Donald Crisp

Donald Crisp

Nacimiento : 1882-07-27, Bow, London, England, UK

Muerte : 1974-05-25


Donald Crisp was born George William Crisp at the family home in Bow, London. Donald's parents were James Crisp and Elizabeth Crisp, his birth was registered by his mother on 4th September 1882. Donald's sisters were Elizabeth, Ann, Alice (known as Louisa) and Eliza and his brothers were James, John and Mark. Family memories state that Donald's brother-in-law James Needham (Louisa's husband) lent/gave Donald the fare to USA. The family have a photo of Donald which he sent to 'Jimmy' and signed. On 16th February 1937 Donald applied for a US Social Security account number giving his address as N Vista Street Hollywood California, and his employers Warner Brothers Pictures, Burbank California. On his application Donald did not know his mother's maiden name.


Donald Crisp


A narrative feature made from a collage of clips from various films around the world.
Hollywood Out-takes and Rare Footage
Himself (archive footage)
Out-takes (mostly from Warner Bros.), promotional shorts, movie premieres, public service pleas, wardrobe tests, documentary material, and archival footage make up this star-studded voyeuristic look at the Golden age of Hollywood during the 30s, 40, and 50.
Fiebre en la sangre
Grandpa Spencer
El temperamental Clay Spencer (Henry Fonda) y su mujer Olivia (Maureen O'Hara) viven en un valle de Virginia, al pie de la montaña que un día perteneció a Zebelon Spencer, padre de Clay. Ambos tratan de sacar adelante a sus nueve hijos, a base de esfuerzo y sacrificio, y sueñan con construir algún día una bonita casa en la cima de la montaña. A pesar de sus problemas económicos, los Spencer son felices.
Mi leal compañero
James Brown
In Scotland 1865, An old shepherd and his little Skye terrier go to Edinburgh. But when the shepherd dies of pneumonia, the dog remains faithful to his master, refuses to be adopted by anyone, and takes to sleeping on his master's grave in the Greyfriars kirkyard, despite a caretaker with a "no dogs" rule. And when Bobby is taken up for being unlicensed, it's up to the children of Edinburgh and the Lord Provost to decide what's to be done.
Mayor Karl Warren
Una jovencita hace cambiar a todo un pueblo gracias a su alegría. Aunque se quedó huérfana a los doce años, Pollyanna siempre tiene ganas de sonreír, incluso a su severa tía, a la que acabará ablandando con su contagiosa alegría.
A Dog of Flanders
Jehan Daas
The emotional story of a boy, his grandfather, and his dog. The boy's dream of becoming a great classical painter appears shattered when his loving grandfather dies.
El último hurra
The Cardinal
En un mundo cambiante en el que la televisión se ha convertido en la principal fuente de información, Adam Caulfield, un joven periodista deportivo, es testigo de cómo su tío, Frank Skeffington, un veterano y honesto político, alcalde de una ciudad de Nueva Inglaterra, intenta ser reelegido mientras banqueros y empresarios conspiran en la sombra para colocar en el ayuntamiento a un candidato débil y manejable.
Más rápido que el viento
Dennis Deneen
Poco después de la Guerra de Secesión norteamericana (1861-1865), Steve Sinclair (Robert Taylor), un antiguo pistolero reformado, se dedica a criar ganado en su rancho y lleva una vida pacífica. Su única preocupación es Tony, su hermano menor, un joven desequilibrado, inmaduro y fanfarrón al que Steve no ha conseguido enderezar. Cuando Tony regresa al rancho, acompañado de una desconocida (Julie London) con la que piensa casarse, se tensa la relación entre los dos hermanos. Pero lo que agrava definitivamente la situación es la llegada al valle de unos granjeros dispuestos a quedarse y cercar sus tierras.
Judge Allen
A few months after the end of the civil war, Major Drango is sent as military governor in a southern small town, whose citizens he must face the obstility.
El hombre de Laramie
Alec Waggoman
Will Lockhart llega a Coronado, un pueblo aislado situado en New Mexico, en busca de alguien que vende rifles a la tribu apache, y se ve involucrado a su pesar en la enrevesada vida de una familia local de rancheros cuyos miembros parecen tener mucho que ocultar.
The Red, White and Blue Line
A promotional film for United States Savings Bonds
Cuna de héroes
Old Martin
Basada en hechos reales. Narra la historia del sargento Marthy Maher, que durante cincuenta años sirvió en la academia militar de West Point. Cuando el ejército de Estados Unidos, dada su avanzada edad, intentó jubilarlo, Marthy, entrenador de atletismo en la Academia Militar y amigo y “padre” de varias generaciones de cadetes, presentó una contundente protesta al Presidente de la nación.
A Star Is Born World Premiere
Live television broadcast of the world premiere. Described by various participants as the biggest world premiere in memory, even bigger than the Academy Awards.
El príncipe valiente
King Aguar
El joven príncipe vikingo Valiant es enviado por su padre a la corte del Rey Arturo para ser armado caballero, después de un estricto adiestramiento. Su objetivo es estar preparado para enfrentarse al tiránico Slaigon que ha usurpado el trono de su padre. Cuidada producción que adapta un personaje de cómic.
Historia de una ciudad
John MacFarland
Después de haber ocupado el cargo de senador durante dos años, Blake Washburn pierde su puesto tras las elecciones, pero parece que tras su fracaso se esconde algún asunto de turbias intenciones a cargo de los grandes hombres de negocios de la ciudad, en concreto de John McFarland, padre del candidato triunfador. Blake hará uso de su trabajo de editor del Herald, el periódico más influyente de la ciudad, para emprender una cruzada contra las grandes empresas, buscando con empeño cualquier irregularidad que le permita denunciarlas y mostrar a la sociedad su bondad como ciudadano y su capacidad para gobernar y hacer justicia.
El rey del tabaco
Major Singleton
La acción se sitúa entre finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX, cuando Brant Royle (Gary Cooper), un joven ambicioso se instala en la zona tabaquera más rica de Estados Unidos dispuesto a crear su propio imperio y a desafiar el monopolio de un poderoso magnate. Conseguirá su objetivo gracias a la ayuda de una joven (Lauren Bacall) y a la aplicación de ciertos avances tecnológicos. Su avaricia lo llevará incluso a casarse con la hija (Patricia Neal) de su rival (Donald Crisp), pero acabará comprendiendo que quien verdaderamente lo ama es la otra y que la riqueza no da la felicidad.
El desafío de Lassie
'Jock' Gray
En Edimburgo, un pastor de ovejas encuentra a un cachorro de perro, y lo acoge hasta convertirlo en el mejor perro ovejero. El animal demostrará gran fidelidad hacia su amo tras su muerte, pues velará su tumba día y noche.
Las Minas del Rey Salmonete
Executive Producer
Buzz Johnson y Stanley Livington tienen una vida tranquila trabajando como dependientes en una librería. Un día entra en la tienda una atractiva mujer, buscando un libro titulado ”África Negra”. Queriendo impresionarla, Buzz se inventa que Stanley es un buen amigo del autor del libro y que le ha acompañado varias veces en sus viajes a África. La mujer, Diana, le pide que le haga un mapa para su próxima expedición, a cambio de una buena suma de dinero. Pero la noche en que tienen que entregar el mapa y recibir el dinero, son secuestrados y llevados a África... (FILMAFFINITY-SETROC)
Smith el silencioso
Barney Rebstock
La banda de los Barton está causando problemas al ferrocarril con sus asaltos a trenes. La empresa contrata a Smith el Silencioso, pero en la primera batalla cae herido.
Las colinas de mi tierra
Un pastor escocés, cuyo collie tiene una aversión al agua, engaña al doctor del pueblo para que compre su perro. Éste, de nombre Lassie, se convertirá en su mejor amigo y uno de sus máximos colaboradores para llevar adelante su más profunda ambición: convertir a su joven ayudante en el médico que pueda convertirse en su sucesor.
La mujer de fuego
Jim Crew
En una comarca ganadera del Medio Oeste americano se reproduce la eterna guerra entre vaqueros y ovejeros. Worl, un ovejero que pretende asentarse en el lugar, se ve obligado a abandonar sus tierras. El problema es que está ligado sentimentalmente a Connie, la hija del ranchero que lo ha expulsado. Con el apoyo del ayudante de Worl, Connie se enfrentará a su padre.
El valle del destino
William Scott
Pittsburgh, siglo XIX. Mary Rafferty (Greer Garson), una bella joven que proviene de una familia proletaria, entra a trabajar en casa de la rica familia Scott, que es la propietaria de la fábrica siderúrgica donde trabajan los hombres de su familia. Allí, Mary enseguida atrae la atención del apuesto Paul Scott (Gregory Peck).
El cachorro de Lassie
Sam Carraclough
Laddie es el cachorro de la intrépida perra Lassie, y sigue a su madre en una acción aérea durante la II Guerra Mundial. Pero el avión es derribado durante la misión y cae en la Noruega ocupada.
Fuego de juventud
Mr. Herbert Brown
Mike Taylor (Mickey Rooney), aventurero y oportunista, llega por azar a la casa de una apacible familia inglesa. Velvet (Liz Taylor), la hija menor de los Brown, que siente una pasión incontrolable por los caballos, gana un hermoso ejemplar jugando a la lotería. Entonces Taylor la convence para llevar el caballo al Grand National, la carrera más importante de Inglaterra.
The Adventures of Mark Twain
J.B. Pond
A dramatised life of Samuel Langhorn Clemens, or Mark Twain.
Los intrusos
Commander Beech
Roderick y Pamela Fitzgerald son dos hermanos que casualmente dan con una casa abandonada. Decididos a comprarla, entran en contacto con un tal Comandante Beech. Tras llegar a un acuerdo, los hermanos se instalan en la casa, pero no tardan en descubrir que la nieta del Comandante, Stella Meredith, se niega a ver la casa ocupada por extraños, y que extraños sucesos tienen lugar en el interior de la misma. (FILMAFFINITY)
Lassie, la cadena invisible
Sam Carraclough
En vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en un pueblo minero en Yorkshire (Reino Unido), la familia Carraclough está atravesando dificultades económicas. Un día la situación es tal que se ven obligados a vender a Lassie, una inteligente y preciosa Collie que tienen, al Duque de Rudling. Pero Lassie consigue escaparse, y es entonces cuando se da cuenta de que está a 800 kilómetros de su casa, en el remoto castillo del Duque en la costa norte de Escocia. Pero nada la detiene; está decidida a superar todos los obstáculos que se le pongan por delante para volver al hogar que tanto echa de menos... (FILMAFFINITY)
Forever and a Day
Captain Martin
In World War II, American Gates Trimble Pomfret is in London during the Blitz to sell the ancestral family house. The current tenant, Leslie Trimble, tries to dissuade him from selling by telling him the 140-year history of the place and the connections between the Trimble and Pomfret families.
La batalla de Midway
Main Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Cortometraje documental (ganador del Oscar en 1943) que muestra imágenes reales del ataque japonés a Midway sucedido en junio de 1942. La batalla finalizó con la victoria a favor de la marina estadounidense, que destruyó 28 barcos de guerra, 300 aviones nipones y cuatro portaaviones del ejército japonés.
The Gay Sisters
Ralph Pedloch
The eldest (Barbara Stanwyck) of three sisters protects their Fifth Avenue mansion from a developer (George Brent) she once married.
¡Qué verde era mi valle!
Gwilym Morgan
En un pequeño pueblo de Gales, un padre y sus cinco hijos trabajan en las minas de carbón y la vida cotidiana fluye pacíficamente. Sin embargo, sus condiciones de trabajo son cada vez más difíciles y los hijos deciden dar un golpe, en contra de la opinión de su padre.
El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Sir Charles Emery
Un prestigioso científico vive obsesionado con la idea de encontrar una fórmula que le permita aislar los impulsos malignos del ser humano. Cuando lo consigue, decide experimentar consigo mismo y se bebe la poción que ha inventado. A partir de ese momento, se convierte en un monstruo de maldad que deambula por las calles durante la noche cometiendo todo tipo de fechorías. Adaptación de la obra homónima de Robert Louis Stevenson.
Shining Victory
Dr. Drewett
In a Scottish sanitarium, a brilliant research psychiatrist works on a treatment for dementia praecox. He falls for his altruistic female lab assistant and they begin a passionate, tragic relationship.
Knute Rockne All American
Father John Callahan, C.S.C
The story of legendary Notre Dame football player and coach Knute Rockne.
Ciudad de conquista
Scotty MacPherson
Nueva York. Un camionero (James Cagney) decide hacerse boxeador para ayudar a su hermano que se dedica a la música (Arthur Kennedy), pero a un gángster sin escrúpulos no le gustará la idea.
El halcón del mar
Admiral Sir John Burleson
Clásico del género de piratas en el que un pletórico Errol Flynn interpreta a un bucanero inglés del siglo XVI al que la reina Isabel I concede patente de corso para abordar la flota española y atacar y saquear sus ciudades en el Nuevo Mundo. Las autoridades españolas elaboran un plan para acabar con el temido pirata. El maestro Curtiz deja su sello con una perfecta narración y espectaculares batallas navales.
El hermano orquídea
Brother Superior
El gángster Little John Sarto viaja por Europa en busca de estilo, sin embargo nunca podrá poseer ese toque que anhela. Cuando regresa a América sin un dólar encuentra a su banda liderada por Jack Buck y a su novia convertida en una nueva rica.
La bala mágica
Minister Althoff
True story of the doctor who considered it was not immoral to search for a drug that would cure syphillis.
La vida privada de Elisabeth y Essex
Francis Bacon
Londres, 1596. El conde de Essex, Robert Devreaux (Errol Flynn) llega victorioso con sus tropas después de derrotar a los españoles en Cádiz. No obstante, el recibimiento que le dispensa la reina Isabel I (Bette Davis) no será agradable debido a los altos costes de la batalla. Las relaciones entre la soberana y el conde irán de la tensión al afecto, según traten asuntos políticos o sentimentales, respectivamente. Mezcla de biografía histórica y drama romántico que narra las relaciones de amor y odio entre la ya madura Isabel I Tudor, reina de Inglaterra e Irlanda (1558-1603) y Robert Devereux, el elegante Conde de Essex.
La solterona
Doctor Lanskell
Cuando Delia Lovell (Miriam Hopkins) está punto de casarse con Jim Ralston, su antiguo novio Clement Spender (George Brent) aparece, y entonces su hermana Charlotte (Bette Davis) tratará de calmarle, al tiempo que sabremos que también ella está enamorada del visitante, quien pronto se ira a la guerra dejàndole como herencia un recuerdo eterno.
Daughters Courageous
Samuel 'Sam' Sloane
Nan Masters, a single mother living with her four marriageable daughters, plans to marry Sam Sloane, businessman. Out of the blue her 1st husband Jim returns after deserting the family 20 years earlier. The worldly wanderer Jim gets a cool family reception at first but his warm personality gradually wins the affections of his four daughters. In fact, youngest daughter Buff, who has her eye on a maverick of her own in Gabriel Lopez, is pleased when Jim grants his stamp of approval on her relationship. Buff plans to elope with Gabriel on her mother's wedding day, but 'unpredictable' is Gabriel's middle name.
Maréchal Bazaine
La lucha de Juárez contra Maximiliano I de Habsburgo, emperador de México por voluntad del emperador Napoleón III.
Sons of Liberty
Alexander McDougall
Set during the American Revolution, this colorful 2 reel short tells the story of Haym Salomon, American patriot and financier of the American Revolution.
Cumbres borrascosas
Dr. Kenneth
Perdido en medio de una tormenta de nieve en un rocoso páramo inglés, un extranjero se topa con Cumbres Borrascosas, la lúgubre mansión del misterioso Heathcliff, un hombre tan torturado por un amor frustrado que ha perdido el deseo de vivir. Mientras la tormenta ruge en el exterior, el fatigado caminante escucha fascinado la triste historia del desesperado amor de Heathcliff y Cathy. Cuando Heathcliff volvió a buscarla, después de una larga ausencia intentando hacer fortuna, Cathy ya se había casado con un joven de la alta sociedad. El desengaño destrozó el alma de Heathcliff, pero no logró apagar el fuego de una pasión inextinguible que arderá en sus entrañas por toda la eternidad.
El chico de Oklahoma
Judge Hardwick
La banda de McCord (Bogart) roba el dinero que lleva la diligencia para pagar a los indios por la compra de sus tierras, pero el proscrito Jim Kincaid (Cagney), alias "el chico de Oklahoma", roba a su vez a McCord el dinero. Más tarde, McCord se hace con el control de los salones de juego en la nueva ciudad. Cuando el padre de Kincaid decide presentarse a la elecciones para la alcaldía de la nueva ciudad, McCord incita a multitud para lincharlo, ya que sabe que si gana su negocio se vendría abajo.
La patrulla del amanecer
Remake del filme bélico homónimo dirigido por Howard Hawks en 1930. Un oficial británico al mando de un escuadrón de pilotos novatos se verá obligado a ordenar a sus inexpertos hombres que se enfrenten a los veteranos aviadores alemanes.
Comet Over Broadway
Story of a rising stage star and the trouble she causes by her ambition.
Las hermanas
Tim Hazelton
Tres hijas de un modesto farmaceutico tienen que pasar por juicios y tribulaciones, debido a sus problemáticos matrimonios entre 1904 y 1908.
Valley of the Giants
Andy Stone
A lumberman takes on a sleezy corporate giant wanting to move in and do whatever it takes to drive everyone else out of business.
El sorprendente Dr. Clitterhouse
Police Inspector Lewis Lane
El eminente doctor Clitterhouse (Edward G. Robinson) llega más lejos que todos sus colegas en su afán por desentrañar el misterio que hace que un hombre se convierta en un delincuente. Propulsor de un particular método y, convencido de que él es el mejor sujeto de experimentación, decide llevar a cabo una extraña prueba que le permita concluir si el hombre cae en el delito por necesidad o por la sublimación de los sentidos.
The Beloved Brat
Mr. Morgan
Roberta Morgan is being raised in a wealthy home where her mother is occupied with her society-club activities and her father is immersed in his business activities. She also feels that the household staff is against her and that no one understands her needs and problems. Things spiral out of control.
Dr. Livingstone
Pocos años antes de la guerra de secesión, la bella, impulsiva y temperamental sureña Julie Marsden (Bette Davis) hace una entrada memorable en el Gran Baile de Debutantes del Olympus. En una época en la que se esperaba que las mujeres solteras vistieran de blanco prístino, ella insiste tercamente en llevar un inadecuado, pecaminoso e incendiario vestido rojo. Su propósito es despertar los celos de su prometido, el banquero Preston Dillard (Henry Fonda), pero sólo consigue destruir sus oportunidades con él. Preston se va al Norte y finalmente decide casarse con otra, sin su conocimiento. Tres años después, Preston vuelve, y una determinada y arrepentida Julie se disculpa humildemente ante Preston, pidiéndole que la ame como ella le ama. Preston la rechaza.
Sergeant Murphy
Col. Todd Carruthers
An Army private proves his horse is fit for service and wins his colonel's daughter.
La vida de Emile Zola
Maitre Labori
Biografía del famoso escritor francés Emile Zola, que incide especialmente en su participación en el famoso "Caso Dreyfuss", que puso en jaque al ejército francés.
Aquella mujer
Jack V. Merrick Sr.
Mary Donnell es una joven viuda que trabaja como secretaria del abogado Lloyd Rogers, un hombre casado pero secretamente enamorado de ella. Cuando Jack Merrick, hijo de uno de los clientes más importantes de Rogers, regresa de Europa, le declara su amor a Mary, que acepta huir con él y casarse esa misma noche.
Presiding Judge
Vera Kowalska is put on trial for murdering concert pianist Michael Michailow. In court it is revealed that some years earlier Michael ruined Vera's life.
Michael Davitt
Biografía del político irlandés Charles Stewart Parnell (1846-1891), que en 1875 fue elegido miembro del Parlamento Británico, gracias a lo cual consiguió reactivar el movimiento independentista de Irlanda. Su relación durante años con una mujer casada acabó con su carrera política. El hecho de que la censura modificara este episodio acabó siendo el principal defecto de la película.
The Great O'Malley
Police Captain Cromwell
El oficial O'Malley detiene a John Phillips por una infracción de tráfico, perdiendo así la posibilidad de conseguir un buen trabajo. Dado que Phillips tiene una esposa y una hija lisiada, decide cometer un robo desesperado...
Mi adorable enemiga
Liam Burke
Cuenta la historia de amor entre dos personajes enfrentados por razones políticas. Sucede en la Irlanda de los años 20, cuando el fuego de la revolución se lleva por delante todo cuanto le sale al paso. Sólo el amor puede salvarse de las llamas.
Una mujer se rebela
Judge Byron Thistlewaite
Pamela es una mujer inglesa de finales del siglo XIX que posee una ideas muy avanzadas por su época. Entre otras cosas, no piensa casarse, sino que desea desarrollarse como persona. Después de muchas dificultades para encontrar trabajo, finalmente encuentra un puesto en la típica revista de mujeres sobre la cocina y los trabajos del hogar. Cuando el editor se enferma, Pamela empieza a tratar temas como la igualdad, la atención a la infancia, los cuidados médicos, y la búsqueda de empleo. Pronto se ve convertida en líder de un movimiento por estos temas, y además se deberá enfrentar a la difícil tarea de criar a un hijo sola, un escándolo para la sociedad... (FILMAFFINITY)
La carga de la Brigada Ligera
Colonel Campbell
En 1853, mientras los imperios británico y ruso compiten por ganar y mantener su lugar en el espantoso Gran Juego de intrigas y alianzas políticas cuyo mayor premio es el dominio de la India y de los territorios fronterizos, el comandante Geoffrey Vickers debe soportar varias traiciones y desgracias antes de poder lograr su venganza en los altos de Balaclava, el 25 de octubre de 1854, el día más glorioso de la guerra de Crimea.
María Estuardo
María Estuardo abandona Francia y regresa a Escocia, dispuesta a ocupar el trono del que es heredera. Pero los conflictos se acumulan: la nobleza le es hostil, comenzando por su medio hermano el conde de Moray, y su apego al catolicismo choca con la fe que predica John Knox, fundador de la Iglesia presbiteriana en Escocia. Por otro lado, su prima Isabel Tudor, hija ilegítima de Enrique VIII, teme que reclame la corona inglesa. Su único aliado es el conde Bothwell, comandante de las tropas escocesas, de quien se enamora.
The White Angel
Dr. Hunt
In mid-nineteenth century England the medical establishment does not recognize the value of skilled nurses, cleanliness, nutrition and kindness. Florence Nightingale's heroic measures slowly changes all of this.
La tragedia de la Bounty
Thomas Burkitt
En 1789, en los Mares del Sur, la tripulación del buque británico Bounty decide rebelarse contra el tiránico y cruel capitán Bligh. El motín lo encabeza el primer oficial, que defiende los intereses de la tripulación y abandona al capitán en un bote.
Oil for the Lamps of China
Mr. McCarger
An American oil company representative almost sacrifices his marriage for his career.
Mr. Pryor
A romance between two young lovers is complicated by their prohibitive parents.
Vanessa: Her Love Story
The Victorian wife of a mad baron waits years for a British soldier sent to Egypt.
Sangre gitana
Docteur McQueen
Los feligreses de una pequeña parroquia escocesa tratarán de impedir por todos los medios, las relaciones entre su clérigo y una bella joven de raza gitana. (FILMAFFINITY)
What Every Woman Knows
David Wylie
Aspiring young Scottish politician John Shand enters into an unusual agreement with the wealthy Wylie family -- if they fund his education, he must marry their daughter, Maggie. Staying true to his word, John weds Maggie and begins a successful career, thanks largely to his savvy wife. The couple's relationship is placed in jeopardy when John faces temptation in the form of the lovely aristocrat Lady Sybil Tenterden.
The Life of Vergie Winters
Mike Davey
A small town politician, kept from marrying the love of his life, eventually marries another woman and his career ascends, but he secretly continues the relationship with his true love.
The Key
Peadar Conlan
Tras tres años de "ausencia" -por asuntos amorosos con una bella rusa- el capitán inglés Willian Tennant (William Powell), llega de nuevo a Dublin para seguir enfrentando a los miembros del Sinn Féin que luchan por la independencia de Irlanda... pero, con tal suerte, que es asignado a vivir justo en el mismo edificio donde habita su amigo Andrew Kerr (Colin Clive), un oficial de inteligencia que se ha casado con Norah (Edna Best), quien devolverá a Tennant a un viejo y grato recuerdo.
The Crime Doctor
Mr. Anthony, District Attorney
When he finds out that his wife is having an affair, a criminologist commits the perfect murder--and pins the crime on his wife's boyfriend so well that the man is convicted of the murder.
Hamlet, Act I: Scenes IV and V
A 1933 screen test for a proposed, but never filmed, movie version of "Hamlet" in Technicolor, starring John Barrymore - this is the Ghost Scene.
Broadway Bad
Showgirl Tony Landers, supported by her friend Flip Daly, fights for the custody of her son during a divorce hearing.
Tierra de pasión
Un matrimonio llega a una plantación de caucho en Indochina, regentada por un hombre duro, al mismo tiempo que una aventurera. Surge así un peligroso triangulo amoroso.
A Passport to Hell
Sgt. Snyder
Just prior to the outbreak of World War I, in the British West African town of Akkra, English woman Myra Carson becomes involved in a scandal and is deported. While Myra's ship is docked at Duala, in German West Africa, the war breaks out and she finds herself facing internment by the Germans.
Kick In
Chick Hewes is released from prison and finds work as an accountant. Two years later, Chick's crooked friend, Benny LaMarr, to whom he is indebted for past kindnesses, steals a diamond necklace from the home safe of the district attorney. When the district attorney threatens to accuse the police of inefficiency in crime fighting, Garvey, who is campaigning for the office of police commissioner, promises to catch the thief in twenty-four hours.
The Laird
Svengali es un profesor de música que utiliza a las mujeres, controlándolas por medio de ciertos poderes hipnóticos y telepáticos. Cuando conoce a la dulce Trilby, una modelo que posa para pintores, y que posee una magnífica voz, decide que la muchacha ha de ser suya... (FILMAFFINITY)
Scotland Yard
Charles Fox
A soldier is wounded in action. His face is restored by a plastic surgeon to resemble someone else.
The Runaway Bride
Mary Gray elopes to Atlantic City, NJ, but begins having second thoughts about the marriage. Then she becomes inexplicably locked in her hotel room, and a series of cops, robbers and kidnappers passes through. Desperate, Mary trusts the shifty chambermaid Clara who whisks her away to the mansion of wealthy George Blaine. There, Mary must pretend to be a lowly cook, but that seems better than sticking with the guy she was engaged to.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes
Colonel Moran
The Return of Sherlock Holmes was the first sound film to feature Sherlock Holmes.
El pagano de Tahití
Roger Slater
Henry, el hijo pagano de un padre blanco y madre nativa, ha heredado la tierra y una tienda, pero él prefiere la vida sencilla. Cuando se enamora de una chica nativa, su tutor, que está tratando de educarla como un 'buen' cristiano, pero que también la desea, conspira para mantenerlos separados.
The Viking
Leif Ericsson
In this historical adventure based on traditional legend concerning Leif Ericsson and the first Viking settlers to reach North America by sea, Norse half-brothers vie for a throne and for the same woman.
The Cop
Pete Smith, a lift bridge operator in a harbor, feels lonely in his cabin, his only visitor being a policeman on patrol, Sgt. Coughlin. One night, after hearing shots, Smith gives shelter to a wounded man, whom he hides from Coughlin. Before leaving, the man, Marcas, promises to return the favor and the coat he borrows from him. Later, Smith enters the police, and his chief, Mather, suspects he is protecting Marcas, who is actually a gangster. Marcas sends a girl, Mary Monks, to deliver a luxurious coat with a fur collar to Smith. Pete and Mary get along well, and for his sake, she betrays Marcas, who is eventually shot to death by the cops, after having stopped his mob from killing Smith. Mary goes away alone into the night, and when Mather finds out that Pete is protecting her, he drops away the evidence of her presence on the spot.
The River Pirate
This film concerns a youth torn between his fatherly gangland mentor and the beautiful, virtuous daughter of a police detective.
Trent's Last Case
Sigsbee Manderson
Who killed the vicious millionaire Sigsbee Manderson? Not that pretty wife of his, surely? Philip Trent investigates.
Stand and Deliver
London Club Member (uncredited)
Our heroine, Miss Velez (despite the fact that she seems to be just along for the ride) is much her usual over-eloquent self (how fortunate she has no sound track!), while Warner Oland makes such an impressive and villainously seedy bandit, he needs no sound track at all. We can just imagine his oily, purring accents all too well.
Stand and Deliver
Our heroine, Miss Velez (despite the fact that she seems to be just along for the ride) is much her usual over-eloquent self (how fortunate she has no sound track!), while Warner Oland makes such an impressive and villainously seedy bandit, he needs no sound track at all. We can just imagine his oily, purring accents all too well.
Dress Parade
An amateur boxing champion stops at West Point to see a dress parade and falls for the commandant's daughter. He wins an appointment to the Academy and begins a rivalry for her affection.
The Fighting Eagle
The exploits of Brigadier Gerard who helps expose Foreign Minister Talleyrand as a traitor to Napoleon.
Barbara Fiske, a beautiful girl of social standing, is about to be married to Lloyd Van Courtland. On the eve of their marriage, she foolishly pays a visit to a colorful steamship captain aboard his ship.
Man Bait
Silent romantic comedy...
Young April
Young orphan Victoria Sax becomes a grand duchess and is summoned to a remote kingdom.
Sunny Side Up
Sunny sings in the streets to obtain funds for a country outing. A theatre owner hears her and takes her up. During a fishing trip Sunny is about to accept the theatre owner's proposal of marriage when his estranged wife turns up...
El pirata negro
Douglas Fairbanks interpreta a un noble que quiere vengar la muerte de su padre y para ello se embarca en un navío pirata disfrazado como uno de los corsarios. Película reconocida por sentar las bases de las películas de piratas. (FILMAFFINIT)
Don Q, hijo del Zorro
Don Sebastian
Don César (Douglas Fairbanks), hijo de don Diego De la Vega, el Zorro, se ve envuelto en un caso de asesinato durante su visita a España, y aprovecha su habilidad con el látigo para convertirse en Don Q, ocultando su verdadera identidad. (FILMAFFINIT)
Don Q, hijo del Zorro
Don César (Douglas Fairbanks), hijo de don Diego De la Vega, el Zorro, se ve envuelto en un caso de asesinato durante su visita a España, y aprovecha su habilidad con el látigo para convertirse en Don Q, ocultando su verdadera identidad. (FILMAFFINIT)
El Navegante
Un armador, de cuya hija está enamorado Buster Keaton, vende uno de sus barcos a un país que está en guerra con otro. Sin embargo, los agentes de este último país tienen la misión de dejar el barco a la deriva para que naufrague. En medio de esta trama, Buster y su enamorada se embarcan en el navío, sin saber que éste va a la deriva.
Ponjola is a 1923 American silent drama film based on the novel of the same name by Cynthia Stockley and directed by Donald Crisp. The film stars Anna Q. Nilsson in a role in which she masquerades as a man. A print of Ponjola still exists and is held by a private collector.
Tell Your Children
A Lady stops her daughter from eloping with a farmer, takes away her baby, and makes her marry a Lord.
The Bonnie Brier Bush
Lachlan Campbell
A Lord's son is engaged to his rich ward, but prefers a peasant.
The Bonnie Brier Bush
A Lord's son is engaged to his rich ward, but prefers a peasant.
The Barbarian
Elliot Straive is a college professor who has left the evils of civilization behind to raise his son Eric in the purity of the Canadian wilderness. James Heatherton sends Mark Grant to get the mining rights to Straive's land as vast deposits of iron ore have been discovered there. Grant arrives as the elder Straive lies dying and has written a final note to his absent son. Grant tears off the portion of the letter with Straive's signature and forges a concession to the mining rights above the signature. Heatherton, dissatisfied with the unwitnessed signature of a dead man, decides to to himself to get Eric Straive to sign the concession. He sends his family on ahead on vacation. The family hires Eric as a guide, thinking him to be a mere backwoods barbarian. Eric and Heatherton's daughter Floria fall in love, but the relationship falters when she confesses that she has lied to him about why they are there. Grant returns upon the scene and tries to force Eric to sign.
Held by the Enemy
During the Civil War, Rachel Hayne, a young widow, is among those "held by the enemy" when her old family home is within the lines occupied by the Northern troops. Protected by Colonel Prescott from looters and the unwelcome attentions of Surgeon Fielding, Rachel begins to fall in love with the gallant Yankee officer. Their romance is disrupted when Rachel's husband Gordon, long reported dead, is captured as a spy and condemned to death.
Miss Hobbs
She was a very modern young woman, was Miss Hobbs. Her ideas were about fifty years ahead of time. For one thing she hated men, thought them all brutes. But love has a way of smashing such an idea. Then she went in for barefoot dancing, futurist art and other advanced notions. Well, the upshot of it was the young man took upon himself to tame her, to make her a regular girl.
The Six Best Cellars
Henry Carpenter and his wife Millicent are the envy of their exclusive suburban set because of their abundant wine cellar, a blessing in the face of the recent prohibition against alcohol initiated by the Volstead Act. In reality, Henry is down to his last few bottles, and, faced with an impending dinner party, he decides to save face by denouncing the evils of drink. His impassioned speech earns him the support of the Prohibition party for a Congressional seat. Henry is relishing his popularity when his aunt discovers twenty-one cases of rare wine in the cellar, forcing the candidate to choose between political and social success.
Too Much Johnson
Augustus Billings has a domineering mother-in-law, and to get away from both her and his wife, he takes a trip, claiming that he is going off to check on Mexican oil investments. But he's really going on a cruise with Mrs. Dathis, who has purchased his yacht. To throw everyone off track, he uses the name Mr. Johnson. When he decides to repeat the trip, however, all hell breaks loose -- the jealous Mr. Dathis is out to get his hands on this Johnson character, while a real Mr. Johnson shows up in Mexico, and Mrs. Billings shows up with her mother, and the confusion continues from there.
Lirios rotos
Battling Burrows
La obra maestra más trágica, poética y melodramática de Griffith Historia sobre una joven que vive en el barrio londinense de Limehouse, que se encuentra atrapada en un ambiente de violencia, en el que su padre, un rudo y malhumorado boxeador ,aficionado a la bebida, la maltrata sin cesar. Testigo de todo ello, es un joven y noble tendero inmigrante chino, que se enamorará de ella y tratará de ayudarla y darle cobijo.
Venus in the East
Buddy McNair is so enchanted by the newspaper photos of New York society beauty Mrs. Pat Dyvenot that he decides to leave Colorado with his newly inherited fortune, travel to New York, and win her heart. On the train, some gamblers, apparently aided by a pretty girl named Martha, cheat Buddy out of a large sum, and in New York, his lack of eastern polish makes him appear foolish.
Under the Top
Jimmie, a small-town boy, visits a traveling circus passing through town. he falls in love with Pansy, the daughter of the circus' tightrope walker, after he saves her from a gang of thugs...
Less Than Kin
Lewis Vickers accidentally kills a man and goes to Central America. Here he meets Robert Lee, who bears a remarkable resemblance to him. Lee is a worthless young chap whose father is anxious to have him return to the United States. On his death bed Lee turns his papers over to Vickers and begs him to assume his name. Arriving in New York, Vickers goes to the Lee home as Robert Lee, and discovers that the dead man has willed him a badly blotted past that includes a wife and two children and a large collection of debts. He also finds a beautiful adopted daughter in the Lee household and promptly falls in love with her. The only way he can stand any chance of winning the girl is by telling the truth about himself.
The Firefly of France
The "Firefly of France" is an elusive master criminal of uncertain loyalties. When the Firefly disappears from view with a satchel of important government documents in his possession, his sister Esme Falconer is suspected of beings in cahoots with him. Dashing aviator Devereaux Bayne believes in Esme's innocence and accordingly dons civilian garb and heads to Paris' Latin Quarter to get the low-down on the Firefly's whereabouts.
Believe Me, Xantippe
George MacFarland, a wealthy young man who loves adventure, bets his friends Thornton Brown and Arthur Sole $20,000 that he can commit a crime and elude the police for a year. After he forges a check, George heads West and does escape arrest for nearly a year, despite the proliferation of police circulars bearing his name and his favorite expression, "Believe me, Xantippe." In a Colorado hunting lodge, he meets Sheriff Kamman's pretty daughter Dolly, who recognizes and tries to arrest him. According to the terms of the bet, however, he must be captured by a genuine officer of the law, which Dolly is not.
Rimrock Jones
Rimrock Jones is the toughest and most likeable prospector in a thriving Arizona copper camp. Having already been cheated out of several valuable copper strikes, Rimrock nonetheless forges ahead optimistically, hoping to strike it rich just once more. Unfortunately, he can't find anyone to finance his latest expedition -- except for a pretty public stenographer who uses her life savings to grubstake our hero. When Rimrock finally hits pay dirt, he tries to repay the girl for her generosity, only to find that she wants to be a full partner in his copper mine. While he mulls this over, Rimrock's rivals try to bamboozle him out of his mine with the help of a sexy "vamp".
The Clever Mrs. Carfax
The Countess Charming
Stanley Jordan, a wealthy young bachelor, attends a Red Cross Benefit at the country club where he meets and falls in love with Betty Lovering and unwittingly offends Mrs. Vandergraft, the social leader.
The Marcellini Millions
Guido and his wife Antoinetta wind up with the estate of Leo Marcellini, a wealthy oil and wine merchant who has died intestate. They move into the mansion but are at a loss when it comes to dealing with servants and other trappings of the rich.
The Bond Between
Pierre Duval is a night watchman at a museum of art who dotes on his art student son, Jacques. One evening at the museum, Pierre finds a highly valuable painting missing, and since Jacques had just left, he believes his son stole it.
The Eyes of the World
Based on the novel of the same name by Harold Bell Wright, The Eyes of the World was told almost exclusively via flashbacks. The basic plotline concerns a pretty violinist, the handsome artist who falls in love with her, and the double-dyed villain who hopes to seduce the girl.
Extra (uncredited)
Clásico del cine mudo que muestra a través de varios episodios históricos las injusticias provocadas por la intolerancia religiosa y social. La idea inicial de Griffith era narrar las sangrientas huelgas de 1912 en EE.UU. (un huelguista es acusado de la muerte de su patrón), pero después decidió rodar tres episodios más: "La caída de Babilonia, "La Pasión de Cristo" y "La noche de San Bartolomé" (sangriento episodio de las luchas entre hugonotes y católicos que tuvo lugar en París en 1572). De presupuesto y recursos desmesurados para la época -una sola escena reunió a 15.000 extras y 250 carros- aún hoy sigue asombrando por su espectacularidad.
A Girl of Yesterday
A.H. Monroe
A lost film. A girl with old-fashioned values becomes a modern sophisticate.
May Blossom
Steve Harland
May Blossom loves Richard Ashcroft, a Southern officer, and accepts his proposal of marriage immediately after receiving one from her father's choice, a suitor named Steve Harland, who loves her madly. She sorrowfully tells him she prefers Richard, nearly breaking Steve's heart. That night, without a chance to bid May good-bye, Richard is arrested
How Hazel Got Even
Hazel, a cashier in a restaurant, is engaged to Patsy, a bus driver. Patsy earns some extra money by going in on preliminary bouts at the Athletic Club pugilistic exhibitions, and gains a local reputation as a boxer. When a big fighter is suddenly taken ill on the eve of a public contest, Patsy substitutes, wins the match, and suddenly finds himself in line for a bout with the champion of the world. On receipt of an offer for a long tour, he gets a swelled head and repudiates Hazel, who is forced to go back to work in the restaurant. She plans to get even with Patsy.
El nacimiento de una nación
Assistant Director
Clásico del cine mudo que narra los acontecimientos más importantes de la creación de los Estados Unidos de América: la guerra civil, el asesinato de Lincoln, etc. Ha sido tachada de racista por su glorificación del Ku Klux Klan, pero tiene el mérito de ser la primera película que cuenta una historia de modo coherente: hasta ese momento una película era un conjunto de escenas con muy poca relación entre sí. Obtuvo un enorme éxito en su tiempo.
El nacimiento de una nación
Gen. U.S. Grant
Clásico del cine mudo que narra los acontecimientos más importantes de la creación de los Estados Unidos de América: la guerra civil, el asesinato de Lincoln, etc. Ha sido tachada de racista por su glorificación del Ku Klux Klan, pero tiene el mérito de ser la primera película que cuenta una historia de modo coherente: hasta ese momento una película era un conjunto de escenas con muy poca relación entre sí. Obtuvo un enorme éxito en su tiempo.
An Old-Fashioned Girl
Abigail, the pretty daughter of a village school teacher, and Jared Guild are lovers. Bertha comes from the city to visit in the little town. Her charms prove too strong for Jared, who neglects Abigail to dance attendance upon the new belle. The country girl is broken-hearted, though she hides her sorrow from her erstwhile sweetheart. A wealthy young planter, however, soon cuts out Jared with Bertha.
An Old-Fashioned Girl
Abigail, the pretty daughter of a village school teacher, and Jared Guild are lovers. Bertha comes from the city to visit in the little town. Her charms prove too strong for Jared, who neglects Abigail to dance attendance upon the new belle. The country girl is broken-hearted, though she hides her sorrow from her erstwhile sweetheart. A wealthy young planter, however, soon cuts out Jared with Bertha.
At Dawn
Sykes, an American engaged to a poor girl, goes to the Philippines as a teacher, and the girl stays behind to await their marriage. Sykes, after some time has passed, has succumbed to the tropic influences, and is living with a native girl, when one day he hears from the girl back home that she is coming to join him and that she will arrive at dawn next day. An aunt has died and left her a lot of money. Caring more for this coin that the girl, Sykes tries to get rid of the native girl, but she makes a row, and he in fear of losing his girl and her cash, poisons the native girl, who dies. He is about to get rid of the body when a young lieutenant of the U.S. Army shows up with his sergeant, inquiring the way to the trail of Indians, and becomes suspicious of Sykes' uneasiness and finds the dead girl.
The Sisters
May and her younger sister, Carol, live in a small town. May is the more lovely of the two, but Carol is wooed by Frank, a country boy. George, a city man, comes to town on a visit, falls in love with Carol and wins her away from Frank. Carol is pleased with his attentions and poor Frank is brokenhearted. Calling one day to see Carol, George meets May and falls madly in love with her, and finally runs away with her and they are married. Carol, in despair, turns back to Frank and they are married, and a year later a baby is born.
Another Chance
The Tramp
Mason, discharged from jail, promises his wife to lead a new life. While searching for work, he rescues Curly, a newsboy, from the clutches of a tramp, who, in trying to steal the boy's secret hoard, beats him up badly. Mason leaves the now helpless boy in care of his wife, and resumes his search for work.
Another Chance
Mason, discharged from jail, promises his wife to lead a new life. While searching for work, he rescues Curly, a newsboy, from the clutches of a tramp, who, in trying to steal the boy's secret hoard, beats him up badly. Mason leaves the now helpless boy in care of his wife, and resumes his search for work.
The Little Country Mouse
Country girl May loses at cards and must borrow $250 from Captain Stiles, but the wealthy roué's loan does not come without an expectation of repayment.
The Niggard
Elmer Kent is a clerk in a large establishment, and earns fifteen dollars a week. He supports his sickly mother, and every cent of his salary is required to make both ends meet. The heaviest expense is the payments on the cottage which his father, before his death, partially paid for. Recently more money than usual has gone for necessities for his mother who has had an ill turn, and the real estate agent sends him word that payments overdue must be remitted the following day or the cottage will be seized. The next day is Saturday and pay day. Elmer hurries with the money to the agent's office only to learn he has gone to the beach. He follows, him but at the summer resort is waylaid by a fellow clerk. Wirt Hadley, who introduces him to two pretty girls.
The Availing Prayer
William Rock, assistant cashier in a business concern, has a sick daughter. The doctor urges that she be taken immediately to another climate, and Rock, unable to get an advance on his pay, is desperate. He has been in the habit of taking the deposits to the bank every Saturday, and then going direct from the bank home. He determines that week to steal the money. On Saturday Rock is followed on the street by a couple of crooks. He goes into a telephone booth to phone his daughter May and her fiancé, a young physician, that they can start south with the younger sister at once. Taking the money out of the bank satchel, he stuffs it in his inside vest pocket and leaves with the empty bag in his hand. He goes down an alleyway to get rid of the satchel, but is assaulted by the gunmen and the bag taken from him.
The Warning
Mr. Edwards
Dorothy, flighty little country girl, dissatisfied with humdrum country life. longs for the gaiety of the cities. She meets a man from city on vacation; he makes cavalier love to her. She is interested and becomes infatuated. Mother warns her against him and begs her to be contented in country life. Dorothy is petulant. She lies in a hammock under the trees, and wishes the city man would come and take her away from the life she hates. Dorothy falls asleep in the hammock. The city man appears and finds her asleep. He kisses her awake and makes more violent love to her. He urges her to flee with him to the city by recounting the pleasures he can give her.
The Warning
Dorothy, flighty little country girl, dissatisfied with humdrum country life. longs for the gaiety of the cities. She meets a man from city on vacation; he makes cavalier love to her. She is interested and becomes infatuated. Mother warns her against him and begs her to be contented in country life. Dorothy is petulant. She lies in a hammock under the trees, and wishes the city man would come and take her away from the life she hates. Dorothy falls asleep in the hammock. The city man appears and finds her asleep. He kisses her awake and makes more violent love to her. He urges her to flee with him to the city by recounting the pleasures he can give her.
Sands of Fate
Society man Arthur Lee is in love with society belle Helen Robinson, who is also admired by James Holden, a wealthy mine owner from the West. At her father's country place, Lee is unhappy because of her popularity but is appeased when she finally accepts his proposal and ring. Holden interrupts and claims a moment's talk. Telling Lee to wait for her in a favorite nook of the veranda, she goes with Holden while Lee strolls in the garden to await her. After proposing, Holden leaves her and hastens to the nook, seating himself with his back to the French windows. Lee is nearby in the garden finishing his smoke. He sees Holden in his chair, by the light of the latter's cigarette, and then sees Helen come from the lighted ballroom, approach the chair and throw her arms about Holden, sit in his lap and kiss him. Lee turns away in despair and anger and leaves the grounds.
Down the Hill to Creditville
Marcus Down makes only $15 a week. He has always paid spot cash for everything, until he meets Mamie New and they are wed. Then Mamie shows him how simple it is to get things on the easy payment plan. At first everything is rosy and matters go very smoothly for the young couple. Then the collectors begin to get busy and finally Marcus has nothing left, not even his bride, for the parson comes to take her for his fee, which had been arranged for on a ten cents a day basis.
Down the Hill to Creditville
Marcus Down makes only $15 a week. He has always paid spot cash for everything, until he meets Mamie New and they are wed. Then Mamie shows him how simple it is to get things on the easy payment plan. At first everything is rosy and matters go very smoothly for the young couple. Then the collectors begin to get busy and finally Marcus has nothing left, not even his bride, for the parson comes to take her for his fee, which had been arranged for on a ten cents a day basis.
A Lesson in Mechanics
Ruth Wilson, daughter of a wealthy landowner, receives a visit from her country sweetheart, Joe Merriam. who is a motorboat enthusiast. Unknown to anyone but her brother Frank, Ruth is an expert at fixing auto and motorboat engines as the estate is on the bay and Ruth has the use of two launches. With Joe she goes for a boat ride but the engine breaks down and he is unable to fix it, and afraid that it would lower his opinion of her if she should repair the engine, she lets him call another boat to tow them back to the wharf. Merriam, while in love with Ruth, cannot bring himself to propose, fearing that she would be too ornamental for a farmer's wife, and half of his visit passes while he attempts to make up his mind.
Her Mother's Necklace
The Burglar
A two-reel story of domestic life.
Her Mother's Necklace
A two-reel story of domestic life.
The Tavern of Tragedy
Bob Jameson - the Spy
Maximillo Corto, a Mexican crook, keeps a tavern on the Mexican border and has a daughter whom he abuses and who has to do all the hard work around the place. One day, Bob Jamison, really an American spy in the service, comes to the inn and stops overnight. He falls in love with the daughter of the innkeeper. She is infatuated with him, as he is the first human being who has ever been kind to her. He goes away but promises to return. While he is away a large reward is offered for his capture, dead or alive. The innkeeper tells the messenger of the news that if Bob ever comes back, he will put him into room seven and hold him. The daughter overhears this, and when Bob returns, unable to warn him, she changes the number on the door of room seven to that of six. When Bob is sent up to his room by Corto, he goes in what he thinks is seven but the daughter afterwards shifts the door numbers back to their original positions. Corto decides to kill Bob in his sleep and steals upstairs.
The Tavern of Tragedy
Maximillo Corto, a Mexican crook, keeps a tavern on the Mexican border and has a daughter whom he abuses and who has to do all the hard work around the place. One day, Bob Jamison, really an American spy in the service, comes to the inn and stops overnight. He falls in love with the daughter of the innkeeper. She is infatuated with him, as he is the first human being who has ever been kind to her. He goes away but promises to return. While he is away a large reward is offered for his capture, dead or alive. The innkeeper tells the messenger of the news that if Bob ever comes back, he will put him into room seven and hold him. The daughter overhears this, and when Bob returns, unable to warn him, she changes the number on the door of room seven to that of six. When Bob is sent up to his room by Corto, he goes in what he thinks is seven but the daughter afterwards shifts the door numbers back to their original positions. Corto decides to kill Bob in his sleep and steals upstairs.
La conciencia vengadora
Un hombre comprueba cómo su relación con una hermosa muchacha se ve constreñida por el comportamiento de su tío. Una vez tomada la decisión, por fin decide asesinar al tío; sin embargo, cometido ya el crimen, la conciencia comenzará a pesar sobre él... (FILMAFFINITY)
Their First Acquaintance
Bob Taylor was a valuable man. Talbot, his employer, told Miriam as much, showing his daughter the good round sum which his new clerk had handed him that evening for a real estate deal he had made in Talbot's absence. It was after banking hours and Talbot slept with the money under his pillow. The next morning he went off in a tearing hurry and forgot the roll of bills.
Their First Acquaintance
Bob Taylor was a valuable man. Talbot, his employer, told Miriam as much, showing his daughter the good round sum which his new clerk had handed him that evening for a real estate deal he had made in Talbot's absence. It was after banking hours and Talbot slept with the money under his pillow. The next morning he went off in a tearing hurry and forgot the roll of bills.
The Newer Woman
The Newer Woman is a 1914 silent film.
The Newer Woman
The Newer Woman is a 1914 silent film.
The Escape
'Bull' McGee
A dramatic comparison between the mating habits of animals and the way humans choose their own partners. The film is now considered to be a lost film.
Home, Sweet Home
The Mother's Son
John Howard Payne leaves home and begins a career in the theater. Despite encouragement from his mother and his sweetheart, Payne begins to lead a life of dissolute habits, and this soon leads to ruin and misery. In deep despair, he thinks of better days, and writes a song that later provides inspiration to several others in their own times of need.
The Different Man
The Ranch Foreman
The Different Man is a silent Western from 1914
The Mountain Rat
A 1914 silent Western short
The Battle of the Sexes
Frank Andrews
Frank Andrews is a successful businessman. He has always found pride and joy in the company of his wife, son and daughter. He suddenly finds himself enthralled by the advances of a gay young woman siren, who lives in the same apartment house as he does. So marked an influence does she have over him as time progresses that at last he quite forgets his home ties, neglects his family, and goes the way of many other men who have forgotten the meaning of paternity and blood ties. The story is advanced through many scenes enacted with the accompanying notes of New York's night life, and the denouement comes when the faithful wife discovers her husband's infidelity. At this time the mother's mind nearly loses balance, while Jane, the beautiful daughter, crazed by the grief of her mother, determines to take part in the tragedy. With revolver in hand she steals up to the apartment of the woman, but her frail nature is overcome by the temperamental anger of the woman and her mission fails.
The Mysterious Shot
A feud between the families of Gourd and Fork Ranches
The Mysterious Shot
A feud between the families of Gourd and Fork Ranches
Her Father's Silent Partner
After his daughter's return the jeweler attempted to break the partnership he had with the crook. His partner, however, won the girl's love, and threatened to expose the father if he attempted to break off the match. By a clever ruse the father set the gangsters against their leader. His plan did not prove altogether successful.
The Blue or the Gray
Southern Rival
It was Christmas Eve in the south, but the spirit of peace and love did not pervade the northern girl's heart. The gallantry of the young southern swains, however, was more than manifest, when a drunken band of Unionists entered the house, among them her sweetheart. From him was protection needed most. His rival, a Confederate soldier, showed her that character is far above political principle, and true love came into its own.
By Man's Law
Lee Calvert - Brother Owner
An oil tycoon corners the market, then cuts jobs and causes much suffering. Because she's lost her job, a young girl almost falls into the hands of white slavers.
Black and White
Olaf—An Atom
The Beggar
Tras la muerte de su madre, Olaf se convierte en un vagabundo.
Near To Earth
This is the story of Gato, an Italian immigrant, who lives with his wife, Marie, and his younger brother, Giuseppe, on a small truck farm in the west. Gato becomes so intent on his work that he neglects to show his wife the little attentions she demands. A foppish wandering Italian, Sandro, sees in this an opportunity to work his ends, but is prevented by the timely interference of Giuseppe.
Pirate Gold
Elusive as is the pursuit of pirate gold it is found in this picture and brought to the ship by the very mutineers themselves. Here fate intervenes with justice and the miscreant mate after a series of exciting adventures is outwitted through his own weakness.
The Musketeers of Pig Alley
Rival Gang Member (uncredited)
A man recognizes the thief who had previously robbed him as one of the men involved in an unrelated mob shootout.
The Failure
Bank Employee
A man loses his business and his fiancée, and drifts into the saloons. There he meets a similarly-downtrodden young woman. She works behind the scenes to help him recover his life, and eventually he realizes how steadfast she is.
The Miser's Heart
Thieves decide to steal the money an old miser has hidden away. He refuses to open the safe for them, so they threaten to kill a little girl who lives in his building.
The Battle
A Union soldier (uncredited)
Union soldiers march off to battle amid cheering crowds. After the battle turns against the Union Army, one soldier runs away, hiding in his girlfriend's house. Ashamed of his cowardice, he finds his courage and crosses enemy lines to bring help to his trapped comrades.
The Long Road
A Servant / The Landlord
Edith enters a convent after losing her fiancé to someone else. Years later, Edith finds him again, now poverty-stricken, and secretly helps his family.
The Adventures of Billy
First Tramp
Billy witnesses two tramps accidentally kill someone during a robbery. The tramps lock him up and decide that he must be killed, too.
The Making of a Man
Actor / Backstage
A young woman becomes infatuated with the leading man of a traveling theatrical troupe. She sneaks away to join him in the next town, but her father forces her to return home...
Her Awakening
Accident Witness
An attempt to hide her working-class origins appears to have disastrous consequences for an attractive office worker.
The Primal Call
At Club
A young woman who is engaged to a millionaire she doesn't love meets and falls in love with a rough sailor.
What Shall We Do with Our Old?
An elderly carpenter is told by a doctor that his wife is seriously ill. Soon afterwards, an insensitive shop foreman lays him off from his job because of his age. Unable to find work, and with his wife's condition getting worse, he soon becomes desperate.
Heart Beats of Long Ago
A feud existed between two Italian houses and it meant disaster to any one of the belligerents to intrude into the opposing house. The Lord of the house gives a feast in honor of the arrival of a wealthy foreign noble, whom he expects to make his son-in-law. The daughter, however, has given her heart to the son of her father's enemy. That he may be present at the festival, she surreptitiously takes her father's signet ring, throwing it to him from the window, which, of course, admits him. The father, anticipating the intrusion of his enemies, orders death to any member who enters the hall. After the festivities the unwelcome betrothal takes place and the forbidden lover braves death to see his loved one. While they are in clandestine meeting a guard is seen to enter the corridor so the girl hides her sweetheart in a secret closet, turning the key and taking it with her. Not finding the intruder, the guard imagines he was mistaken.
Fate's Turning
The Valet
A young girl working as a waitress at a resort for the wealthy is swept off her feet by a rich young gentleman who's there for the summer. However, his impending nuptials with another woman complicate the matter.
The Italian Barber
At Ball
Tony, the barber, on his way to the shop meets little Alice, the newsgirl, who runs a stand on a neighboring corner. He at once becomes smitten and can think of nothing else. Later they are betrothed and little Alice fancies she has made a good catch. However, clouds gather when Alice's sister Florence, who is a vaudeville artist, returns from her road tour with her sketch partner Bobby Mack, for the moment Tony sees Florence he transfers his affections to her. Poor Alice becomes aware of the waning of Tony's love for her and the heavy blow falls when on the night of the Barbers' Ball Tony escorts Florence thither. Alice being excessively romantic reasons that life without Tony is impossible so she is about to emulate the heroine of a novel she has been reading by terminating her unendurable existence with a pistol when Mack enters. The bullet she intended for her own lovelorn head passes through Mack's hat, scaring him stiff.
Winning Back His Love
At Stage Door
A Husband thinks the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. His wife shows him its not.
The Golden Supper
Julian loves his cousin and foster sister Camilla, who is wooed and won by Lionel, his friend and rival. He is a witness to their marriage and after the ceremony he departs heartbroken to his own house. Utopian was the existence of Lionel and Camilla, until some time later Camilla is seized with a serious illness, and Lionel's grief knew no bounds when he heard "That low knell tolling his lady dead." "She had lain three days without a pulse all that look'd on her had pronounced her dead, So they bore her, for in Julian's land they never nail a dumb head up in elm, bore her free-faced to the free airs of heaven, and laid her in the vault of her own kin." Julian learns of the death of Camilla, and hastens to the house, arriving in time to see the funeral cortège moving slowly towards the sepulcher. Following in its wake he exclaims, "Now, now, will 1 go down into the grave; I will be all alone with all I love."
Sunshine Sue
Head of the Sweatshop
A country girl follows a city suitor, but is left alone and must fend for herself.
Through the Breakers
At the Club
A society couple, neglect their young daughter in favor of their social life. When the girl becomes seriously ill, the father realizes the errors of his ways and stays home with her, demanding his wife do likewise. She sneaks out to a dance and the child takes a turn for the worse. By the time she returns home the child is dead. After her husband leaves her, the mother realizes her selfishness and begs forgiveness at her daughter's grave.
Over the Ledge
A poor widow dies, leaving her two young children, Bob and Mabel, in the care of a poor neighbor, who later is forced by circumstances to give them to an asylum. Twenty years pass and Jack, who has been adopted by a good family, has now gone into business for himself and is a rising young broker. He has been searching the detective agencies for his sister, without success, for some years. Mabel ran away from the asylum and has been brought up by a poor family, is without education and is now employed as a servant, and on a certain day is hanging clothes on a roof nearby a large office building, in which Bob has his office, and a small boy is flying his kite from the same rooftop.
The House of Silence
A wealthy young criminologist Marcel Leviget is seen forcibly dragging his fellow clubman Dr. Rogers into a House of Ill Repute. In one of the back bedrooms of the bawdy house, an old friend of Marcel's, a prominent attorney, lies near death. Dr. Rogers is also acquainted with the dying attorney, and while Marcel's back is turned, Rogers discovers a distinctively designed hatpin embedded in the patient's heart.