Gyula Pauer

Gyula Pauer

Nacimiento : 1941-02-28, Budapest, Hungary

Muerte : 2012-10-08


Gyula Pauer


El hombre de Londres
Maloin es un vigilante de una estación de tren que, de forma casual, es testigo de un asesinato, y acaba haciéndose cargo de una maleta llena de dinero que trastocará para siempre su vida, acarreándole muchos problemas. Inspirada en la novela de Georges Simenon "El hombre de Londres".
Armonías de Werckmeister
Mr. Hagelmayer
Un circo llega a un pequeño pueblo en el que todos sus habitantes se conocen. La llegada de este circo, que promete el espectáculo de ver a un Príncipe y una ballena gigante despierta recelos en los habitantes, que comienzan a manifestarse contra los signos de violencia callejera que encuentran y que atribuyen al circo. El protagonista asistirá atónito y perplejo a todos estos acontecimientos que se desencadenan de forma precipitada.
The tumultuous history of Hungary through the twentieth century is viewed through the saga of the Hungarian-Jewish, furniture-manufacturing family, the Vendels. After taking over the once successful, but now failing, family business in the 1930s, the family patriarch's dashing elder son decides that the family needs an infusion of new blood. A matchmaker presents him with a photo of a pretty German nursery school teacher. When the two meet, they instantly fall in love, but because Hungary has an alliance with Germany, and the Third Reich prohibits marriage between Gentiles and Jews, the couple must hide their union. Their marriage ultimately stands as a dark foreshadowing of rougher times to come as troubles ensue with the advent of World War II, when the family, its employees and servants must retreat to the basement, where the shop emerges increasingly as a refuge in a world growing more violent and less tolerant.
Visual Effects
The tumultuous history of Hungary through the twentieth century is viewed through the saga of the Hungarian-Jewish, furniture-manufacturing family, the Vendels. After taking over the once successful, but now failing, family business in the 1930s, the family patriarch's dashing elder son decides that the family needs an infusion of new blood. A matchmaker presents him with a photo of a pretty German nursery school teacher. When the two meet, they instantly fall in love, but because Hungary has an alliance with Germany, and the Third Reich prohibits marriage between Gentiles and Jews, the couple must hide their union. Their marriage ultimately stands as a dark foreshadowing of rougher times to come as troubles ensue with the advent of World War II, when the family, its employees and servants must retreat to the basement, where the shop emerges increasingly as a refuge in a world growing more violent and less tolerant.
Production Design
The tumultuous history of Hungary through the twentieth century is viewed through the saga of the Hungarian-Jewish, furniture-manufacturing family, the Vendels. After taking over the once successful, but now failing, family business in the 1930s, the family patriarch's dashing elder son decides that the family needs an infusion of new blood. A matchmaker presents him with a photo of a pretty German nursery school teacher. When the two meet, they instantly fall in love, but because Hungary has an alliance with Germany, and the Third Reich prohibits marriage between Gentiles and Jews, the couple must hide their union. Their marriage ultimately stands as a dark foreshadowing of rougher times to come as troubles ensue with the advent of World War II, when the family, its employees and servants must retreat to the basement, where the shop emerges increasingly as a refuge in a world growing more violent and less tolerant.
Ámbár tanár úr
Production Design
La historia relata gradualmente los problemas de una granja colectiva durante unos pocos días de otoño en los años de la Hungría post-comunista, observada desde la perspectiva de distintos personajes. (FILMAFFINITY)
Costume Design
La historia relata gradualmente los problemas de una granja colectiva durante unos pocos días de otoño en los años de la Hungría post-comunista, observada desde la perspectiva de distintos personajes. (FILMAFFINITY)
We Never Die!
Production Design
This story has a horse-race fan main character who sells clothes-hangers On one trip, a young, teenager boy relative goes with him. They have a lot of adventures as they become friends. Girls, dance and horse-racing are the themes while they sell the clothes-hangers this summer...
In this grim story, three murders of young girls are committed in a similar manner, and their bodies are all found in the woods. The only suspect, a young man assumed to be a paedophile, commits suicide during the investigation. A policeman becomes obsessed with solving the mystery of this serial killer and he continues to investigate even after he has been taken off the case.
Costume Design
In this grim story, three murders of young girls are committed in a similar manner, and their bodies are all found in the woods. The only suspect, a young man assumed to be a paedophile, commits suicide during the investigation. A policeman becomes obsessed with solving the mystery of this serial killer and he continues to investigate even after he has been taken off the case.
The Last Ship
The last ship (Utolsó hajó) is leaving the quay. Sirens are sounding.
The Midas Touch
Costume Design
A deep drama about life in Hungary after the WW2 until the revolt against Russians in '56. The main character is the head of the black market in Budapest. He thinks he can buy everyone and everything but at the end he must face that he can't buy life. A must-see for everyone. Casting involves some of the greatest Hungarian actors. The story takes place in the eighth district of Budapest focusing on the market place on Teleki square which is still working. The movie contains some archive footage of real fight during the revolution.
The Midas Touch
A deep drama about life in Hungary after the WW2 until the revolt against Russians in '56. The main character is the head of the black market in Budapest. He thinks he can buy everyone and everything but at the end he must face that he can't buy life. A must-see for everyone. Casting involves some of the greatest Hungarian actors. The story takes place in the eighth district of Budapest focusing on the market place on Teleki square which is still working. The movie contains some archive footage of real fight during the revolution.
The Midas Touch
Production Design
A deep drama about life in Hungary after the WW2 until the revolt against Russians in '56. The main character is the head of the black market in Budapest. He thinks he can buy everyone and everything but at the end he must face that he can't buy life. A must-see for everyone. Casting involves some of the greatest Hungarian actors. The story takes place in the eighth district of Budapest focusing on the market place on Teleki square which is still working. The movie contains some archive footage of real fight during the revolution.
La condena
Costume Design
Karrer lleva una vida retirada en una población minera. Las tardes las pasa siempre en el bar Titanik, cuyo dueño le propone participar en una operación de contrabando, pero él prefiere cederle ese trabajo al marido de la cantante del bar.
La condena
Art Direction
Karrer lleva una vida retirada en una población minera. Las tardes las pasa siempre en el bar Titanik, cuyo dueño le propone participar en una operación de contrabando, pero él prefiere cederle ese trabajo al marido de la cantante del bar.
La condena
Karrer lleva una vida retirada en una población minera. Las tardes las pasa siempre en el bar Titanik, cuyo dueño le propone participar en una operación de contrabando, pero él prefiere cederle ese trabajo al marido de la cantante del bar.
Peter in Wunderland
An agent arrives in Budapest. His mission is to report what people feel here. He meets Péter and Mari, later Ilona as well, who is the lover of Péter and just returned from Wunderland. Ilona longs for death, Péter for Wunderland, Mari for a constant sexual intercourse with the agent.
The Disciples
The heroes of this story, based on real events at the end of the 1930s and during World War II, face and dismiss the illusions of intellectuals about their ability to transform society. Professor Magyary and his disciples hoped to promote the modernisation of Hungarian society through a radical reform of public administration.
Almanaque de otoño
Costume Design
Una mujer anciana es dueña del apartamento en que vive con su hijo. La mujer está enferma, y una joven enfermera, acompañada por su novio, se ha mudado con ella para administrarle las inyecciones. (FILMAFFINITY)
Almanaque de otoño
Production Design
Una mujer anciana es dueña del apartamento en que vive con su hijo. La mujer está enferma, y una joven enfermera, acompañada por su novio, se ha mudado con ella para administrarle las inyecciones. (FILMAFFINITY)
Witches' Sabbath
Costume Design
To celebrate Sleeping Beauty's awakening, the cruel stepmother organises a dress-ball in the Wonder Castle and invites the characters of all tales and their two fathers, the Grimm-brothers. The stepmother announces total peace, but in fact she is preparing for a coup d'état with a phoney prince, a phoney Sleeping Beauty, through intrigue and violence in order to change the tales.
Koldus zsidó
A Hungarian jew is forced to give a false testimony on his relatives in WW2 Hungary.