclamando venganza contra su asesino. Hamlet decide entonces contratar a una compañía de actores ambulantes para que representen en la corte una obra en la que se muestra el asesinato de un rey a manos de su hermano y en idénticas circunstancias. Hamlet espera ver cómo la reacción de su tío confirma su culpa.
"Cuarteto" es una película británica con cuatro segmentos, cada uno basado en una historia de W. Somerset Maugham. Cada segmento es presentado por el autor. Fue un éxito y eso propició producir dos secuelas "Trio" (1950) y "Encore" (1951), y popularizó el formato de película de compendio. Los guiones de las historias fueron escritos por R. C. Sherriff.
Lord Forlingham
The favourite for the big race is nobbled and suspicion falls on the owner. His secret admirer proves it wasn't him.
Colonel "Bulldog" Kelsoe
The ghosts of two stupid 18th-century officers are doomed to haunt a Berkeley Square mansion until the unlikely event of a reigning monarch paying the house a visit. It will take more than 200 years... Based on the novel "No Nightingales" by Caryl Brahms and S.J. Simon.
Richard Sanctuary
Handsome Italian laborer Kieron Moore works as caretaker of the Neopolitan villa inherited by plain-Jane Englishwomen Margaret Johnston and Dulcie Gray. Johnston is swept off her feet by the raffishly charming Moore, and before long they are wed.
Dr. Martin
Jim Ackland, who suffers from a head injury sustained in a bus crash , is the chief suspect in a murder hunt, when a girl that he has just met is found dead on the local common, and he has no alibi for the time she was killed.
A man goes on the run from hardened smugglers.
Daniel Booth
A fisherman begins studying to be an osteopath. Although he isn't finished with medical school, he begins treating his landlady's daughter who is believed to have a chronic illness. He seems to cure her, and the case draws a lot of attention, some of it negative because he was unlicensed when he treated her. He still does not have a degree when he marries the daughter and begins practising osteopathy.
Sir Felix Mountroyal
A musical set during the French Revolution.
Biografía del famoso y controvertido compositor italiano Niccolo Paganini (1782-1840).
Sir Ernest Foster
Michael Redgrave, Valerie Hobson, Flora Robson and Felix Aylmer star in this moving and sophisticated story of love and loss set against the backdrop of the Second World War and based on the play by Daphne du Maurier. After hearing news that her officer husband has been killed in battle, Diana Wentworth forges a new life for herself, becoming an MP and learning to love again. Then, out of the blue comes the shattering news that her husband is not dead after all.
1st. Nobleman
Poco después de haber ocupado el trono de Egipto, la bella Cleopatra recibe la visita del general romano Julio César. La relación amorosa que se establece entre ellos tendrá también provechosas repercusiones en el terreno político y militar.
Marcus Brutus
The growing ambition of Julius Caesar is a source of major concern to his close friend Brutus. Cassius persuades him to participate in his plot to assassinate Caesar but they have both sorely underestimated Mark Antony.
La bella y ambiciosa Barbara Worth, una aventurera del siglo XVII, comienza su carrera de bandido robándole el novio a Caroline, su mejor amiga. Pero pronto descubre que la existencia junto a él, de nombre, Ralph Skelton, es demasiado aburrida y decide comenzar una nueva y emocionante vida ocultándose tras una máscara y lanzándose a los caminos para asaltar a los viajeros.
Rev. Charles Moss
Life on a British bomber base, and the surrounding towns, from the opening days of the Battle of Britain, to the arrival of the Americans, who join in the bomber offensive. The film centres around Pilot Officer Peter Penrose, fresh out of a training unit, who joins the squadron, and quickly discovers about life during war time. He falls for Iris, a young girl who lives at the local hotel, but he becomes disillusioned about marriage, when the squadron commander dies in a raid, and leaves his wife, the hotel manageress, with a young son to bring up. As the war progresses, Penross comes to terms that he has survived, while others have been killed.
Archbishop of Canterbury
Guerra de los Cien Años. Tras una vida disoluta, Enrique V (1413-1422) hereda el trono de Inglaterra y toma conciencia de sus responsabilidades. En 1415 reúne un ejército de 30.000 hombres y reanuda la guerra contra los franceses. Ese mismo año los derrota en la batalla de Azincourt y, a continuación, ocupa Normandía y París.
Mr. Emmanuel
An elderly Jewish man from Manchester, travels to Nazi Germany to seek the mother of a young German refugee that has attempted suicide. In Germany, Mr. Emmanuel’s efforts to seek out Hertha Rosenhein are greeted by a wall of silence from the scared Jewish community and anti-Semitic hatred from many Germans.
Mr. Spaggot
While Lady Christabel Beauclark, a bird fancier, is scurrying about demanding certain territorial rights for British birds from other countries, Her Ladyship's niece is falling in love with the family butler, Tom Gilbey. The birds are forgotten when war breaks out, and Gilbey now finds himself in love with the niece whose love was previously unrequited. Written by Les Adams
The Professor
The Professor (Felix Aylmer) is showing Susie (Evelyn Dall) around his time machine when it accidently takes off with Tommy (Tommy Handley) and Bill (George Moon) also on board. They are transported to Elizabethan England where they come across Walter Raleigh, William Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth 1, Captain John Smith and Pocohontas. Will our time travellers return?
Mr. Runalow
Ivan Kouznetsoff, a Russian engineer, recounts during World War II his stay in England prior to the war working on a new propeller for ice-breaking ships. Naïve about British people and convinced by hearsay that they are shallow and hypocritical, Ivan is both bemused and amused by them. He is blunt in his opinions about Britons and at first this puts off his hosts, including the lovely Ann Tisdall, whose grandfather runs the shipbuilding firm that will make use of Ivan's propeller. The longer Ivan stays, however, the more he comes to understand the humor, warmth, strength, and conviction of the British people, and the more they come to see him as a friend rather than merely a suspicious Russian. As a romantic bond grows between Ivan and Ann, a cultural bond begins to grow as well, particularly as the war begins and Russia is attacked by Germany.
Sir Alfred Horton
During the Second World War a British schoolteacher working in Denmark is caught up when the Germans invade.
The Bishop
En plena Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un anciano militar británico rememora su larga y excitante vida. Su larga amistad con un colega alemán o su desobediencia a las ordenanzas para ayudar a una bella compatriota en apuros sólo son dos episodios de una experiencia personal inolvidable. (FILMAFFINITY)
Mr. Keith
Surgen tensiones familiares cuando una colegiala se convierte en una actriz infantil de éxito.
The President
Frantic farce involving a neglected wife, a stolen diamond and four identical briefcases.
Schoolmaster (uncredited)
An uncredited Anthony Asquith is one of the directors of this WWII film (a joint UK/US production) which aims to explain British culture and character to the newly arrived American soldier. Starting with the ubiquitous pub visit, the film breezes through geography lessons, food and entertainment on the Home Front.
Lord North
This biopic tells the story of the life of Pitt The Younger, who became Prime Minister of Great Britain at the age of 24.
John Dighton
The captain of a British cargo ship shanghais a group of sabateurs, unaware that the daughter of the ship’s owner is among them.
A professor teaching at a correspondence school discovers that a Nazi agent is trying to prevent a trade treaty being signed between England and South America.
Sir Elmer Norton
During the Second World War, a German spy goes on the run, carrying important news about a U-Boat campaign. The ship he is traveling aboard is hit by a torpedo. The spy winds up on a lifeboat with other survivors, one of whom is a counterintelligence agent who reveals the German spy's true identity.
Mr. Appleby
George amplía su repertorio en roles duales.
Se persuade a un cantante y actor fracasado (George Formby) para que se haga pasar por un extravagante cantante de ópera latina (también Formby, pero con el pelo rizado engrasado y un lápiz) a quien se parece mucho y está teniendo problemas con su gestión. No está entre los mejores papeles de Formby, ya que perdió parte de su lado cómico una vez que se mudó a Columbia Pictures, una decisión de la que se arrepintió. Esta fue la primera de siete películas que hizo para Columbia. Lo más destacado es la canción que canta en un pub: 'The Barmaid at the Rose and Crown'.
Lord Amersham
Bebe y Ben son marido y mujer (precisamente como en la vida real), luchando por obtener la mejor primicia para sus transmisiones de radio rivales, en medio de los problemas causados por Vic Oliver. Bebe, ahora Miss Libertad para el esfuerzo de guerra, tiene una exclusiva: un niño refugiado británico cuyo padre es dueño de la posada del castillo de Amersham, que acaba de ser bombardeada durante los ataques aéreos. La campaña de recaudación de fondos comienza y también lo hace su carrera para conseguir el primero en Amersham. La película sigue el éxito del programa de radio británico del mismo nombre en la vida real.
Henry Potter
Artistas que luchan y que intentan montar un espectáculo se hacen pasar por sirvientes de una mujer adinerada con la esperanza de recaudar dinero.
Bank President
The MacIver brothers (Michael Redgrave, Griffith Jones) build the first ship to cross the Atlantic by steam power alone.
Sir Edward Grey (uncredited)
Set in Claverly Village, it follows the fortunes of the Rookebys (Clements) and the ne'r-do-well Appleyards (Williams) from the time of the Normans, 1588, 1804, 1914, and 1940. Made to support morale during the war, its message is basically that you can't suppress the British; they've been there since the beginning; they'll be there to the end.
Idealistic young Barbara is the daughter of rich weapons manufacturer Andrew Undershaft. She rebels against her estranged father by joining the Salvation Army. Wooed by professor-turned-preacher Adolphus Cusins, Barbara eventually grows disillusioned with her causes and begins to see things from her father's perspective.
Mr. Morton
A young man's fiancé dies after contracting a terminal illness, and in his efforts to contact her he gets involved with a group of spiritualists.
El Santo, tratando de alejarse de todo viaja a Suiza de vacaciones, pero será sólo un espejismo ya que Templar encuentra una pequeña caja de música que contiene un secreto muy valioso. El problema para Simon aún está por llegar, detrás de la caja anda una peligrosa organización de espías.
Dr Winter
Will Hay, back in his role as a hapless teacher, is hired by a grim school in remotest Scotland. The school soon starts to be haunted by a legendary ghost, whose spectral bagpipes signal the death of one of the staff. Hay, assisted by Claude Hulbert and Charles Hawtrey, has to unravel the mystery before he becomes the next victim.
A bookmaker with a fancy for detective work attempts to prevent the execution of a potentially innocent man.
Dr. Amersham
A classic British thriller set in a sinister old house, based on a story by Edgar Wallace.
Mr. Sand
During the Second World War, a special constable and former solicitor is called upon to defend his son who is accused of the theft of a car
The Proctor
Charley's (Big-Hearted) Aunt is a 1940 British comedy film directed by Walter Forde starring Arthur Askey and Richard Murdoch as Oxford 'scholars'. The film is one of many to be made based on the farce Charley's Aunt. Taking inspiration from a well-known Victorian play, a modern-day prankster poses as a wealthy woman in a ploy to prevent him and his friends from being expelled from college.
Dr. Fredericks
Checoslovaquia, marzo de 1939, en vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Mientras los invasores alemanes ocupan Praga, el inventor Axel Bomasch logra huir y llegar a Inglaterra; pero aquellos que necesitan poner sus conocimientos al servicio de la maquinaria de guerra nazi, con el propósito de llevar a cabo sus malvados planes de destrucción, no se detendrán ante nada para capturarlo.
Prosecuting Counsel
An elderly lady manages to sneak some pills away from her nurse and dies of an overdose. The nurse is tried for murder and acquitted. Some time later the nurse, under a new name and identity, cares for a patient who also dies of an overdose. When her real identity comes out, suspicions arouses.
Sir Robert Hummel
A group of private detectives working for a jeweler pursue a gang of thieves in Argentina.
Sir Caleb Crowther
An aristocrat falls in love with a human cannonball
Lord Palmerston (edited from 'Victoria the Great')
This film tells the history of the United States from pre-Revolution through 1939.
Col. Cairns
Set just before the outbreak of WWII, this is the story of a test pilot who works for the (unnamed) enemy. Made in 1939, by the time it was released in 1940, war had been declared.
Lord Palmerston
Continuing the story of 'Victoria the Great'.
Mr. Boon
Andrew Manson, un joven médico que consigue su primer empleo en una población minera de Gales, se entrega al cuidado de trabajadores enfermos y gentes oprimidas. Las circunstancias, sin embargo, acabarán poniendo a pruebo sus principios morales.
Chairman of Council
Winifred Holtby realised that Local Government is not a dry affair of meetings and memoranda:- but 'the front-line defence thrown up by humanity against its common enemies of sickness, poverty and ignorance.' She built her story around six people working for a typical County Council:- Beneath the lives of the public servants runs the thread of their personal drama. Our story tells how a public life affects the private life; and how a man's personal sufferings make him what he is in public. " Corruption, intrigue and romance in a Yorkshire setting. A country squire whose wife is in a mental hospital becomes attracted to a crusading local schoolmistress.
Kate is secretary to Lord Flamborough. But she is also leader of a criminal gang. Can Mike Pemberton catch her red-handed?
Dr. Nichols
Inglaterra, años 30. Las vacaciones de verano despiertan el romanticismo y los sueños de una vida mejor.
Prosecuting Counsel
Jean Boucheron the cat burglar is the darling of the Montmartre whores--and catches the eye of slumming socialite Zelia de Chaumont, who decides to "reform" him. A complication is his lovely young ward Odile... murder and a grand courtoom scene ensue.
Lord Palmerston
The film biography of Queen Victoria focussing initially on the early years of her reign with her marriage to Prince Albert and her subsequent rule after Albert's death in 1861.
Sir Eustace Cunninghame
A bankrupt officer, accused of cheating at cards, defends his honour with a writ.
Earl of Brendon
The Vicar of Bray is a satirical description of an individual fundamentally changing his principles to remain in ecclesiastical office as external requirements change around him. The religious upheavals in England from 1533 to 1559 and from 1633 to 1715 made it almost impossible for any individual to comply with the successive religious requirements of the state.
Based on Ivor Novello's hit stage play: an opera singer and her gypsy friends try to rescue their king from the clutches of a would-be dictator.
Sir Robert Blaker
Dreaming Lips was lovingly assembled by filmmaker Paul Czinner as an "ideal" vehicle for his popular actress wife Elizabeth Bergner. The star plays Gabrielle, the glamorous, spoiled wife of world-famous orchestra leader Peter (Romney Brent). Left alone by her constantly touring husband, she inaugurates a romance with brilliant but reclusive violinist Miguel de Vaye (Raymond Massey).
Mr. Wakem
Romeo and Juliet in 1930s England. The owner of the mill and the local lord are in conflict over water rights. The lord wins threatening the mill owner with financial ruin.
Managing Director
In this he's on the dole, hungry and ready to do any job but quickly light-heartedly scams his way into society and a highly regarded position at a bank next to the beleaguered Robertson Hare. Here he invents a fraudulent business plan (Merrivale - you remember it surely?), the manager and chairman and another finance company are suck(er)ed in and it all snowballs from there. With of course a love interest as a dynamo.
Lord Bouverie
Pat Heaton may be the best crime reporter in town but his fiancée Claire, despairing of the more tawdry aspects of his profession, makes him promise to give the job up. When a pretty waitress is found murdered, however, Pat falls in line with the rest of the 'Murder Gang' the pack of reporters who gather to glean stories by fair means or foul!
Police Commissioner
A forger returns to his family when he leaves jail vowing to go straight. Although approached by an international counterfeiting gang he keeps his word only to find his nephew is in the Swiss Alps helping the crooks. He sets off to try and put a stop to things, but with Scotland Yard also hot-footing it to the resort his problems are just beginning. Written by Jeremy Perkins {J-26}
The Earl of Wigan
A mild-mannered, somewhat mousy man is astounded when his reflection in a mirror comes to life and begins to do all the wild and crazy things that he always wanted to but never could.
Duke Frederick
Versión cinematográfica de la comedia de Shakespeare sobre una joven que se disfraza de hombre para llamar la atención de la persona que ama.
Edward Seymour
The tragic story of Lady Jane Grey, the young queen who reigned in England for nine days before she was executed.
Sir Charles Webber
Ed Harwood, a wisecracking private investigator from New York, discovers a crime at an hotel in Nice during a carnival. The unraveling of the mystery which lies behind will lead him and Caryl Fenton, a female insurance agent, who will become his companion, first to Paris, then to London, later through the English countryside and finally to Southampton, in search of a criminal train wrecker.
A young married couple try to impress a rich relation by posing as maid and butler of the household.
Count Seidel
The King of Moldavia tries to negotiate a loan from the United States in return for oil concessions, with the wily assistance of the Duchess of Tann.
QUota quickie crime drama.
Henry Nicholls
A fence for a gang of jewel thieves comes under suspicion from the police.
Prosecutor (uncredited)
A fake psychic suddenly turns into the real thing when he meets a young beauty. (TCM)
Donald Black
Millionaire shipbuilder Freddie Gates decides to publicize his ships by hiring Jack Hylton and his orchestra to broadcast from his yacht.. Brian Gates, Freddie's son, has a low-approval-rating and a high dislike for jazz music and refuses board ship with the band on board. His father enters a conspiracy with singer Dorothy Drew to get him on the yacht, where the broadcasts will be made. Brian falls in love with Dorothy, but calls of the romance when he sees her dancing and singing with Hylton's band in Paris. Dorothy induces three members of the band to shanghai Brian when the yacht sails. A rival shipowner, determined to stop the broadcasts, bribes the crew to desert the ship and all hands are left stranded in mid-ocean on the yacht. The band-members manage to extricate them from their predicament and they get back to London, where Hylton is acclaimed and Brian marries Dorothy.
Lord Yardleigh
The wife of a candidate for Parliament is having an affair with the brother of her husband's rival. Her lover is running for election on a promise of building a railway that the community needs, but a wealthy landowner won't give permission for the railway to be built over his land. When the landowner is later found dead, suspicion falls on the adulterous candidate.
Lord Uxbridge
The life and times of the Duke of Wellington
Sir Daniel Summerfield
Leslie Fuller stars as a quack whose son qualifies as a doctor in total ignorance of his father's occupation!
Superintendent Fulton
When his father commits suicide a gentleman sets out to avenge the death on those who swindled him out of a fortune.
Ferera (Phase IV)
Old Jerusalem: Matathias, spiteful over his lover's illness, spits on Jesus along the road to Calvary, and is cursed to live endlessly until His return. The Crusades, 1150: Matathias, now an anonymous knight, competes for glory in combat and for the wife of a soldier. Palermo, 1290: Matteos Battadios witnesses the death of his young son, leading to conflict with his wife over whether to take comfort in Christianity. Seville, 1560: Dr Matteos Battadios dedicates himself to the treatment and comfort of the poor, but his life and work are endangered by the arrival of the Spanish Inquisition.
Sir Richard Bryant
A group of people in an old dark house are terrorized by a mysterious hooded figure dressed in black who proceeds to kill them off one by one.
When a photograph is taken at the scene of a murder, the camera is tossed out of a castle window to destroy the evidence and lands in the back of a passing car belonging to chemist John Gray who becomes amateur sleuth after developing the film and goes in search of the woman captured by the photograph. When the camera is stolen from his laboratory, Gray's suspicions are further aroused.
Sir Henderson Trent
A lawyer plans to murder an aristocrat and steal his inheritance.
The Prison Governor
When Matt Denant (Gerald de Maurier) finds himself wrongly imprisoned for manslaughter, he takes an opportunity to escape from jail during a foggy day and is forced to rely on the goodwill of local people to remain a fugitive of the law.
Public Prosecutor
Kitty Kellermann is put on trial for murdering her husband, a failed painter. When her counsel resigns from his mandate, the mysterious Peter Bille steps in, though it becomes apparent that he actually is not an advocate but Kitty's lover and moreover confesses the murder. The widow has to admit that the pictures by her deceased spouse sell much better, only for him to suddenly appear alive.
Sir Rowland Delahaye
The play was adapted for BBC TV in 1955 starring Margaret Lockwood. Wallace Douglas directed.