Jean Anouilh

Jean Anouilh

Nacimiento : 1910-06-23, Bordeaux, Gironde, France

Muerte : 1987-10-03


Jean Anouilh


You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet
Theatre Play
Tras la muerte de un famoso dramaturgo, los actores más próximos a él acuden a su casa para hacer una última representación de Eurídice. Son también los intérpretes habituales de Alain Resnais, que ha rodado una película de tintes nostálgicos, que combina teatro y cine: personajes que mudan de piel, espacios que surgen de la nada... Adaptación de la obra "Eurídice" del dramatugo francés Jean Anouilh. (FILMAFFINITY)
On m'a volé mon adolescence
Le voyageur sans bagage
We see how a man, who has no memory of his past, deals with his past when he finds out about it.
Having defied the ban on Creon and offered a burial to Polynice, her treacherous homeland brother, Antigone is condemned to a slow death in a stone tomb, despite the interposition of Hémon, her fiance, the son of Creon . Nevertheless, Creon ends up following the advice of his diviner Tiresias and, fearing the wrath of the gods, buries Polynices with dignity. When he is about to free Antigone, the young woman had already hanged herself. Mad with pain, Hémon commits suicide by his side.
La répétition ou L'amour puni
Il est important d'être aimé
La Nuit des rois
A Time for Loving
The story of an apartment in Paris and the various people that occupy it over the years.
Romeo a Jana
Theatre Play
"The Rehearsal or The Patchwork of Love" - At the Ferbroques castle, the Count, Countess and their guests are rehearsing a play.
Kruté štěstí
Theatre Play
A Trap for Cinderella
Based on Sébastien Japrisot's novel, the story revolves around a young girl who suffers from amnesia after surviving a terrible fire.
Juegos de amor a la francesa
París, verano de 1914. Una serie de romances son el eje de la historia.
Theatre Play
Inglaterra, siglo XII. Drama histórico en el que se narran los enfrentamientos entre Enrique II Plantagenet, rey de Inglaterra, y Thomas Becket, que llegó a ser canciller y después arzobispo de Canterbury (desde 1162). Las desavenencias entre ambos comienzan cuando en 1164 (Constitución de Clarendon) el rey lleva a cabo una reforma del sistema judicial que reduce substancialmente las prerrogativas de la Iglesia.
Valčík toreadorů
Theatre Play
El mayor mujeriego
Theatre Play
El general Fitzhugh, siempre tiene los ojos muy despiertos para las mujeres bonitas. A pesar de su larga y satisfactoria carrera como seductor extraordinario, siempre se le resistió la bella y arrebatadora Ghislaine, su primer y verdadero amor.
Madame de…
La Mort de Belle
Stéphane Blanchon lives a quiet life in Switzerland with his wife, Christine, until a young American boarder named Belle, who was living with them, is found murdered. Despite Stéphane's innocence, the evidence points to him, and he learns that Belle harbored romantic feelings for him. Suspicions mount against him; even Christine thinks he is the culprit. Stéphane's sanity begins to crumble, and he lashes out in unprecedented ways.
The Knight of the Night
Crimson Curtain
Bertal, a despotic and hated theater director, is assassinated before a performance of Macbeth in which he was to play with Aurélia Nobli, his companion and Ludovic Arn, her lover. The police arrive on the scene and the investigation begins. Suspicion first falls on Sigurd, an old actor who had threatened Bertal. But parallels appear between the characters in the play and the actors who play them.
Theatre Play
A young woman named Julia brings her fiance and his mother to a village in India to meet her father and brother. Hospitality proves in short supply and things take a turn for the worse when Julia's seductive younger sister arrives.
Two Pennies Worth of Violets
Thérèse, a young flower girl, tries hard to remain virtuous but the whole world seems to conspire against her, whether her petty Paris family, or her relatives in the province bristling with false respectability, or her lustful employer, or the boy she loves who seduces her and abandons her. But at the end of the day there is Yvon, her childhood friend. Will he be the one that will love her truly?
Two Pennies Worth of Violets
Thérèse, a young flower girl, tries hard to remain virtuous but the whole world seems to conspire against her, whether her petty Paris family, or her relatives in the province bristling with false respectability, or her lustful employer, or the boy she loves who seduces her and abandons her. But at the end of the day there is Yvon, her childhood friend. Will he be the one that will love her truly?
Carolina querida
La joven aristócrata que está celebrando su décimo sexto cumpleaños el 14 de julio 1789, Caroline de Bievre, vive dolorosamente la Revolución al mismo tiempo que trata de encontrar a su primer amor: Gastón Sallanches. Tirado a derecha e izquierda, en blanco y en azul, Caroline debe la vida a su físico y su sensualidad.
White Paws
Scenario Writer
An eccentric man endangers himself when he makes advances toward the girlfriend of a saloon keeper.
Anna Karenina
Stefan Oblonsky pide a su hermana Anna Karenina que abandone San Petersburgo y regrese a Moscú para ayudarle a resolver ciertas desavenencias con su esposa Dolly. En el tren Anna viaja en compañía de la condesa Vronsky, a la que espera su hijo en la estación. El coronel Vronsky y Anna se enamoran a primera vista y cuando vuelven a San Petersburgo continúan intimando en las fiestas. Pero ella está casada y tiene un hijo pequeño, por lo que deben ser muy discretos y prudentes en sus encuentros.
Monsieur Vincent
Europa, siglo XVII. Biografía de san Vicente de Paúl, sacerdote católico francés que dedicó su vida a paliar las miserables condiciones de vida de los campesinos pobres, sobre todo después de la Guerra de la Fronda (1648-1653), que dejó asolado el país.
The Bride of Darkness
Sylvie, a girl who believes she is cursed having seen her two lovers die in tragic circumstances, lives in the town of Carcassonne, in the South of France with her adoptive guardian, Mr. Toulzac. This one, a retired school teacher, has a passion: to discover the secret of the Cathars, a Christian sect of the Middle Ages that glorified death over life. One day Sylvie meets Roland, a pianist and composer back home in Carcassonne. A handsome and good man, he instills new hope into Sylvie's troubled mind. Unfortunately her uncle asks her then to renounce the world and to follow him down into a secret cathedral he has just found...
The Traveler Without Luggage
Having lost his memory due to serving in World War I, Gaston has spent the past 15 years in a psychiatric hospital. Due to his large disability pension fund, several families claim him as their missing son. Gaston is introduced to the Renaud family by the Duchess Dupont-Dufort and her lawyer. The Renaud family attempt to revive Gaston's memory with stories of his past, but he is apalled by some of the things he hears and dislikes the man he is supposed to be.
The Traveler Without Luggage
Having lost his memory due to serving in World War I, Gaston has spent the past 15 years in a psychiatric hospital. Due to his large disability pension fund, several families claim him as their missing son. Gaston is introduced to the Renaud family by the Duchess Dupont-Dufort and her lawyer. The Renaud family attempt to revive Gaston's memory with stories of his past, but he is apalled by some of the things he hears and dislikes the man he is supposed to be.
The novelist Loïc Limousin knew the turbulent past of Marie-Martine and he extracted the material for a novel from which the young girl risks paying the price. After the drama that had thrown her in prison, she met a brave boy ready to make his life with her. Will the scandal separate them?
Cavalcade of Love
Cavalcade D'Amour is divided into three sections, each depicting a romance occurring within the walls of the Chateau de Champs. Legend has it that whoever marries in the Chateau is doomed to an unhappy life. This proves to be the case in 1639 and 1839, but the heroine of the 1939 segment, Corinne Luchaire, is determined to break the jinx. She is convinced that she will prove an unsuitable bride for Claude Dauphin, and he is likewise convinced that he will turn out to be an inadequate groom. But the couple's respective families will not be dissuaded, and the marriage takes place as scheduled? with unexpectedly happy results!
The Mayor's Dilemma
At the beginning of World War I in a village in the country of La Marne, two families are against the marriage of their children. The war changes the positions.
The Citadel of Silence
During the students ' rebellion against Nicholas the Second in Russia, Viana tries to kill the governor but it's her lover who is arrested and sent to a sinister fortress : hence the title. To help the prisoner,Vania marries the officer who commands the place. There the convicts have really a bad time, but Vania manages to communicate with her dear captive. But beware of informers.
Confessions of a Newlywed
A timid young man marries the daughter of the entomologist he works for. On the train for their honeymoon, he takes his young wife in his arms when a customs officer suddenly enters the compartment. The groom is now inhibited.
Le Colisée
The cap art lover