Robin Raymond

Robin Raymond


Robin Raymond


The Black Marble
When alcoholic homicide investigator Valnikov is transferred to a burglary case that seems to involve a creepy dogcatcher, he's also given a new partner -- the pragmatic Sgt. Natalie Zimmerman, who's experiencing a midlife crisis and does not welcome Valnikov's company. But as these emotionally bruised cops are drawn deeper into the bizarre world of dog shows, animal fanatics and pet cemeteries, they're also drawn to each other.
Ellery Queen: Don't Look Behind You
Detective Ellery Queen has to solve a series of murders where the victims were killed in numerically descending ages, the male victims were strangled with blue cords and the female victims with pink ones.
La noche que van a condecorar al capitán de la policía de Washington Frank Matthews por haber entregado un asesino a la justicia, aparece su esposa asesinada en la cama con su amante. Matthews es encarcelado como principal sospechoso, y puesto en libertad el mencionado asesino, pero escapa y va en busca del hombre al que considera el verdadero asesino.
Acusación de asesinato (A cualquier precio)
Tess Braden
Al novel abogado David Mitchell se le adjudica la defensa de Ben Brown, a quien las autoridades de Durango acusan de haber asesinado a Cole Clinton, un alto dirigente de la ciudad mejicana. Las irregularidades detectadas en el pliego de cargos contra su cliente hacen que Mitchell se decida a luchar denodadamente por demostrar la inocencia de Ben.
El indómito
Un joven delincuente es apartado del mal camino por una hermosa viuda que aprecia en él un gran talento como escritor.
High School Confidential!
A tough kid comes to a new high school and begins muscling his way into the drug scene. This is a typical morality play of the era, filled with a naive view of drugs, nihilistic beat poetry, and some incredible '50s slang.
Más allá de la duda
Terry Larue
El editor de un periódico, que quiere demostrar un punto sobre la insuficiencia de pruebas circunstanciales, convence a su posible yerno Tom de que cometa un engaño en un intento de exponer la ineptitud del fiscal de distrito de línea dura de la ciudad. El plan es que Tom plante pistas que conduzcan a su arresto por matar a una bailarina de club nocturno. Una vez que Tom es declarado culpable, debe revelar la configuración y humillar al fiscal.
Luces de candilejas
Lillian Sawyer (uncredited)
Los Donahue son una familia de actores que vive pelenamente dedicada al mundo del espectáculo. De escenario en escenario, representando los números más variopintos, los Donahue hacen las delicias del público.
The Glass Wall
Tanya aka Bella Zakoyla
Peter, un desplazado de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, salta de un buque en el puerto de Nueva York cuando es deportado. Su intención es encontrar a un ex soldado llamado Tom a quien ayudó durante la guerra y poder demostrar su entrada legal en los Estados Unidos.
Wabash Avenue
Andy Clark discovers he was cheated out of a half interest in partner Mike's business, now a thriving dance hall in 1892 Chicago. Unable to win it back, Andy schemes to make Mike's position untenable. He also hopes to turn Ruby Summers, Mike's motor-mouthed burlesque queen, into a classier entertainer, and incidentally to make her his own. But at the last minute, Andy's revenge comes unravelled.
French Leave
Merchant seaman Skitch Kilroy (Jackie Cooper) and "Pappy" Reagan (Jackie Coogan)arrive in Marseilles, eager to resume their combative rivalry for Mimi. But they are ordered by their skipper Muldoon (Ralph Sanford) to remain on board and guard against theft of foodstuffs by a black market gang.
La araña
Newspaper Librarian
Leopold Kroner, un empleado de Empresas Colby, encarcelado por malversación de fondos, es puesto en libertad cinco años después. Andrew Colby, alegando amenazas por parte de Kroner, contrata como guardaespaldas al abogado Bob Regan, que tiene un romance con la secretaria de Colby. Un día, Kroner se presenta armado ante Colby, y Regan lo mata. Pero, a partir de ese momento, Regan, empieza a sospechar que ha sido utilizado.
A Likely Story
Ticket Girl
A shell-shocked young GI mistakenly believes he is dying, and a young artist takes it upon herself to prove to him that he's not.
Johnny O'Clock
Hatcheck Girl
When an employee at an illegal gambling den dies suspiciously, her sister, Nancy, looks into the situation and falls for Johnny O'Clock, a suave partner in the underground casino. Selfish and non-committal by nature, Johnny slowly begins to return Nancy's affection and decides to run away with her, but conflict within his business threatens their plans. As Johnny tries to distance himself from the casino, his shady past comes back to haunt him.
A Letter for Evie
Eloise Edgewaters
Evie's co-workers at the uniform shirt factory, and her almost-fiancée's inability to kiss, inspire her to slip a letter into a size sixteen-and-a-half shirt for some anonymous soldier. It's received by "Wolf" Larson, who immediately throws it away, but his sensitive, dreaming--and short--buddy John McPherson snags it, and begins a correspondence with Evie, pretending to be Wolf. But things get complicated when Evie wants to meet her tall, handsome soldier. And even more complicated when Wolf sees Evie and likes what he sees.
Tars and Spars
Recording Studio Pitch Woman
Howard Young is a coast guardsman who has been on shore duty for three years despite his efforts to be sent into action. His nearest approach to sea duty was on a harbor-moored life raft for 21 days as part of an experiment with a new type of vitamin gum for the government. He meets Christine Bradley, a SPAR, sent to take over his communications job and, by things he leaves unsaid, she thinks his life-raft experience was the result of a ship-wreck at sea.
Men in Her Diary
Singer/Dancer Peggy Ryan neither sings nor dances in this comedy in which she plays a secretary, whose life has no romance because she devotes all of her time to her attractive older sister. But she does keep a diary that contains some fact and many fictional entries. One such is read by the wife of her boss who promptly sues for a divorce. Virginia Grey stars in a musical produced by Hall and sings (possibly dubbed) "Makin' a Million" and "Keep Your Chin Up." No spoiler to add that Ryan gets a boyfriend and Hall and Allbritton are reunited before this one runs it course.
Rogues' Gallery
Patsy Clark
Reportero Patsy Reynolds (Robin Raymond) y el fotógrafo Eddie Porter (Frank Jenks) se asignan a entrevistar a John Foster (Davison Clark), jefe de la Foundadtion Emmerson en relación con un dispositivo de escucha en el que la organización está trabajando. Foster acude al laboratorio para ver al profesor Reynolds (HB Warner), el verdadero inventor. Pronto se ven involucrados en varios tiroteos, un cadáver en su coche que aparece y desaparece varias veces, la pérdida de sus puestos de trabajo y varias personas que, o bien piensan que son asesinos o son candidatos a ser asesinados.
Ladies of Washington
Vicky O'Reilly
The new boarder at a Washington, D.C. rooming house for women likes the fast life, but her recreational activities lead to her involvement in murder.
His Butler's Sister
Sunshine Twin
Aspiring singer Ann Carter visits her stepbrother in New York, hoping to make it on Broadway.
Girls in Chains
Rita Randall
A fired teacher finds work at a girls reform school and helps a detective on a case.
Slightly Dangerous
Girl (uncredited)
Una chica de pueblo cambia de identidad para triunfar en Nueva York, y su novio resulta sospechoso de su "desaparición".
Las mil y una noches
Slave Girl
El califa Harum es derrocado y perseguido por su ambicioso hermano Kamar. Malherido, se refugia en el circo donde trabaja la bailarina Sherezade, que le ayudará a recuperar el trono
Secrets of the Underground
Marianne Panois
With the help of a WAAC group, Mr. District Attorny smashes a Nazi spy-ring that is selling counterfeit War Stamps and Bonds.
Calling Dr. Gillespie
Un médico en silla de ruedas se enfrenta a un maníaco homicida.
The Affairs of Martha
Juanita (uncredited)
Members of a well-to-do small community become worried when it is revealed that one of their maids is writing a telling exposé.
After a drunken night out, a longshoreman thinks he may have killed a man.
Senda prohibida
Matilda 'Matty' Fowler
Johnny Eager (Taylor) es un gángster que, para no levantar sospechas, lleva una doble vida: finge que vive en una humilde casa con sus parientes, pero en secreto continúa siendo el rey del juego ilegal. Lisbeth (Turner) es una inocente chica que conoce a Johnny y se enamora de él.
Calling All Curs
A Nurse
The Stooges run a pet hospital and are the proud surgeons of Garçon, a prized girl poodle of socialite Mrs. Bedford . When two men posing as reporters kidnap the poodle, the boys frantically try track them down.