Georgi Svetlani

Georgi Svetlani

Nacimiento : 1895-02-03, village Svichkovka, Lubensky district, Poltava Governorate, Russian Empire [now Poltava Oblast, Ukraine]

Muerte : 1983-03-20


Georgi Svetlani


Люблю. Жду. Лена
Tender age
Kir Lopukhov and Alyosha Mamykin are classmates who have just received a certificate of maturity. The war began and the guys, without hesitation, also act together in the same artillery special school. They are given just three days to visit the front, for which there is so much to be done! Say goodbye to your Sokolniki. Find classmates. And Kira - by all means learn about the fate of her beloved girl Olya. True, she was evacuated, but according to rumors, she returned to the capital to go to university.
Gipsy Happiness
A story about a gypsy boy who lives with his mother in the South-Russian village.
The Evening Labyrinth
A funny comedy about a group of inspectors preparing to build a labyrinth in a small town.
Exercise with three unknowns
Criminal investigation is investigating the case of robbery of the factory cashier. At the checkpoint of the factory of precision mechanics and optics, two criminals attack the cashier. Criminals manage to escape by the car, waiting for them around the corner. At the scene of the crime, criminal investigation officers arrive Major Dorokhov and Lieutenant Matushkin. They interview witnesses, but they did not remember properly any attackers or machine numbers, but noticed that one prevented the other from firing.
Всё дело в брате
член приёмной комиссии
The Only One
Kolya Kasatkin, who saw in his wife Tanyusha the ideal of female charm, tenderness, kindness, who loved her to the point of oblivion, was at a loss before the idle conversations of well-wishers about his wife's betrayal. Having found his wife with the choir director, Nikolai demanded a divorce. Continuing to love each other, the former spouses are unhappy in separation. Kasatkin's new hasty marriage did not return his peace of mind. In daily agony, in the pursuit of a past life, he also lost his old dream — to live and work in the Far East, where he served in the army. Both realized too late that love does not forgive hasty decisions, that it must be able to keep and protect.
Brillianty dlya diktatury proletariata
Old Man
In 1921, the Cheka became aware that gold and jewelry were stolen from the treasury of Gokhran, and that a special organization was involved in transporting the stolen to Estonia. Scout Maksim Isayev is sent to this country. He establishes that the cipher of the Soviet embassy Olenetskaya works for the German resident Nolmar, with whom employees of Gokhran Kozlovskaya and an appraiser Yakov Shelekhes are associated. As a result of the provocation, Isayev was arrested. In the prison cell, he finds himself together with the famous Russian writer Nikandrov, who could not find himself in post-revolutionary Russia and went abroad. Released soon by the efforts of his comrades, Isayev continues the struggle for the fate of Nikandrov — for his return to his homeland.
It Can't Be!
Beer's Lover
The film includes three short stories based on the stories of Mikhail Zoshchenko: "Crime and Punishment", "Fun Adventure", and "Wedding Event" about the negative phenomena of the provincial life of the young country of the Soviets: stupidity, drunkenness, money-grubbing, lack of spirituality.
The Siberian Woman
житель села Юхонь
The Secret of the Iron Door
grandfather with two suitcases
Every one of us dreams of finding a magic wand, matches or, at least, an enchanted flower that would make any wish come true. Well, we’re just dreaming, but a boy named Tolya Ryzhkov did find one, though, between us, he didn’t deserve such a good fortune. He was a pretty big liar and rascal, didn’t listen to his mother, hurt those who were weaker, and didn’t obey traffic regulations.On that ill-fated day when his incredible adventures began he behaved badly, as usual. He had even made a policeman mad! While running away from him, Tolya met a magician and forced a box of magic matches from him. To punish the boy, the evil magician (alas, there are such, too) had Tolya transported to his magic island. You will know how it all ended when you watch this humorous, fascinating adventure film.
Three Poplars on Plyuschikha Street
A married woman fresh from the countryside meets a charming cab driver on her first day in Moscow. They spend the day together and their fondness for each other grows...
El brazo de brillantes
member of the house Committee on a voluntary basis
Semyon Gorbunkov está disfrutando de un crucero. En Estambul, se tropieza y se rompe el brazo. Lo que no sabe es que es una señal para una mafia contrabandista, que le vendará el brazo con diamantes y oro. A su vuelta a casa, los contrabandistas tratan de recuperar su botín mientras la policía los persigue utilizando de cebo el brazo de Gorbunkov...
Пока гром не грянет
Морские рассказы
Voyna i mir III: 1812 god
En 1812, el ejército de Napoleón invade Rusia. Kutuzov le pide a Bolkonsky que se una a él como oficial de estado mayor, pero el príncipe solicita un comando en el campo. Pierre se dispone a observar el próximo enfrentamiento entre los ejércitos. Durante la Batalla de Borodino, se ofrece como voluntario para ayudar en una batería de artillería. La unidad de Bolkonsky espera en la reserva, pero es alcanzada por un proyectil. Tanto Anatol como Bolkosnky sufren heridas graves. El ejército francés sale victorioso y avanza sobre Moscú.
Un rapto a la caucasiana
drunk man
En su búsqueda de costumbres y folklore de la región del Cáucaso, el inocente Shurik conoce a una hermosa chica, que es secuestrada para casarse a la fuerza con un cacique local. Shurik cree que es todo una vieja tradición de la zona...
Un rapto a la caucasiana
En su búsqueda de costumbres y folklore de la región del Cáucaso, el inocente Shurik conoce a una hermosa chica, que es secuestrada para casarse a la fuerza con un cacique local. Shurik cree que es todo una vieja tradición de la zona...
El héroe de nuestro tiempo
military man
After the death of Bela, Pechorin was unwell for a long time, and then left the fortress and Maxim Maximych and left for Georgia. Since then, the headquarters captain had no news of his friend, often recalled and carefully carried his diaries in his wanderings. Five years have passed... Once at a post station near Vladikavkaz, Maxim Maximych with delight learns that Grigory Pechorin also came here. The long-awaited meeting brings an unbearable pain and bitterness of disappointment to the old warrior. In his hearts, he mercilessly parted with the travel notes of the ensign. And his random companion finds on the yellowed pages the story of the soul of an amazing, extraordinary person who brings misfortune to others all his life.
A Royal Regatta
Alyona's grandfather
The student rowing team of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) was defeated in the competition. The coach drops the team and leaves, taking the best rowers with him. The remaining athletes decide to assemble a new team, and the management of the institute appoints a new coach for them — a teacher of hydrodynamics.
Guerra y paz
Campaña napoleónica de 1812. Rusia contempla el implacable avance de las tropas napoleónicas hacia sus fronteras. La idílica vida de los miembros de la alta sociedad (el príncipe Andréi Bolkonsky, el soñador e idealista Pierre Bezukhov o la joven Natacha Rostova) sufrirá un dramático cambio. Antes, los aristócratas, la gente corriente y los siervos vivían en mundos completamente diferentes. Ahora, la necesidad de defender la patria los ha convertido en compañeros de armas.
The dentist of the provincial town of Upper Yamki made an unexpected scientific discovery by finding the thirty-third tooth in the patient’s oral cavity, Ivan Sergeyevich Travkin. Travkin, exhausted from pain, was taken to Moscow. Ivan Sergeyevich first becomes a patient of a madhouse (thanks to envious persons), and then — a hero of a scientific international conference and, finally, a patient of a dentist professor Bruk.
Unbidden Love
Когда казаки плачут
Third Time
The film is based on the real fact — football «The Death Match» between the German team and a team of Soviet prisoners of war, former "Dinamo". It happened in Kiev on June 22, 1942. Anticipating the possibility of losing, the Germans made a condition — defeat or death. If the Germans won, the Soviet footballers were promised freedom...
By the Ravine
Senya, a young hunter, hunts for two wolves that have been preying on sheep of various farms in Siberia. Kira Muratova and husband Oleksandr Muratov's diploma film.
Following the Sun
A story about a boy walking across the town following sun.
How Ivan Ivanovich fell out with Ivan Nikiforovich
Антон Прокофьевич Голопуз
How did Ivan Ivanovich quarrel with Ivan Nikiforovich? Ivan Ivanovich went to his bosom friend Ivan Nikiforovich, wishing to beg for the gun he liked. Yes, it didn’t work out. And in the heat of the argument, take Ivan Nikiforovich and call Ivan Ivanovich a gander. And take it and be angry. And what happened next ... Oh, what happened!
The Wind
Filmed in the context of the fortieth anniversary of the creation of the Komsomols, the League of Young Communists, tells the story of three youth delegates from the League in 1918, who must make the dangerous journey to Moscow during the civil war to participate in League’s congress.
It Happened in Penkovo
Fyodor Utkin
Tractor driver Matvey Morozov returns to his native village from the prison. And he recalls the story of his marriage, his fatal love, failed betrayal and committed reckless “crime”, in which he doesn't repent at all.
Polyushko, pole
Чемпион мира
Cossacks of the Kuban
In the steppes of the Kuban love is born on two collective farms while wheat is (enthusiastically) gathered. Galina, the energetic chairwoman of one of the two kolkhozes, vies with her male counterpart for the best harvest. At the same time Gordey, her rival, a former soldier, is (and has been for ages) in love with her. On her part, Dasha a collective farm worker, has heartbeat for a young technician of the competing kolkhoz...
A Noisy Household
A comedy about an army squad guarding the fake airport during WWII.
A funny comedy about a lost twins and a lot of good people who are involved in a search for twins' parents.
Air Taxi
Senya, flutist
A musical romantic comedy set in Soviet Union during the first years of WWII.
Zoya Vladimirovna Strelnikova, a famous operetta actress, quits the theater and gets a nanny in a military hospital. There she meets the wounded major Peter Nikolayevich Markov.
uncle Vasya
La tumultuosa vida de un joven operador de telégrafos durante los años de guerra.
Swineherd and Shepherd
They met in Moscow - a shy swineherd Glasha and shepherd Musaib. Long and difficult will be their way to love and a new meeting in this classic Soviet musical comedy.