Rupert Procter

Rupert Procter


Rupert Procter


Wolf Manor
Shooting a vampire flick in an old, abandoned manor house should have worked like a dream, but the film crew is out of their depth, over schedule and desperate to get the shoot finished and go home. However, as the moon turns full, the nightmare begins. Blood flows and the body count rises as cast and crew meet the manor’s resident werewolf…
Whiskers and Jane
A middle-aged ex rocker realises he must put the magic back into his relationship, or risk losing his partner for good.
100 calles
Community Service Team Leader
Tres historias entrelazadas en la ciudad de Londres. Max, ex jugador de rugby, es un mujeriego empedernido que lucha para salvar su matrimonio con la ex actriz Emily. Por otro lado Kingsley es un pequeño narcotraficante que busca una forma de salir de la calle. Durante la realización de su servicio a la comunidad por un delito menor, Kinsley conoce a Terence, un actor que le da el empujón que necesita para salir de su vida. Finalmente está George, un taxista, y su esposa Kathy, que sueñan con tener hijos, pero un accidente de tráfico les provoca una profunda depresión y debilita su hasta ahora sólido matrimonio.
Jonathan Soter
After the death of his beloved wife in a devastating fire, Jonathon Soter's life is in ruins. Drinking to excess and barely holding down his job as a teacher, he's a man lost with nothing to live for. But the sudden news that the boy who killed his wife, Scottish born Donald McKinley, has been released early from prison, brings monumental change for Soter and gives him a new motivation. He begins a journey to a small coastal town, where he hopes to find his tormentor, to find an answer and perhaps to ultimately find redemption. Exploring the themes of loss, forgiveness, revenge and the tragedy of an existence locked in the past, Ashes is a complex character study and a thrilling dramatic modern fable.
Set in Norfolk, amidst an idyllic, brooding landscape, an innocent teenage boy and his battle-weary father live a simple life. Days are spent hunting, fishing and daydreaming. Out-of-nowhere, disrupting this tranquility, a mysterious intense figure gives the green light for the father to complete one last mission; he is a mercenary, hired to assassinate a group of revolutionaries holed-up in a remote, disused civil service outpost. A mission that threatens to destroy not just the compound but the love between a father and his son.
Dad (Tony)
A volatile young man struggles to control his unnatural powers when he faces a chance encounter in an unfamiliar environment.
The List
Aquarium Assistant
Christopher Cowin is in his mid 30s, a family man who owns a small advertising agency. A court case he had recently lost has shown him the rich and powerful always win! That is why Christopher creates the website THE LIST. On this site, users can label corrupt individuals in public life and award them points as to how much of a menace they are. The result is a list of politicians, CEOs and bankers. The website quickly becomes a worldwide success but suddenly, whoever is number one on THE LIST appears murdered and public opinion starts to turn against Christopher.
An MI5 officer's attempts to foil a possible terrorist plot are undermined by bureaucracy and moral dilemmas. Will he make the world a safer place or be complicit in making a tense situation even worse?
Edward VIII: The Plot to Topple a King
Alan Don
Ever since King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936, the official explanation had been simply that the government disapproved of his marriage to a twice-divorced woman. However newly-released documents, embargoed until recently, suggest that Archbishop of Canterbury, Cosmo Gordon Lang, played a large part in a plan to make certain that Edward VIII abdicated, not only because of his marriage to a divorcee but also because the archbishop disapproved of the King's whole lifestyle and modern attitudes to life.
El topo
Guillam's Boyfriend
Años 70, en plena guerra fría. El fracaso de una misión especial en Hungría provoca un cambio en la cúpula de los servicios secretos británicos. Uno de los defenestrados es el agente George Smiley. Sin embargo, cuando ya se había hecho a la idea de retirarse, le encargan una misión especial. Se sospecha que hay un “topo” infiltrado en la cúpula del Servicio y sólo alguien de fuera puede averiguar quién es. Con la ayuda de otros agentes jubilados, Smiley irá recabando información y encajando las piezas para intentar descubrir al traidor.
Big Things
Richard, bored of his mundane existence as a cycle courier, attempts to make his film "A Distance Too Far" in a bid to escape to a better life. Driven by the belief that it will propel him, his friends and his girlfriend to fame and fortune, and the fear of ending up like his family, the completion of his 'masterpiece' becomes the sole focus of Richard's life.
Pánico (Hush)
Cansado e irritado, Zakes conduce por la autopista junto a su novia Beth, que duerme a su lado. El joven es testigo de cómo la puerta trasera de un camión blanco se abre y aparece una mujer aterrorizada y ensangrentada. Antes de que pueda echar un segundo vistazo, la puerta se cierra. Llama a la policía pero Beth se enfada con él por no haber hecho más. Después de parar en una gasolinera, Beth desaparece. Zakes comprende entonces que el conductor del camión blanco se la ha llevado.
Antoni Adamiak
Television drama based on a true story about a group of planespotters wrongly accused of being spies. 14 planespotters are arrested for behaving 'suspiciously' at an air base in Greece and are accused of being spies because of the telescopes, radio scanners and aircraft serial numbers they have in their possession. They plead their innocence but the farce turns into a nightmare when the group are held in squalid Greek prisons.
A Line in the Sand
Andy Chalmers
In a remote village on the Suffolk Coast, Frank Perry (Ross Kemp) waits for his past to catch up with him. Previously a spy for MI6 working on Iranian chemical and biological weapons production, his reports led to the deaths of many Iranian scientists while also undermining the progress of their production. Now the Iranians have found out he was responsible and have sent their best assassin to kill him. A team of "protectors" move in around Perry, disrupting the local community who, fearing for their lives, turn against him.
Little Clumps of Hair
Martin visits acquaintances at his local drinking establishment. He has a dark secret. It is uncovered. With hairy consequences.
One for the Road
One for the Road follows Jimmy, Paul, Richard and Mark who meet on a rehabilitation course for drink drivers. Jimmy is young, ambitious and desperate to sell his late father's business; Paul has been salesman of the year three times running, however, that was five years ago; Richard is a retired millionaire property developer and Mark is a taxi driver with a weakness for weed and philosophy.
The 1:10 Score
Four men plans a bank robbery in a small town. To their aid they have a very detailed model of the town.
Volver a empezar
Colin es un hombre sencillo que se conforma con poco en la vida. Es feliz en su matrimonio, pero lleva una vida rutinaria en la que su única distracción es el partido de dardos que juega diariamente. Pero un día su mujer Sandra (Jane Robbins) le abandona por Geoff (Jim Carter), el capitán del equipo de dardos y se marcha a Blackpool, Las Vegas del Norte. A partir de ese momento, Colin emprende un viaje en su ciclomotor para seguir a su mujer y tratar de recuperarla. En el trayecto conoce a personajes variopintos y entrañables que le dan una visión diferente de la vida y le ayudan a descubrirse a sí mismo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Tras haber perdido a su padre el pequeño Paul, de 10 años, vive en el East-End de Londres con su madre Mel y su hermano pequeño. Paul comienza a darse cuenta que su madre es adicta a las drogas. Con la ayuda de una camarera local, el niño, a pesar de las limitaciones de su edad, intentará hacer todo lo posible por salvar a su madre.
The Fishmonger
In a small fishing village an established fishmonger, Davis, starts to have his supply bought from under him by new boy Alan Leech. This sets off a minor battle between the two for control of the fish supply. The battle results in an incident that sees one of the men re-evaluate his values in life.
Shifting Units
A salesman tries to juggle the stress of his job with his increasing alcoholism, while his long hours away from home mean his family life has all but collapsed in the quest for sales.
The Low Down
Frank is a restless young man in his late twenties whose life revolves around his friends and his work. When he becomes involved with Ruby, her optimistic and fresh approach to life and its problems begins to have a dramatic effect on him.
Notting Hill
La historia se centra en William, propietario de una tienda de libros en el popular barrio londinense de Notting Hill, y Anna Scott, la estrella más rutilante del firmamento cinematográfico. Desde el momento en que la actriz entra en la tienda, William se embarca en un cortejo complicado, para el cual cuenta con la inestimable ayuda de sus inseparables amigos, entre los que destaca su compañero de piso el singular Spike, que observa con asombro e incredulidad cómo el bueno de William tiene un romance con una mujer inalcanzable para cualquier otro ser humano.
Capt. David Burns
Wilfred Owen y Siegfried Sassoon, dos de los más importantes poetas ingleses de la Primera Guerra Mundial son enviados, junto con otros combatientes traumatizados, a una casa de reposo para tratar sus problemas emocionales, causados por la fatiga psicológica que sufren los soldados que luchan en la tierra de nadie.
Beyond Fear
The true story of Stephanie Slater, a British estate agent who was kidnapped, raped, and held for ransom by Michael Sams, who imprisoned her in a coffin-like box for eight days.