Eero Milonoff

Eero Milonoff

Nacimiento : 1980-05-01, Helsinki, Finland


Eero Milonoff


Four Little Adults
Juulia learns that her husband Matias is having an affair with Enni, and decides that her marriage should henceforth be polyamorous, without secrets.
Attack on Finland
Karhu #35 Airport
La recepción del Día de la Independencia de Finlandia se interrumpe bruscamente cuando el palacio presidencial es atacado y los líderes del estado son tomados como rehenes. Max Tanner, de la Policía de Seguridad, es designado como negociador en la crisis de los rehenes, que se desarrolla como parte de un plan mayor para socavar la seguridad europea.
Games People Play
Un grupo de viejos amigos se reúne en una villa de verano para celebrar una fiesta sorpresa de cumpleaños para Mitzi, quien es el punto focal dramático del grupo. El fin de semana comienza inquietantemente cuando Mitzi no responde bien a la fiesta sorpresa. Resulta que Mitzi acaba de solicitar el divorcio y ha estado esperando un fin de semana tranquilo. La tensa situación da un nuevo giro cuando la mejor amiga de Mitzi trae de visita a su nuevo novio, que resulta ser una estrella de cine sueca. Los entornos familiares y los viejos rituales llegan al núcleo del grupo y les hacen olvidar su edad adulta. Las revelaciones, que no pretenden dañar el equilibrio, les hacen reevaluar tanto su pasado como su presente.
Let Her Speak
A merited female scientist is at an international conference and realises that a male moderator is explaining her own theory back at her, until a remark from the audience wakes both speakers and listeners.
Tina es una agente de aduanas reconocida por su eficiencia y por su extraordinario olfato. Da la impresión de poder oler la culpabilidad de un individuo. Pero cuando Vore, un hombre aparentemente sospechoso, pasa junto a ella, sus habilidades se ponen a prueba por primera vez. Tina sabe que Vore oculta algo, pero no logra identificar qué es.
Las Aventuras de Matti y Sami
Un niño germano-finlandés de 10 años intenta arreglar la vida de su familia
Wendy and the Refugee Neverland
Head of the advertisement office
Story about 29-year-old Krisu, who is quite lost in her life. Luckily, she has a indie band called Wendy and the Refugee Neverland.
El día más feliz en la vida de Olli Mäki
Elis Ask
En el verano de 1962, Olli Mäki aspira al título de campeón del mundo de peso pluma en boxeo. En todas partes, tanto en el campo como en Helsinki, le predicen un futuro lleno de éxito. Sólo tiene que perder peso y concentrarse. Pero, hay un problema, Olli se ha enamorado de Raija.
The Fascist
A traffic warden runs into a surprising argument with a persisting customer.
Ella and Friends 2 - Paterock
Ella’s friend Pate has hard time learning multiplication tables. With a little help from his friends, he decides to be a rockstar so he wouldn’t need to study anymore but his manager could study for him. Soon music industry has big plans for Pate aka Paterock.
Ella and Friends
A young girl and her friends try to save their small rural school from being demolished to make way for a race track.
Once Upon a Time in the North
Häjy Koskela
Drama situado en el siglo 19 en las llanuras de Ostrobotnia, al oeste de Finlandia, que son controlados por grupos de matones armados con cuchillos. Tradicionalmente, el hijo primogénito hereda todo, así que cuando Esko - un vagabundo y un líder de la banda - se entera de que su padre va a salir de la hacienda Välitalo y deja a cargo a su hermano menor, todo el infierno se desata.
False Trail
Jari Lipponen
The Interrogator Erik Backstrom is forced to return to his former home village to solve a murder mystery, in which the local polices and some hunters and even Erik's family seems to be involved. Soon, the conflicts are in full action, especially between Erik and the local police Torsten. Torsten does not support Erik very much in his job and has, for some personal reasons, already arrested a suspected perpetrator. Eric takes great risks when he starts digging in the criminal material of the horrible murder case.
Sixpack is a positive story on the outskirts of society. The story takes place in Helsinki on rock and following the advent of exclusion of the story regarding one of summer days. The film's protagonist, Marshal, is stuck in a shabby home. Lihi and Henninen attract the Marshal out and tired of opposition after the Marshal finds them to spend a hot summer day in the park in the world with amazement. The trio crash -day pass to the young, rutjakkeisiin sense of humor to the police. Day lasts from early morning until the evening the rain to bring sorrow alhoon. Eventually, however, the sun began to rise again it's time to become sensitized and look deep into the eyes of friendship.
Over the Fence
Sixteen-year-old Tomi trusts no one and does his best to protect his little sister Aino from the dangers of the world. But Aino is changing, fast. Because of his own fear of loneliness, Tomi tries to stop his sister, but he will eventually find out that you cannot control another person by force.
Siviilipalvelusmies katolla
Recovering from a nail gun shot to the head and 13 months of coma, doctor Pekka Valinta starts to unravel the mystery of his past, still suffering from total amnesia.
La casa de las mariposas negras
Relato de supervivencia sobre un adolescente enviado a un reformatorio para chicos en una remota isla. Largometraje basado en una novela de Leena Lander que intentó comprar un estudio de Hollywood, pero acabó en manos de una de las grandes figuras del cine finlandés, Markus Selin (Solar Films). Seleccionada por Finlandia como candidata al Oscar 2009 a la mejor película de habla no inglesa.
Remu grew up in modest conditions. He dropped out from schoold during his teen age years and is making career as a small time criminal. His family's destiny is about to come true, and it's going to be the usual: jail, alcoholism and violent death. After learning about rock music Remu learns to play drums and pushes himself into different bands. His first time in jails interrupts his music career, but after being released he starts his own band; Hurriganes.
Mystery of the Wolf
Adopted, 12-year-old Salla lives in Lapland. After she rescues some wolf cubs from a poacher, her mission to keep them safe helps her reunite with her mother, who shares her mysterious connection with nature.
Beauty and the Bastard
Modern finnish movie about two very different young adults that after a chance meeting end up making music together and fall in love. While Nellis parents have the perfect career and man planned, she dreams of becoming a singer. Through a chance meeting at the studio, she meets the young and grungy Hip Hop music artist Sunen and asks him to help her make a demo tape. Not only is the ensuing story about differences growing closer and the difficulties that have to be overcome, well told. Also the music is exceptionally well made. It is quite unbelievable that this is the first feature of the director.
Bad Boys: A True Story
Cuatro hermanos finlandeses, apodados "Eura Daltons", recibieron notoriedad en todo el país por arrancar las bombas de gas cuando necesitaban dinero. La película más taquillera en Finlandia después de El Señor de los Anillos: el retorno del Rey en 2003. Recaudó casi 4 millones €, lo que la convierte en la película finlandesa más taquillera de la historia.
Ken tulta pyytää
Peku, Jeminan poikaystävä
The Killing of a Cat
Uusi poika
In the closed community of a reform school for teenagers, the principal's daughter is found sexually molested. The schoolgirls seem to know more than they are willing to tell.