Rex Smith
Nacimiento : 1955-09-19, Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Rex Katz
Two 20-something club hopping women in LA are at first glance living the good life of partying and casual sex, until they are revealed to be scarred by a childhood abduction and driven to take revenge on every man who crosses their path.
Después de sufrir duras críticas por arruinar la Navidad, el niño más rico del mundo desearía no haber nacido. Desafortunadamente, una máquina de los deseos inventada por el profesor Keenbean recoge su deseo y lo convierte en realidad. Ahora Richie se encuentra en un mundo paralelo, en el que su única esperanza es hallar al profesor para que le devuelva a casa.
Jeffrey Fields
Daphne Frields es feliz con su marido, Jeff y su hija Aimée. Pero ambos mueren en un terrible incendio.
En el momento del accidente Daphne está embarazada y al cabo de unos meses da a luz un niño....sordo.
Convertida en una escritora de éxito, acabará por encontrar de nuevo la felicidad.
Andy Sacks
El popular detective Perry Mason (Raymond Burr) investiga el asesinato de una cantante de éxito.
Mat Murdock / Daredevil
El doctor Banner es detenido por ser culpable de provocar una pelea en el metro. Le asignan un abogado ciego llamado Matt Murdock, pero durante el juicio la ira le domina y se convierte en Hulk y escapa. Murdock decide revelar su secreto a Banner, es ciego debido a una radiación tóxica pero ha desarrollado un sentido extrasensorial y por las noches se convierte en Daredevil.
Wolfgang Shadduck
Wolfgang is traveling in outer space when a monster, which he sees as a beautiful woman, appears in his spaceship and makes love with him. Then the ship is forced to land on a planet which is a penal colony. Here he meets Miranda who falls in love with him. A group of prisoners uses him and his spaceship to fly away from the planet. But the monster which is by now inside Wolfgang arouses and only Miranda's love can save him.
Rick Peterson
A young ballerina opens a school after a leg injury ends her stage career. A blues musician in the same building distracts and annoys her with his constant playing.
This special is the second "Night of 100 Stars" to benefit The Actors Fund of America. Edited from a seven-hour live entertainment marathon that was taped February 17, 1985, at New York's Radio City Music Hall, this sequel to the 1982 "Night of 100 Stars" special features 288 celebrities.
The Prince
El buen corazón de una hermosa joven triunfa sobre la maldad y los celos en esta espléndida versión animada del más celebrado cuento de todos los tiempos. Blancanieves, la chica más bonita de la tierra, vive en un castillo con su malvada y orgullosa madarastra, una reina que no soporta su deslumbrante belleza sobre todo después de que el misterioso espejo mágico le dice que la más bella del reino es Blancanieves. La malvada reina intenta que uno de sus vasallos le quite la vida a la joven para volver a convertirse en "la más bella del reino". Afortunadamente Blancanieves logra escapar del plan de la Reina y se interna en el bosque donde conocerá a los Siete Enanitos. Sin embargo, la Reina consigue dar con Blancanieves y la engaña para que coma una manzana envenenada que la sume en un profundo sueño. Pero como en los grandes cuentos, un apuesto príncipe consigue con un hermoso beso que se despierte y vivir felices para siempre. (FILMAFFINITY)
Jesse Mach
Feature-length pilot of the 1980s action series following the exploits of motorbike riding superhero Jesse Mach (Rex Smith). Deskbound after being seriously injured in an accident that left his colleague dead, LA cop Jesse is approached by federal agent and engineer Norman Tuttle (Joe Regalbuto), who enlists him to work as an undercover agent for the government. To this end, Tuttle provides Jesse with a powerful motorcycle called Street Hawk - but Jesse is soon using Street Hawk to settle his own personal vendetta.
In spite of being apprenticed to a Pirate King as a child, Frederic has led a very sheltered life. So when he arrives in Cornwall with his boisterous shipmates, there are a few surprises in store for him!
This Pirates of Penzance is primarily a historical document, part of the Broadway Theater Archive television series. It presents, with some inevitable, tiny technical shortcomings, a live 1980 performance in Central Park, not the 1983 movie of the same name that also starred Linda Ronstadt and Kevin Kline. Those who remember that film, which had the benefit of retakes and editing, a lavish production budget, and the spaciousness of a Hollywood studio, may find this video less polished. On its own terms, it is nonetheless thoroughly enjoyable.
Fast Eddie
In this musical, four young hopefuls from different parts of the country head to New York for a shot at Broadway stardom.
Michael Skye
Thirteen-year-old Jessie is in love with Michael, a 17-year-old guitar instructor and aspiring musician. When she finally captures his interest, she lies and tells him she's 16. But what will Michael do when he discovers the truth?