Shin Yi

Shin Yi

Nacimiento : 1978-11-06, Taegu, South Korea


Shin Yi (신이) is a South Korean actress. She was born on November 6, 1978 and is best known for her work in the Sex is Zero films.


Shin Yi


"Holly" cuenta la conmovedora historia de una madre y una hija. La madre, Holly, trabaja como bailarina en un club cerca de una base militar de EE. UU. Y su hija Wani es una estudiante de secundaria que sueña con convertirse en bailarina.
An Uninvited Guest
A crazed and dangerous man barges into Eun Jin's home while she's alone. His actions and behavior are strangely similar to that of her husband. Eun Jin's neighbor comes by with rice cakes, and she too is taken hostage. The strange man is scary, but he reveals even scarier things about Eun Jin's husband.
Sera & Lami
Kwang-soo married Lami, a former nightclub hostess working under his mother Sera. Living together, Sera and Lami are in-laws, friends and somehow completely strangers. While living with huge credit card debts, they are asked by Kwang-soo to retrieve a diamond worth five million dollars that Kwang-soo’s friend choked on and buried with him. Kwang-soo was supposed to steal the diamond and give it to his boss but he and his friend stole it and ran away. His boss found out and chased them at which point Kwang-soo’s friend accidentally swallowed and choked on the diamond. The boss will stop at nothing to find out where the diamond is by doing everything to get Kwang-soo out of jail after he turned himself in to the police. Now, Sera and Lami are searching for the diamond themselves with the gang boss pressuring them with everything he’s got.
What Happened Last Night?
Yoo-jin is a single girl with lots of boyfriends. One morning she wakes up and finds herself in a hotel room with a faint memory of having slept with a man in the previous night. She had a wild party and got drunk to the point where she couldn’t tell whom she was with, so she makes a list of several potential suspects. Cheol-jin was among them, who has been one of her best friends since college, but she’s convinced that it couldn’t be him because he’s too shy for anything like that. So then who else could it be? Still up in the air, she’s lost on the incident and then happens to meet her first love, Seok-kyu to be appalled to find out…
Sex Is Zero 2
In his 10th year at college, Eun-sik is part of a nearly ideal campus couple with swimming champ Kyung-ah. While their three-year relationship is solid, Eun-sik struggles to get to the next level with Kyung-ah; despite the help and support of his friends, he can’t manage to get her into bed.
The Worst Man of My Life
woman on blind date (cameo)
Ju-eyon and Seong-tae have been best friends ever since they first met each other 10 years ago. But in one night their 10 year friendship comes crashing to the ground after they sleep together. The comfort and security of marriage is a siren call, and the two decide to forego their ideals to spend their first day as man and wife. However, their perfect lover soon appears right in front of them: A sexy editor appears to seduce Seong-tae and an advertising director appears to tempt Ju-yeon. With a single smile they turn the newlyweds dream into a nightmare. Even after only a few days, they soon find themselves faced with the worst choice of their lives as they struggle to reach happiness.
¿Quién se Acostó con Ella?
Típica comedia coreana en donde nos topamos con tres estudiantes bastante particulares que hacen lo imposible por conquistar a su maestra de francés. Sus intentos de acercarse a la despampanante maestra se ven frustrados por la constante y agresiva presencia del inspector del plantel que es amante del orden, las buenas costumbres y la moral. Finalmente, según señalan las pistas, uno de estos tres estudiantes ha conseguido acostarse con la maestra, pero es evidente que el inspector no va a permitir que este hecho quede impune. ¿Quién habrá sido el que se acostó con la profesora?
Marrying The Mafia 3: Family Hustle
Oh Soon-nam
This gangster comedy chronicles the White Tiger Family of Jeolla Province. Hong Deok-ja, head of the crime family, quits the syndicate to open a kimchi business after her son marries a prosecutor. She is pulled back into the crime family when the familiar member of the rival Axe Gang is released from prison and seeks revenge upon the White Tiger Family.
Oh! My God
Eun-joo falls for playboy Jung-hwan after he rescues her from drowning, and vows to make him her man. One thing leads to another, and they had a one night stand. Several years later, Jung-hwan is still living the high life while Eun-joo is working as a prosecutor. When they eventually cross paths, she reveals that he's the father of her twins, and tries to make him grow up and take responsibility.
Marrying the Mafia 2: Enemy-in-Law
Oh Soon-nam
The oldest son of the White Tiger Gang is pressured by his family to settle down and get married; but when he finds the perfect girl, she turns out to be a state prosecutor for crimes of violence, specifically gangster related. The district attorney is a look-a-like of the gangster's former fiancee who died getting hit by a truck. Their feelings develop for each other but her co-worker turns out to like her as well. She does not like him so the latter turns to the darker side of the law, by conspiring with the rival Axe Gang. Unfortunately for him, the mafia son has more that a few tricks up his sleeve and gets support from his dim-witted brothers and henchman.
A Bold Family
Discovering that the father, who was displaced from the North Korea, made a will to his lawyer that unless the two-divided Korea become unified, his veiled property is to be veiled property is to be donated to the country after his death, the whole family decided to fool their father into thinking that the unification is finally realized. However, their bold play doesn’t go smoothly always...
My Boyfriend is Type B
Ha Mi es una chica que nunca ha tenido pareja. Un día se tropieza accidentalmente con un chico, Young Bin, de quien se enamora enseguida pensando que el destino los ha unido. El problema es que Young Bin es un egocéntrico que la trata como a un objeto. Y eso se debe, según la hermana de Ha Mi, a que su grupo sanguíneo es tipo B. Ha Mi no hace caso y trata de hacer cambiar la actitud de su novio.
Papito Piernas Largas
Kang Jong-jong
Young-mi fue criada en un ambiente lleno de amor. Sus padres le enseñaron que en algún lugar del mundo hallaría a su verdadero amor. Ella pierde a sus padres y aún así Young-mi continúa su camino decidida y alegre. Un día, al regresar de la escuela, se encuentra que le han obsequiado unos zapatos nuevos. Siendo imposible rastrear el remitente para averiguar quién se lo envió, Young-mi se resigna a recibir periódicamente sorpresas y regalos de su protector desconocido, a quien comienza a llamar cariñosamente “Papaíto Piernas Largas” ¿Podrá Young-mi averiguar su secreta identidad?
Shin Suk-ki Blues
Miss Jang
Suk-ki es perfecto en todos los sentidos, pero un abogado de corazón frío. Se encuentra accidentalmente a un hombre que tiene un mismo nombre consigo mismo pero ambos involucrarse en un accidente y gravemente herido. Cuando se despierta, él se encuentra en el cuerpo feo de otro tipo. Él tiene que vivir la vida de un amigo a partir de ahora.
To Catch a Virgin Ghost
El miembro de una banda de gángsters huye con un valioso botín de diamantes terminando por casualidad en un pequeño pueblo llamado Sisily, donde pedirá ayuda a los pocos habitantes que allí viven. Pronto llegarán parte de sus antiguos compañeros, que le buscan a él y a las joyas
Everybody Has Secrets
Remake de la película irlandesa "Adam y ellas". Lee Byung-Hun es la estrella de esta comedia sobre sexo, relaciones e infidelidades; logrando conquistar a tres hermanas, cosa que cambiará la vida de todos.
Dead Friend
Min Ji-won es una estudiante universitaria que está en tratamiento médico tras sufrir un accidente. Padece de amnesia y de una grave enfermedad cardiaca, y acude semanalmente a la consulta de un psiquiatra sin experimentar ninguna mejoría. Agobiada por la enfermedad y por la compañía de una madre dominante que la espera cada día en una casa sórdida y tétrica, la joven se plantea comenzar una nueva vida en el extranjero. Lo único que le pesa es tener que abandonar a su nuevo compañero de facultad, el único que le apoya y le ayuda a recuperar paulatinamente la memoria de lo sucedido. Al mismo tiempo, algunas de sus antiguas compañeras de instituto están falleciendo en extrañas circunstancias... (FILMAFFINITY)
Los guerreros románticos
Shin Yi
A group of deadly assassins kidnap a hostage in the hope of getting a high ransom but when they manage to lose themselves in a forest and end up spending the night in a haunted house they manage to disrupt the plans of the ghosts to ascend to heaven. The assassins hatch a plan to solve the problem but in doing so reveal themselves to be incompetent, so the ghosts decide to give them some training themselves…
Greatest Expectations
Chang-sik lives strictly by the freeloader's handbook, doing the rounds of free samples in department store food sections and sponging off of his older brother. Mi-young nurtures grandiose dreams of becoming a TV actress but has failed every audition because she just can't act. The two unemployed with similar schedules and living in the same neighborhood are bound to run into each other, and they do. One day, Chang-sik and Mi-young are walking around distractedly when they end up in a head-on collision. Chang-sik's coins spill out from his hands and scatter all over the ground. His precious coins! He chases after every single one but ends up 10 cents short. He viciously turns to the Mi-young but she refuses to give him 10 cents...
Sex is zero
Narra la historia de Eun-shik, un estudiante locamente enamorado de una chica, y que, a pesar de todos sus esfuerzos para estar con ella, se encuentra siempre en situaciones de lo más enrevesadas, todo ello ayudado de su grupo de amigos, a cada cual más loco y pervertido.
Yellow Hair 2
The events that precede and follow, for each of those present in turn, when a young woman is asked for verification of her identity one time too many, in this case when presenting a check at a convenience store. Despite the repetition of the central scene the personal stories and consequences are interestingly varied and unpredictable. The problem for the central character is that her country allows her no usable identity following her change of sex. This was true for the lead actress, South Korea's most famed woman of transsexual history, Ha Ri-su, but that is about as far as the plot bears any resemblance to her actual life. Since the film was released the actress became, by a landmark court case, the first in her country to to be allowed proper recognition and papers. There are of course many other countries which still impose the same difficulties on similar young women.
Doctor K
Terminally ill patients are magically cured by a neurosurgeon who transfers their tumors to his own brain.
Whispering corridors
Por los pasillos de la estricta universidad de chicas Jookran, se murmura acerca del fantasma de la alumna Jin Ju que se suicidó hace nueve años. Comienza el nuevo curso y una de las antiguas profesoras aparece ahorcada. Una ex-alumna y compañera de Jin Ju que empieza su carrera como profesora en la universidad, se verá envuelta en los misterios que ocultan los pasillos del centro junto a un grupo de jóvenes alumnas.