David Attenborough

David Attenborough

Nacimiento : 1926-05-08, London, England, UK


Sir David Attenborough (8th May 1926) is a broadcaster and naturalist. His career as the respected face and voice of natural history programmes has endured for more than 50 years. He is best known for writing and presenting the nine "Life" series, in conjunction with the BBC Natural History Unit, which collectively form a comprehensive survey of all life on the planet. He is also a former senior manager at the BBC, having served as controller of BBC Two and director of programming for BBC Television in the 1960s and 1970s. He is the younger brother of director, producer and actor Richard Attenborough.


David Attenborough
David Attenborough
David Attenborough
David Attenborough
David Attenborough
David Attenborough
David Attenborough


Attenborough and the Giant Sea Monster
Self - Presenter
Sir David Attenborough investigates the discovery of a lifetime: the giant skull of a prehistoric sea monster, known as a pliosaur – the Tyrannosaurus rex of the seas!
La inspiración más profunda
Self (archive footage)
Descendiendo a notables profundidades bajo el mar, a pulmón, Alessia Zecchini entra en lo que ella describe como el último lugar tranquilo en la Tierra. La campeona italiana está decidida a marcar un nuevo récord mundial en apnea, un deporte extremo y peligroso en el que los competidores intentan alcanzar la mayor profundidad sin usar equipo de buceo.
Prehistoric Planet
Planeta Prehistórico es una serie documental sobre historia natural que viaja al pasado para mostrar cómo era la vida en la Tierra hace 66 millones de años, cuando sobre ella habitaban los dinosaurios.
Dinosaurs - The Final Day with David Attenborough
Self - Presenter
David Attenborough da vida, con detalles sin precedentes, a los últimos días de los dinosaurios. El paleontólogo Robert DePalma ha hecho un descubrimiento increíble en un cementerio prehistórico: criaturas fosilizadas, asombrosamente bien conservadas, que podrían ayudar a cambiar nuestra comprensión de los últimos días de los dinosaurios. La evidencia de su sitio registra el día en que un asteroide más grande que el Monte Everest devastó nuestro planeta y provocó la extinción de los dinosaurios. Basado en evidencia completamente nueva, sea testigo de los eventos catastróficos de ese día que se desarrollan minuto a minuto.
Maravillas sonoras con David Attenborough
Self - Presenter
Sir David Attenborough elige sus sonidos favoritos del mundo natural. Cada uno de ellos, desde el canto del lémur más grande hasta el canto de la ballena jorobada y el canto del ave lira, han marcado su vida. En este documental de una hora, Attenborough explora siete grabaciones de canciones que tienen un interés particular para él.
David Attenborough y el mamut prehistórico
Self - Narrator
En 2017, en Swindon, al sur de Inglaterra, se descubrieron restos de mamuts de la Edad de Hielo y un hacha de mano de piedra hecha por un neandertal. No fueron hallados por científicos profesionales, sino por dos cazadores de fósiles aficionados que excavaban en su tiempo libre. Es uno de los cementerios de mamuts más antiguos descubiertos en Gran Bretaña y podría guardar secretos sobre varias especies extinguidas.Pero, ¿por qué y cómo murieron aquí estos mamuts? Para averiguarlo, un equipo de arqueólogos y paleontólogos lleva a cabo una investigación forense del yacimiento.
Los límites de nuestro planeta: Una mirada científica
David Attenborough y el científico Johan Rockström examinan el colapso de la biodiversidad terrestre y cómo aún estamos a tiempo de evitar esta crisis.
El año en el que el mundo cambió
Narrator (voice)
Imágenes nunca antes vistas muestran cómo nuestra vida encerrado abrió la puerta para que la naturaleza se recuperara y prosperara. Al otro lado de los mares, cielos y tierras, la Tierra encontró su ritmo cuando nos detuvimos.
David Attenborough's Global Adventure
David Attenborough exports the rise of life on our plant, from the explosion of first life on seabeds hundreds of millions of years ago to life today.
Prince William: A Planet For Us All
With exclusive access across two years, this film is an intimate portrayal of Prince William, following him as we’ve never seen him before on a global mission to champion action for the natural world and celebrate the pioneering work of local heroes.
Sir David Attenborough and Sir Michael Palin in Conversation
Sir David Attenborough and Sir Michael Palin reflect on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and what it has taught us about global co-operation in tackling some of the biggest challenges our planet is faced with.
David Attenborough: Una vida en nuestro planeta
A sus 93 años, David Attenborough ha visitado todos los continentes del planeta, explorando cientos de lugares, documentando el mundo viviente en todo su esplendor. Ahora, por primera vez, reflexiona sobre las experiencias más relevantes de su vida como naturalista.
Extinción: Los hechos
Self - Presenter
Con un millón de especies en riesgo de extinción, Sir David Attenborough explora cómo esta crisis de la biodiversidad tiene consecuencias para todos nosotros, amenazando la seguridad alimentaria y del agua, socavando nuestra capacidad de controlar nuestro clima e incluso poniéndonos en mayor riesgo de padecer enfermedades pandémicas.
Planet Earth: A Celebration
Self - Narrator (voice)
David Attenborough, Hans Zimmer and Dave unite for a special Natural History event – Planet Earth: A Celebration. The special one-hour programme brings together eight of the most extraordinary sequences from Planet Earth II and Blue Planet II including racer snakes vs iguana, surfing bottlenose dolphins and rare footage of the Himalayan snow leopard. Featuring new narration from David Attenborough, new compositions and arrangements from Hans Zimmer, Jacob Shea and the team at Bleeding Fingers and performed by the BBC Concert Orchestra, accompanied by Brit and Mercury Award-winning UK rapper Dave. In these extraordinary times, there is one thing that can offer solace to everyone – the wonder of the natural world.
Chris Packham: 7.7 Billion People and Counting
El naturalista Chris Packham investiga el impacto que está teniendo una población humana en crecimiento en el planeta y se pregunta si la Tierra puede sustentar las predicciones de diez mil millones de personas para 2050
Diving Deep: The Life and Times of Mike deGruy
Diving Deep: The Life and Times of Mike deGruy, tells the story of Mike deGruy, an irrepressibly curious and enthusiastic underwater filmmaker who died suddenly in 2012. DeGruy filmed the oceans for more than three decades becoming as famous for his on camera storytelling as for his glorious, intimate visions of the sea and the creatures who live in it. Inspired to share his legacy as a filmmaker and storyteller, and to spread his mission for protecting the ocean, his wife and filmmaking partner Mimi deGruy returned to the edit room to produce Diving Deep: The Life and Times of Mike deGruy.
The Forum
In times of rampant populism and increasing distrust of the elite, the filmmaker accompanies the 81-year-old founder of the controversial World Economic Forum over the period of one year in his efforts to implement his leitmotif: to improve the state of the world. Can the WEF contribute to solving global problems? Or is it rather an integral part of the problem?
Cambio climático: Salvemos al planeta
Self - Presenter
Tras uno de los años más calurosos registrados, Sir David Attenborough examina la ciencia del cambio climático y las posibles soluciones a esta amenaza global. Algunos de los científicos climáticos más prominentes entrevistados analizan recientes condiciones meteorológicas extremas, como tormentas sin precedentes e incendios catastróficos, y revelan lo que unos peligrosos niveles de cambio climático podrían significar tanto para la población humana como el mundo natural en el futuro.
Nuestro planeta: Tras las cámaras
Self - Narrator
Comparte el esplendor de ese extraordinario lugar al que llamamos hogar. Nuestro planeta se ha rodado con lo último en tecnología de ultra alta definición en más de 50 países. De las selvas más exóticas a los océanos más profundos, admira todo aquello que tenemos en común.
Tasmania: Extraña y sorprendente
David Attenborough reveals that the animal inhabitants of this vast wilderness are every bit as extraordinary as they are bizarre. Unearthly calls of the notorious Tasmanian devil echo through the land, but following them over the course of a year reveals a surprisingly gentle side. In the dry east, rare white wallabies graze on the plains and jack jumper ants build huge nests – these venomous ants are amongst the most dangerous on earth. In the west, where it can rain nearly every day of the year, caves light up with the magical spectacle of thousands of glow-worms, and the trees are 100-metre towering monsters. Rivers are home to the peculiar platypus, and world’s largest freshwater invertebrate, the Tasmanian giant lobster. Miniature penguins come ashore to breed, and as winter approaches, the southern lights dance in the sky. Tasmania’s isolation and unique climate has created a world that is as weird as it is wonderful.
Timelapse of the Future: A Journey to the End of Time
Narrator (archive sound)
How's it all gonna end? This experience takes us on a journey to the end of time, trillions of years into the future, to discover what the fate of our planet and our universe may ultimately be. We start in 2019 and travel exponentially through time, witnessing the future of Earth, the death of the sun, the end of all stars, proton decay, zombie galaxies, possible future civilizations, exploding black holes, the effects of dark energy, alternate universes, the final fate of the cosmos - to name a few.
Dragons and Damsels
Self - Narrator
More beautiful than butterflies, more spectacular fliers than hummingbirds, and with intriguing behavior as complex as mammals or birds. They’ve been flying around for hundreds of millions of years, crossing paths with dinosaurs before we mammals were even a twinkle in the eye of evolution.
The Egg: Life’s Perfect Invention
The egg is perhaps nature's most perfect life support system. Step by step as the egg hatches, host David Attenborough reveals the wonder behind these incredible miracles of nature.
Wild Karnataka
Self - Narrator
An unprecedented UHD film on Karnataka's rich biodiversity narrated by David Attenborough. Portraying the state with highest number of tigers and elephants using the latest technology - a masterpiece showcasing the state, its flora, fauna.
Whale Wisdom
Self - Narrator
Whales have long been a profound mystery to us. They live in a world so removed from our own that we can barely imagine their lives. Their environment is different, their senses are different, their relationships are different. How might such almost alien creatures see the world?
Into the Jungle
Self - Narrator
Conservationists Jim and Jean Thomas braved the steamy jungles of Papua New Guinea to save a tree kangaroo from extinction and ended up providing water and sanitation to ten thousand people in one of the most remote places on earth.
Deep Ocean: Descent into the Mariana Trench
Self - Narrator
Exploring an unknown world 10,000 m beneath the waves. After capturing a giant squid on film, NHK's deep-sea film crew explores our planet's deepest point The Mariana Trench is nearly 7 miles deep. The water pressure is immense, and it's a world that's long been out of our reach. What creatures could survive such hostile conditions? This is an expedition to explore the earth's deepest frontier. Narrated By David Attenborough.
David Attenborough's Tasmania
Self - Narrator (voice)
Tasmania lies on the Australian continent, but is a world apart. It is home to an extraordinary cast of black devils and white wallabies. Trees here tower to one hundred metres and green lights dance in the southern sky. As the last landfall heading south before Antarctica, Tasmania's isolation, cooler climate and distinct seasons influence everything.
Pangolins: The World's Most Wanted Animal
Narrator (voice)
In Namibia, conservationist Maria Diekmann found herself on the frontline of the battle to save these wanted animals after unexpectedly becoming a surrogate mother to an orphaned baby pangolin named Honey Bun. On an emotional journey, Diekmann travels to Asia to better understand the global issues facing pangolins, before joining forces with a Chinese megastar to help build a campaign to bring awareness to the plight of these surprisingly charming creatures.
The Queen's Green Planet
Featuring a unique conversation between The Queen and Sir David Attenborough as they walked in the garden at Buckingham Palace last summer, a landmark documentary will explore the ambition of a remarkable new initiative - a vast network of native forests across Britain and the Commonwealth, protected forever in The Queen's name.
Attenborough's Wonder of Eggs
Self - Presenter
David Attenborough siente pasión por los huevos de pájaros. Estas estructuras notables nutren una nueva vida, protegiéndola del mundo exterior al mismo tiempo que le permiten respirar. Son lo suficientemente fuertes como para soportar todo el peso de un padre en incubación y lo suficientemente débiles como para permitir que un polluelo se libere. ¿Pero cómo se hace un huevo? ¿Por qué tienen la forma que son? Y quizás lo más importante, ¿por qué poner un huevo? Pieza por pieza, desde la creación hasta la eclosión, David revela la maravilla detrás de estos milagros de la naturaleza.
David Attenborough y el dragón marino
En la Costa Jurásica de Gran Bretaña se ha descubierto un fósil de 200 millones de años: los huesos de un ictiosaurio, conocido como dragón del mar, que dominó los océanos mientras los dinosaurios hacían lo propio en tierra firme. David Attenborough se une a un grupo de científicos para revelar la historia de este extraordinario animal.
Deep Ocean: Giants of the Antarctic Deep
The Making of David Attenborough's Ant Mountain
Enter the microscopic world of ants guided by Sir David Attenborough, and expert filmmaker Martin Dohrn. Get an exclusive look at the one-of-a-kind camera, that has allowed us to view the world of the ant and follow the lives of the worlds hardest working insects.
El imperio de las hormigas
En las montañas Chiricahua, al sur de Arizona, las hormigas de miel del desierto luchan ferozmente por la supervivencia y por mantener el dominio de esta pequeña porción de erial que conforma su mundo. Todo comienza durante las lluvias torrenciales en el desierto de Sonora, cuando una nueva reina surge, encuentra a un compañero y sale volando para fundar un nuevo imperio. Con el paso de las estaciones, a medida que se suceden los ataques de otras hormigas y de animales incluso más grandes, la reina y sus súbditos se hacen cada vez más fuertes. La gran prueba final, la que marca su supervivencia, se produce cuando se tropiezan con otra colonia de hormigas de la misma especie.
El imperio de las hormigas
Self - Presenter
En las montañas Chiricahua, al sur de Arizona, las hormigas de miel del desierto luchan ferozmente por la supervivencia y por mantener el dominio de esta pequeña porción de erial que conforma su mundo. Todo comienza durante las lluvias torrenciales en el desierto de Sonora, cuando una nueva reina surge, encuentra a un compañero y sale volando para fundar un nuevo imperio. Con el paso de las estaciones, a medida que se suceden los ataques de otras hormigas y de animales incluso más grandes, la reina y sus súbditos se hacen cada vez más fuertes. La gran prueba final, la que marca su supervivencia, se produce cuando se tropiezan con otra colonia de hormigas de la misma especie.
Jumbo. Una historia de película
Self - Presenter
David Attenborough investiga la vida y la muerte de Jumbo, el elefante más famoso del mundo —en el que se inspiró la película "Dumbo"—, con acceso exclusivo a su esqueleto, que se conserva en el Museo Americano de Historia Natural de Nueva York
And the Winner Isn't
Documental satírico que intenta averiguar qué es lo que se necesita para ganar un Oscar.
Amazing Mighty Micro Monsters 3D
Super powers exist. Right here on Earth. And they are beneath our feet. They include beetles that shoot chemical fire and lift enormous weights; scorpions that glow in the dark with astonishing crushing powers; spiders that can make themselves virtually invisible and hypnotise their prey; even a bug that can transform itself into another creature entirely. Prepare to be amazed in this 3D giant screen adventure, with narration from the likes of world renowned naturalist David Attenborough, which explores the hidden world of the super-powered bugs.
Richmond Park National Nature Reserve
Richmond Park – National Nature Reserve, presented by Sir David Attenborough, is an award-winning film by conservation charity the Friends of Richmond Park. Filmed by experienced wildlife film makers (including a leading cameraman from Blue Planet II). The film won first prize in the 2018 Charity Film Awards in the 'Documentary/Long Form' category. Sir David explains in the film: “Richmond Park is not just a local park it's London's own National Nature Reserve with thousands of species of flora and fauna; but with 5.5 million visitors each year, the Park is under immense pressure. However, as visitors we can all help to protect it through simple actions so that it will remain a wonderful place for the enjoyment of future generations”.
Puerto Rico: Island of Enchantment
David Attenborough tells the revealing story of this Caribbean island's exotic but vulnerable wildlife. A team of conservation champions are making it their mission to save the most precious species. We see how Puerto Rican parrots, manatees and turtles are now making a comeback.
Richard Batterham, Master Potter
A film about Richard Batterham – the last of Bernard Leach’s practicing apprentices.
Attenborough y la montaña de las hormigas
Self - Presenter
David Attenborough viaja a las montañas del Jura en los Alpes suizos, para descubrir una de las sociedades animales más grandes del mundo, donde más de mil millones de hormigas viven en paz.
Planet Earth II: A World of Wonder
Self - Presenter
A compilation episode of the wildlife documentary series presented by David Attenborough, uncovering the secrets of animals across the globe.
Jaguars: Brazil's Super Cats
Zoo Quest in Colour
Sound Recordist
Thanks to a remarkable discovery in the BBC's film vaults, the best of David Attenborough's early Zoo Quest adventures can now be seen as never before - in colour - and with it the remarkable story of how this pioneering television series was made. First broadcast in December 1954, Zoo Quest was one of the most popular television series of its time and launched the career of the young David Attenborough as a wildlife presenter. Zoo Quest completely changed how viewers saw the world - revealing wildlife and tribal communities that had never been filmed or even seen before. Broadcast 10 years before colour television was seen in the UK, Zoo Quest was thought to have been filmed in black and white, until now. Using this extraordinary new-found colour film, together with new behind-the-scenes stories from David Attenborough and cameraman Charles Lagus, this special showcases the very best of Zoo Quest to West Africa, Zoo Quest to Guiana and Zoo Quest for a Dragon in stunning HD colour.
Zoo Quest in Colour
Thanks to a remarkable discovery in the BBC's film vaults, the best of David Attenborough's early Zoo Quest adventures can now be seen as never before - in colour - and with it the remarkable story of how this pioneering television series was made. First broadcast in December 1954, Zoo Quest was one of the most popular television series of its time and launched the career of the young David Attenborough as a wildlife presenter. Zoo Quest completely changed how viewers saw the world - revealing wildlife and tribal communities that had never been filmed or even seen before. Broadcast 10 years before colour television was seen in the UK, Zoo Quest was thought to have been filmed in black and white, until now. Using this extraordinary new-found colour film, together with new behind-the-scenes stories from David Attenborough and cameraman Charles Lagus, this special showcases the very best of Zoo Quest to West Africa, Zoo Quest to Guiana and Zoo Quest for a Dragon in stunning HD colour.
Attenborough's Life That Glows
Self - Presenter
David Attenborough explora el mundo de la bioluminiscencia, la luz natural, a menudo espectacular, producida por criaturas tales como gusanos, luciérnagas y plancton, gracias a los últimos avances tecnológicos en cámaras y robots submarinos.
Attenborough at 90
Esta película muestra al galardonado autor, locutor y naturalista Sir David Attenborough hablando con la presentadora Kirsty Young sobre su vida y su carrera cuando se acerca a su 90 cumpleaños. Las fascinantes historias de David están ilustradas con imágenes del extenso archivo de historia natural de la BBC, destacando algunos de los momentos más inolvidables de su carrera. La película también descubre la historia detrás de cada momento y descubre qué sucedió después de que las cámaras dejaron de rodar.
Attenborough at 90: Behind the Lens
As Sir David Attenborough turns 90, this intimate film presents new interviews, eye-opening behind-the-scenes footage and extraordinary clips from some of his most recent films. The doc, which was made for the occasion of Attenborough’s 90th birthday, was shot over seven years and follows him as he travels to Borneo, Morocco and the Galapagos to shoot wildlife specials. Anthony Geffen, the CEO of Atlantic Productions, commented, “This is such a special Attenborough film because unusually he is the subject. As I look back over the last seven years, I never fail to be amazed by his extraordinary ambition and drive to use the very latest technology to communicate the natural world to audiences around the globe. This film gives audiences the chance to see what it’s like to be on the road with David.”
David Attenborough y el dinosaurio gigante
Self - Presenter
David Attenborough narra la historia del descubrimiento y la reconstrucción en Argentina del dinosaurio conocido más grande del mundo, una nueva especie de titanosaurio. Con 37 metros de largo y un peso de 70 toneladas, ostenta ahora el récord de ser el animal más grande que ha caminado sobre la tierra.
Cue the Queen: Celebrating the Christmas Speech
Kirsty Young takes a unique look at the story of the Royal Christmas broadcast and how the tradition started by King George V in 1932 has found a place at the heart of Christmas Day.
Cougars Undercover
This documentary follows the lives and hardships of several cougars (mountain lions) which have been under study by the Teton Cougar Project since 2000.
Afrique sauvage - L'avenir en marche
David Attenborough Meets President Obama
On his 89th birthday, renowned English broadcaster and naturalist Sir David Attenborough pays his first ever visit to the White House to be interviewed by one of his biggest fans, United States President Barack Obama.
Attenborough's Big Birds
Meet the big birds, a feathered family who have never flown a day in their lives! From ostriches to kiwis, these bizarre birds appear to be nature's greatest novelty act. How they came to be and how they continue to survive is a fascinating tale that has long captivated Sir David Attenborough. It is a story of dedicated dads, enormous eggs and a serious need for speed. And far from being the court jesters of the animal world, these flightless curiosities once nearly ruled the land.
Legends of the Deep: Deep Sea Sharks
Self - Narrator
Groundbreaking documentary which follows a Japanese-led team of scientists as they attempt to shed light on the mysterious world of deep sea sharks. Only 50 specimens of the newly discovered 'megamouth' have ever been sighted. Over four years, scientists and film crews voyaged in midget submarines into the depths of Suruga Bay and Sagami Bay to film them. Prehistoric 'living fossil' sharks such as bluntnose sixgill sharks, goblin sharks and frilled sharks also lurk in the depths. As part of the investigation, a sperm whale carcass was placed at the bottom of the sea to attract these sharks, which were then studied and observed from the submersible vessels. Revealing in detail the previously unknown behaviour of deep sea sharks, the film unravels another of the intriguing mysteries of our planet's biodiversity.
Attenborough's Paradise Birds
Self - Presenter
David Attenborough tells the remarkable story of how these " birds of paradise " have captivated explorers , naturalists, artists, filmmakers and even royalty.
Deep Ocean: The Lost World of the Pacific
Self - Narrator
The same submarine which successfully captured the world's first moving images of a giant squid in its natural habitat is used for exploring the deep sea cliffs off the coast of New Guinea. The team encounters true living fossil species one after another. Join this exciting deep sea adventure!
Björk: Biophilia Live
Self - Opening sequence voice
Los directores Peter Strickland y Nick Fenton filmaron la actuación en vivo que Björk realizó en el Alexandra Palace de Londres en 2013. La película recoge a Björk y a su banda tocando todas las canciones de "Biophilia" con una amplia variedad de instrumentos: algunos digitales, otros tradicionales y algunos totalmente inclasificables. Este viaje infinitamente creativo es la culminación de una obra maestra que representa uno de los proyectos multimedia y multidisciplinares más originales: "Biophilia".
Mountain Lions: Big Cats in High Places
For the first time, and through the eyes of two special mountain lion families, the true nature of North America's big cat can finally be revealed. Set in Wyoming's spectacular Rocky Mountains, the dramatic story of two mothers struggling to raise their kittens is helping scientists rewrite our understanding of these elusive predators. This is mountain lions up-close, in-depth and more intimate than ever before.
Fabulous Frogs
Self - Narrator
Sir David Attenborough takes us on a journey through the weird and wonderful world of frogs, shedding new light on these charismatic, colorful and frequently bizarre little animals through first-hand stories, the latest science, and cutting-edge technology. Frogs from around the world are used to demonstrate the wide variety of frog anatomy, appearance and behavior. Their amazing adaptations and survival techniques have made them the most successful of all amphibians.
The Bat Man of Mexico
David Attenborough narrates the story of Rodrigo Medellin, Mexico's very own 'Bat Man', who has dedicated his life to saving bats. Now the legendary drink tequila is also at stake.
El museo de Historia Natural cobra vida con David Attenborough
Al cerrar las puertas del Museo de Historia Natural de Londres, David Attenborough consigue burlar la seguridad y pasar allí la noche. Entonces, sus criaturas extintas preferidas vuelven a la vida ante nuestros ojos; nos contará todo lo que sabe sobre ellas.
El museo de Historia Natural cobra vida con David Attenborough
Self - Presenter
Al cerrar las puertas del Museo de Historia Natural de Londres, David Attenborough consigue burlar la seguridad y pasar allí la noche. Entonces, sus criaturas extintas preferidas vuelven a la vida ante nuestros ojos; nos contará todo lo que sabe sobre ellas.
Autopsy on a Dream
In 1968, John Weiley shot 'Autopsy on a Dream' - a film about the Sydney Opera House detailing its construction process and the politics of Jorn Utzon's dismissal. Weiley's film was controversial; it was screened once and then he was told it had been destroyed. Forty five years later a copy was discovered in the BBC vaults by an ABC producer looking for archive footage of the Opera House. Weiley was contacted and told about a film that had no sound track. Weiley was overjoyed; for years he had kept the original sound. So began the painstaking process of restoring this record of a unique moment in Australian culture to its former glory, complete with updated voice-over from the original narrator, Bob Ellis. It is set in context by a 30 minute prologue entitled 'The Dream of Perfection'. Made by the same filmmaker, John Weiley, forty-five years on, 'Dream of Perfection' tells the story of the 1968 film - from commission to destruction, to surprise resurrection.
When Björk Met Attenborough
Award-winning musician Björk and legendary broadcaster and naturalist Sir David Attenborough have admired each other's work for years but this is the first time they have discussed their mutual love of music and the natural world on screen. In this remarkable documentary, Björk explores our unique relationship with music and discovers how technology might transform the way we engage with it in the future.
The Mating Game
David Attenborough narrates the charming and fascinating story of some real-life animal romantics. There are show-offs and singers, dancers and fighters, stories of undercover affairs and heartwarming devotion. These include a male polar bear that plays hard to get, a lemur whose odour bags him a mate and a lizard who is tender and faithful to the very end. It reveals that animals can be loving, complex, funny and inventive - it is all part of the mating game.
Galapagos with David Attenborough
Two hundred years after Charles Darwin set foot on the shores of the Galápagos Islands, David Attenborough travels to this wild and mysterious archipelago. Amongst the flora and fauna of these enchanted volcanic islands, Darwin formulated his groundbreaking theories on evolution. Journey with Attenborough to explore how life on the islands has continued to evolve in biological isolation, and how the ever-changing volcanic landscape has given birth to species and sub-species that exist nowhere else in the world. Encompassing treacherous journeys, life-forms that forge unlikely companionships, and survival against all odds, Galápagos tells the story of an evolutionary melting pot in which anything and everything is possible.
Galapagos with David Attenborough
Self - Presenter
Two hundred years after Charles Darwin set foot on the shores of the Galápagos Islands, David Attenborough travels to this wild and mysterious archipelago. Amongst the flora and fauna of these enchanted volcanic islands, Darwin formulated his groundbreaking theories on evolution. Journey with Attenborough to explore how life on the islands has continued to evolve in biological isolation, and how the ever-changing volcanic landscape has given birth to species and sub-species that exist nowhere else in the world. Encompassing treacherous journeys, life-forms that forge unlikely companionships, and survival against all odds, Galápagos tells the story of an evolutionary melting pot in which anything and everything is possible.
Africa: The Greatest Show On Earth
Sir David Attenborough takes a breath-taking journey through the vast and diverse continent of Africa as it's never been seen before. From the richness of the Cape of Good Hope to blizzards in the high Atlas Mountains, from the brooding jungles of the Congo to the steaming swamps and misty savannahs, Africa explores the whole continent. An astonishing array of previously unknown places are revealed along with bizarre new creatures and extraordinary behaviours.Using the latest in filming technology including remote HD cameras, BBC One takes an animal's eye view of the action. The journey begins in the Kalahari, Africa's ancient southwest corner, where two extraordinary deserts sit side by side and even the most familiar of its creatures have developed ingenious survival techniques.
Edwardian Insects on Film
In 1908, amateur naturalist and pioneering filmmaker Percy Smith stunned early cinema goers with his footage of the juggling fly. Hailed as the father of Natural History film, Smith was a hugely influential visual pioneer, inventing many techniques that are still used today. Being both a genius and an eccentric, we follow his life from his earliest films, to the collapse of his house from his mould experiment to his ultimate suicide. We also meet Natural History icon Sir David Attenborough, who was so amazed by Smith’s films in the 1930s that they inspired him to get into natural history.
Legends of the Deep: The Giant Squid
Self - Narrator
The giant squid is a creature of legend and myth which, even in the 21st century, has never been seen alive. But now, an international team of scientists thinks it has finally found its lair, 1,000 metres down, off the coast of Japan. This is the culmination of decades of research. The team deploys underwater robots and state-of-the-art submersible vessels for a world first - to find and film the impossible.
David Attenborough: The Early Years
Sir David Attenborough recalls moments from his early television career and discusses the stories behind them. Among the highlights are Sir David's first encounter with Born Free's Elsa the lioness, and being the first to film Indri lemurs using recordings of their calls to entice them out of hiding. Having recently completed the landmark natural history series Africa (2012), Sir David also talks about his very first trip to the continent in 1955 when filming 'Zoo Quest to West Africa'.
Attenborough: 60 Years in the Wild
Self - Presenter
Over three very personal films, Sir David Attenborough looks back at the unparalleled changes in natural history that he has witnessed during his 60-year career.
El Arca de David Attenborough
David Attenborough elige sus diez animales favoritos que más le gustaría salvar de la extinción. Desde lo extraño hasta lo maravilloso, elige criaturas fabulosas e inusuales que le gustaría poner en su 'arca', incluidos animales inesperados y poco conocidos como el olm, el solenodon y el quoll. Muestra por qué son tan importantes y comparte el ingenioso trabajo de biólogos de todo el mundo que están ayudando a mantenerlos vivos.
The Penguin King
Self - Narrator
South Georgia - alone in a vast ocean. 900 miles from Antarctica, and a mere 100 miles long. A wild rugged landscape with mountain ranges, vast glaciers, windblown plains half buried beneath snow and ice. Three years ago, the Penguin King left home. Now he is returning to the place where he was born and raised: Penguin City. One of the most densely-packed, sought-after pieces of real estate in the entire southern hemisphere and somehow he must establish his own place in it. He must find a mate.
Hummingbirds: Jewelled Messengers
David Attenborough narrates this close up look at these tiny pollinators captured in flight as never before. Acrobats of the air - flying jewels - iridescent partners of countless plants: hummingbirds are amongst the most remarkable creatures on our planet.
Superfish Bluefin Tuna
Rick Rosenthal goes on a quest that plumbs the secrets of the legendary bluefin tuna. This fish can weigh up to 1,500 pounds and can move up to 50 miles per hour. Here he catches a bluefin tuna on camera.
Tales of Television Centre
Various actors, presenters, directors and other staff who have worked at the iconic BBC Television Centre at Shepherd's Bush in London reminisce about their time there.
Hot Tuna
The underwater cinematographer, Rick Rosenthal follows the threatened Bluefin Tuna in their search for a safe refuge along the Atlantic.
Animal House
Animals across the globe reveal themselves to be natural architects and engineers in this special highlights their unique construction skills.
Gigantes voladores 3D con David Attenborough
Hace 220 millones de años los dinosaurios comenzaban a dominar la Tierra. Pero otro grupo de reptiles estaba a punto de dar un salto extraordinario: los pterosaurios tomaban el control de los cielos. La historia de cómo y por qué estas misteriosas criaturas tomaron el aire es más fantástica que cualquier ficción. En Flying Monsters 3D, Sir David Attenborough, el principal naturalista del mundo, se propone descubrir la verdad sobre los enigmáticos pterosaurios, cuyas alas de hasta 40 pies eran iguales a las de un avión a reacción moderno.
Gigantes voladores 3D con David Attenborough
Self - Presenter / Narrator
Hace 220 millones de años los dinosaurios comenzaban a dominar la Tierra. Pero otro grupo de reptiles estaba a punto de dar un salto extraordinario: los pterosaurios tomaban el control de los cielos. La historia de cómo y por qué estas misteriosas criaturas tomaron el aire es más fantástica que cualquier ficción. En Flying Monsters 3D, Sir David Attenborough, el principal naturalista del mundo, se propone descubrir la verdad sobre los enigmáticos pterosaurios, cuyas alas de hasta 40 pies eran iguales a las de un avión a reacción moderno.
Desert Seas
Narrator (voice)
Sir David Attenborough revela los dos impresionantes reinos submarinos de Arabia Saudita: el extravagante Mar Rojo y el contrastante y caluroso Golfo fangoso, capturando por primera vez el raro evento de gusanos Palolo desovando por la noche.
The Secrets of Scott's Hut
Ben Fogle ventures across the Antarctic to join the international effort to preserve Captain Scott's hut and its artefacts Scott's diaries. Includes readings from Scott's diaries.
Attenborough and the Giant Egg
Self - Presenter
David Attenborough returns to the island of Madagascar on a very personal quest. In 1960 he visited the island to film one of his first ever wildlife series, Zoo Quest. Whilst he was there, he acquired a giant egg. It was the egg of an extinct bird known as the 'elephant bird' - the largest bird that ever lived. It has been one of his most treasured possessions ever since. Fifty years older, he now returns to the island to find out more about this amazing creature and to see how the island has changed. Could the elephant bird's fate provide lessons that may help protect Madagascar's remaining wildlife? Using Zoo Quest archive and specially shot location footage, this film follows David as he revisits scenes from his youth and meets people at the front line of wildlife protection. On his return, scientists at Oxford University are able to reveal for the first time how old David's egg actually is - and what that might tell us about the legendary elephant bird.
Birds of the Gods
Living in the depths of the New Guinean Rainforest are birds of unimaginable color and beauty. When Europeans first saw the plumes of these fabulous creatures in the sixteenth century they believed they must be from heaven and called them Birds of Paradise. The people of New Guinea make even greater claims. They say the birds possess supernatural powers and magic. But to find these birds in New Guinea is one of the toughest assignments and to witness their extraordinary mating displays is even tougher. David Attenborough introduces a young team of New Guinean scientists on a grueling expedition to find and film these Birds of Paradise; the holy grail of wildlife filmmakers.
Mad and Bad: 60 Years of Science on TV
From Raymond Baxter live on Tomorrow's World testing a new-fangled bulletproof vest on a nervous inventor to Doctor Who's contemporary spin on the War on Terror, British television and the Great British public have been fascinated with the brave new world offered up by science on TV. Narrated by Robert Webb, this documentary takes a fantastic, incisive and funny voyage through the rich heritage of science TV in the UK, from real science programmes (including The Sky At Night, Horizon, Tomorrow's World, The Ascent of Man) to science-fiction (such as The Quatermass Experiment, Doctor Who, Doomwatch, Blake's 7, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy), to find out what it tells us about Britain over the last 60 years.
Attenborough's Journey
Siguiendo a David Attenborough mientras viaja por el mundo para filmar su serie, First Life de David Attenborough, en la que explora los orígenes mismos de la vida en la Tierra. David viaja a las partes del mundo que han tenido un significado especial para él durante sus 50 años de radiodifusión. Comenzó cerca de su infancia en Leicestershire, donde recolectó fósiles por primera vez, luego viaja a los áridos desiertos de Marruecos, los glaciares de Canadá y las aguas cristalinas de la Gran Barrera de Coral de Australia. Como preludio de la serie First Life, Attenborough's Journey ofrece una visión única de la mente y el carácter de uno de los locutores más emblemáticos del mundo mientras comparte sus pasiones por el mundo natural. Combinando su viaje global para First Life y material de archivo mirando hacia atrás en su ilustre carrera como creador de programas y controlador de la BBC, la película revela lo que lo motiva.
Birds of Paradise
Living in the depths of the New Guinea rainforest are the spectacular birds of paradise - creatures so beautiful that the first Europeans believed they must have fallen from heaven. Filming their bizarre courtship displays is the Holy Grail of wildlife film makers: some perform like iridescent acrobats, others make hypnotic pulsing sounds as they quiver and vibrate.
¿Cuánta Gente Cabe en el Planeta?
Narrator (Voice)
En un especial de Horizon, el naturalista Sir David Attenborough investiga si el mundo se dirige a una crisis demográfica. En su larga carrera, Sir David ha visto a la población humana más del doble, de 2.500 millones en 1950 a casi 7.000 millones. Reflexiona sobre los profundos efectos de este rápido crecimiento, tanto en los seres humanos como en el medio ambiente. Si bien es probable que gran parte del crecimiento proyectado de la población humana provenga del mundo en desarrollo, es el estilo de vida que disfrutan muchos en Occidente el que tiene el mayor impacto en el planeta. Algunos expertos afirman que en el Reino Unido los consumidores utilizan hasta dos veces y media su parte justa de los recursos de la Tierra. Sir David examina si es el deber de los individuos comprometerse no solo con las familias más pequeñas, sino también cambiar la forma en que viven por el bien de la humanidad y el planeta Tierra.
National Geographic: Superfish
Self - Narrator
She slices through the water's surface with explosive power. Sail, spear, and a half ton of muscle flash in the sun. Then just as suddenly she vanishes to resume her endless race through the open ocean. Her journeys are epic. Her life cycle, bizarre. She is a billfish, largest, fastest and most highly prized of all gamefish. Rarely caught on film, her astonishing story has never been fully told. Renowned for its formidable spear and sword-like bills, the species includes the spectacular marlin, swordfish, spearfish and sailfish. Embark on an extraordinary quest through some of the planet's most beautiful aquatic environments from the undersea canyons off Costa Rica to the bright tropical waters of the Great Barrier Reef in search of an elusive thousand pound, 15 foot marlin known as a "grander".
The Link: Uncovering Our Earliest Ancestor
Himself - Presenter / Narrator
Explores the story behind the discovery of an early primate fossil, Darwinius masillae, nicknamed Ida, in a shale quarry in Germany. The fossil is believed to be around 47 million years old, and is extraordinarily well-preserved. Originally unearthed in 1983, Ida lay in the hands of a private collector for 20 years before it was shown to a Norwegian paleontologist, Dr Jørn Hurum. Realising that Ida could turn out to be a significant missing link between modern primates, lemurs and lower mammals, he persuaded the Natural History Museum in Oslo to purchase the fossil and assembled an international team of experts to study it. Their findings were announced in a press conference and the online publication of a scientific paper on 19 May 2009.
Charles Darwin y el árbol de la vida
La gran visión de Darwin, que la vida ha evolucionado durante millones de años por selección natural, ha sido la piedra angular de todas las series de historia natural de David Attenborough. En este documental, nos lleva a un viaje profundamente personal que refleja su propia vida y la forma en que llegó a entender la teoría de Darwin.
Charles Darwin y el árbol de la vida
La gran visión de Darwin, que la vida ha evolucionado durante millones de años por selección natural, ha sido la piedra angular de todas las series de historia natural de David Attenborough. En este documental, nos lleva a un viaje profundamente personal que refleja su propia vida y la forma en que llegó a entender la teoría de Darwin.
Charles Darwin y el árbol de la vida
La gran visión de Darwin, que la vida ha evolucionado durante millones de años por selección natural, ha sido la piedra angular de todas las series de historia natural de David Attenborough. En este documental, nos lleva a un viaje profundamente personal que refleja su propia vida y la forma en que llegó a entender la teoría de Darwin.
Clever Monkeys
David Attenborough's entertaining romp through the world of monkeys has a serious side: for when we look at monkeys we can see ourselves. From memory to morality, from 'crying wolf' to politics, monkeys are our basic blueprint. Pygmy marmosets 'farm' tree sap; bearded capuchins in Brazil develop a production line for extracting palm nuts; white-faced capuchins in Costa Rica tenderly nurse the victims of battle; and in the Ethiopian highlands, a deposed gelada baboon has got the blues.
Superfish 50 min The billfish are the biggest, fastest, and most dangerous gamefish in the sea. All have captured man's imagination like few other creatures, whether it's the graceful sailfish, the menacing swordfish or queen of them all, the marlin, immortalized by Hemingway in 'The Old Man and the Sea'. Marine biologist and film-maker Rick Rosenthal has travelled three oceans in his attempt to capture them all on film, and in doing so has become a passionate champion for these endangered yet little-known ocean giants.
Snow Leopard: Beyond the Myth
BBC The Natural World. In 2004, a team from the Planet Earth series captured the first ever film of a wild snow leopard in the mountains of Pakistan. For Nisar Malik, who led the expedition, these images sparked a passion that compelled him to return. With cameraman Mark Smith, he spent two years documenting the snow leopard's daily life, finally lifting the veil on the most elusive of all cats.
Attenborough Explores... Our Fragile World
Himself - Presenter
Sir David Attenborough takes a look at the potentially devastating impact of climate change.
Trek - Spy on the Wildebeest
Each year over 1.2 million wildebeest travel across the vast Serengeti plains and Kenya's Masai Mara on a 1,800 kilometer circular journey, relentlessly followed by every big African predator. Revolutionary spy cams - airborne, swimming or disguised as rocks, skulls or dung - reveal the Great Wildebeest Migration from entirely new perspectives. This 2-part series focuses on the growing-up of a calf as he takes his first steps, faces his first deadly perils and tries to cross crocodile-infested rivers. It combines natural humor with exciting drama and gripping music.
Gorillas Revisited with Sir David Attenborough
David Attenborough recounts his very personal experiences with the mountain gorillas of Rwanda. Ever since they were discovered over a century ago, these remarkable creatures have been threatened by loss of habitat, poaching, disease and political instability. But despite all odds their numbers have increased. David tells the extraordinary tale of how conservationists like Dian Fossey have battled to save the mountain gorilla from the brink of extinction.
Can We Save Planet Earth?
In the second of a two-part documentary, David Attenborough explores just how much climate change is altering our planet. He looks ahead to find out what needs to be done to save Planet Earth from the worst impact of global warming and discovers what could happen to the planet once a 'tipping point' of carbon emissions is reached. He also discusses the solutions we can all adopt to prevent catastrophic change.
Planet Erde
Natural World: Desert Lions
Many years ago, lions thrived in the Namib Desert along the Skeleton Coast, while they are not destroyed people. Six years ago, an independent biologist Flip Stander found their small population, the remainder in the nearby mountains, and began to study them. Eventually their numbers increased, and they began to return to the desert. But to the lions continued to live here, Flip has to convince local residents that these lions are more alive than dead.
Natural World: Desert Lions
Script Consultant
Many years ago, lions thrived in the Namib Desert along the Skeleton Coast, while they are not destroyed people. Six years ago, an independent biologist Flip Stander found their small population, the remainder in the nearby mountains, and began to study them. Eventually their numbers increased, and they began to return to the desert. But to the lions continued to live here, Flip has to convince local residents that these lions are more alive than dead.
A War on Science
David Attenborough
When Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution nearly 150 years ago, he shattered the dominant belief of his day – that humans were the product of divine creation. Through his observations of nature, Darwin proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection. This caused uproar. After all, if the story of creation could be doubted, so too could the existence of the creator. Ever since its proposal, this cornerstone of biology has sustained wave after wave of attack. Now some scientists fear it is facing the most formidable challenge yet: a controversial new theory called intelligent design.
Un espía entre los osos
Osos un espía en los bosques Cámaras camufladas nos ofrecen el retrato mas íntimo de los osos. Nos ayudan a desentrañar la vida del oso gigante, el oso pardo, el polar y el panda.
Satoyama: Japan's Secret Watergarden
Each home has a built in pool or water tank that lies partly inside, partly outside its’ walls… A continuous stream of spring water is piped right into a basin, so freshwater is always available. People rinse out pots in the tank and clean their freshly picked vegetables. If they simply pour the food scraps back in the water, they risk polluting the whole village supply. However, carp can scour out even the greasy or burnt pans. They do the washing up in Satoyama villages. This traditional arrangement is called the riverside method. It’s used all over Japan. Cleaned up by the carp, the tank water eventually rejoins the channel.
The Amber Time Machine
Smart Sharks: Swimming With Roboshark
A 6-foot-long animatronic shark featuring on-board cameras, Robo Shark is designed to blend in with real sharks and capture never-before-seen wild shark behavior. Footage shown in this television special includes the deep-sea thresher shark in the Philippines; giant whale sharks feeding off the coast of Belize; and deadly hammerheads, great whites and bronze whaler sharks in South Africa.
Deep Blue
El profundo azul de los océanos todavía esconde buena parte de los misterios sobre el origen y funcionamiento de la vida en nuestro planeta. Aún así esta película ha descorrido un poco más la cortina de agua que guarda las respuestas a nuestras apasionadas preguntas. Con 'Deep Blue' viajaremos hacia lo más fascinante de la frontera, esa que se traspasa cuando lo desconocido es desvelado.
Deep Blue
El profundo azul de los océanos todavía esconde buena parte de los misterios sobre el origen y funcionamiento de la vida en nuestro planeta. Aún así esta película ha descorrido un poco más la cortina de agua que guarda las respuestas a nuestras apasionadas preguntas. Con 'Deep Blue' viajaremos hacia lo más fascinante de la frontera, esa que se traspasa cuando lo desconocido es desvelado.
Robbie the Reindeer: Legend of the Lost Tribe
Follow Robbie as he sets out to discover a mythical tribe of lost Viking warriors to help him save his friends from another dastardly plot by the evil Blitzen and his new-found partner-in-crime The White Rabbit. Robbie is having girl trouble too - Donner is feeling neglected and decides to give Robbie an ultimatum. Can Robbie save the day, keep his girl and unravel the mystery of the Legend of the Lost Tribe?
Life on Air: David Attenborough's 50 Years in Television
Life on Air: David Attenborough's 50 Years in Television is a BBC documentary film that recounts David Attenborough's television career. It is presented by Michael Palin and produced by Brian Leith. The BBC first transmitted the documentary in 2002 and is part of the Attenborough in Paradise and Other Personal Voyages collection of 7 documentaries. It includes interviews with Attenborough and several of his former colleagues, along with archival footage.
Attenborough the Controller
A completely fantastic programme, charting the time of our favorite presenter at the head of the then struggling and controversial BBC2. Packed chock full of interviews, clips and reminiscences both old and new, including the very tasty Joan Bakewell of the 60s. Sir David Attenborough's reign as controller of BBC TWO, from 1965 to 1973, is still thought of as the golden age of television. He was responsible for a number of programme strands that were, and many argue still remain, the high point of public service broadcasting. Match of the Day and Pot Black sat alongside comedy such as The Likely Lads and Not Only But Also. Horizon, Man Alive, One Pair of Eyes, Masterclass, The Forsyte Saga and The Money Programme set the standard for years to come. Sir Attenborough also commissioned series on a grand scale: Kenneth Clark's Civilisation and Jacob Bronowski's Ascent of Man remain two of the great creations of television.
Great Natural Wonders of the World
David Attenborough sets out on a journey across the seven continents in search of the most impressive and inspiring natural wonders of our planet.
Bowerbirds: The Art of Seduction
The male bowerbirds of Australia and New Guinea display an incredible artistic talent -- and all in the name of love! Collecting 'jewels' they set them in specially-built showcases and some even paint the walls with mashed berries. If all this isn't enough to woo potential mates, they also perform a most bizarre stiff-winged dance. But displaying darker emotions associated with sex, such as envy and jealousy, males will sometimes destroy a rival's construction and steal his jewels.
Bowerbirds: The Art of Seduction
The male bowerbirds of Australia and New Guinea display an incredible artistic talent -- and all in the name of love! Collecting 'jewels' they set them in specially-built showcases and some even paint the walls with mashed berries. If all this isn't enough to woo potential mates, they also perform a most bizarre stiff-winged dance. But displaying darker emotions associated with sex, such as envy and jealousy, males will sometimes destroy a rival's construction and steal his jewels.
Lions: Spy in the Den
A nature documentary narrated by David Attenborough and published by BBC broadcasted as part of BBC Wildlife Specials in 2000. A motorised camera with state-of-the-art microphones disguised as a rock covered in leaves. It was invented specifically for this project of infiltrating a pride of lions to record their lives over a period of a couple of years.
The Lost Gods of Easter Island
A simple, carved figure bought at an auction in New York leads David Attenborough on a global journey from Russia to Australia, from England back to the Pacific. On the way he delves into a history of the stunning stones on Easter Island.
The Lost Gods of Easter Island
Himself - Presenter
A simple, carved figure bought at an auction in New York leads David Attenborough on a global journey from Russia to Australia, from England back to the Pacific. On the way he delves into a history of the stunning stones on Easter Island.
The Song of the Earth
Is there a connection between animal sounds and the music that humans create? Using a surprising and wide variety of evidence from the animal kingdom -- including the humpback whale, the lyre bird, the siamang gibbon and the great reed warbler -- Sir David Attenborough seeks to prove that the origions of music lie in territory, emotion and sex.
The Song of the Earth
Is there a connection between animal sounds and the music that humans create? Using a surprising and wide variety of evidence from the animal kingdom -- including the humpback whale, the lyre bird, the siamang gibbon and the great reed warbler -- Sir David Attenborough seeks to prove that the origions of music lie in territory, emotion and sex.
The Greatest Wildlife Show on Earth
The Greatest Wildlife Show on Earth
Self - Presenter / Narrator
The Dragons Of Galapagos
This is the story of the incredible struggle for survival of the dragons of the Galapagos. On the island of Fernandina, each year Land Iguanas migrate up the steep slopes of the 5000ft active volcano to lay their eggs in the warm soil. If the rim of the crater is fully occupied they have to climb 1 km down the steep crater walls to the floor below. Many are killed finding a path down as the walls are steep & dangerously unstable causing many landslides.
Leopard: The Agent of Darkness
In this documentary produced by the BBC, Sir David Attenborough leads us through an examination of the lives of two leopards living in Zambia’s Luangwa Valley.
Humpback Whale: the Giant of the Oceans
Latest research shows the humpback whales’ song to be a weapon used in verbal exchanges between bulls fighting over females. These battles can sometimes turn physical, sometimes endangering mothers with vulnerable calves.
Sperm Whales: Back From the Abyss
Wildlife film about sperm whales, revealing the secret lives led by these often misunderstood ocean giants. Scientists all over the world are now learning about the secret lives of sperm whales, the world's largest hunters that spawned the legendy of Moby Dick. Although Mellville painted them as fearsome beasts of the sea, they are actually shy creatures, and cameraman Rick Rosenthal needed patience and persistence to film them at close quarters. They turn out to be efficient hunters with a close family network involving sophisticated and vocal social lives.
Attenborough in Paradise
David Attenborough travels to the forests of Papua New Guinea, where 38 of the 42 kinds of bird of paradise are found.
Attenborough in Paradise
Self - Narrator
David Attenborough travels to the forests of Papua New Guinea, where 38 of the 42 kinds of bird of paradise are found.
Survival Island
Standing almost alone in the great Southern Ocean, South Georgia island plays host to some of the largest concentrations of animals anywhere on Earth during the spring and summer months. This is the story of these vast animal cities, and of the order that lies beneath their seeming chaos.
World of Wildlife: African Big Cats
Self - Narrator
Sir David Attenborough presents and narrates this wildlife series, a visual encyclopedia of the natural world. This episode looks at the fast, sleek and elegant cheetahs - supreme athletes and hunters of the animal world. Also the leopard, another deadly hunter, is observed in its natural habitat.
The Private Life of Plants
David Attenborough takes us on a guided tour through the secret world of plants, to see things no unaided eye could witness. Each episode in this six-part series focuses on one of the critical stages through which every plant must pass if it is to survive:- travelling, growing, and flowering; struggling with one another; creating alliances with other organisms both plant and animal; and evolving complex ways of surviving in the earth's most ferociously hostile environments.
The Trials of Life
Each of the twelve 50-minute episodes features a different aspect of the journey through life, from birth to adulthood and continuation of the species through reproduction.
A TV Dante
A TV Dante is an experimental mini-series directed by Tom Phillips and legendary filmmaker Peter Greenaway. It covers eight of the thirty-four cantos in Dante Alighieri's Inferno, part of his 14th century epic poem The Divine Comedy. The eight cantos of the film are not conventionally dramatised, rather they are illuminated with layered and juxtaposed imagery while the text is read entirely in "talking head" fashion, and punctuated with a kaleidoscopic blend of both newly shot and archival footage.
Himself - Documentary Narrator (voice)
Dos mujeres mueren en un accidente de tráfico y la conductora que iba con ellas pierde una pierna. Los maridos de las víctimas, dos zoólogos gemelos se sienten fascinados por el proceso de descomposición de los cuerpos. Después inician un idilio con la conductora amputada y comienzan a liberar animales del zoológico en el que trabajan.
At Home with Badgers
A short documentary from Eric Ashby on the badgers leaving near his home.
A Blank on the Map
In his now well-known role of narrator of wildlife expeditions, Attenborough accompanies a government-sponsored trek into the central New Guinea highlands to make contact with a group of natives never before seen by Europeans.
A Blank on the Map
Himself - Presenter
In his now well-known role of narrator of wildlife expeditions, Attenborough accompanies a government-sponsored trek into the central New Guinea highlands to make contact with a group of natives never before seen by Europeans.