Ian Hunter

Ian Hunter

Nacimiento : 1900-06-13, Cape Town, South Africa

Muerte : 1975-09-23


Ian Hunter (13 June 1900 – 22 September 1975) was a British character actor. Among dozens of film roles, his best-remembered appearances include That Certain Woman (1937) with Bette Davis, The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938, as King Richard the Lionheart), The Little Princess (1939, as Captain Reginald Crewe) and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1941, as Dr. Lanyon). Hunter returned to the Robin Hood legend in the 1955 TV series The Adventures of Robin Hood in the recurring role of Sir Richard of the Lea. Description above from the Wikipedia article Ian Hunter, licensed under CC-BY-SA,full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Ian Hunter
Ian Hunter


Hollywood Out-takes and Rare Footage
Himself (archive footage)
Out-takes (mostly from Warner Bros.), promotional shorts, movie premieres, public service pleas, wardrobe tests, documentary material, and archival footage make up this star-studded voyeuristic look at the Golden age of Hollywood during the 30s, 40, and 50.
Kali Yug
Robert Talbot
Los malvados indios, aficionados a los sacrificios humanos, intentan expulsar a los ingleses de su patria, pero otros buenos ayudan a la Pérfida Albión en su campaña protectora.
Kali Yug, la diosa de la venganza
Robert Talbot
Secuela de "Kali Yug, El misterio del templo indio"
Guns of Darkness
Dr. Swann
Committed pacifist Tom Jordan's decision to help former President Rivera escape a military coup is a simple act of mercy that takes him and his wife to the edge of despair. It turns them into outlaws and fugitives, hunted by a vicious regime; yet it could also bring them together in a way they have never been before.
The Queen's Guards
Captains John Fellows and Henry Wynne-Walton finish their Army training at Sandhurst Military Academy and are sent to the Middle-East. John is to lead a parachute battalion while Henry is put in charge of a platoon of armoured cars of the Household Cavalry. John is constantly being told by his father, an ex-Guards officer that he is not as good as his brother who was killed during the war.
The Treasure of Monte Cristo
Colonel Jackson
A dashing ex-officer in His Majesty’s army, Captain Adam Corbett (Calhoun) becomes embroiled in intrigue when he agrees to escort Colonel Wilfred Jackson (Ian Hunter) and his daughter Pauline (Patricia Bredin) on a perilous quest for treasure. Possessing one-quarter of a map, they soon rendezvous with three mysterious characters, each with a fragment and a secret agenda. Armed with only a sword and his wits, Corbett battles brigands, soldiers and thieves as he accompanies the expedition to the island of Monte Cristo, where betrayal and fortune await.
Doctor Blood's Coffin
Dr. Robert Blood, Peter's Father
After being thrown out of medical school for ethical violations, Dr. Peter Blood returns home to a small Cornish village, where he sets up a research laboratory in a secluded cave. There, he attempts to revive the dead, using kidnapped humans -- who he views as unworthy of life -- for their body parts, specifically, their hearts.
Zafarrancho en la marina
Admiral Sir Bryanston Blyth
Norman Puckle (Norman Wisdom), es vendedor, de bote en bote, de la tienda Dalton’s. Es un tipo bien intencionado pero algo torpe, y luego de ser rechazado por su enamorada Marlene, intenta suicidarse pero falla en todos sus intentos. Salvado, por un ofical de la marina, de caer desde un acantilado (su último intento de abandonar este mundo), su salvador lo convence para que ingrese a la armada prometiéndole que podrá tener muy cerca a numerosas chicas… pero antes tendrá muy cerca un buen número de líos.
La India en llamas
Sir John Wyndham
En 1905, en la India, estallan revueltas protagonizadas por musulmanes que intentan derrocar al maharajá. El responsable de poner a salvo al heredero es el capitán Scott, que emprende una huida en tren con el muchacho. Durante el viaje, el ataque de los rebeldes no será el mayor peligro que tendrán que afrontar.
Rockets Galore
Air Commodore Watchorn
The inhabitants of Todday are content to live their lives in peace and quiet, until, that is, the government decides their little corner of the world would be the perfect place for a rocket launch site.
Fortune Is a Woman
Clive Fisher
An insurance man discovers his ex-girlfriend and her husband's art-forgery/arson scam.
La Batalla del Río de la Plata
Captain Woodhouse - H.M.S. Ajax
En los primeros años de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la Royal Navy libra una batalla desesperada para mantener abiertas las rutas de convoyes en el Atlántico y poder abastecer a las islas británicas, enfrentándose así al gran peligro que suponen los numerosos buques de guerra alemanes que, como el Admiral Graf Spee, recorren el océano en busca de cargueros que hundir.
The Door in the Wall
Henry Redmond
A man is haunted throughout his life, by a magical door that opens onto an alternate, Garden-of-Eden like world.
Eight O'Clock Walk
Geoffrey Tanner
Only a British cabdriver's (Richard Attenborough) wife (Cathy O'Donnell) and lawyer (Derek Farr) believe him innocent of killing a little girl.
Don't Blame the Stork
Sir George Redway
When Sir George Redway, a famous actor, makes the public boast that he loves babies, a baby is promptly abandoned on his doorstep, and he is forced to take it in. Katie O'Connor, an actress who has auditioned unsuccessfully for a part in a production featuring Redway, pretends to be the child's mother in order to be near the actor. Complications develop involving Lillian Angel, Redway's fiancée, her admirer Captain Fluffy Faversham, and Katie's father, who suspects the worst of Sir George and his daughter. Eventually, the real mother of the baby returns to collect her child, all is resolved, and romance blossoms between Katie and Sir George.
Appointment in London
Wing-commander Tim Mason leads a squadron of Lancaster bombers on almost nightly raids from England. Having flown eighty-seven missions he will shortly be retiring from flying, but the strain is showing. He tries to make sure his men concentrate only on their job and so keeps women away from the base, but then he himself meets naval officer Eve Canyon.
It Started in Paradise
Arthur Turner
A talented dress designer, who lets nothing get in the way of her success, rises in the fashion world then loses contact with her own humanity. She also forgets that you meet the same people on the way up as on the way down.
Edward, mi hijo
Doctor Larry Woodhope
Un despiadado hombre de negocios vive obsesionado con su hijo Edward, al que sería capaz de proteger a cualquier precio; pero su vástago, lejos de pagarle con la misma moneda, sólo siente hacia su padre odio y desprecio.
The White Unicorn
Philip Templar
In a home for delinquent girls, the worst offender exchanges reminiscences with the warden.
White Cradle Inn
This drama is set in Switzerland and chronicles a fight between an innkeeper and her husband, a chronic adulterer. The trouble begins when she wants to adopt a French orphan and he doesn't.
Charlie Carrington
Bedelia Carrington is living happily, it appears, in Monte Carlo with her husband Charlie Carrington. But a cultivated young artist, Ben Chaney, begins probing into her past with curious concern. Chaney, who is really a detective, learns that Bedelia's obsession for money has led her, in the past, to husband-poisoning for the insurance money.
It Comes Up Love
Tom Peabody
Un par de jóvenes alegres y dicharacheros viven un idilio en paralelo al que afecta al padre de ella y a la madre de él, ambos viudos.
Forever and a Day
Dexter Pomfret
In World War II, American Gates Trimble Pomfret is in London during the Blitz to sell the ancestral family house. The current tenant, Leslie Trimble, tries to dissuade him from selling by telling him the 140-year history of the place and the connections between the Trimble and Pomfret families.
Hedda Hopper’s Hollywood No. 6
Narrator Hopper covers two war benefit affairs, a garden party and a USO fashion show, at Pickfair, "The White House of Hollywood."
Un yanqui en Eton
Roger Carlton
Historia de un joven engreído que debe trasladarse de Estados Unidos a Inglaterra, donde asistirá a la universidad de Eton, mezclándose con la élite del campus.
Smilin' Through
Reverend Owen Harding
John Carteret has long been depressed and lonely, because, at his wedding years ago, his bride, Moonyean, was murdered. He accepts into his house Kathleen, the 5 year old orphaned niece of Moonyean, and she quickly grows up to look just like her aunt. Kathleen meets and falls in love with a mysterious stranger from America, Kenneth Wayne. When John hears of this he is furious, and we learn that it was Kenneth's father, Jeremy, who had killed Moonyean years before. John carries his grudge against Jeremy to the new generation, and threatens to ruin his niece's happiness, but he softens in the end.
El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Dr. John Lanyon
Un prestigioso científico vive obsesionado con la idea de encontrar una fórmula que le permita aislar los impulsos malignos del ser humano. Cuando lo consigue, decide experimentar consigo mismo y se bebe la poción que ha inventado. A partir de ese momento, se convierte en un monstruo de maldad que deambula por las calles durante la noche cometiendo todo tipo de fechorías. Adaptación de la obra homónima de Robert Louis Stevenson.
Billy el niño
Eric Keating
Durante un tiempo, Billy el Niño vivió pacificamente trabajando en el rancho de un civilizado y generoso colono inglés, partidario de mantener la ley y el orden sin necesidad de recurrir a la violencia. Pero, cuando el ranchero es asesinado por los pistoleros del cacique del pueblo, Billy decide vengarlo.
Las chicas de Ziegfeld
Geoffrey Collis
Tres mujeres sueñan con actuar en los musicales de Broadway de Florence Ziegfeld. Susan teme que su éxito apene a su padre, actor de vodevil en declive. Sheila se debate entre el amor a su novio y las atenciones de un millonario. Sandra está casada con un virtuoso del violín que no soporta que su mujer consiga el éxito en el mundo de las lentejuelas.
Andy Hardy's Private Secretary
Steven V. Land
Andy Hardy está a punto de graduarse en el instituto, y se cree un tipo muy importante, de modo que contrata a una secretaria. Ésta y su novia le ayudarán a superar el examen de inglés.
No puedo vivir sin ti
Barton Kendrick
Despues del estallido de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Johanna Janss, una austriaca que vive en los Estados Unidos, va a ser deportada a su país. Para evitarlo, decide casarse con Bill, un humilde escritor norteamericano a quien conoce en un bar. Ella está dispuesta a pagarle el favor con el dinero que consigue de su amante, el editor Barton Kendrick.
Hombres intrépidos
Segunda Guerra Mundial. Tras una noche de diversión en las Antillas, la tripulación del carguero SS Glencairn vuelve a la dura rutina y navega rumbo a Baltimore. Son un grupo heterogéneo: Driscoll, un irlandés de mediana edad, Ole Olsen, un joven ex-granjero de origen sueco, y Smitty, un caballero inglés. Tras recoger una carga de dinamita, la tripulación debe regresar a casa, pero la amenaza que suponen los submarinos alemanes, siempre al acecho, hará que se vivan momentos de enorme tensión.
Gallant Sons
Natural Davis
When a teenager's father is accused of murder, the boy and his high-school classmates set out to find the real killer.
Lord Shayne
Para evitar un matrimonio arreglado con un hombre al que no quiere, Sara Millick huye a Viena con su profesor de música, Carl Linden, a quien ella ama. Carl escribe una opereta y trata de conseguir un productor pero en su camino aparece el Barón Von Tranisch.
Gordon Daly
A dizzy young woman aranges to turn her inventor-boyfriend's vacation into a chance meeting with a possible investor who happens to be her brother's future father-in-law. And Wacky stuff happens.
Extraño cargamento
Verne, un hombre encarcelado en la Isla del Diablo, intenta fugarse e involucra en la fuga a Julie, una chica de saloon, que lo delata a las autoridades. Pero Verne vuelve a intentarlo junto con otros presos, y en su huida se encuentra a Julie.
La nueva melodía de Broadway
Bert C. Matthews
Johnny Brett y King Shaw son dos ambiciosos bailarines que buscan la fama en Broadway, y que trabajan como empleados en el café de una sala de espectáculos. Uno de ellos es elegido para el papel principal de un gran musical, pero se confunden de nombres y escogen al compañero. Desde entonces son rivales en la carrera hacia el éxito...
La torre de Londres
King Edward IV
En el siglo XV, Ricardo, Duque de Gloucester (Basil Rathbone), ayudado por su patizambo verdugo Mord (Boris Karloff), elimina a todos aquellos que se le enfrentan en la sucesión al trono, entonces ocupado por su hermano el Rey Eduardo IV de Inglaterra. Cada vez que lleva a cabo un asesinato, disfruta eliminado una de las figuritas que tiene colocadas en la sala del trono de su casa de muñecas, cuyo aspecto se asemeja a cada uno de los posibles sucesores al trono, hasta que queda sólo la suya. Después de la muerte de Eduardo se convierte en Ricardo III, Rey de Inglaterra. Sólo le falta derrotar al exiliado enrique Tudor para mantener el poder.
Bad Little Angel
Jim Creighton (Sentinel editor)
A bible-guided Victorian orphan befriends a bootblack in a strange town.
Clifford 'Cliff' Ames
Wisecracking showgirl Maisie Ravier finds herself trapped in a Wyoming town when her new employer closes the show prematurely. She meets ranch foreman Charles "Slim" Martin when he accuses her of lifting his wallet and ends up being hired as a maid for ranch owners Cliff and Sybil, who are attempting to mend their rocky marriage after Sybil's infidelity with a cowboy.
Tarzán y su hijo
Austin Lancing
Un avión se estrella en medio de la jungla y el único superviviente es un niño pequeño. Tarzán y Jane lo encuentran y lo acogen como un hijo. Años después, una expedición organizada por la familia del chico se adentra en la jungla intentando encontrar al pequeño.
Se llevó mi corazón
Larry Bryant
Hale y Jimmy Seymour son una pareja que trabaja en en pequeños clubes nocturnos con la esperanza de tener éxito. Una noche, Larry Bryant (un productor de Broadway) ve a Mary y se enamora de su belleza y su voz. Larry Bryant le pide que haga una audición para el Sr. Collier y que Jimmy la acompañe. Después de escuchar a Mary, Collier quiere que Mary esté en su show. Jimmy anima a una Mary reacia a seguir el camino sin él.
La pequeña princesa
Captain Crewe
Cuando un oficial del ejército es llamado a las armas, deja a su única hija Sara en un internado femenino. Apodada “la princesita” porque su padre insiste en que ella reciba lo mejor de lo mejor, sin buscarlo pronto se gana la antipatía de las empleadas y otras niñas del internado. Un día el padre de Sara desaparece y es dado por muerto en la guerra, Sara se convierte en una huérfana sin dinero que tiene que trabajar como sirvienta en la escuela para poder sobrevivir. Sin perder la esperanza Sara empieza una búsqueda por todos los hospitales militares, determinada a encontrar a su padre.
Yes, My Darling Daughter
Lewis Murray
Ellen is a free spirited young woman in love with Doug. Sadly he must leave America for a two year job in Belgium. Ellen and Doug decide to spend their last weekend together in a tourist cabin at a rural lake. Her family is shocked that a young unmarried woman would engage in such amoral activity. The comic plot develops as Ellen argues her case for women's freedom and independence, trying to win over her mother, grandmother, and other dubious relatives.
Comet Over Broadway
Bert Ballin
Story of a rising stage star and the trouble she causes by her ambition.
Las hermanas
William Benson
Tres hijas de un modesto farmaceutico tienen que pasar por juicios y tribulaciones, debido a sus problemáticos matrimonios entre 1904 y 1908.
Secrets of an Actress
Peter 'Pete' Snowden
Two architects lose their heads over a glamorous actress.
Always Goodbye
Phillip Marshall
Following the death of her fiancé, Margot Weston is left pregnant and unmarried. Former doctor Jim Howard helps the desperate Margot. When her son is born, Jim helps her find a home for the baby with Phil Marshall and his wife. Margot insists that neither the Marshalls nor the child can ever know that she is his mother.
Robin de los bosques
King Richard the Lion-Heart
Robin de Locksey regresa a Inglaterra tras combatir contra los infieles en las Cruzadas, pero Juan sin Tierra, el hermano del Rey Ricardo I, ha usurpado el trono y gobierna como un tirano, por lo que el noble sajón decide refugiarse en el bosque de Sherwood y luchar contra él para devolverle la corona a Ricardo.
Breakdowns of 1938
Lloyd Rogers (archive footage) (uncredited)
This was one of the annual "blooper" reels screened by the Warners Club, an organization of Warners actors, crew and executives. It was meant to poke fun at the flubs and bloopers that occurred ont the set of some of the major Warner Bros. pictures of 1938.
52nd Street
Rufus Rondell
The story of how 52nd Street became New York City's "Nightclub Row" in the 1930s.
Aquella mujer
Lloyd Rogers
Mary Donnell es una joven viuda que trabaja como secretaria del abogado Lloyd Rogers, un hombre casado pero secretamente enamorado de ella. Cuando Jack Merrick, hijo de uno de los clientes más importantes de Rogers, regresa de Europa, le declara su amor a Mary, que acepta huir con él y casarse esa misma noche.
Leonide Kirow
Vera Kowalska is put on trial for murdering concert pianist Michael Michailow. In court it is revealed that some years earlier Michael ruined Vera's life.
Otro amanecer
Colonel John Wister
El Coronel John Wister (Ian Hunter), destacado en el desierto de Dubik con el ejército británico, retorna a su Inglaterra natal. Allí se enamorará de Julia Ashton (Kay Francis), que cuidará de él pero se ve incapaz de amarle al tener reciente la muerte de su prometido. Wister la convence para casarse, pero al retornar a Dubik conocerá al Capitán Denny Roark (Errol Flynn), quién despertará en ella todo el amor que no ha podido ofrecer a su marido. El inicio de la guerra con las tribus locales, y la consciencia de Wister del romance entre su mujer y su mejor amigo, hará que se avecine la tragedia.
Call It a Day
Roger Hilton
La crónica de lo que sucede en un día de primavera en el negocio de una próspera familia inglesa cuando el padre es seducido por una cliente. Esto llevará a una serie de enredos en los que se ven envueltas las hijas del matrimonio.
Stolen Holiday
Anthony Wayne
A young model is set up with her own fashion business by a crooked financier, who sells worthless bonds.
Breakdowns of 1937
Warner Brothers bloopers of 1937.
El demonio es un pobre diablo
Jay Pierce
Claude Pierce, un niño inglés muy educado que vive en el sur de Manhattan, intenta ganarse la aceptación ante sus compañeros no tan bien educados, en la escuela.
To Mary - with Love
Bill Hallam
Crónica de la vida de un matrimonio (Warner Baxter y Mirna Loy) en la época de la Gran Depresión.
The White Angel
In mid-nineteenth century England the medical establishment does not recognize the value of skilled nurses, cleanliness, nutrition and kindness. Florence Nightingale's heroic measures slowly changes all of this.
A Dream Comes True
Theseus (archive footage) (uncredited)
A promotional short to hype the production of A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935).
Su vida privada
Keith Lockridge
Stella Parish es una actriz londinense que, de repente, en la cima de su éxito, abandona su profesión. Un periodista será el encargado de seguir la pista de este hecho, descubriendo que detrás de todo el asunto se oculta un tormentoso pasado de Stella, que tiene que ver con una hija secreta y una condena carcelaria por asesinato.
El sueño de una noche de verano
Teseo, duque de Atenas, se va a casar con Hipólita, Reina de las Amazonas. Demetrio está comprometido con Hermia, pero Hermia ama a Lisandro. Helena ama a Demetrio. Oberon y Titania, del reino de las hadas, tienen una pequeña disputa sobre si el niño que Titania está criando se unirá al bando de Titania o al de Oberon, por lo que Oberon intentará alejarlo de ella usando algo de magia. Pero no están solos en ese bosque. Lisandro y Hermina tienen una cita, Helena y Demetrio también están allí, así como algunos actores, que están practicando una obra de teatro para la próxima boda de Teseo e Hipólita. Debido a algunos malentendidos, todo se vuelve un poco confuso...
Renny Whiteoaks
A young poet, accompanied by his new bride, returns home to his large family at their Canadian farm.
The Phantom Light
Jim Pierce
Criminals pose as ghosts to scare a lighthouse keeper on the Welsh coast, in attempt to distract him. Jim Pearce deliberately maroons himself on the rock along with Alice Bright. When the light is later smashed, Jim reveals that his brother’s ship is the wreckers’ latest target, while Alice is a detective sent to investigate.
The Night of the Party
Guy Kennion
A major newspaper publisher dies in suspicious circumstances during a parlour game at a dinner party. The publishers secretary is the obvious suspect, but the inspector isn't so sure ...
Sir Reginald Ford
Lazybones is an idle baronet. He hasn't a care in the world until his father cuts him off without a penny. He then meets an American heiress & marries her but finds she has been disinherited as well. They find even more trouble in the shape of the American's cousin.
The Girl from 10th Avenue
Geoffrey D. 'Geoff' Sherwood
When his fiancée Valentine dumps him, prominent lawyer Geoffrey Sherwood goes on a bender and winds up married to a stranger, Miriam Brady. They decide to give their marriage a chance. Their landlady, a one-time Floradora girl, offers to help Miriam become refined. Successful again, Geoffrey is approached ("if only we were free") by Valentine. Miriam tells Valentine off in no uncertain terms. Geoffrey moves into his club where Valentine's husband tells him he is a fool to leave Miriam
The Morals of Marcus
Sir Marcus Ordeyne
A confirmed bachelor takes pity on a young woman and takes her to London.
The Church Mouse
Johnathan Steele
When a meek secretary goes to work for her new boss, she becomes a sophisticated lady.
Something Always Happens
Peter Middleton
Unemployed car salesman Peter is encouraged by his girlfriend Cynthia to approach the head of a petrol company with his plan for making petrol stations more attractive to customers. When the man rejects the idea Peter joins a rival company and becomes a great success.
Death At Broadcasting House
Detective Inspector Gregory
An actor is murdered live on air whilst a play is being broadcast. Everyone in the play and broadcasting house fall under suspicion.
Orders Is Orders
Capt. Harper
Un chulesco productor de cine estadounidense llega a base militar de Inglaterra con el propósito de rodar una película y utilizar a los soldados como extras. El comandante de la base se niega, pero el productor y su secretaria se alían para obligarle a cambiar de opinión.
The Man from Toronto
Fergus Wimbush
According to the terms of a will two strangers must marry. Leila (Jessie Matthews) is a widow, and Fergus (Ian Hunter) is a Canadian bachelor. Both are bequeathed a fortune, but there is a condition to the receipt of it. The two much marry within a year. To aid matters, Leila disguises herself as Fergus' maid, and the two begin to fall in love. However when Fergus discovers the truth, he is less than pleased by the deception.
Marry Me
Robert Hart
A British musical comedy film directed by Wilhelm Thiele
The Sign of Four: Sherlock Holmes' Greatest Case
Dr. John Watson
A young woman turns to Holmes for protection when she's menaced by an escaped killer seeking missing treasure. However, when the woman is kidnapped, Holmes and Watson must penetrate the city's criminal underworld to find her.
The Water Gipsies
Fred Green
Jane Bell has lived on an old barge moored in the Thames with her feckless father and sister ever since their mother died, but she would prefer her life to be more like the movies
Sally in Our Alley
George Miles
A woman believes her boyfriend died in the First World War, but he is now looking for her
Cape Forlorn
Gordon Kingsley
William Kell, the keeper of a lighthouse on a lonely stretch of coastline, marries cabaret dancer Eileen. His young wife, however, goes on to have an affair with Henry Cass, the handsome assistant later taken on by her husband; when she then begins to flirt with a stranger who is rescued from the wreck of a motor-launch, a chain of shocking events is set in motion...
William Brown, the Plainclothesman
When Matt Denant (Gerald de Maurier) finds himself wrongly imprisoned for manslaughter, he takes an opportunity to escape from jail during a foggy day and is forced to rely on the goodwill of local people to remain a fugitive of the law.
The Valley of Ghosts
Andrew McLeod
'Detective loves daughter of artist suspected of murdering blackmailer.' (British Film Catalogue)
Alexander Winston
Benny and Flo are a husband and wife dance team, Sloane and Darrel, traveling around the country as part of a revue. The revue gets picked up and taken to New York City, to be on Broadway. However, it quickly folds, and the two are forced to look for other employment. They eventually find work in a nightclub, becoming famous.But while performing at the nightclub, Flo becomes entranced by a young, sophisticated millionaire playboy, Winston.
Easy Virtue
The Plaintiff's Counsel
Una mujer, Larita Filton, es acusada por su marido, un hombre borracho y celoso, de haberse enamorado de un artista. El matrimonio se divorcia entre un gran escándalo y el artista se suicida. El mundo de Larita se viene abajo, ella ha adquirido mala reputación, por lo que decide cambiar de identidad y empezar una nueva vida. Se enamora de un joven rico y se casa con él hasta que la madre averigua su turbio pasado...
His House in Order
Hilary Jesson
A rich man's worship of his first wife ends when he learns their son is a bastard.
Roddy (Ivor Novello), primogénito de la rica familia Berwick, es expulsado del instituto acusado de haber ultrajado a una mujer y su padre le repudia. Entonces decide ir a París donde se gasta el último dinero que le queda y comienza a trabajar como bailarín.
El ring
Bob Corby
Jack es un boxeador de segunda fila, novio de Nelly. El campeón australiano Bob Corby, que oculta su verdadera identidad, está enamorado de la misma muchacha. Bob desafía y pelea a Jack, al que derrota ampliamente. Pero, para poder estar cerca de Nelly, Bob contrata a Kack para entrenar con él. No pasa mucho tiempo sin que la chica corresponda a los intentos amorosos de Bob. Movido por los celos y el deseo de venganza, Jack reta Bob a combatir en el Albert Hall.
Charles Oddy
Two typists, one attractive, the other efficient, fall in love with the son of one of the firm's partners. The young man makes overtures to the attractive girl but finally finds a match in the plainer one, while the other girl realises the worth of the prim and correct head clerk.
Not For Sale
Martin Bering
An Earl's disowned son becomes a chauffeur, loves a landlady, and is jailed for theft.