Mark O'Halloran

Mark O'Halloran


Mark O'Halloran


When Leon, a recovering addict, discovers the terminally-ill sponsor he adores is planning to self-euthanise, he feels a sense of betrayal. He begs Iver - the man he sees as a hero - to watch the tribute show he's been preparing in his honour.
It Is in Us All
Father Mark
Un hombre al que nada le importa se ve obligado a enfrentarse a su núcleo autodestructivo cuando un violento accidente automovilístico que involucra a un niño, lo desafía a enfrentar su verdad.
The Sparrow
A teenager lies about his brother's death and struggles to face the consequences that unfold until his domineering father offers the possibility of forgiveness.
An Encounter
Two reluctant companions, schoolmates on the mitch, roam through Dublin along the Royal Canal. An encounter with a stranger leaves one boy changed utterly. Loosely based on the James Joyce Dubliners short story.
The Wait
We sit and watch as white swans sail serenely by. Yet once in a while, along comes a black swan, and our world turns upside down. A horse drowns. Next door. We all observe. But who is the horse and who is the watcher? And will we be next? Wait and see.
Her Name
At a boarding school in Dublin City, a young boy secretly mourns the loss of his mother.
Colm tiene cuarenta y tantos años, está casado y tiene dos hijos adolescentes. Colm, todavía afligido por la muerte de su padre, una figura destructiva en su vida, lucha con su relación con su propio hijo, mientras que en el trabajo una reciente adquisición amenaza su trabajo. Incapaz de compartir su vulnerabilidad con su esposa, el mundo de Colm se derrumba a su alrededor. En medio de esta crisis, Colm encuentra un consuelo que nadie más puede brindarle excepto Jay.
Cellar Door
A tortured but determined young woman, in the grip of the Catholic Church, searches furiously for the child she believes has been taken away from her, but meets confusion at every corner.
Dublin Oldschool
Join Jason on a chemically enhanced trip through the streets of Dublin as he stumbles from one misguided adventure to another. Somewhere between the DJs, decks, drug busts and hilltop raves, he stumbles across a familiar face from the past, his brother Daniel. Daniel is an educated homeless heroin addict living on the streets of Dublin. The brothers haven’t seen or spoken to each other in years but over a lost weekend they reconnect and reminisce over tunes, trips, their history and their city. Two brothers living on the edge but perhaps they have more in common than they think.
Citizen Lane
Citizen Lane is an innovative mix of documentary and drama that delivers a vivid and compelling portrait of Hugh Lane, one of the most fascinating and yet enigmatic figures in modern Irish history. A man of multiple contradictions, by turns infuriatingly parsimonious or extraordinarily generous, a professed nationalist and a knight of the realm; a monumental snob and a fearless campaigner for access to the arts.
Halal Daddy
While managing a run down abattoir, young Muslim Raghdan Aziz stumbles through cultural chaos and generational conflicts, dealing with enraged fathers, stoned buddies and an alleged ex-lover of his girlfriend.
Halal Daddy
While managing a run down abattoir, young Muslim Raghdan Aziz stumbles through cultural chaos and generational conflicts, dealing with enraged fathers, stoned buddies and an alleged ex-lover of his girlfriend.
History's Future
Losing his memory after a mugging, a man known only as 'MP' (Missing Person) leaves his home and sets out on a journey - in search not only for his memory but perhaps also for a new identity. MP finds himself confronted by a world in which there are no longer any certainties; an era of crisis on many levels. On his travels from country to country, portrayed via an associative image montage and through a series of strange, illuminating, sometimes comic encounters, MP attempts to gain insight into the complexity of life in the 21st-century West - into what commentators have called an age of 'rolling catastrophe'.
Jesús, un chico cubano de 18 años, intenta encontrar su verdadera identidad. Sobrevive peinando a señoras del barrio y arreglando pelucas en un cabaret de La Habana. Pero su vida cambia por completo cuando su padre, un famoso boxeador al que daban por muerto, sale de la cárcel y regresa para vivir con él. Desde ese momento, lucharán por volver a ser padre e hijo
Jesús, un chico cubano de 18 años, intenta encontrar su verdadera identidad. Sobrevive peinando a señoras del barrio y arreglando pelucas en un cabaret de La Habana. Pero su vida cambia por completo cuando su padre, un famoso boxeador al que daban por muerto, sale de la cárcel y regresa para vivir con él. Desde ese momento, lucharán por volver a ser padre e hijo
Prison Officer
Calvary se centra en la vida del padre James Lavelle, un hombre dispuesto a que el mundo sea un lugar mejor. El sacerdote está sorprendido por la cantidad de confrontaciones que hay en su pequeño pueblo, le entristece que sus habitantes sean tan rencorosos. Cuando está tomando confesión recibe una amenaza, y el religioso empieza a ser atormentado por los miembros de su parroquia.
Coward is a 28 minute film set during World War 1 that brings to light some of the brutal treatment soldiers received for suffering what would now be known as shell-shock. It follows two cousins, Andrew and James, from their home in Northern Ireland who join the British Army to fight for their Country and make their families proud. Through their eyes we see the reality of life on the front lines.
El irlandés
Garda No. 1
Gerry Boyle es un excéntrico, grosero y subversivo policía irlandés que debe colaborar con un más que aburrido agente del FBI para detener a un grupo de traficantes de drogas que están amenazando la tranquilidad del condado de Galway.
A Kiss for Jed Wood
Nineteen year old Orla from Country Antrim wins 'Follow a Star' on the Irish national TV station. Her prize is a quest - to find C&W star Jed Wood, give him a kiss, and report on her adventure on the following week's show. Ray Timmons, a middle aged documentary cameraman, is the only person available to document her on her quest. Together they travel to New York, meet up with a jaded sound recordist, Mike, and set about chasing down Jed - arriving at film sets, recording studios, everywhere Jed is due to be. Their progress is followed by a couple of DJs on a local radio station. During the week the chase continues, their relationship changes, and they learn a lot about each other and bout pursuing their own dreams, before they return to face the music back home. Written by Anonymous (
Josie (Pat Shortt) lleva toda la vida trabajando como encargado de una ruinosa gasolinera irlandesa. Es un hombre introvertido y solitario, aunque bastante optimista y, a su modo, feliz. La llegada a la gasolinera de David, un joven en prácticas, dará lugar a una serie de cambios en su tranquila y monótona vida. Gracias a David, Josie descubrirá ciertos aspectos de la vida que ni siquiera se había planteado.
Adam & Paul
Adam y Paul buscan por Dublín el siguiente pico durante veinticuatro horas. Dos politoxicómanos lastimosos unidos desde la infancia. El día comienza para ellos en un colchón abandonado en medio de un prado. Por supuesto que no recuerdan cómo llegaron a él.
Adam & Paul
Adam y Paul buscan por Dublín el siguiente pico durante veinticuatro horas. Dos politoxicómanos lastimosos unidos desde la infancia. El día comienza para ellos en un colchón abandonado en medio de un prado. Por supuesto que no recuerdan cómo llegaron a él.
Bobby Sands
'H3' is a universal story of endurance and courage set inside Europe's most secure prison, the Maze prison in Northern Ireland. Here, in H3 - the bleakest of all the H-blocks - a group of young republican prisoners hold out for what they believe in, refusing to be labeled as criminals or co-operate with prison authorities. However, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is determined that these Republican prisoners will be treated like all the other common criminals in British jails, ending a special regime which allowed the inmates political status to organise life inside the jail along POW lines. The republican prisoners immediately start a 'no-wash' protest, refusing to wear prison-issue clothes or perform work duties, a protest which results in their being locked in their cells for hours on end without exercise, recreation, reading materials and with only blankets to wear for heat...
Angela Mooney Dies Again
Americans want to take over the Irish creamery Angela Mooney's husband built up. Everybody in town is delighted, with the exception of Mrs Mooney, who has her own reasons for being opposed to the sale of the business.