Mark Stevens

Mark Stevens

Nacimiento : 1916-12-13, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.

Muerte : 1994-09-15


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   Mark Stevens (December 13, 1916 – September 15, 1994) was an American actor. Description above from the Wikipedia article Mark Stevens (actor), licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Mark Stevens


La furia del Hombre Lobo
Bill Williams
De vuelta de una expedición en el Tíbet, un hombre se da cuenta de que se le ha transmitido la licantropía. Harto de cometer crímenes se intenta suicidar, pero es rescatado por una doctora que le impondrá su voluntad para que siga cometiendo crímenes.
La Lola... dicen que no vive sola
Una joven prostituta a la que conocen como Lola tiene una hija enferma en el pueblo. Desesperada ruega a la Virgen que cure a su hija y a cambio ella dejará de fumar, de beber y de acostarse con hombres por un año, pese a que le suponga cortar con su fuente de ingresos.
España otra vez
Dr. David Foster
David (Mark Stevens) es un médico que regresa a España 30 años después de su participación en la Guerra Civil Española. Ahora miembro de una convención médica, busca a viejos amigos y encuentra a su antiguo amante, ahora una mujer casada con una hija . Él y su hija (Manuela Vargas) tienen una atracción mutua inmediata y mutua. Considera huir con la exótica belleza antes de pedirle a su esposa que se una a él para unas largas vacaciones después de la convención.
Tierra de fuego
Un grupo de cuatro forajidos comandado por Abel Dragna deciden instalarse en Fraserville un pequeño, civilizado y pacífico pueblo de 1.200 habitantes en el que, incluso el sheriff, no lleva armas. Pronto los pistoleros comenzarán a realizar todo tipo de fechorías ante la mirada impasible del sheriff cuya actitud será incomprendida por sus vecinos.
Tierra de fuego
Sheriff Jess Kinley
Un grupo de cuatro forajidos comandado por Abel Dragna deciden instalarse en Fraserville un pequeño, civilizado y pacífico pueblo de 1.200 habitantes en el que, incluso el sheriff, no lleva armas. Pronto los pistoleros comenzarán a realizar todo tipo de fechorías ante la mirada impasible del sheriff cuya actitud será incomprendida por sus vecinos.
Frozen Alive
Dr. Frank Overton
A scientist experimenting with suspended animation decides to use himself as a test subject. Before he is frozen, his wife is killed, and he is suspected of her murder. a murder suspect.
Los pasos del destino
Mickey Doolan
Una azafata y uno de los ejecutivos de una compañía aérea, se niegan a creer que el piloto de un avión haya sido el responsable de un fatal accidente y tratan de buscar las verdaderas causas de la catástrofe.
Escape from Hell Island
Capt. James
The plot concerns a Key West charter boat captain persuaded to help smuggle Cuban refugees to Florida. When a refugee is killed while escaping, he loses his license and becomes involved with a married woman, whose jealous husband wants him dead.
Escape from Hell Island
The plot concerns a Key West charter boat captain persuaded to help smuggle Cuban refugees to Florida. When a refugee is killed while escaping, he loses his license and becomes involved with a married woman, whose jealous husband wants him dead.
September Storm
Joe Balfour
American fashion model Anne Traymore, swimming off the isle of Majorca, loses a bracelet, which the handsome Manuel del Rio Montoya returns to her. She believes he owns a beautiful yacht called The Swan, but he merely works on it for the wealthy Rene LeClerc.
Gunsmoke in Tucson
Jed "Chip" Coburn
As young boys, two brothers, Jed (AKA: Chip) and John, witness their father being hung by a vigilante gang. Chip, angry and bitter, grows up to be an outlaw and leader of the feared Blue Chip Gang. John goes the other way and becomes a U.S. Marshal. Two brothers on opposite sides of the law, destined to become embroiled in an Arizona range war between cattlemen and farmers.
Gun Fever
Luke Ram seeks revenge against the white renegade who lead a Sioux raiding party against his father's stagecoach way station, killing all the inhabitants except himself. He's joined by his mining partner, young Sam Weller, not realizing that they man they seek is Weller's father, in whose gang Sam rode as a young man.
Gun Fever
Luke Ram seeks revenge against the white renegade who lead a Sioux raiding party against his father's stagecoach way station, killing all the inhabitants except himself. He's joined by his mining partner, young Sam Weller, not realizing that they man they seek is Weller's father, in whose gang Sam rode as a young man.
Gun Fever
Luke Ram
Luke Ram seeks revenge against the white renegade who lead a Sioux raiding party against his father's stagecoach way station, killing all the inhabitants except himself. He's joined by his mining partner, young Sam Weller, not realizing that they man they seek is Weller's father, in whose gang Sam rode as a young man.
Duelo en el desfiladero
Velvet Clark
Un sheriff llega a su nuevo destino, el pequeño pueblo de Bancroft, tras el asesinato de su predecesor. Convencido que la forma de hacer respetar la ley es encontrar al culpable, intenta por todos los medios encontrar al hombre que mató al antiguo sheriff.
Time Table
Charlie Norman
An insurance detective encounters numerous surprises when he is assigned to investigate a meticulously-planned train robbery in Arizona.
Time Table
An insurance detective encounters numerous surprises when he is assigned to investigate a meticulously-planned train robbery in Arizona.
Time Table
An insurance detective encounters numerous surprises when he is assigned to investigate a meticulously-planned train robbery in Arizona.
Cry Vengeance
Ex-cop Vic Barron crossed the wrong mobsters; his wife and child were killed and he himself scarred, framed and imprisoned. On release, Vic has but one desire, revenge on still-hiding Tino Morelli.
Cry Vengeance
Vic Barron
Ex-cop Vic Barron crossed the wrong mobsters; his wife and child were killed and he himself scarred, framed and imprisoned. On release, Vic has but one desire, revenge on still-hiding Tino Morelli.
Torpedo Alley
Bob Bingham
After carrier pilot Lt Bingham is rescued at sea by a submarine when he crashes, he applies for submarine duty. During training he competes with Commander Heywood for the affection of Navy nurse Lt Susan Peabody. Heywood gets a new sub command at the outbreak of the Korean war and Bingham is assigned to his sub.
Jack Slade
Jack Slade
A young boy witnesses his father murdered by bandits and grows into adulthood vowing revenge.
The Big Frame
Paul Smith
An ex-GI wakes up with blood on his clothes in a strange hotel room. He can't remember the night before but he later finds out that a man he got into a fight with earlier in the night was murdered.
Capt. James Marshall
Durante la guerra de Independencia de las colonias americanas contra Inglaterra , un oficial americano (Mark Stevens) recibe la orden de embarcar en Le Havre (Francia) un importante cargamento de oro destinado a financiar la guerra contra la metrópoli. Pero, cuando la tripulación se entera, se amotina.
Reunion in Reno
Norman Drake
A little girl enlists the aid of an attorney to obtain a divorce from her parents. Breezy B comedy was loosely remade as Irreconcilable Differences.
Little Egypt
Wayne Cravat
A belly dancer causes a scandal with her suggestive dancing at a Worlds Fair exhibition at the turn of the 20th century.
Target Unknown
Capt. Jerome Stevens
World War II drama about members of an American bomber squadron who are captured and held prisoners by the German army.
Katie Did It
Peter Van Arden
Katherine Standish, who has been brought up in a strict manner in a prudish New England town, falls in love with a city slicker commercial artist, Peter Van Arden. The romance blossoms until Katie falls victim of some false information, and becomes convinced that Peter is already married and the father of two children.
Entre la medianoche y el amanecer
Officer Rocky Barnes
Dos policías, enamorados de la hija de un colega asesinado, rivalizan por capturar al culpable de su muerte con el objeto de acreditar méritos ante los ojos de la muchacha.
Please Believe Me
Matthew Kinston
A woman in London unexpectedly inherits a Texas ranching fortune, and takes a transatlantic voyage to collect her fortune, not suspecting two men aboard both plan on winning her hand before she reaches America. One is a gambler interested in her money, and the other, a rich man looking for a wife. The rich man's friend, meanwhile, believes the heiress is actually a gold-digger.
Dancing in the Dark
Bill Davis
Emery Slade was one of the brightest stars in Hollywood in 1932, but by 1949 his career has hit the skids. Fortunately, he is able to convince studio head Melville Crossman to cast him in the adaptation of a hit Broadway show. Crossman has one condition: Slade must travel to New York and convince the female star of the stage production to join the film. Slade goes, but, when he eyes the winsome Julie Clarke, he hatches a different scheme.
Oh, You Beautiful Doll
Larry Kelly
Period musical about a song plugger who vows to turn an opera composer's music into popular hits.
Jeff Keane
Novelist Will James, a specialist in horse stories, wrote the yarn upon which 20th Century-Fox's Sand was based. Mark Stevens plays horse breeder Jeff Keane, who loses his prize stallion in a train accident. While the stallion roams wild and free, Keane enlists the aid of rancher Joan Hartley (Coleen Gray) in searching for the animal. Once the horse is located, it is clear that it has developed a mean streak, the result of various cruelties inflicted upon it by humans. Jeff and Joan combine their efforts to regain the horse's friendship. Veteran Native American actors Iron Eyes Cody and Jay Silverheels make significant supporting appearances. Sand was attractively filmed in Technicolor on location in Colorado.
Nido de víboras
Robert Cunningham
Una escritora recién casada acaba internada en un psiquiátrico debido a un recuerdo que le atormenta. El trato recibido en el hospital no hace sino empeorar su estado mental.
La calle sin nombre
Gene Cordell / George Manly
Stiles (Richard Widmark) es un jefe mafioso en alza que lucha por imponerse en el submundo criminal. Los archivos del FBI rebosan de historias sangrientas, pero hay un caso concreto que tiene desconcertado al inspector Briggs (Lloyd Nolan). Se trata de dos asesinatos: un ama de casa y el guardia de seguridad de un banco, abatidos ambos por el mismo arma, pero sin que exista ninguna otra conexión entre ellos. Decidido a llegar hasta el fondo del asunto, Briggs encarga a su mejor agente secreto que se infiltre en la cúpula de la tristemente famosa banda de Stiles...
I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now
Joseph E. Howard
A biopic of the career of Joe Howard (12 Feb.,1878 - 19 May, 1961), famous songwriter of the early 20th Century. Howard wrote the title song, Goodbye, My Lady Love; and Hello, My Baby among many others. Mark Stevens was dubbed by Buddy Clark, well known singer of the 30's and 40's
Envuelto en la sombra
Bradford Galt
Un detective privado, que casi vive en la miseria, descubre un día que lo están siguiendo. Tras acorralar a su perseguidor, averigua que actúa a las órdenes de un antiguo socio con el que acabó enemistado. Poco después se ve envuelto en un calculado plan de asesinato.
De hoy en adelante
Bill Cummings
El maquinista Bill Cummings y la administrativa Susan son un humilde matrimonio neoyorquino, del barrio del Bronx, que vive en una situación económica muy precaria. Sus problemas para encontrar trabajo se ven agravados durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Sobre su vida cotidiana planea permanentemente la amenaza de un futuro incierto.
El orgullo de los marines
Un infante de la Marina de los Estados Unidos se queda ciego a causa de heridas de guerra. A partir de entonces inicia un proceso de superación personal para salir adelante a pesar de sus limitaciones.
Within These Walls
Steve Purcell
Michael Howland, a stern hanging judge, is assigned to take over a chaotic prison. There Michael imposes a strict regime of discipline on the inmates. He is similarly rigid and harsh with his own two children Tommie and Anne. However, his son Tommie Howland eventually ends up incarcerated in his father's prison.
Rapsodia en azul
Steve (uncredited)
George Geshwin nació en Brooklyn en 1898. Sus padres compraron un piano para que recibiera lecciones a su hijo Ira, pero la llegada del instrumento a casa cambia totalmente los pensamientos de George, el más pequeño, que se siente atraído por el instrumento y por la música. A los dieciocho años es admitido por el célebre profesor Frank y tiene su primera oportunidad en un teatro de variedades de barrio, pero allí sus composiciones no son apreciadas...
Dios es mi copiloto
Sgt. Baldridge
Biografía de Robert L. Scott, afamado piloto de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, que se enfrentó a muerte con su mortífero enemigo, el aviador japonés conocido como Tokyo Joe.
Objetivo: Birmania
Lt. Barker, pilot
Durante la II Guerra Mundial, el Mayor Nelson y sus hombres son lanzados en paracaídas sobre la jungla birmana, tras las líneas enemigas, para destruir una estación de radar japonesa. La angustiosa y extenuante expedición a través de la jungla y los pantanos repletos de soldados enemigos se convertirá en un juego mortal en el que tan importante será cumplir con éxito la misión como poder ser rescatados...
Hollywood Canteen
Soldier on Deck (uncredited)
El "Hollywwod Canteen" era un club que la Warner Bros creó durante la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) para que los soldados que estaban de permiso pudieran divertirse con el espectáculo y codearse con los actores de moda. Dos soldados pasan tres noches en el club: uno de ellos sueña con besar a Joan Leslie, su amor imposible durante la guerra del Pacífico. John Garfield favorece el encuentro.
Roaring Guns
Lance Ferris
Farmers take up arms against miners whose high water pressure mining operations are destroying their farms with mud and water runoff.
Pasaje para Marsella
Un francés que lucha en las fuerzas aéreas con base en Gran Bretaña confiesa, después de ser presionado, que ha escapado de la Isla del Diablo y en realidad quiere volver a Francia. Por otro lado, un periodista que está indagando sobre la guerra en el bando de los aliados descubre oscuros intereses militares.
Food and Magic
A sideshow barker uses magic and visual aids to alert the public that proper food management is both a resource and a weapon that could be to America's advantage if conserved properly in winning the then current World War.