Bruce Boa

Bruce Boa

Nacimiento : 1930-07-10, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Muerte : 2004-04-17


Bruce Boa was a Canadian actor, who found success playing the token North American in British films and television.


Bruce Boa


The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: The Perils of Cupid
Amassador Kerens
In the third film in the series, in 1908, Henry Jones Sr. takes his wife, son and the boy's tutor to the world's first psycho-analytical conference in Viena, Austria. Young Indy meets Princess Sophie of Austia, daughter of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and develops deep feelings for her. He even asks Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Alfred Adler for love advice. On their next stop in Florence, Anna Jones becomes the object of affection for the persuasive opera composer Giacomo Puccini. With her husband away in Rome, Anna is torn between her feelings for her husband and the impulsive Italian.
Asesinos cibernéticos
Secretary Green
Thriller futurista ambientado en el año 2078. En un lejano planeta minero devastado por una década de guerras, un grupo de militares pretende aniquilar a unos androides que solamente se distinguen de los humanos por sus particulares chillidos
The Neighbor
A young couple, Mary and John, awaiting a baby is in search for a house when they decide to buy that lovely old villa they found by coincidence. What they both do not know is that Myron, the owner of that villa and their new neigbour, is a dangerous psychopath and that Mary reminds him of his dead mother. Mary begins to wonder about Myron's odd behaviour, but everybody thinks Mary's fears are due to her being pregnant.
Tensa espera
Mr. Anderson
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, una mujer llamada Lill ve su corazón dividido entre su marido, que lucha en el frente, y un apuesto piloto de bombardero al que conoce casualmente. Una producción canadiense que el australiano Russell Crowe protagonizó justo antes de que Sharon Stone le reclamase para protagonizar junto a ella el wéstern "Rápida y mortal". La cinta fue nominada para dos Genies (los Oscars canadienses), en las categorías de mejor actor y actriz secundarios.
Deadly Betrayal: The Bruce Curtis Story
Al Podgis
A "true crime" docu-drama: in July 1982, Al and Rosemary Podgis were shot dead in their home in New Jersey. Rosemary's son Scott and his Canadian high-school friend Bruce Curtis were charged with their murder. Scott confesses to deliberately shooting his stepfather Al, but Bruce insists that his shooting of Rosemary was accidental.
White Light
Clay Avery
A police officer recovers from a nearly fatal injury with visions of a mysterious woman.
The Serpent of Death
An archaelogist falls under the spell of a statue with a curse on it.
The Wreck on the Highway
George Jackson
In Edinburgh washed up country-and-western singer John McGuire is broke and his family is emigrating. He and grandson Billy share the same dreams. They run away together in search of John's wealthy American ex-co-star Betsy Hall.
Murder Story
Aspiring young novelist Tony Zonis (Alexis Denisof) wants to write the next great suspense thriller, so he decides to study the work of master crime writer, Willard Hope (Christopher Lee). Together, they pick through random newspaper stories, looking for the unusual event that will make a good thriller. What they find is murder. A government cover-up... an international scandal... and the bodies are just beginning to fall into place. Now Tony isn't just writing the next best-seller... he's writing his own obituary.
Slipstream (La furia del viento)
Guard Supervisor
Historia futurista en la que un funcionario del gobierno y su compañera persiguen a un fugitivo para darle caza. Desgraciadamente para la pareja, el fugitivo es secuestrado por un explorador inconformista que busca el rescate. Los funcionarios deciden endurecer la captura, persiguiendo a ambos individuos, hasta la cantera que sirve de refugio a sus raptores. La cosa se pone peligrosa cuando el aventurero y su cautivo entran en el “slipstream”, un viento muy peligroso que asola la Tierra.
The Forgotten
Based on a story by Vietnam veteran Paul Staples, the film concerns six American Green Berets, held for 17 years in a Vietnamese POW camp. They are finally released in secret, during a delicate trade-talk session between Vietnam and the United States. Captain Tom Watkins, the ex-prisoners' CO, begins to suspect that government-man Adam Roth, who is in charge of the debriefing, may be pursuing a hidden agenda that will result in the early deaths of Watkins and the five men under his command.
Byron Deckermensky
Two terminally ill patients in a hospital yearn for relief from their predicament. With little or no friends, they form an uneasy alliance and plot an escape for one last wild time.
Breakthrough at Reykjavik
Donald Regan
Political drama about the Gorbachev-Reagan summit at Reykjavik
The Vision
Channel President
Veteran broadcaster James Marriner is persuaded to front a new big budget national family TV channel. But he begins to suspect that the channel is a front for something much more sinister and political.
La chaqueta metálica
Poge Colonel
Un grupo de reclutas se prepara en Parish Island, centro de entrenamiento de la marina Norteamericana. Allí está el sargento Hartmann, duro e implacable, cuya única misión en la vida es endurecer el cuerpo y el alma de los novatos, para que puedan defenderse del enemigo. Pero no todos los jóvenes soportan igual sus métodos...
Three Wishes for Jamie
Sheriff Jack Haynes
Adapted from Charles O'Neal's 1949 book, this follows the lighthearted adventures of a late 19th Century young man named Jamie McGrew, the three wishes granted to him in a dream by a fairy queen, and the unusual way they come true. His first is for travel (he goes from Ireland to a life of horse trading in Georgia); his second, to marry the girl of his dreams; the third, a son with the gift of poetry and the ability to speak in the ancient Gaelic tongue.
A woman falls in love with a young musician, behind her husband.
Oz, un mundo fantástico
Continuación de la conocida historia de "El mago de Oz", en la que Dorothy (Fairuza Balk), de vuelta en Kansas, echa de menos sus aventuras en Oz. Su tía la lleva a un famoso doctor que dice hacer milagros con la electricidad. El azar hace que el tratamiento salga al revés, y Dorothy regresa a Oz. Allí intentará encontrar a sus antiguos amigos en la ciudad Esmeralda, pero el malvado rey Nome los ha transformado...
Mickey Almon is a sports star turned reporter covering the athletics in Moscow. Framed by the KGB and forced to confess that he was spying for America, he is sentenced to detention in a Gulag, a barbaric prison camp in the wilds of Siberia. Unable to prove his innocence, Mickey must either put up with the inhuman conditions or engineer an escape.
Loca juerga tropical
U.S. Advisor
La idílica existencia de un diplomático en una nación de las islas antillanas se transforma en el caos, cuando una empresa de perforación encuentra una enorme fuente de agua mineral natural.
El filo de la navaja
Henry Maturin
An American WWI vet undertakes a spiritual quest that takes him from Paris to Nepal to the Himalayas and back to his hometown. Upon his return, he discovers he is not the only one who has changed.
Gritos de socorro
El terror invade una comunidad de clase alta de Nueva Cork mientras Christie Cromwell, de 17 años, hábilmente descubre el plan terrorífico de su padrastro para asesinar a su rica madre. Le ha descubierto, pero nadie le cree.
U.S. General
El agente 009, compañero de James Bond, es asesinado en Berlín Oriental, aunque consigue llegar a la residencia del embajador británico antes de morir, llevando consigo una valiosísima pieza de orfebrería: un huevo de Pascua, creado por Fabergé. En Londres, especialistas del Servicio Secreto constatan que se trata de una falsificación de la joya original, que será subastada en breve. El hecho de que en un corto período de tiempo se hayan vendido piezas parecidas despierta las sospechas de los responsables de Inteligencia, que temen una maniobra rusa que estaría encaminada a recaudar fondos que irían destinados a oscuras operaciones. Tras la pista de Kamal Khan, turbio traficante de objetos de arte, James Bond llega a la India, lugar en el que descubrirá la relación entre el sospechoso, una misteriosa mujer conocida como Octopussy y el General Orlov, implicados todos ellos en una conspiración que pretende desatar un conflicto nuclear.
A Woman Called Golda
Mr. Macy
The story of the Russian-born, Wisconsin-raised woman who rose to become Israel's prime minister in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
Nueva York, 1906. En un barrio residencial de clase media, una familia escucha llantos durante la comida y descubre a un recién nacido de color abandonado en el jardín. A pesar de las objeciones del padre, la madre decide aceptarlo en casa. Por otro lado, el millonario Harry K. Thaw dispara contra el famoso arquitecto Stanford White a causa de una chica, Evelyn Nesbit Thaw, desencadenando así el llamado "juicio del siglo".
Silver Dream Racer
David Essex stars as Nick Freeman, a motorcycle racer who, following the death of his brother, inherits a revolutionary prototype motorcycle, and is determined to race it at the British Grand Prix at Silverstone.
El imperio contraataca
General Carlist Rieekan
Tras un ataque sorpresa de las tropas imperiales a las bases camufladas de la alianza rebelde, Luke Skywalker, en compañía de R2D2, parte hacia el planeta Dagobah en busca de Yoda, el último maestro Jedi, para que le enseñe los secretos de la Fuerza. Mientras, Han Solo, la princesa Leia, Chewbacca, y C3PO esquivan a las fuerzas imperiales y piden refugio al antiguo propietario del Halcón Milenario, Lando Calrissian, en la ciudad minera de Bespin, donde les prepara una trampa urdida por Darth Vader.
Un ruiseñor cantó en Berkeley Square
Morgan Stanfield
Pinky sale de la cárcel con la intención de reformarse pero el trabajo que encuentra de empleado de mantenimiento en un importante banco, llama la atención de Iván el Terrible, el gángster local. éste confía en atracar el banco con la colaboración de Pinky, a quien empieza a hacerle gracia la idea... La película está basada en un robo real y uno de los más importantes, que ocurrió en la ciudad de Londres.
The London Connection
A missing formula, a defecting Eastern European scientist kidnapped, car chases, foot chases, air chases, the British secret service, and a couple of American tourists caught right in the middle.
Un astronauta en la corte del Rey Arturo
Una nave de la NASA demuestra que Einstein tenía razón cuando, viajando a mayor velocidad que la luz, aterriza en Camelot, el reino del Rey Arturo. A bordo van el bondadoso Tom Trimble y el robot Hermes. Tom hace rapidamente amigos, como la bonita Alisandre y enemigos, como el horrible Sir Nordred. Nordred está intentando derrocar a Arturo, mientras tanto, el padre de Alisandre no resulta ser la gallina que ella creía que era..... en ese momento llegan los americanos.
Un hombre llamado intrépido
Jump Master
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un canadiense adinerado usa su propio dinero para ayudar a los Aliados a formar una red de espionaje.
One Fine Day
Alan Bennett's play about the mid-life crisis of an estate agent.
Come Back, Little Sheba
An emotionally remote recovering alcoholic and his dowdy, unambitious wife face a personal crisis when they take in an attractive lodger.
La profecía
Thorn's Aide
Cuando Kathy Thorn da a luz a un bebé muerto, su esposo Robert le oculta la verdad y sustituye a su hijo por un niño huérfano, ignorando su origen satánico. El horror empieza cuando, en el quinto cumpleaños de Damien, inesperadamente, su niñera se suicida. Un sacerdote que trata de advertir a Robert del peligro que corre, muere en un inesperado accidente. El creciente número de muertes hace que Robert, por fin, se dé cuenta de que el niño que han adoptado es el Anticristo, y que hay que matarlo para impedir que se cumpla una terrible profecia.
Good Salary, Prospects, Free Coffin
After two of her roommates disappear while out for a job interview, a woman answers a want ad for the same job.
El hombre de la máscara de acero
Tras sufrir un accidente de tráfico que lo deja destrozado, un científico americano es capturado por los rusos. Después de reconstruirlo con piezas metálizas lo devuelven a los Estados Unidos. Una vez allí, los agentes del servicio secreto deberán descubrir si se trata del mismo hombre o si es un espía infiltrado.
Who Killed Lamb?
Professor Friedland
A popular member of the Oxford community is killed and nobody figure out why. A police inspector is called in from Scotland Yard and discovers there may be more to the victim than anyone knows.
The Cherry Picker
American V.I.P James Burn II finds his son James Burn III (Bob Sherman) leading a giant "sleep-in" that has taken over Windsor Castle. He hires Nancy (Lulu) to get him out of the castle and into work. With the help of her crazy eccentric father, (Wilfred Hyde-White) who believes in working day and night and producing nothing and uses a fantastic astro-telescope for casual bird watching, she does just that !
Between the Anvil and the Hammer
Commentator (voice)
A 1973 documentary film from the Central Office of Information about the Liverpool and Bootle Constabulary.
Mister Jerico
Con man Dudley Jerico sets out to rob corrupt millionaire Victor Rosso of his legendary Gemini diamond, but there's another operator in town who is out to con the con.
The Adding Machine
An accountant whose job is about to be taken over by a computer starts to re-examine his life and his priorities.
The Franchise Trail
Ballade vom roten Mohn
Stop-over Forever
The flight attendant Sue Chambers becomes frightened for her life when she discovers that one of her coworkers was killed because the murderer thought he was killing her. Her fear does not prevent Sue from looking into the matter and trying to learn the killer's identity.
Man in the Moon
William is an unsuccessful guinea pig for a medical group interested in researching the common cold. He is soon fired and offered a job by the nearby National Atomic Research Center where they figure anyone who could fail at being a guinea pig is just what they need. They con William into thinking he will continue his guinea pig career by testing out some equipment for them before they send a group of astronauts to the moon.