Nikolai Parfyonov

Nikolai Parfyonov

Nacimiento : 1912-07-26, Sergeevy Gorki, Vladimirskaya governor, Russian Empire

Muerte : 1999-01-07


Nikolai Parfyonov


There's Good Weather in Deribasovskaya, Or It's Raining Again in Brighton Beach
When mysterious Russian bandit named Artist came in USA, brave Russian special agent Fyodor Sokolov runs to States for defeat evil master.
A waiter with a tray of gold
The waiter of the seaside restaurant decides to become an honest man. He stops short-counting visitors, refuses to take a tip, trying to shame his own leadership. The results do not take long to wait — a respected member of society becomes an outcast, the Director of the restaurant expels him from work, and his wife from home…
Maestro With Thread
A lonely old man lives in the village - Ivan Makarov, angry and prickly. All his wealth is a house and an accordion. Yes, there is still a dream - to go to Moscow and speak on television: what if the son, who has long forgotten about him, sees and responds? But in Moscow, instead of his son, he finds a homeless teenager, Sergei, nicknamed "The Hoop". Returning together to Ivan's native village, they do not realize that life is preparing them another test to test true male friendship, fortitude and stamina in overcoming any blows of fate.
A Puppy from the Constellation of the Dog
My Husband Is an Alien
Prince Udacha Andreyevich
Илларион Северьянов
Two young boys are trying to prevent a massive antiquities theft.
Private Detective, or Operation Cooperation
The first private enterprises are started in the Soviet Union in the late 80s. A gang of bad guys, owners of a private restroom, kidnap a good guy - owner of a toy store. Private eye Dmitri's first job is to try and free the store owner.
You Don’t Like Our Governement, Do You?
сторож на кладбище
Fun of the Young
The main characters of the film is a company of students who have recently entered college. They just managed to taste the adult free life away from their parents. Now the world has acquired new colors, and everyday life has become more saturated - filled with entertainment and interesting activities. A stern physical education teacher in a technical school puts a “fail” to the whole group. The reason is simple - truancy. But adolescents cannot stand any morality from the lesson the man taught them and decide to teach him a lesson.
Where Is Enohp Located?
Fyodor Mikhailovich
Forty-year-old researcher Pavel is still single. And not because he likes to be free and unmarried, but because he is very indecisive - he does not know how to meet girls. Pavel’s parents are sounding the alarm - they really want to give their son "in good hands" and see their grandchildren. But he doesn’t like those girls whom Pavel’s mother is wooing. And then one day a master takes over - a cheerful, battered and excessively sociable brother of Pavel — Gennady. He has in his arsenal one effective way to get acquainted with any girl he likes, to interest her in his persona. Gennady is getting into a rage so much that he almost gets married, forgetting about the watchful wife, who always stands guard over their long marriage...
Do Not Marry, Girls
A chairman of a Kolkhoz tries to organize a musical band in order to prevent kolkhoz girls to escape into a big city.
Sincerely Yours...
A young astronomer is becoming more of administrator instead of concentrating on science.
Шутки в сторону
Ochen Vazhnaya Persona
Председатель колхоза Родион Михайлович Шишкин — человек со сложным характером. Он ругается с высоким начальством, которое не дает ему работать, и не терпит несправедливости. Но однажды очередной поднятый им скандал закончился для него… повышением!
Человек на полустанке
Tears Were Falling
A beautiful man, husband, father and worker Pavel Ivanovich Vasin got into the eye with a shard of the mirror of an evil wizard. And the world for him appeared in a gloomy light. He began to insult and offend everyone at home and at work. Anger and suspicion overwhelmed Vasin's heart. Enemies, schemers and thieves are seen everywhere. Everywhere he sees intrigues and intrigues. In complete despair from the ineradicability of evil, Vasin cries bitterly... along with tears, the unfortunate splinter disappears...
Streak of Luck
Polosa vezeniya (literally) 'Streak of Luck' is the fifth film in a Mosfilm "youth" anthology series and comprises three short stories. The first story, 'Vizit' (The Visit) directed by film maker turned politician Yevgeni Gerasimov tells the story of a rural boy visiting his former village girlfriend, now living in Moscow. Next comes a short film by Aleksandr Majorov called 'Zolotye rybki' (Goldfishes) which is based on a story of a magical goldfish brought from a provincial pet store by the late Russian historian and science-fiction and fantasy writer Kir Bulychyov. The final segment and the title of the film, 'Polosa vezeniya' (Streak of Luck) tells the story of a member of staff at a research institute who is offered the job of the department head, but has second thoughts when he discovers the previous boss was unfairly dismissed.
Investigator by Profession
A locker room janitor at the train station notices that a suitcase was put in a locker by a man, but pulled out by another man. This suitcase appeared to be stuffed with money. This incident allows a police detective to uncover a huge criminal organization responsible for theft, smuggling and murder.
Traffic Officer
A comic drama about a permanently going duel between Traffic Officer and powerful businessman.
Never Guessed and Didn't Expect
In an ordinary Soviet apartment, where an ordinary Soviet family lives, suddenly ... the donkey breaks in. All attempts to expel the animal end in vain. Neither the police, nor the veterinary service, nor even the local hooligan can help. And only the ubiquitous film-goers, who needed an animal for filming a movie, manage to put the donkey out of the apartment.
My Anfisa
head of SMU Chechin
The love of brigadier-painter Anfisa and the student of philology Nicholas resulted in a storm of indignation of his parents. Separation followed. And for separation - and the search for lost love ...
We, the Undersigned
train conductor
The main events unfold in the train. The acceptance committee from Moscow, revealing deficiencies in the constructed bakery, did not sign the act of its delivery. But the fate of not only many people associated with the construction, but also the life of the town as a whole depends on this. Lyonya Shindin — a conscientious and decent man — is trying by all means and by any means to change the decision of the commission...
Citizen Lyoshka
The young lumberjack foreman Leshka Ignatov bitterly sees for himself that the huge stocks of forest, extracted by hard work, rot on the side of the road due to simple mismanagement. Raising the alarm at the timber industry farm and not receiving support in the area, he flies to Moscow ...
Night Accident
В одном из московских переулков милиция обнаружила пострадавшую женщину с травмой головы. Галина Укладова, приехавшая из Магадана, утверждает, что на неё совершил разбойное нападение таксист и отнял у неё крупную сумму денег и документы. Таксиста Воронова, который уже отбывал срок за хулиганство, удалось задержать. Укладова на очной ставке опознаёт в нём нападавшего. Всё свидетельствует о вине Воронова. Однако опытный следователь Митин чувствует, что за рутинным бытовым преступлением кроется нечто большее.
The Evening Labyrinth
A funny comedy about a group of inspectors preparing to build a labyrinth in a small town.
Летние гастроли
Жгутиков, директор
Close Afar
Sergei Bukreyev arrives with a team of meliorators in another village and immediately draws attention to the director of the farm Anna Talnikova. Her dedication to work scares Sergei, he even wants to persuade her to leave the farm, but understands that Anna will never be happy without her work, and he – without it.
Tailcoat for an Idler
Twelve years old boy escapes summer camp in order to meet his brother currently serving in the army.
Срочный вызов
The Last Chance
For Slava Gorokhov, his next adventure ends with a conditional conviction. By decision of law enforcement agencies, a young man begins to study at a vocational school for re-education. From the first day of being in vocational school, the young man is in the center of attention of students who are not ready to accept a person with a lifestyle that is significantly different from the traditional one for a Soviet citizen. Unexpectedly for many, on the side of Gorokhov is the master Radislav Yershov and Komsomol activist Nadya, in love with Slava. The intrigues unfolding in the school are changing the habitual life of an educational institution, which is becoming the scene of a struggle between two opposing ideologies.
Сдаётся квартира с ребёнком
Есть идея!
Гонки без финиша
Domestic Circumstances
Multiply love stories are going around the young family including the newlyweds parnts and even... a grandmother.
Развлечение для старичков
Andrey Andreyevich Apraksin
Diamonds for Mariya
Mary and Ivan are working on a diamond factory. The wedding day is already set. But Ivan has a secret: during his stay in prison, the leader of the gang gave him a bag of diamonds for safekeeping. Return the "stones" factory — means to Express itself as a partner in crime, throw — sorry, but left for Mary — to destroy love. Soon the "friend" made itself felt and demanded to repay the debt…
Olga Sergeevna
Фомин Борис Петрович
The 1975 film by Georgi Daneliya "Afonya" was an unexpected commercial hit in USSR. The main character "Afonya" Borshev is a plumber, who spends his life partying with "buddies", many of whom he doesn't even remember after nights of heavy drinking. His wife leaves him, his boss places him on probation, his whole life is falling apart, but he doesn't realize it. Afonya met Katya at a dance club, yet didn't pay her much attention. But she is the one, who can save him... In this movie Daneliya achieves a perfect balance of satire and drama. Quotes from the movie gained a cult status in USSR.
Students collect scrap metal, waste paper, vials. It is competition between the two classes. Hooked guys sometimes forget that the competition is not a goal but a means. They remove caps from someone else's car, watered grandmother's medications to collect more vials, interfere with the Garik Evrumyan's friendship with a girl.
Kysh i Dvaportfelya
Ivan Makarovich
A young girl known for being "Homeboy" for everybody is dreaming to become more feminine.
В восемнадцать мальчишеских лет
Петр Константинович, библиотекарь лётного училища
Nylon 100%
An adventures of a 100% nylon "fur" coat traveling between various people.
Romashkin Effect
A musical comedy about the adventures of four friends who are trying to film a yogurt commercials.
Incorrigible Liar
Alexei Ivanovich Tyutyurin, a very kind and gentle man by nature, has been working as a hairdresser for twenty years. When the opportunity arises to upgrade to the head of the hall, he is faced with a problem — in the team he has a reputation as a constantly late person and an incorrigible liar. But Alexei doesn't deceive anyone — he really gets into unusual situations on the way to work. No one believes in these fables until amazing visitors begin to come to the hairdresser.
Нервы, нервы...
Three Minutes to Exactly
A story about difficult and dangerous adventures of a group of seven-graders during their summer camp.
The End of the Lyubavines
Based on the novel by Vasiliy Shukshin "The Lyubavines". In the winter of 1922, the Rodionovs, Vasiliy Platonovich and his nephew Kuzma, came to the remote Siberian village of Baklan, disguised as teachers sent from the district center to organize and build a school. In fact, this is an old Bolshevik and a young worker, authorized by the GPU, and their main task is to find out the whereabouts of a large and very dangerous gang, led by a former Kolchak officer, who instills fear in local residents.
Самый последний день
Taimyr Calls You
Fortunatov's creditor
A few hotel guests are constantly getting into various funny situations.
Сохранившие огонь
Deniska's Stories
отдыхающий на скамеечке в парке
A funny stories about a young boy Deniska and his best friend Mishka.
Вчера, сегодня и всегда
Seven Old Men and One Girl
Lara Velichko is a young coach who's dreaming about coaching world champions but suddenly she's forced to train a group of a very grumpy old men.
Literature Lesson
Пантелей Иванович, завхоз школы
Two Comrades Were Serving
Белый офицер
Set during the last days of the civil war that followed the Russian Revolution. The Crimea Peninsula is the last stronghold of the White Guard, and the Red Army is planning the final assault. The first story line of the movie follows two Red Army soldiers: unlikely friends Nekrasov and Karyakin. The second story line is about a White Guard officer Brusentsov who is devoted to Russia and his cause but sees it being destroyed day by day.
Chyort s portfelem
Cuidado con el coche
La película trata sobre un héroe que es un agente de seguros que también es un ladrón de coches. Roba coches sólo a ladrones y nunca a la gente buena; para luego vender esos mismos coches robados y darle todo el dinero a la caridad. Su mejor amigo es un policía que está trabajando en esos robos.Sátira del cine negro americano.
Children of Don Quixote
Afanasiy Ivanovich
The dentist of the provincial town of Upper Yamki made an unexpected scientific discovery by finding the thirty-third tooth in the patient’s oral cavity, Ivan Sergeyevich Travkin. Travkin, exhausted from pain, was taken to Moscow. Ivan Sergeyevich first becomes a patient of a madhouse (thanks to envious persons), and then — a hero of a scientific international conference and, finally, a patient of a dentist professor Bruk.
Двадцать лет спустя
The Chairman
Klyagin - First Secretary of the District Party Committee
Year 1947... Yegor Trubnikov is giving all his powers to make life in his own Kolhoz better.
Give Me a Complaints Book
A group of young motivated people are trying to convert old "Oduvanchik" restaurant in to a youth club.
Screen adaptation of the novel by Yuri Bondarev. The demobilized Sergei Vokhmintsev returns to Moscow and enters the institute. Suddenly, according to the neighbor’s slanderous denunciation, his father is arrested — and Sergei, as the son of an “enemy of the people," is expelled from the party and institute. The guy goes to Kazakhstan, works at a construction site. He has many loyal friends and believes in justice...
The First Trolleybus
Trolleybus' driver
Svetlana, young pretty girl, works as a trolleybus driver in a small town and almost all her permanent passengers are at least a little bit in love with her.
A satirical express train sets off on its way. The driver S. Mikhalkov gives a farewell beep ... On the first carriage an inscription - "Summer cottage". The following are 8 short stories ...
No Fear, No Blame
police captain
The Soviet boys, Vadik and Yura, together with the mischievous little girl Tosha, are children with a kind heart and good life philosophy. One day they find money on the street, which must be returned to the owner without fail. But where to find an inattentive citizen who has lost not only money, but also a booklet with quite important information. So, begins the time of exciting adventures, breathtaking moments, high-quality humor and instructive-entertaining ideological line.
Adventures of Krosh
Director of the motor depot
The school year is over. The former nine-graders begin their summer internship, which proved for the kids to be a real school of grown-up life with its intricate laws. Not everyone stood the test.
Весенние грозы
Жизнь прошла мимо
Pyotr Rabchikov (Ryaboy)
Proffesional thief called "Sharks" escapes from the prison and tries to continue his thieving craft. But for this he needs the help of old friends. However, time has passed and none of them wants to remember the past and once again embark on a slippery slope. One of them - Innokenty Stepanov (Yuri Sarantsev) works in the Komsomol team on construction site.
The Communist
communist (uncredited)
A young ordinary communist, Vasiliy Gubanov, was among many who took part in the construction of the most important facility for the young republic, the power plant. He did his job in a way that was beyond human ability. He could love, too, with a passion and a passion for self, but his life was cut short very early.
It Began This Way...
A Moscow group of Komsomol members arrives on the virgin lands, in the Kazakh steppes, and immediately faces bureaucracy and carelessness. Someone flees the state farm for more reliable earnings, and someone simply does not want to work. But a new energetic director appears — and real life begins...
The Lesson of Life
On falling in love with Sergey, Natasha gives up studies at a pedagogical institute and accompanies him to a construction site. In a course of time she realizes that her husband is interested only in his work. She leaves him, graduates from the institute and works as a teacher. But Sergey is fired for authoritative style of work and Natasha realizes that she must be near to him in his hour of need.
Son of the Regiment
Kuzma Gorbunov
During the war years, russian soldiers pick up an orphaned boy. He refuses to go to the rear and becomes a scout, and then remains with the artillery battery. When the calculation of the battery dies in battle with the German tanks that have broken through, Vanya is sent to the Suvorov School, whose students participate in a military parade on Red Square.
Rodnye polya