Kieron Jecchinis

Kieron Jecchinis

Nacimiento : 1964-06-03, England, UK


Kieron Jecchinis


The Cost of Living
Dying Man
Lily is stuck in a state of ennui, until Death comes along in the form of a beautiful woman and entices her to live.
Missed Conceptions
In 1990's London, a lesbian couple struggle to conceive a child of their own.
Jack Ryan: Operación sombra
Walter Reed Doctor
Jack Ryan (Chris Pine) es un veterano de guerra que lleva una doble vida: es un ejecutivo de Wall Street y además trabaja de forma encubierta como analista de la CIA. Cuando descubre un complot meticulosamente planeado para hundir la economía norteamericana y sembrar el caos en todo el mundo, deciden que él es el hombre más adecuado para impedirlo debido a su habilidad para interpretar datos globales. Jack tendrá que viajar a Moscú para intentar descubrir toda la verdad, porque de ello depende la vida de millones personas, pero eso implica moverse en un mundo en el que no puede fiarse de nadie.
Born to Ride
MP #1
The US Army has decided to modernize its cavalry, so Colonel James E. Devers is ordered by a general to convert a horse unit to motorcycles, but his men are easily outclassed as riders by a pack of rowdies, especially Grady Westfall; when he is arrested risking a long jail term, he's given one way out: enlisting as Corporal, assigned as driving instructor. Unit commander Captain Jack Hassler reviles his unorthodox boyish methods as undermining discipline and tradition, not to mention flirting with the Colonels daughter Beryl Ann, but he's needed, especially when his unit is deployed on a secret mission in Spain.
Murder Story
Aspiring young novelist Tony Zonis (Alexis Denisof) wants to write the next great suspense thriller, so he decides to study the work of master crime writer, Willard Hope (Christopher Lee). Together, they pick through random newspaper stories, looking for the unusual event that will make a good thriller. What they find is murder. A government cover-up... an international scandal... and the bodies are just beginning to fall into place. Now Tony isn't just writing the next best-seller... he's writing his own obituary.
La chaqueta metálica
Crazy Earl
Un grupo de reclutas se prepara en Parish Island, centro de entrenamiento de la marina Norteamericana. Allí está el sargento Hartmann, duro e implacable, cuya única misión en la vida es endurecer el cuerpo y el alma de los novatos, para que puedan defenderse del enemigo. Pero no todos los jóvenes soportan igual sus métodos...