Arthur V. Johnson

Arthur V. Johnson

Nacimiento : 1876-02-02, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Muerte : 1916-01-17


Arthur V. Johnson
Arthur V. Johnson


Film Fun
(archive footage) (uncredited)
A nostalgic look at film clips from the Silent era.
Flicker Flashbacks #2
A collection of old-time silent movies, re-scored and narrated, featuring the most popular silent film stars. Includes: 1. Pathé 1900 Bathing Beauties fron Venice, California 2. Goodness Gracious with Clara Kimball Young and Sidney Drew 3. A Drunkard's Reformation Directed by D.W. Griffith
The District Attorney's Conscience
Will Mason - the District Attorney
Tony Gazeco, one of the workers in the factory, is an anarchist and agitator. Being of excitable nature he is looked upon by the other men as a leader and during the lunch hour makes impassionate speeches. Will and May Mason passing in an auto are witnesses to one of the tirades and going to the office of Fred Jackson, the owner, tell him of the probable strike...
The District Attorney's Conscience
Tony Gazeco, one of the workers in the factory, is an anarchist and agitator. Being of excitable nature he is looked upon by the other men as a leader and during the lunch hour makes impassionate speeches. Will and May Mason passing in an auto are witnesses to one of the tirades and going to the office of Fred Jackson, the owner, tell him of the probable strike...
Doctor Maxwell's Experiment
Bill Dawson
A criminal is turned into an honest man via surgery
Doctor Maxwell's Experiment
A criminal is turned into an honest man via surgery
A Timely Rescue
Director of Photography
John Bronson, Mr. Daly's farmhand, has ambitions and decides to go to the city. He breaks the news to Mr. and Mrs. Daly and their daughter Lottie. They do their utmost to dissuade him from his purpose, but John has made up his mind to go. He gets employment in a department store. Soon he is promoted to a slightly higher position. He has become neglectful of his country friends, and Lottie waits in vain for an answer to her letters.
A Timely Rescue
John Bronson
John Bronson, Mr. Daly's farmhand, has ambitions and decides to go to the city. He breaks the news to Mr. and Mrs. Daly and their daughter Lottie. They do their utmost to dissuade him from his purpose, but John has made up his mind to go. He gets employment in a department store. Soon he is promoted to a slightly higher position. He has become neglectful of his country friends, and Lottie waits in vain for an answer to her letters.
A Child's Devotion
Bert Hackett - The Father
A melodrama about a boy who initially wants nothing to do with his stepmother.
The Surgeon’s Heroism
Dr. Johnson
A surgeon risks his life in order to finish surgery on a patient when a fire breaks out in the hospital.
A Village Romance
John Cummins
John Cummins, a wealthy society man, while out in his auto, discovers he is out of gasoline. He stops at a country store and meets Flo Page, the daughter of the proprietor. It is a case of mutual attraction, causing many a heartache to Si, the clerk, who adores Flo. Cummins manages to have sundry excuses for visiting the little general store, and finally realizes he is head over heels in love with the girl.
Art Versus Music
John Whittler
A pianist's music annoys a painter, making him unable to work. Eventually they fall in love.
A Girlish Impulse
William Elliott
A hastily written letter is used in a blackmail scheme by a scorned suitor.
A Head for Business
Harold Watson
A young woman helps her brother by purchasing a much needed piece of land.
His Chorus Girl Wife
Oliver Brompton - Son of a Millionaire
A young man's parents refuse to accept his new wife, but a reconciliation is eventually brought about.
Aunt Jane’s Legacy
Dick Worthing - the Son
Aunt Jane's nieces and nephews bicker over an anticipated legacy.
One on Reno
Mr. Appleby
When a bored wife seeks a Reno divorce, she regains the attentions of her inattentive husband.
A Rural Conqueror
Ira Smiley aka Reuben
Florence Lawrence stars in this society comedy in rural surroundings.
The Maniac
Johns - the Maniac
An escaped mental patient assumes the identity of a society girl's dead father and threatens her marriage.
The Slavey’s Affinity
Allen Bennett - the Lawyer
A maid loves her employer, sacrificing her own happiness in order to insure his.
The Matchmaker
Sir Henry Osborne - the Aristocrat
A young governess catches the eye of an aristocrat and romance blossoms.
The Life Saver
Jack Ronald - the Handsome Life Guard
A local girl's romance with the lifeguard at a seaside lifesaving station is threatened by the arrival of tourists.
The Story of Rosie’s Rose
Walter Allen
Two brothers vie for Rosie's hand; she gives a rose to each of them.
Romance of Pond Cove
Arthur Moore
When a young man loses his wealth, he also loses his fiancee, but he is more than consoled by her younger sister.
A Rebellious Blossom
John - the Grey-Haired Suitor
A widow threatens her rebellious daughter that she will remarry if the girl does not behave at school.
Through Jealous Eyes
Arthur Bedford - the Doctor's Son
A jealous mother is envious of the affection shown toward her future daughter-in-law by her husband.
Her Two Sons
The Clergyman
Two brothers, one a minister and the other a cad, both love the same girl.
During Cherry Time
Tommy Smart - Violet's Beau
An actress teaches a young girl how to flirt and win back her beau.
The Snare of Society
Arthur Williams
A society woman gambles at cards.
Always a Way
Harry Sterling
A minister is talked into performing a marriage ceremony for his sister and the beau he despised.
The Little Rebel
The Young Lieutenant - Rosalind's Sweetheart
A Civil War spy story in which a girl and the officer she loves find themselves on opposite sides of the conflict.
Higgenses Versus Judsons
Walter Higgins
The sons and daughters on the opposing sides of a Kentucky feud fall in love and dismantle their fathers' guns to prevent further bloodshed.
Duke de Ribbon Counter
John Crane
An heiress, a businessman, and a playboy form the eternal triangle.
The Professor’s Ward
Professor John White
An orphaned young woman rejects her appointed suitor and falls in love with her guardian.
A Game of Deception
The Minister's Son
Misunderstandings abound when a minister's son and an actress become engaged.
A Good Turn
John Lacy
A woman's sweetheart is prevented from killing himself by two burglars who are afraid they will be accused of murder if he pulls the trigger.
Her Humble Ministry
The 1st Petty Thief
A reformed woman shows a petty thief the righteous path by her good example.
That Awful Brother
The Awful Brother
A wayward brother is mistaken for a burglar in his own house.
A Fascinating Bachelor
Arthur Herrick - a Fascinating Bachelor
A nurse ignores her other patients in order to concentrate on her favorite one, a fascinating bachelor.
The Sheriff and the Man
The Sheriff
A sheriff must decide whether or not to allow his old friend, a criminal, to escape.
The Hoyden
Lt. Arthur Desman
A young soldier is shipped overseas after a hasty marriage; when he returns he doesn't recognize his wife who has changed from the tomboy he married to a sophisticated young woman.
The Two Fathers
The Real Father
An impoverished father is forced to give up his daughter for adoption. After she is grown, she realizes she has two fathers: her real one and her "adopted" one.
Opportunity and the Man
Arthur Bradley
One man squanders a fortune and loses his house and sweetheart to another who strikes it rich.
The Wife’s Awakening
The Husband
The Harrington's first born has died and the father and mother are inconsolable in their grief. Mrs. Harrington later seeks diversion in society, but the husband is engrossed in his work as a scientist, having a laboratory in his house. He conducts several experiments and is on the verge of success in his invention when an explosion of the chemicals occurs and it subsequently develops that he is blinded for life, his eyesight being permanently destroyed.
Her Child's Honor
The Second Husband
Unable to bear the abuse of her drunken soldier husband, the wife left her home and went to the city, where she became a nurse in a hospital. Her husband, recovering from a spree, treated his wife's disappearance as a joke and soon went with his company to the Philippines. Meantime a doctor at the hospital had fallen in love with the young wife and when news came from the Philippines that her husband had been killed she married him. They were very happy and a child was born to them. To a friend in her old home she sent a photograph of herself and family. Then her soldier husband returned for he had not been killed. During a reception at her new home he appeared on the scene. A dancer was to be there, but being unable to keep the engagement, the wife had prepared to perform the dance herself. The appearance of her soldier husband greatly excited her for it made her second marriage illegal.
Her Artistic Temperament
A girl from the country writes glowing letters about life in the big city despite the fact that it's really been disastrous.
The Actress and the Singer
The Singer
A prima donna falls in love with the voice of a singer that she hears on a recording.
His Friend, the Burglar
Tom Dayton - The Husband
A husband uses a ruse to sneak back into the house after a night out.
The Command from Galilee
The Duke
A 1911 short starring Arthur V. Johnson, Marion Leonard and Henry B. Walthall. it is now considered a lost film.
Fate's Turning
A young girl working as a waitress at a resort for the wealthy is swept off her feet by a rich young gentleman who's there for the summer. However, his impending nuptials with another woman complicate the matter.
The Refuge
The Husband
A 1910 short starring Arthur V. Johnson and Marion Leonard.
Where the Sea and the Shore Doth Meet
A 1910 short directed by D.W. griffith and starring Marion leonard.
The Armorer’s Daughter
Set in Rome, during the feudal period. The heroine, the daughter of an armor manufacturer, is in love with a humble tradesman. The resistance expressed by the armorer towards this romance inexorably leads to disaster for everyone concerned.
The Gray of the Dawn
A 1910 short directed by Eugene Sanger and starring Marion Leonard.
Rose o' Salem Town
Typical morality tale has a Deacon coming onto a "wild child" (Dorothy West) but after she rejects him he goes back into town saying that the girl and her mother are witches.
The Oath and the Man
A rich nobleman steals a perfume merchant's wife just prior to the French Revolution, in which the perfumer is a leader of the peasants. His priest made him swear an oath to leave vengeance to God, however.
The Usurer
A wealthy, callous moneylender finds a terrifying way to learn about money's limitations.
Unexpected Help
John Bradley
John Bradley is a trusted clerk with an oil company. Enjoying a fair salary, he is comfortably fixed in a modest little village home with his wife and two small children. Starting from home in the morning he is accompanied by the two little ones, who always looked forward to each morning's scamper in the hills with pleasurable anticipation. He is met at the office door by the manager and handed a large sum of money with instructions to carry it to the bank. This is witnessed by a well-known gambler of the town, who being in hard link, resolves to get that money by hook or crook. Making a short cut across the little town, he manages to intercept John on his way to the bank, and in the course of their conversation invites him to have a drink, as it is half an hour before the bank opens. The invitation is accepted and while in the saloon the gambler tries to inveigle John into a game, but here his will serves him and he resists the fascination.
An Affair of Hearts
Two eccentric Frenchmen argue for the hand of an eligible American girl, who finally discouraged both of them by introducing her betrothed.
Over Silent Paths
The Marshal
In the heart of the American west, a miner toils day after day at his rocker box while his young daughter keeps his camp. His daughter persuades him to return to civilization, where they may enjoy the fruits of their labor. Both are happy in the anticipation of what seems a bright future. While she's away, a desert wanderer appears at the camp, and at the sight of the old man weighing his gold is seized with cupidity. He himself had toiled long in the wilds, but with no success, so he demands that the old man divide his gains with him. This, of course, the miner decries, and the wanderer uses force to obtain the old man's gold. The wanderer collapses in the desert, only to be rescued by a certain young woman: the miner's daughter.
The Two Brothers
In Camarillo, principality of the Spanish dominion, there lived two brothers, Jose and Manuel. Born in a noble Spanish family and reared by a mother noble in both station and character, they were vastly different morally. Jose was a dutiful son and upright young man, while Manuel was the black sheep. It was on Easter Sunday morning during the processional that Manuel appears in an intoxicated condition and foully ridicules the priests and acolytes as they enter the chapel of the old mission. At this the mother's pride is hurt beyond endurance and she exiles her profligate son from her forever. Manuel is shunned as a viper and while making his way along the road, meets Pedro, the notorious political outlaw, who sympathizes with him and offers him inducements to join him, and so takes him to his camp. Meanwhile, Jose woos and wins the Red Rose of Capistran and the day for the wedding is set.
Love Among the Roses
The Gardener
In the Kingdom of Never-Never Land there live a great Lord and Lady, each presiding over their own domain. This great Lord goes for a stroll through his estate and coming to the border of his own land he is struck by the entrancing beauty of the contiguous estate, so like his own, that the inclination to intrude is irresistible. His peregrination is halted by the appearance of the great Lady, who is indeed as fair as the flowers that clothe her land. He introduces himself and invites her to stroll with him in his gardens. She is in like manner entranced by the beauty of his possessions. How alike in beauty are they; a veritable fairyland. If they were only one, for it seems they should be. This thought is mutual, and the Lord proposes a way, a marriage, and so a betrothal of convenience ensues. They know nothing of love and so are content in the anticipation of being Lord and Lady of all Never-Never Land.
The Unchanging Sea
The Fisherman
In this story set at a seaside fishing village and inspired by a Charles Kingsley poem, a young couple's happy life is turned about by an accident. The husband, although saved from drowning, loses his memory. A child is on the way, and soon a daughter is born to his wife. We watch the passage of time, as his daughter matures and his wife ages. The daughter becomes a lovely young woman, herself ready for marriage. One day on the beach, the familiarity of the sea and the surroundings triggers a return of her father's memory, and we are reminded that although people age and change, the sea and the ways of the fisherfolk remain eternal.
The Tenderfoot's Triumph
The Tenderfoot
"It's in the surprise" that great plays are made and battles won, and our tenderfoot friend, appreciating this, pulls a victory that is amazing.
The Twisted Trail
Bob Gorman
Ranch hand Bob Gorman loves pretty Molly Hendricks, and Daddy isn't happy about that. Then Bob is falsely accused of killing Mr. Hendricks. Soon we will discover whether Bob will sacrifice his own life to prove his love for Molly.
John Dobbs [Adonese]
Un hombre atropella con su coche a un vagabundo. Para paliar dicha acción le compra un traje y le da un dinero, lo que provoca que el vagabundo le siga a todas partes con el consiguiente hartazgo de su benefactor.
In Old California
An historical dramatization of a Spanish woman during the reign of Spanish and Mexican owned California in the early 19th century.
The Thread of Destiny
The orphan girl of San Gabriel meets and is attracted by a Spanish stranger. The Spaniard is accused of cheating and set to be lynched, but is saved by the girl's ruse, who later becomes his bride.
The Newlyweds
Dick Harcourt
A young man and a young woman, each unlucky in love, determine never to marry. But Cupid has other ideas.
The Converts
In Bar
A dance hall girl is converted to a religious life by a phony evangelist. But can he, himself, be saved?
All on Account of the Milk
The Young Contractor
The hero, a young contractor, is mistaken by the heroine for a laborer, while he thinks she is the maid although she is the daughter of the manor. The hero continues to represent himself as a laborer in order to see the maid. The daughter, in order to continue her impersonation, borrows the maid's clothes. At the end the two main characters are brought together in their true light with the blessing of their respective mothers.
Taming a Husband
Neglected by a husband too engrossed by his activities and social obligations, a woman convinces a girlfriend to dress as a man and make love to her openly in the hope to arouse her spouse’s jealousy. Dressed as a male, her friend causes a commotion among the couple’s acquaintances. When the husband eventually catches the newcomer making overtures to his wife, he challenges his rival to a duel.
The Final Settlement
Noticing that Jim is partial to a drink, Ruth breaks off her engagement to him and turns to John, who until then had kept his love for her to himself. They get married and move to a cabin in the forest where John works as a woodcutter. In the meantime, Jim, who has become a hoodlum and ignores that his rival has married his former fiancée, runs into John at the lumber camp and challenges him to a duel for the same evening. He then goes to look for money to buy himself alcohol, and breaks into John and Ruth’s cabin. Surprised to find Ruth there, he realizes that she has married John and has given him a child. On leaving the cabin, he looks to the vengeance the duel is going to allow him to wreak. Yet, he eventually thinks better and, ashamed at his own idea and out of the love he still feels for Ruth, decides to spare her husband’s life. He shows up at the duel with a gun loaded with blanks.
The Heart of an Outlaw
J. Woodford, Marshall/Gardian
A man gets revenge on his cheating wife by killing her and her lover. He thinks he has killed his daughter as well, but she survives and is adopted by the sheriff. A few years later the man, now an outlaw, ambushes the sheriff and plans to kidnap and murder the sheriff's daughter.
The Day After
Mr. Hilton
Mr. and Mrs. Hilton throw a New Year's Eve party. They agree not to drink the punch themselves, but as guests begin to arrive their resolve weakens, and soon they are both cavorting drunkenly. Next morning Mr. Hilton, feeling very sick, is conscience-stricken over his drunkenness and his behavior with another woman. He fears to face his wife until he discovers that she feels just as guilty herself.
To Save Her Soul
Paul Redmond
Agnes, a singer in a country church, is practicing one day when a vaudeville manager hears her and offers her a job. Over the objections of the curate who loves her, she accepts the offer and goes to the city. Later the curate goes to hear Agnes perform and, fearing that her soul is being corrupted by show business, he asks her to return to the small town with him. When she refuses, he is prepared to kill her in order to protect the purity of her soul. This brings about her change of heart, and together they return to the little church.
The Test
At the Hotel
Harry, preparing to leave on a business trip, tells Bessie that her photograph will always be with him. To test his sincerity she removes the photo from his bill case, and when he writes her that he is looking at her picture, she writes back that she knows otherwise. Realizing that he has been found out, Harry obtains his mother's photograph of Bessie, and upon his return home convinces her that he had it all along.
El valor del trigo
Un sembrador realiza su rutinaria tarea en el campo mientras en su despacho, “el rey del trigo” prepara su estrategia: comprar el trigo a bajo precio para fijar luego él un nuevo precio a su antojo.
The Redman's View
An Indian village is forced to leave its land by white settlers, and must make a long and weary journey to find a new home. The settlers make one young Indian woman stay behind. This woman is thus separated from her sweetheart, whose elderly father needs his help on the journey ahead
Through the Breakers
At the Ball / At the Soiree
A society couple, neglect their young daughter in favor of their social life. When the girl becomes seriously ill, the father realizes the errors of his ways and stays home with her, demanding his wife do likewise. She sneaks out to a dance and the child takes a turn for the worse. By the time she returns home the child is dead. After her husband leaves her, the mother realizes her selfishness and begs forgiveness at her daughter's grave.
The Trick that Failed
Billy Hart
Nellie is a struggling artist whose paintings lie unsold. Billy, a successful painter, loves her, but she tells him that she cannot marry until she sells her paintings. Billy recruits his friends to buy her paintings. At first she is excited by the sudden success, but when she learns the truth, Nellie leaves her sweetheart to accept the proposal of a rival painter.
The Mountaineer's Honor
A Traveler From The Valley
A mountain girl is seduced by a traveler from the valley. Her brother tracks the seducer down and kills him. In retaliation, the sheriff captures the brother and prepares to lynch him. Mother intervenes and, to save her son the disgrace of hanging, shoots him.
A Sweet Revenge
Paul Hiller
After being jilted for another, a woman sends her lover's old letters to the new fiancée and looks forward to the reaction. But when she spots her old lover's glove left behind, she has a change of heart and repents.
The Light That Came
The Younger Doctor
A disfigured young woman with two beautiful sisters is courted by a blind man. Will he still love her when his sight is restored?
Nursing a Viper
The Husband
During the French Revolution, a wealthy couple lives safely by professing republican beliefs. When a mob attacks a nearby chateau an aristocrat bursts into the couple's home. They save his life by disguising him as a servant, but he soon forces his attentions on the wife. Hearing their struggle, the husband intervenes and, stripping the aristocrat of his disguise, thrusts him outdoors to be killed by the mob.
The Gibson Goddess
An Admirer
A pack of admirers won't leave a beautiful woman alone at a seaside resort, so she devises a plan. She appears in a leg-revealing swimsuit, but the stockings have been stuffed with cotton to make her limbs appear misshapen. All but one of the men is driven off, and regret it when she removes the misleading leggings.
The Expiation
William Trevor
William is drawn to Edward's wife, Helen. Sensing his feelings might lead him into an affair, he decides to go away. As he says goodbye to Helen, Edward spies from behind a curtain. Soon afterwards Edward shoots himself, believing Helen can be happier with William. When William returns to convince Helen to become his wife, she refuses, blaming herself for Edward's suicide.
The Little Teacher
Jack Browning
A young female teacher is assigned to an unruly class. After a student revolt, a passing surveyor helps her restore order, and the teacher becomes interested in him. Soon she learns that he has a wife. Dave, an older pupil, offers the teacher solace and it becomes apparent that he is smitten with her.
Pippa Passes
Pippa awakes and faces the world outside with a song. Unbeknown to her, the music has a healing effect on all who hear her as she passes by.
The Awakening
The Major
A confirmed bachelor learns that he will inherit his late uncle's fortune only if he marries, which he does reluctantly. Shortly afterward he returns to his bachelor lifestyle but realizes he can't get his wife's face out of his thoughts.
The Broken Locket
Mr. Joplin
George Peabody is a young man who has been giving free rein to his inclinations, the principal one being drink. One might have concluded he was lost, but there was the chance which the hand of Providence always bestows in the person of pretty little Ruth King, who had secretly loved George since their childhood days. She succeeds in persuading him from his reckless life, and he determines to cut off from his old loose companions by going out West and making a man of himself. Bidding Ruth and her mother good-bye, he realizes that he loves his little preserver and promises to return worthy of her love and confidence. They plight their troth with their first kiss and a heart shaped locket, which Ruth wears, she breaking it in two, giving George one side while she retains the other, which symbolized the reunion of their hearts with his return.
Getting Even
Party Guest
All the young men in the mining camp flirt with Lucy. Bud, the youngest of them, doesn't stand a chance. At a dance, Bud dresses as a woman and all the men flirt with him and abandon Lucy. When his disguise is revealed, the other men are too embarrassed to approach Lucy, and Bud dances the rest of the night with her.
Comata, the Sioux
Bud Watkins
This story of the Black Hills consistently tells of the unrequited love of a Sioux brave for his chief's daughter, and how he premonished the awful results of her ominous marriage with a white cowboy. Clear Eyes, the daughter of Chief Thunder Cloud, is beloved by Comata, a Sioux brave, but having met and listened to the persuasion of Bud Watkins, a cowboy, leaves her mountain home to become his squaw. Poor little confiding Clear Eyes lives only for Bud, and he at first seems devoted to her, but at the end of two years, a little papoose arriving meanwhile to bless their union, he tires of her, and courts Miss Nellie Howe, a white girl, who thinks him single. Comata, however, has unremittingly watched his movements, and vows to avenge his lost one. Following him to the white girl's home, he sees enough to convince him of the whelp's villainy, so he goes and reveals the truth to Clear Eyes.
1776, or The Hessian Renegades
During the American Revolution, a young soldier carrying a crucial message to General Washington is spotted and pursued by a group of enemy soldiers. He takes refuge with a civilian family, but is soon detected. The family and their neighbors must then make plans to see that the important message gets through after all.
The Sealed Room
The Count
The Count sets out to make a private room for him and his Countess, built in such a way no one can see, hear, and most importantly, disturb them. But unbeknownst to the Count, his wife has set her eyes on the court minstrel. Based on Edgar Allan Poe's “The Cask of Amontillado” and Honoré de Balzac's “La Grande Breteche”.
The Little Darling
In Boarding House
This might be termed a comedy of errors, for the overzealousness of a lot of good-hearted simple folks places them in a rather embarrassing position. Lillie Green, who keeps a boarding house, receives a letter from her old school chum, Polly Brown, whom sin hasn't seen in years, to the effect that as Lillie has never seen her little darling daughter, she will send her for a few days' visit, asking that someone meet the child at the 3:40 train. Lillie's boarders are a bunch of kind-hearted bachelors, who at once prepare to give the "Little Darling" the time of her life, buying a load of toys, etc., for her amusement, also procuring a baby carriage with which to meet her at the train. You may imagine their embarrassment when they find that Tootsie, instead of being a baby, proves to be a handsome young lady of seventeen, whose tastes run rather to garden gates, shady lanes and quiet nooks, than toys. (Moving Picture World)
The Mills of the Gods
Henry Woodson
A woman in love with an unsuccessful author tries to convince a publisher to accept his work.
Tom and Ethel separately decide to go bathing in a river. Pranksters switch their clothes and they each have to dress up as the opposite sex.
The Indian Runner's Romance
An Indian comforts a dying prospector in his last moments. In exchange, the prospector tells him the location of his gold claim. A group of cowboys tries to get the information and go as far as kidnapping the Indian's wife.
They Would Elope
Two lovers elope and expect to be pursued by her father. But the clever father has tricked them into running off, and celebrates their wedding when they return home.
The Mended Lute
In an Indian tribe, a girl escapes from her father and suitor to be with the man she loves.
A Strange Meeting
Reverend John Stanton
Mary Rollins is torn between selfish depravity and righteous living. After she's coerced into helping with the burglary of her minister's apartment, she comes face to face with her misdeeds.
The Slave
Deletius House Guest
A Greek woman marries a struggling sculptor. When he can't support her and their baby, she offers to sell herself as a slave to allow them to buy food.
A New Trick
To help a woman whose purse has been snatched, two college boys stage a murder scene and trap the purse snatcher.
The Renunciation
Two miners are fighting over a woman, and one is about to murder the other in his sleep. At the critical moment, the woman introduces her fiancé from the city.
Tender Hearts
The Hunter
A country boy and a city boy are both courting the same girl. The girl sees the country boy's tender treatment of a wounded bird and chooses him.
The Cardinal's Conspiracy
Comic Cutthroat
A royal woman rejects her arranged marriage. The cardinal hatches a plan: the suitor will shave and change clothes. He arranges with 4 clowns to stage an attack on the princess which he easily repels. It works; the princess falls for him, especially when the cardinal arranges his arrest.
The Necklace
In Pawnshop / Doctor / Party Guest
Mrs. Kendrick borrows a jeweled necklace from a friend for an important social event. The necklace is stolen, and Mr. Kendrick goes into debt to replace it. The thief discovers it's costume jewelry, but the Kendricks never learns the truth; Husband and wife struggle for years to pay off the huge debt.
The Way of Man
Tom Hearne
A woman is scarred in an accident and refuses to stand in the way of her lover's marriage to another.
The Peachbasket Hat
Policeman/In Store
Mrs. Jones leaves her baby with the maid and goes shopping for a new hat. Meanwhile, the maid invites a band of gypsies into the house for a palm reading. After the gypsies leave, no one can find the baby, and everyone assumes it's been kidnapped, until the baby is found under a hatbox.
The Son's Return
On Stairs / In Bank
A son leaves to seek his fortune in the city. Many years later he returns and checks into his parents' inn. They don't recognize him, but noticing his fat wallet, plan to rob him.
The Lonely Villa
A gang of thieves lure a man out of his home so that they can rob it and threaten his wife and children. The family barricade themselves in an interior room, but the criminals are well-equipped for breaking in. When the father finds out what is happening, he must race against time to get back home.
The Violin Maker of Cremona
In Crowd
A contest is being held in Cremona for the best violin, with Giannina's hand in marriage as the prize. Filippo is secretly in love with her, but is also ashamed of being a cripple, so he switches his superior violin with that of another apprentice, Sandro, whom Giannina loves.
What Drink Did
A man leaves his wife and two daughters for work in a carpentry shop. At work, he initially refuses a beer with lunch, then gives in. After work, two friends take a little while to convince him to go for a refreshing malt beverage, then to have another and another....
Eradicating Aunty
Revered Joshua Wittington
A young couple must endure a tedious visit from their aunt until their friend offers to find a way to make her leave.
The Cricket on the Hearth
The Minister
After three years at sea, Edward returns home to find his sweetheart forced into an engagement with a much older man.
Eloping with Auntie
The Minister / In Store
A girl is being shipped off to Europe with her aunt to break up her romance. Her suitor dresses himself as the aunt and manages to fool everyone long enough for them to elope.
Two Memories
Party Guest
Henry and Marion have a lover's quarrel and part in anger. They do not reconcile, and ten years pass without contact. Marion becomes a society girl and spends her time at parties with her friends. Henry has become very ill and wishes to see Marion one more time. He writes asking her to visit. When she recieves the note, she laughs and tosses it on the floor, but, later, on a whim, decides to take all her drunken friends with her to visit him. When they arrive, Marion finds Henry dead, clutching her portrait in his hand. She sends her friends away and falls to her knees in remorse. Mary Pickford's debut!
Prince Dmitri
Nekhludoff, a Russian nobleman serving on a jury, discovers that the young girl on trial, Katusha, is someone he once seduced and abandoned and that he himself bears responsibility for reducing her to crime. He sets out to redeem her and himself in the process.
The Jilt
John Hale
John is seduced and abandoned by a cruel flirt. Later he learns that his friend Frank is engaged to the same woman. He relates his story to Frank and convinces him to jilt her at the altar.
The Suicide Club
One of the members of a suicide club learns he has inherited some money, but only after he drew the fatal lot and is expected to kill himself. Presumed to be a lost film.
Tis an Ill Wind That Blows No Good
Out-of-work, Tim steals a sandwich, then knocks out the policeman who chases him. He changes into the policeman's uniform, and is approached by a wife who needs help with her drunken husband.
Twin Brothers
Two boys, twins, leave the old homestead to seek their fortune in the world. They go divergent roads, and are soon widely separated one from the other, but they grow lonesome and try to find each other's whereabouts, without success. We lose sight of Bill and Dick is seen up against it good and hard. For him the future looks like a chalk ring on a blackboard, until he happens to saunter along the Bowery, where the manager of a dime museum offers him a job to play the gorilla. It looks good so he accepts. It is pretty sort until the astute impresario decides to pull off an innovation: that is, a gorilla and lion in the same cage. Of course Dick objects most strenuously to this arrangement, but his objections are quailed with a treacherous looking run, so he is forced to share the same menagerie hallroom with the lion.
Drive for a Life
Harry Walker
Harry's jealous former mistress puts poison in some candy intended for his new fiancée. Harry discovers what she has done, and races to save his fiancée before she eats the candy.
The Doctor
Nellie flees her old life and goes east to become a nurse, where she marries a doctor. One of her old colleagues finds her and tries to blackmail her. When the blackmail plot is exposed, Nellie's husband expresses his complete faith in her.
A Rude Hostess
The Gentleman Burglar
Mrs. Leffingwell runs after the last of her departing party guests to return a forgotten muff. While she's out a burglar enters the apartment and opens the safe. He can't make his getaway before she returns, and tries to bluff his way out by saying he entered the wrong apartment. She sees the open safe and secretly tells the butler to get the police.
Schneider’s Anti-Noise Crusade
The Violinist
Schneider is trying to write a speech but he can't concentrate with all the noise around him. During the night, Schneider catches burglars in his house, but when he sees they are stealing all the noisy distractions, he helps them get away.
A Drunkard's Reformation
John Wharton
A man arrives home late and drunk as usual. His wife reminds him that he's supposed to take their daughter out to a play. While watching the play, he's faced with his own drinking evils and how his life would be without them.
And a Little Child Shall Lead Them
The Father
Seven years after the death of their first child, a couple has grown apart and decides to divorce. Their second child asks a question about who will keep the first child's most cherished toy after they separate. This leads the couple to reconsider their actions.
The Deception
The Rich Patron's Secretary / Man in Top Hat
A wife offers to support her artist husband by teaching piano. She can't find work at the conservatory, and ends up working in a laundry, without telling him the truth. When he discovers her lie, he is determined to leave her, until she is injured and he understands the sacrifice she made for him.
The Voice of the Violin
Herr von Schmidt
A music teacher is in love with Helen, one of his students, but she rejects him. In his anger he joins a communist group who plan to blow up a rich capitalist's house. When he realizes it's Helen's house, he tries to stop the plan.
I Did It
A mother punishes her son for eating a plate of cream puffs, unaware that the daughter really did it. As the daughter watches the punishment, she feels guilty, and confesses her misdeed.
The Lure of the Gown
At Dance
"Fine feathers make fine birds", and handsome gowns make handsome women. Hence it is when Isabelle appears on the scene clad in a gown that is a masterpiece of the dressmaker's art she easily fascinates the male contingent, among whom is Enrico, the sweetheart of Veronica, a street singer. Enrico is so enraptured at the sight of Isabelle in her resplendent attire that he becomes her abject slave, casting aside the poor, peasant-clad little Italian street singer, who has loved him devotedly. Crushed almost beyond endurance the poor girl stands sobbing at the entrance of the park where the inconsistent lever left her. Her tears attract the attention of a wealthy young couple who happen to pass. In answer to their queries she tells them how contemptibly her sweetheart acted, and all because of the fascinating influence of a gown.
The Wooden Leg
A father wants to marry his daughter to a rich man, but she's in love with someone else. She borrows a tramp's wooden leg, pretending that it's hers, and the disgusted suitor rejects her.
The Roue’s Heart
Nobleman / Servant
Mons. Flamant, a typical roué of the French nobility, is surrounded by all the pleasures and pastimes his fabulous wealth can procure. In a quest of diversion he visits the art rooms, just as a young girl enters with a magnificent piece of sculpture and places it on sale. The roué is so impressed with the work and the girl that he purchases it at once and follows her to the atelier, where he learns that she is the maid of the sculptress, whom he sees and at once falls passionately in love with her, but when he learns that she is totally blind, his feelings change to one of deepest pity.
At the Altar
At the Italian boarding house the male boarders were all smitten with the charms of Minnie, the landlady's pretty daughter, but she was of a poetic turn of mind and her soul soared above plebeianism and her aspirations were romantic. Most persistent among her suitors was Grigo, a coarse Sicilian, whose advances were odiously repulsive. The arrival at the boarding house from the old country of Giuseppe Cassella, the violinist, filled the void in her yearning heart. Romantic, poetic and a talented musician, Giuseppe was indeed a desirable husband for Minnie.
The Hindoo Dagger
Jack Windom experiences a sensation of awe at the reception of the Hindoo dagger from his old chum, Tom, who was traveling in India. Hanging the dagger on the wall. Jack goes out. For some time Jack has discerned a coolness in his wife, and his jealous misgivings were verified when he returned and found her in company with a stranger. Seizing the dagger from the wall he chases the recreant lover from the house and then follows the wife to the bathroom, wither she has flown in terror. Mercilessly he plunges the dagger and flies the place. The lover in hiding sees him leave and returns, and calling aid succeeds in reviving the wife, who afterwards with careful treatment recovers and marries her paramour. However, either from the baneful influence of this diabolical dagger, or the woman's capricious nature, just one year later the second husband enacts the same scene, but with fatal results.
His Ward's Love
Reverend Howson
Reverend Howson loves his young ward, but urges her to marry someone else. She accepts the proposal, but then sees the Reverend kissing an object she has dropped, and realizes he loves her.
The Curtain Pole
Man in bar / Vegetable vendor / Party guest
An upper class drawing room. A gentleman breaks the curtain pole and goes in search of a replacement, but he stops into a pub first. He buys a very long pole, and causes havoc everywhere he passes, accumulating an ever-growing entourage chasing him, until he escapes them through a bit of movie magic, only to discover that the pole has already been replaced.
Tragic Love
Bob Spaulding
Bob Spaulding, a manly fellow, meets Dr. Rankin and his wife on the street while they are engaged in a violent tiff. The doctor is about to strike his wife when Bob interferes, incurring the resentment of the doctor. During the flurry Mrs. Rankin drops her card case. From a card inside he learns the address and goes there to return it. They meet, and it is a case of love at first sight; but she is a wife, and beyond his reach.
Edgar Allan Poe
As Poe's lover is slowly dying, he struggles to make money to care for her.
The Brahma Diamond
An unscrupulous tourist plots to steal the famous diamond, "The Light of the World," tricking a young woman into helping him. She is caught and imprisoned, while he prepares to sell the diamond and make his getaway.
The Girls and Daddy
At Black & Tan Ball / Policeman
Sisters guarding their house from a burglar set upon stealing their daddy's money.
The Cord of Life
Antonine, a worthless, good-for-nothing scoundrel, demands money of his cousin Galora, an energetic, provident husband and father. His demands are met with a positive rebuff, and when he becomes insistent be is forcibly ejected by Galora. As he leaves the tenement he vows to get even, and lies in wait until Galora has gone out on business. Climbing to the fifth floor, on which the Galoras live, he watches his chance, which comes when Mrs. Galora goes for an instant to visit a neighbor on the same floor. Darting into the apartment and raising the window he perceives the awful result of a drop to the ground, five stories below, and so evolves a plan that is dastardly in the extreme. Taking the infant child from the cradle, and placing it in a basket he lets it out with a short rope, the end of which he secures by letting the sash down on it, so that to raise the window would precipitate the baby to destruction.
The Welcome Burglar
In Office / In Bar
Mack Sennett appears as a butler and a man in an office in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
Those Awful Hats
Theatre Audience
A pair of young ladies cause trouble at the cinema with their lavish hats.
The Fascinating Mrs. Francis
Party Guest
Mack Sennett appears as a party guest in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
Mr. Jones Has a Card Party
Mr. Jones, since his last escapade, had made strenuous efforts to amend the reputation he had gained in the eyes of the ladies of the Temperance League. But Oh! the ordeal, for such it was, was telling on him, and his pent-up spirits were threatening ebullition, when at last the chance comes. The league arranges to attend a three-days' convention out of town, and when Mrs. Jones departs, Jones sends a note to Smith, telling him to bring the gang, and they would have a "Prayer Meeting," enjoining him not to forget the "fixings." Well, the gang are not long in putting in an appearance, for they feel that every minute's delay is a chunk lost from a golden opportunity for fun.
The Criminal Hypnotist
The Criminal Hypnotist
Mack Sennett appears as a party guest in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
The Sacrifice
At Wigmaker's
Mack Sennett appears as an extra in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
Love Finds a Way
The Duke
Mack Sennett appears as a footman in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
The Honor of Thieves
Customer / Musician
Mack Sennett appears as a man at the dance and a cop in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
One Touch of Nature
John Murray
Mack Sennett appears as a cop in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
The Helping Hand
Mr. Miller
Mack Sennett appears as a wedding guest in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
Mr. Jones at the Ball
Mr. Jones at the Ball is a 1908 American silent short comedy film, part of the once-popular Biograph series centered around the titular Jones and his long-suffering wife. In this film, Jones rips his suit pants and chaos ensues.
The Christmas Burglars
One of Mike's Assistants
Mack Sennett appears as one of character Mike McLaren's assistants in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
The Test of Friendship
Edward Ross
Mack Sennett appears as a guest and a man in the fight in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
The Feud and the Turkey
Colonel Wilkinson
Mack Sennett appears as a member of the Wilkenson clan in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
Money Mad
Bank Clerk
The central figure is an old miser, a Harpagon of sorts, who, like Frosine, stashes his ill-gotten money in a secret cellar. While the miser is at the bank, exchanging stolen notes for gold coin, a couple of thugs witness the transaction and see their opportunity-- It seems avarice grips the hearts of all those who'd possess the bag.
The Valet's Wife
Reverend Haddock
Bachelor Reggie writes his uncle that he has a wife and child, but then must produce them when the uncle visits.
The Clubman and the Tramp
Dinner Guest / Moneylender
Mack Sennett appears as a dinner guest and a policeman in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
A Woman's Way
Man with Rifle
The pretty daughter of a French-Canadian backwoodsman incites the love of a trapper who is so smitten with the beauty of this wood nymph that he purchases her into marriage from her father. The transaction meets with repugnance from the girl. She was entirely contented with conditions, a child of nature, carefree. However, she finds her pleading of no avail, and so pretends to accept the situation. The trapper and Canadian go into the cabin to seal the bargain with a drink, and while inside the girl closes and fastens the door on them and makes her way through the woods to escape.
The Ingrate
The Trapper
A hunter lost in the Northern woods is rescued by a trapper and his wife. He makes advances to the wife, is rejected, and tries to kill the trapper.
The Song of the Shirt
Adaptation of a poem written by Thomas Hood.
The Guerrilla
Jack Stanford
Mack Sennett appears as a Confederate soldier and a Union soldier in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
The Taming of the Shrew
Based on Shakespeare's play. Petruchio courts the bad-tempered Katharina, and tries to change her aggressive behavior.
After Many Years
Member of the rescue party
A castaway returns home after years lost at sea, to the wife and child he left behind. Has she waited faithfully or has she moved on?
Concealing a Burglar
Mr. Brown
Mack Sennett appears as a policeman and waiter in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
The Planter's Wife
John Holland
John Holland, a planter in a small way, is devotedly attached to his wife and infant child. The wife wearies of the monotonous grind of farm life and is easy prey of a contemptible villain, in the person of Tom Roland, the ubiquitous "other man".
The Vaquero's Vow
Wedding Party / In Bar
Mack Sennett appears as a man in the bar and in the wedding party in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
The Zulu's Heart
A Zulu Warrior
A Boer woman and her daughter are captured by Zulu warriors.
Where the Breakers Roar
Tom Hudson
Mack Sennett appears as a policeman in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
The Red Girl
Mack Sennett appears as a man in the bar in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
The Girl and the Outlaw
Mack Sennett appears as a Native American in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
For a Wife's Honor
Irving Robertson, a successful playwright, has just received a message from out of town to witness the initial performance of one of his plays. As he is about to leave, Henderson, the manager, calls to pay a sum due him for royalties. At the same time, Frank Wilson, a friend of the family, drops in.
Balked at the Altar
A woman who is filled with romantic ideas is making no secret of her eagerness to find a husband. Her father decides to help her by pressuring and threatening an eligible bachelor, who reluctantly allows wedding plans to be made.
The Greaser's Gauntlet
Tom Berkeley
Jose, a handsome young Mexican, leaves his home in the Sierra Madre Mountains to seek his fortune in the States. On leaving, his dear old mother bestows upon him her blessing, presenting him with a pair of gauntlets, upon the dexter wrist of which she has embroidered a Latin Cross.
The Fight for Freedom
In a saloon in a Mexican border town, a group of cowboys, including a Mexican named Pedro, play poker. One man is discovered cheating, and is shot dead by Pedro, who is wounded as he attempts to escape. Pedro is followed home by the local sheriff, who proves the next victim of Pedro's quick temper and pistol. Pedro's wife, Juanita, is thrown into jail, but he manages to break her out. They head for the border, unaware that a posse is waiting for them.
The Adventures of Dollie
On a warm and sunny summer's day, a mother and father take their young daughter Dollie on a riverside outing.
The White Caps
Two members of a vigilante group known as 'The White Caps' post a warning sign on a man's home. When the man comes home, he tears down the sign, and then proceeds to abuse his wife both verbally and physically. As soon as she can get away from him, the wife leaves home with her child to find a place of refuge. When the vigilantes find out about this, they arm themselves with rifles and immediately go to confront the abusive husband.
A Physician's Honor
The Preacher and the Gossips
Rev. Frank Speakman
The Rev. Frank Speakman has been to a rural congregation, and is entertained by the members. He is considered a fine catch matrimonially and the ladies set their caps for him. A pretty little milliner is among the contestants and the new minister cannot be blamed for favoring her. The widow with whom the new minister boards, finds an unfinished letter which really is being written to Speakman's sister. The sister's name is Ellen and the milliner's the same, so the letter is an excellent weapon in the hands of a gossip.