Costume Design
Una esposa descontenta descubre que los problemas sexuales con su marido tienen su origen en una vida pasada. Durante el reinado de Isabel I, ella fue una gitana condenada a morir quemada en la hoguera...
Costume Design
A young woman marries the wastrel son of a British aristocrat. Her husband, who has been disinherited by his father, loses what little money he has left gambling in casinos and then dies, leaving her penniless and with an infant son. When her former father-in-law tries to get custody of the child, she leaves him with a couple she trusts, but when she later goes to reclaim her son, she can't find the people she left him with.
Costume Design
Un armador, de cuya hija está enamorado Buster Keaton, vende uno de sus barcos a un país que está en guerra con otro. Sin embargo, los agentes de este último país tienen la misión de dejar el barco a la deriva para que naufrague. En medio de esta trama, Buster y su enamorada se embarcan en el navío, sin saber que éste va a la deriva.
Costume Design
Película sobre el mundo del cine, Keaton es un proyeccionista que sueña con ser un detective cuando, milagrosamente, se encuentra dentro de la película que está proyectando. Allí intentará salvar a su amada de las garras del villano. Una de las más aclamadas cintas de cine mudo llena de gags visuales y con un portentoso Buster Keaton.
Costume Design
An old woman's memories are rekindled as she rereads her diary. She recalls her youth in England when she married a suitor over the objections of her parents and moved with him to the Wyoming frontier. They live a hardscrabble life there and suffered deprivation, hunger, Indian attacks, and the death of her baby. Although they eventually make a go of it, her husband becomes involved with another woman. Now that he is on his deathbed, will she forgive her husband after 40 years.
Costume Design
The Song of Love is a silent film of 1923 directed by Chester M. Franklin and Frances Marion. The film was produced and starred Norma Talmadge.
Costume Design
Michael Ramsay only has time for gathering his fortune in wheat. His wife seeks comfort elsewhere and, to avoid a scandal, her daughter Matilda assumes her mother's guilt. Ramsay nearly goes broke but gets rich again; his wife returns.
Costume Design
Angela comes to Hollywood with only two things: Her dream to become a movie star, and Grandpa. She leaves an Aunt, a brother, Grandma, and her longtime boyfriend back in Centerville. Despite seeing major movie stars around every corner, and knocking on every casting office door in town, at the end of her first day she is still unemployed. To her horror, when she arrives back at their hotel, she finds that Grandpa has been cast in a movie by William DeMille and quickly becomes a star during the ensuing weeks. Her family, worried that Angela and Grandpa are getting into trouble, come to Hollywood to drag them back home. In short order Aunt, Grandma, brother, boyfriend and even the parrot become superstars, but Angela is still unemployed...
Costume Design
This historical piece, set in the Huguenot days of France, is Norma Talmadge's 37th feature film and the longest to date at two hours. The plot involves a man forced into servitude who falls in love with the sister of his persecutor. It was Ms. Talmadge's fourth involvement with director, Frank Lloyd and the cast included future star, Wallace Beery.
Costume Design
Wealthy cripple Markley finances the education of blacksmith's daughter Ruth. When she returns to their small town he asks to marry her, but she runs off with city worker Jim Dirk who is then killed in a subway accident. Markley offers to marry her in name only to protect her new son.
Costume Design
Robert Gordon está cansado de la rutina en que ha caído su matrimonio. Su esposa no deja de resaltar sus defectos, mientras que ella no hace nada por lucir atractiva para él. No es extraño, por tanto, que Robert se deje seducir por una vieja conocida con la que acaba de reencontrarse en la boutique de modas donde ella trabaja como modelo.
Costume Design
Clásico del cine mudo que muestra a través de varios episodios históricos las injusticias provocadas por la intolerancia religiosa y social. La idea inicial de Griffith era narrar las sangrientas huelgas de 1912 en EE.UU. (un huelguista es acusado de la muerte de su patrón), pero después decidió rodar tres episodios más: "La caída de Babilonia, "La Pasión de Cristo" y "La noche de San Bartolomé" (sangriento episodio de las luchas entre hugonotes y católicos que tuvo lugar en París en 1572). De presupuesto y recursos desmesurados para la época -una sola escena reunió a 15.000 extras y 250 carros- aún hoy sigue asombrando por su espectacularidad.
Costume Design
Clásico del cine mudo que narra los acontecimientos más importantes de la creación de los Estados Unidos de América: la guerra civil, el asesinato de Lincoln, etc. Ha sido tachada de racista por su glorificación del Ku Klux Klan, pero tiene el mérito de ser la primera película que cuenta una historia de modo coherente: hasta ese momento una película era un conjunto de escenas con muy poca relación entre sí. Obtuvo un enorme éxito en su tiempo.