Enid Markey

Enid Markey

Nacimiento : 1894-02-22, Dillon - Colorado - USA

Muerte : 1981-11-15


From Wikipedia Enid Markey was born in Dillon, Colorado. Her first film role was in The Fortunes of War (1911). During the production of The Wrath of the Gods (1914), Markey, a "leading lady with the New York Motion Picture Company", was "badly injured" during the production. During her scene in which the lava flow destroys the village she was surrounded by smoke and fumes and nearly asphyxiated, but had recovered by May 1914. Her last appearance was in The Boston Strangler (1968). During the 1950s and 1960s she appeared in several television guest-starring roles, including The Andy Griffith Show as Barney Fife's landlady, and an episode of Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., as Grandma Pyle. In the 1960-1961 season, Markey was cast as Aunt Violet Flower in CBS's Bringing Up Buddy, co-starring Frank Aletter and Doro Merande. Markey and Merando played spinster aunts who provide a home for their bachelor nephew stockbroker, Buddy Flower, played by Aletter. She died in Bay Shore, New York, aged 87.


Enid Markey


El estrangulador de Boston
Basado en sucesos reales. En Boston, entre 1962 y 1964, trece mujeres fueron brutalmente estranguladas por Robert de Salvo, un fontanero felizmente casado y con una vida aparentemente normal.
Un paso en falso
Clara (uncredited)
El profesor Andrew Gentling está en Los Ángeles buscando una nueva universidad. Allí se encuentra a una antigua pareja suya, Catherine Sykes. Al día siguiente, Catherine desaparece, y su amiga Martha convence a Andrew de que él es el primer sospechoso. Andrew decide investigar el caso antes de que le arresten, pero esto sólo le pone en peligro.
La ciudad desnuda
Mrs. Edgar Hylton
Dos detectives de la ciudad de Nueva York investigan la muerte de una atractiva joven. El aparente suicidio resulta ser un asesinato.
Aunt Emily
A 14-year-old boy lies about his age and enlists in the United State Marine Corps without his family's consent or knowledge. He is sent into battle in the Pacific war-zone, decorated, and spotted in a newsreel by his family. The family asks the War Department to discharge him and send him home.
Sink or Swim
Princess Alexia
A silent comedy Sink or Swim edited from the 1917 film The Yankee Way (1917)
The Romance of Tarzan
Tarzan and Jane are to sail for England. They are attacked by natives and Tarzan is believed to have been killed. The Greystoke relatives return to England, the Porters (Jane's family) goes to their ranch near San Francisco. Tarzan shows up in a tuxedo and rescues Jane from outlaws...
Mother, I Need You
A Lion of the Hills
The Lion of the Hills is a Western film.
Six-Shooter Andy
Susan Allenby
Susan Allenby's father is killed during a robbery staged by Bannack's corrupt sheriff, Tom Slade, and his men, leaving the girl to care for her eight brothers and sisters. Andy Crawford and his father William take the orphans in, but after Andy's father is killed, the young prospector vows to avenge his death and clean up the town.
Tarzan de los monos
Jane Porter
Una hembra simula criar al niño huérfano (Tarzán) y lo cría en el transcurso de muchos años hasta que finalmente se lanza una misión de rescate y la partida de búsqueda peina la jungla por el desaparecido Lord Greystoke. Pero luego, uno de los miembros de la búsqueda, Jane Porter, se separa del grupo y se encuentra cara a cara con temibles animales salvajes. Tarzán la salva del daño justo a tiempo y el amor comienza a florecer.
The Yankee Way
Princess Alexia
Dick Mason is arrested for defending a girl's honor in a Chicago restaurant brawl, and his father sends him to Lithuania where his family owns a share in a cattle concession. By chance, the girl from the restaurant is also bound for the Balkans. While on board, Dick undertakes to renew his acquaintance with this attractive foreigner, but encounters considerable resistance. In Lithuania, Dick meets with Count Vortsky, the Minister of Finance, who presses him to sell his cattle concession, hoping to clinch a coup attempt he is planning with the Bulgarian Ambassador. Somewhat suspicious, Dick agrees to announce his decision only in the presence of Princess Alexia, who turns out to be the girl from the restaurant.
The Devil's Double
Naomi Tarleton
"Bowie" Blake is a gambler in a mining camp. One day, an artist, Van Dyke Tarleton comes to town with his wife, Naomi. He sees Bowie and decides he is perfect as a model for Lucifer in his latest painting. At first he refuses to pose, but Naomi talks him into it. Tarleton sees that Bowie is attracted to his wife, and purposely insults her just to get the right evil look in his eyes. But finally Bowie, whose feelings have become too much for him, quits.
Shell 43
Adrienne von Altman
William Berner is an English spy who is doing his job behind German lines. While working for the allies, he proves sympathetic toward a German Lieutenant and saves his life. He gives up his own romance for the cause and is killed when the Allies shell the German trench where he happens to be.
The Captive God
A Spanish boy is shipwrecked and cast ashore in Mexico in the sixteenth century. He is raised as a god by the Tehuan tribe, who have never before seen a white man, and is named Chiapa. Then at manhood he rules the Tehuans. Chiapa loves the priestess Tecolote but she is kidnapped by the Aztec warrior Mexitli, so he follows in the hopes of rescuing her.
Katheryn Haldemann
Count Ferdinand, a submarine commander and secret pacifist refuses to torpedo a defenseless passenger ship during wartime. His submarine is sunk in the following fracas. In the spirit world, Christ commends the captain, and returns to earth in the commander's body to promote His message of peace.
Between Men
Lina Hampdon
When Ashley Hampdon becomes the target of a scheme to ruin him by his daughter's suitor, Hampdon sends for his old friend Bob White. Bob discovers that the suitor, Gregg Lewiston, cannot hope to win Lina Hampdon while her father's wealth remains intact. Lewiston hopes that if her family becomes destitute, she will turn to him. But Bob White is there to upset the scheme.
The Despoiler
Sylvia Damien
Movie mogul Thomas H. Ince may well have been the director of The Despoiler as indicated by the credits; but since Ince was known far and wide as a glory-hogger, it's also possible that one of his talented lieutenants wielded the megaphone. A Civil War drama, The Despoiler refuses to take sides, demonstrating that there are heroes and villains in both camps. Capturing a small town, Colonel Charles K. French orders his men to reclaim the funds raised for the enemy by the townsfolk. French's drunken, lacivious second-in-command Frank Keenan intends to extort money from the citizens by threatening the virtue of the town's female population.
The Iron Strain
Octavia Van Ness
The story is set in Alaska, where spoiled and pampered heiress Octavia Van Ness has come for her health. Here she meets 'Chuck' Hemingway, who despite his rough exterior is likewise a child of wealth, and a Yale graduate to boot. When Van Ness violently rejects his romantic overtures, Hemingway turns to an old Indian chum for advice. The Indian suggests rather chauvinistically that the way to win a headstrong girl is to "tame" her -- that is, treat 'er rough and make 'er like it.
The Darkening Trail
Ruby McGraw
Yukon Ed has asked saloon owner Ruby McGraw to marry him several times, and has been turned down each time. However, she falls for Jack Sturgess, a no-account who has seduced and abandoned a poor young girl and is escaping from his father's anger. She takes up with Jack to Ed's dismay, and soon the thing that Ed feared would happen does happen.
The Cup of Life
Ruth Fiske
Sisters Helen and Ruth Fiske work in a department store and live in an East Side tenement. While Ruth is satisfied with her "regular fellow," a mechanic, Helen yearns for fine clothes, wealth, and attention. Ruth marries the mechanic and they struggle for a modest existence. Helen leaves her squalor to be the mistress of wealthy John Ward, despite Ruth's pleas. As the years pass, Helen goes from one man to the next, looking for more luxuries. When James Kellerman, who really loves her, proposes, she laughs at him.
The Taking of Luke McVane
Luke McVane (William S. Hart) shoots a card-cheat in self-defense and has to make a run for it before the town lynch him.
The Roughneck
Avis Hilliard
Avis and Franklin Hilliard are the spoiled, overbearing children of a wealthy father who has just died. Lord Cecil Oakleigh, a fortune hunter, is Avis's fiancée, although there is no love between them, he marrying her for her fortune and she marrying him for his title. Mr. Hilliard has left the superintendent of his mine in full charge of his fortune.
In the Tennessee Hills
Millie James
In an impoverished Tennessee hill town, Jim cares for his dangerously ill mother in a run-down shack he rents from the ruthless landlord John Calhoun. When Calhoun comes for the rent, Jim goes out to borrow the money. While he is away, Calhoun forcibly evicts Mother from the shack and leaves her dying in the dusty road. Jim, on his return, takes up his gun and begins to track down John Calhoun. - Harpodeon
El romance de Charlot
Country Girl in 'A Thief's Fate' (uncredited)
Charlot es un timador de ciudad que induce a Tillie a robar los ahorros de su padre y huya con él. Una vez ha llegado a la ciudad, Charlot se apropia del dinero y vuelve junto a Mabel, su primer amor y pareja del delito. Esta considerado como el primer largometraje del genero de comedia de la historia.