Zoya Fyodorova

Zoya Fyodorova

Nacimiento : 1912-12-21,

Muerte : 1981-12-11


Zoya Fyodorova
Zoya Fyodorova


The Morning Round
Doctor Nechayev lives by the concerns of his patients. This is a man of remarkable mental qualities and a highly qualified specialist in cardiology, but he is completely unadapted to life in everyday life and imperceptibly lost himself, did not do much of what he dreamed of and did not understand the selfless love of a young student Alya. The doctor gradually puts an end to his hopes and dreams – they fade into the background, supplanted by work in the hospital.
Moscú no cree en las lágrimas
Aunt Pasha
Tres mujeres de diferentes edades emigran a Moscú buscando trabajo y un amor. A lo largo de la película asistiremos a sus sueños y deseos, sus amores, sus desilusiones.
Живите в радости
Students collect scrap metal, waste paper, vials. It is competition between the two classes. Hooked guys sometimes forget that the competition is not a goal but a means. They remove caps from someone else's car, watered grandmother's medications to collect more vials, interfere with the Garik Evrumyan's friendship with a girl.
Врача вызывали?
Car, Violin and Blot the Dog
Мария Фёдоровна, бабушка Олега
A fantasy story about five-grades - musician and engineer, their friend - the most beautiful girl in the world, her brother who dreams to turn all cats into monkeys, his dog Klyaksa and a lot more stuff…
Waterdrop in the Sea
The story of the first-grader with a pot on his head to the music from the casket "turu tutu tu turu tu turu tutu".
Аварийное положение
Глафира Васильевна
The Cutlass
Misha's grandmother
A Red Army officer Polevoy possesses a navy dirk with a secret message encrypted in its handle. The second part of a message belongs to a White army officer Nikitskiy. It's up to three young friends of Polevoy to uncover the mystery.
Here Is My Village
тетя Глаша
A story about a group of countryside children playing detectives in their village.
За рекой - граница
The Russian Field
Avdey, the husband of the tractor forewoman Fedosya leaves her for another woman. Their 18-year-old son Filipp can not forgive his father and on the day of the new wedding even tries to run over a tractor car in which the father is driving with a new wife. Shortly after the wedding, Avdey realizes that he made a fatal mistake and is trying to return to Fedosya, but she cannot forgive. Filipp was taken into the army, on the border where Filipp serves, an armed violation of the border occurs, during which he dies.
Фенна Степановна Шпак
Hello, Warsaw!
A doctor from Poland is looking for his sister who got missing in the USSR during WWII.
Attention, Turtle!
Viktoriya Mikhailovna
Two curious first-graders decide to steal a turtle named Rocket from a living corner to conduct a risky experiment — they want to put it under the tank in order to check the carrying capacity and strength of the shell. But their classmate Tanya is smarter than her friends: with the help of adults, she manages to organize the rescue of the unfortunate turtle.
Between the High Crops
A story about a young man who's leading sometimes funny sometimes sad life in the village.
Новогоднее похищение
Улыбнись соседу
Wedding in Malinovka
Горпина Дормидонтовна
The movie takes place during Russia's civil war between the Reds (Bolsheviks) and the Whites (Mensheviks). Andrejka and Yarinka are a young betrothed couple in the village of Malinovka, caught between the battle lines. Gritsian is the leader of a Menshevik band who are planning to attack the village. Yarinka appeals to the local Bolshevik commander for his faction's help. The Bolsheviks quickly come up with a plan to save the village... but the plan requires Yarinka to enter into a pretend marriage with Gritsian.
The Ugly Story
Pseldonimov's mother
Based on a satirical short story by Fyodor Dostoyevsky concerning the escapades of a Russian civil servant.
The Cook
fraudster at the market
Based on the play of the same name by Anatoly Sofronov. In one of the Kuban collective farms, a new beauty-cook has appeared. Many began to look after her, but the girl was not a timid dozen and quickly gave a turn to the unlucky boyfriends from the gate. However, true love found a way to her heart, and although human envy and stupidity have done many troubles, the lovers still managed to unravel this complex tangle of misunderstandings.
The Sleeping Lion
After a shy bank employee helps to catch two robbers he becomes a totally different person.
A Foreign Woman
Evdokiya Mikhailovna
Hoping to receive compensation for the house belonging to her before the revolution, Madame Joubert comes to Odessa with her granddaughter Madeleine. While Madame is at war with enterprising Odessa citizens, her granddaughter meets Soviet peers and realizes the advantages of socialism.
Lida's Neighbor
Student Shurik has just two hours before the beginning of the exam and he has no lectures notes
Operación Y y otras aventuras de Shurik
aunt Zoya
El argumento sigue las aventuras del aplicado y genuino estudiante soviético Shúrik, que a menudo se mete en difíciles situaciones de las que suele salir más o menos limpiamente. La película se halla dividida en tres partes y se rodó en Moscú, Leningrado, Bakú y Odessa. -Naparnik (“Compañero de trabajo”) El compañero de trabajo.En un autobús, un patán y borracho llamado Fedia se sienta en un asiento reservado para niños e incapacitados y rechaza dejar sentarse a una joven embarazada argumentando “que no es ni una niña ni una incapacitada”. Shúrik, que viaja en el mismo autobús, se pone unas gafas de sol y finge ser ciego... -Navazhdeniye (“Déjà vu”) Es época de los exámenes de verano en la Universidad, y todo el mundo está asustado por los exámenes. Shúrik (y los demás) busca desesperadamente apuntes y finalmente los ve en manos de una chica, Lida, que estudia en la misma Universidad.
От семи до двенадцати
Alik's Granny
Новогодняя ярмарка
Give Me a Complaints Book
A group of young motivated people are trying to convert old "Oduvanchik" restaurant in to a youth club.
Хотите - верьте, хотите - нет
Шестнадцатая весна
It Happened at the Police Station
A story about police detectives working on reuniting children and parents who got separated by WWII. Based on Izrail Metter stories.
Summer Is Over
тетя Даша
A family comedy about funny adventures of two six-graders during the summer vacations.
Adult Children
Tatyana Ivanovna Korolyova
Anatoli Kuzmich retired and received a separate apartment in a new house. He and his wife are happy and make bright plans for the future: how they will go to theaters, museums, read their favorite books. But their daughter Lyusya suddenly gets married. Not wanting to part with her, Korolyovs persuade the young spouses to live with them in a new apartment. Soon a child is born, and gradually life together becomes unbearable...
Scarlet Sails
A little girl Assol met a wizard and it has been foretold: "... it will be a fine sunny day when a beautiful ship under scarlet sail comes and the noble prince will take you away from here. He'll take you to the world of your dreams, where you will be loved and happy." The neighbours told jokes about her, children teased her, but she waited for her prince. She trusted in the miracles and waited. Arthur Gray's rule was "if you can make a miracle, do it!". And he made a miracle for the wonderful romantic girl.
Особый подход
В нашем городе
A Groom from the Right Society
Elizaveta Vladimirovna, chief doctor
Semyon Danilovich Petukhov was very surprised to found upon returning from vacation that he was declared dead and... buried.
Little Friend
totya Natasha
A family comedy about funny adventures of two best friends Mishka and Kolya and their dog called Little Friend, based on Short stories by Nikolai Nosov.
The Variegateds Case
мать Игоря Пересветова
Sergey's girlfriend desperately wants him to quit dangerous police job. But Sergey doesn't want to abandon his new case which proves to be quite difficult.
Girl without an Address
The amusing adventures of the young builder Pasha Gusarov began from the moment when he met and fell in love with Katya on the train, who was going to conquer Moscow. Happiness makes a person careless, and the station is just the place where you can lose it. But it is at the station after all kinds of adventures that they meet again and now they will never part.
Night Guard
The accountant of the commodity base discovers a small mistake in the documents, as told by the manager of the base. That night, someone hacked and robbed a safe with accounting documents, and committed the killing of an accountant. The case for the search for criminals was entrusted to police commissioner Krechetov and lieutenant Kasyanov.
Soviet propaganda film about communists plotting a violent attack on a Russian city. A local poet helps the communists and they glorify his poem about Lenin.
The Girl and the Crocodile
Nadezhda Fedotovna
A girl named Katya meets a boy Mitya on the street. He loves animals, but his mother won't let them at their house no more. He looks for another place for his pets and so he lets Katya to take the animals to her home for a day.
Elizaveta Povariha
A graduate of medical school, wanting to stay in Leningrad , Leningrad married - an engineer who designs bridges - Alexis. It was a marriage of convenience. However, Lyudmila, a capable student, the committee on the distribution of reserves in Leningrad, and in that time, Alex agrees to the construction of a bridge in Siberia, and demands that his wife was riding with him ...
According to the eponymous vaudeville by A.P. Chekhov. Petty bourgeois Zhigalovs, whose daughter-in-law Dasha is being extradited, find out to their horror that the official Aplombov, who has been caring for Dasha all summer, has dined every day with them and has proved himself to be his bridegroom, is not going to marry at all.
Ivan Nikulin: Russian Sailor
Marusya Kryukova
The story takes place in Summer 1942, when a small force of Black Sea Fleet sailors was surrounded by German troops but broke out the encirclement.
Collection of Films for the Armed Forces #6
Self - Presenter
The Girl from Leningrad
1939-1940 Finnish war. In the very first days, a group of female volunteers goes to the front. Young nurses and nurses in the hospital and on the front line selflessly help doctors to save the wounded soldiers, with weapons in their hands, take part in the fight against the enemy. In severe trials, the friendship and love of the film's characters is tempered and strengthened.
Musical Story
Klava Belkina
Talented cabbie with aspirations as a singer spends afterhours practicing with an amateur opera company, ignoring his sweetheart, the femme cab dispatcher.
60 Days
Adventures of the medicine professor during reserve duty.
Станица Дальняя
Years of Fire
It tells the story of the 26 Artillery Division of the Soviet Red Army.
A Night in September
Film deals with Stakhanovite movement. Old miners try to sabotage young man's plan to renew methods of getting coal.
Soviet Border
The eve of the 1905 Russian revolution was unquiet at the Skrobotova and Bardin factory. In response to the fair demand of the workers to dismiss the cruel and rude master, the masters close the factory and call in the troops. They shoot of one of the workers, who failed to restrain a rush of hatred towards the owners, ending Skrobotov's life. Gendarmes arrive at the factory. They succeed in uncovering the social democratic organization in the factory. The arrested workers oppose hysterical cruelty of gendarmes with calm, confident courage.
Great Citizen
A biography drama about Sergey Kirov, a prominent early Bolshevik leader in the Soviet Union.
The Girlfriends
Girlfriends Zoya, Natasha and Asya live in Petrograd. Before the Civil War, young heroines are aware of the social injustice of life. When the war begins, the girls are recorded by the orderlies of the working group to protect the Bolshevik Petrograd from the advance of the whites.
The film is based on eponymous play by Nikolay Gogol.
The Pilots
The daredevil pilot Sergei Belyaev takes a risk flying a plane which is not properly maintained and crashes dangerously, landing in hospital, his plane going up in smoke. The aviation student Galya Bystrova, having a crush with Belyaev, unfortunately tends to imitate him in the air. Later, heeding the advice of the wise headmaster Rogachev, they become experienced pilots. Bystrova is assigned to Pamir, and Rogachev, in love with her, is sent to Sakhalin.
Igor Savchenko's Accordion (Garmon', 1934) was adapted from a poem by A. Zharov. This film sheds light on the reasons why the mass song came into being. In it, the country boy Timosha stops playing the accordion after being chosen leader of the local Komsomol. When he understands that he must compete with the sad kulak songs played by Tlskliby ("Mournful"), he recognizes his mistake in abandoning his accordion, and in the end he gathers the other youths around him with his lively and merry songs.