Nana Bryant

Nana Bryant

Nacimiento : 1888-11-23, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Muerte : 1955-12-24


Nana Bryant (November 23, 1888 – December 24, 1955) was an American film actress. She appeared in more than 100 films between 1935 and 1955.


Nana Bryant


Fábulas Disney - Vol.6
Mrs. Benchley
Dos cortos de animación clásicos de los estudios de Disney. En 'El Dragón Chiflado' (1941), un jovencito y un famoso luchador de dragones se unen para enseñar a un dragón dócil el arte de ser una fuerza a tener en cuenta. En 'Mickey y las Judías Mágicas' (1947), Mickey Mouse, Goofy y Donald Duck enfrentan al temible Willie the Giant para intentar recuperar el arpa de canto mágico a Happy Valley.
La guerra privada del mayor Benson
Mother Redempta
El mayor Benson es instructor en una escuela militar pero sus métodos son demasiado duros. Como castigo, sus superiores lo trasladan a un campamento en el que tendrá que entrenar a unos niños que aspiran a ser cadetes.
El marginado
Mrs. Banner
Jet Cosgrave regresa a casa para reclamar el rancho que le fue robado, después de la muerte de su padre. (FILMAFFINITY)
El amor de la señora Leslie
Mrs. McKay
Shirley Booth interpreta a la propietaria de una pensión de la que se enamora un viajante de comercio.
Nuevo amanecer
Mrs. Nevins
En el norte de África, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), al Sargento Larry Nevins lo alcanza una bala, disparada por un francotirador alemán, que lo está dejando ciego.
Devoción invencible
Sister Beatrice
La biografía del valiente campeón de golf Ben Hogan.
Solo el valiente
Mrs. Drumm
El capitán Richard Lance es injustamente acusado por sus hombres e incluso por su novia de la muerte del apreciado teniente Holloway, que ha sido asesinado por los indios. Con un pequeño grupo de soldados, Lance ha de defender un fuerte abandonado hasta que lleguen refuerzos. El grupo elegido por el capitán lo forma una mezcla de descontentos, desertores, psicópatas, borrachos y cobardes.
El invisible Harvey
Mrs. Hazel Chumley
Elwood P. Dowd (James Stewart) es un hombre afable, cariñoso y siempre dispuesto a ayudar a los demás. Su único problema es que va a todas partes acompañado por un imaginario conejo gigante al que llama Harvey. La familia de Elwood no sabe qué hacer y opta por llevarlo a un psiquiátrico.
Tres secretos
Mrs. Gilwyn (uncredited)
Un niño de cinco años sobrevive a un accidente de avión en el que mueren sus padres adoptivos. Durante su búsqueda llegan tres mujeres, Susan, Phyllis y Ann, cada una de las cuales cree que el niño es suyo, pues dieron a un hijo en adopción cinco años atrás.
The Blonde Bandit
Mrs. Henley
A duped bride joins a bookie in love and crime.
Dirección prohibida
Mrs. Dennis Sutherland
Cuando Joan Boothe acompaña a su marido, que es reportero, a Las Vegas, empieza a jugar para pasar el tiempo mientras él realiza su trabajo.
Sybil Elwood Kaymeer
Philip Ford's crime thriller stars Lloyd Bridges as a city attorney who comes to the dawning realization that a jewelry heist may be behind the discovery of a dead body in the park -- and that the culprit may be one of the town's leading citizens (Ray Collins). Unfortunately, his investigation is hampered by his girlfriend and ex-secretary (Lorna Gray), who could very well be in cahoots with the bad guys.
Departamento de estado, Oriente 649
Peggy Brown
Un funcionario del servicio de inteligencia estadounidense debe viajar hasta China. Una vez allí, su misión será tratar de evitar la ejecución de un grupo de rehenes norteamericanos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Las chicas del coro
Adele Carroll
Peggy Martin (Marilyn Monroe) y su madre Mae (Adele Jergens), son coristas en un salón de variedades donde no faltan las invitaciones de improcedentes hombres adinerados que buscan pasar el rato con las bellas chicas. Pero Mae no quiere que su hija sea como las más frívolas entre el grupo, aunque Peggy se resiente por su soledad. Entonces llegará el día en que un serio pretendiente buscará llegar a su corazón.
Tío Willie
Cousin Therese
Tierna y simpática comedia al más puro estilo norteamericano, que narra cómo una encantadora jovencita está totalmente convencida de que su caballo es en realidad la reencarnación de su tío Willie.
Víctima de su destino
Mrs. Mitchell
La película sigue a un asesino que está huyendo y escondiéndose en un pequeño pueblo. Se esconde en la misma casa de huéspedes donde se hospeda el único testigo de su crimen y el azar hace que compartan la misma habitación...
Lady at Midnight
Lydia Forsythe
A couple's adopted daughter has an inheritance someone else wants.
Eyes of Texas
Hattie E. Waters
A ranch owner turns his place into a home for boys who have lost their fathers in World War II. His evil female lawyer covets the ranch and uses a gang of local toughs, a pack of killer dogs, and a phoney rancher's beneficiary to get it. U.S. Marshal Rogers opens an investigation when the rancher is killed.
Stage Struck
Mrs. Howard
The murder of nightclub hostess leads an investigator (Kane Richmond) to seedy nightspots.
Reaching from Heaven
Kay Bradley
Just as church services are letting out, a shabbily-dressed stranger is run over by an automobile in front of the church. The stranger is helped mentally and physically by the minister and congregation members, who help him regain his self-confidence and also to accept the death of his wife as she was about to embark from Europe, as a displaced person, to join him in America.
Goodbye, Miss Turlock
Miss Turlock (uncredited)
Narrator John Nesbitt laments the disappearance of the rural one-room schoolhouse in America. He reminisces about his own days as a student in such a school and how his teacher, Miss Turlock, influenced so many students. Many of them reunite at the school on Miss Turlock's last day, when the school was closed in 1940.
Años peligrosos
Anna Templeton
Jeff Carter ha puesto fin a la delincuencia de una ciudad, pero el joven matón Danny aparece e influye en los adolescentes Doris, Willy y Leo, que pasan el rato en un bar, donde trabaja Eve (Marilyn Monroe). Cuando Jeff trata de detener un robo planeado por Danny, él es asesinado y Danny va a juicio.
Her Husband's Affairs
Mrs. Winterbottom
Bill Weldon is an Ad man who craves his wife Margaret's approval of his work, instead he gets constructive (and on-target) feedback, which he hates. Things get really strange when Bill creates advertising for a wacky inventor's embalming fluid.
Sin sombra de sospecha
Mrs. White
Victor Grandison es criminólogo y una estrella de la radio; es el tutor de una rica heredera, Matilda, a quien se ha dado por muerta en un naufragio. También tenía una secretaria, a la que han asesinado. Para alegrarle la vida, sus amigos le preparan una fiesta, a la que acude una persona no invitada: el viudo de Matilda, del que nadie sabía nada... todo esto se parece demasiado a su programa de radio.
The Fabulous Joe
Mrs. Belmont
Milo Terkel's life is never the same after he is willed a dog named Joe. Milo buys his wife a diamond necklace for their anniversary, but when he returns home he finds a note saying she is attending a charity affair. He decides to celebrate alone, taking Joe along for company. After two "mystery gardenias" at the Florida Club, he meets gorgeous Miss Gilmore who spots the necklace and asks to try it on. Milo is punched in the nose by Miss Gilmore's boyfriend, Louie. But Milo's troubles really begin when his dog starts to talk to him, and ONLY to him! He tells Milo to act tough, like Humphrey Bogart. It's a laugh-a-minute as Milo changes from lamb to lion and is innocently caught by his wife with the shapely Miss Gilmore. When his wife sues for divorce he tells the judge about Joe being his advisor. The judge can only suggest that Milo and his wife take a long vacation to work out their problems. Everyone knows a dog simply can't talk!
The Big Fix
Mrs. Carter
Ken Williams (James Brown), a star basketball player on a college team learns that a police lieutenant (Regis Toomey) is the head of a gambling ring attempting to fix basketball games by bribing the players.
Millie's Daughter
Mrs. Cooper Austin
An errant mother tries to teach her daughter to avoid the same errors she made by choosing a different lifestyle.
The Perfect Marriage
Corinne Williams
A couple celebrate their tenth anniversary by quarreling their way to divorce court.
Big Town
Mrs. Crane
A newspaper editor goes on an anti-crime crusade, but gets carried away.
The Runaround
Mrs. Mildred Hampton
Two private eyes compete to find an heiress and bring her back, unmarried, to New York.
El virginiano
Mrs. Wood (uncredited)
La acción se centra en un cowboy fuera de la ley de Virginia, que vuelve a liderar una banda de ladrones. Sin embargo el Virginiano se enfrenta a un dilema cuando descubre de uno de sus amigos más cercanos es ahora miembro de una banda distinta. ¿Cómo manejará el Virginiano esta situación? y ¿cómo afectarán sus acciones a su relación con una preciosa maestra de escuela?.
Black Market Babies
Mrs. Grace Andrews
Two bit hood Eddie Condon (Kane Richmond) sells babies under the counter. A highly lucrative racket he soon finds out. But when will the police get wise to this highly immoral scheme of his? And will they be able to pin a rap on him before he goes a little too far? ALL IS TOLD in this EXCITING tale of CRIME and CORRUPTION!
Fin de semana
Mrs. Drew
Un famoso corresponsal de guerra se introduce en la habitación de una estrella de cine; un soldado se enamora de una joven taquígrafa a la caza de un hombre rico; un estafador quiere hacer negocio con un jeque millonario; un periodista busca una exclusiva; un director de orquesta pierde a su cantante principal... Nada más normal un fin de semana en el más prestigioso de los hoteles de Nueva York, el Waldorf Astoria.
Mi novio está loco
Mrs. Gray
La única condición que se le impone a un joven para heredar ocho millones de dólares es que sea capaz de gastar uno en tan sólo dos meses. Esta disparatada situación provocada por el testamento de un loco millonario americano le dará al joven muchos quebraderos de cabeza.
Marriage Is a Private Affair
Una chica rica y mimada no está dispuesta a que el matrimonio se entrometa en su afición a perseguir a los hombres.
Take It or Leave It
Miss Burke
A young husband becomes a game-show participant in the hopes of winning the cash to pay his pregnant wife's doctor.
Escuela de Sirenas
Dean Clinton
Uno de los musicales “acuáticos” más famosos de la Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, con Esther Williams en el papel de una estudiante enamorada de un compositor de canciones (Red Skelton) mientras ensaya en la piscina bellas coreografías de danza sincronizada. Con numerosas y espectaculares escenas de ballet acuático.
Jungle Woman
Miss Gray
Paula, the ape woman, has survived the ending of CAPTIVE WILD WOMAN and is running around a creepy old sanitarium run by the kindly Dr. Fletcher, reverting to her true gorilla form every once in a while to kill somebody.
The Adventures of Mark Twain
Mrs. Langdon
A dramatised life of Samuel Langhorn Clemens, or Mark Twain.
Princess O'Rourke
Mrs. Mulvaney (uncredited)
La princesa María, que visita de incógnito Nueva York, decide volar hasta San Francisco. Sin embargo, después de aterrizar el avión, una serie de enredos la llevan a pasar la noche en casa del piloto, que está convencido de que es una simple criada. (FILMAFFINITY)
La reina de corazones (Best Foot Forward)
Mrs. Dalrymple
Un cadete de una academia militar invita a Lucille Ball a participar en el gran baile de la academia. Su agente la convence de que vaya para dar un empujón a su carrera. Las cosas se complican cuando aparece sin previo aviso la novia del cadete.
The West Side Kid
Mrs. Winston
Millionaire Sam Winston is an unhappy man. His wife Constance lives a gay life, devoting all her time to parties; his daughter Gloria is in one scandal after another, changing husbands as often as her moods, and son Jerry spends his time getting drunk and chasing women. Sam hires gangster Johnny April to bump him off but Johnny, liking the old man, defers the killing and sets about making the family appreciate Sam.
Los verdugos también mueren
Mrs. Hellie Novotny
El 27 de mayo de 1942 murió víctima de un atentado Reinhard Heydrich, jefe del gobierno nazi de Praga. El doctor Franz Svoboda, miembro de la Resistencia y autor material del atentado, se esconde en casa del profesor Novotny.
Madame Spy
Alicia Rolf
Joan Bannister is the wife of globe-trotting war correspondent David Bannister. Returning to the US, Bannister becomes suspicious when Joan begins keeping company with known Nazi functionaries, notably the sinister Mr. Peter. Suspecting that his own wife may be the elusive “Madame Spy” wanted by American authorities, Bannister is in for quite a few surprises.
Thunder Birds
Mrs. Blake
On a secluded base in Arizona, veteran World War I pilot Steve Britt trains flyers to fight in World War II. One of his trainees, Englishman Peter Stackhouse, competes with Britt for the affections of Kay Saunders, the daughter of a local rancher. Despite their differences, Britt makes sure Sutton passes his training and becomes a combat pilot -- even though he loses Kay to the young man in the process.
Get Hep to Love
Aunt Addie
Una niña prodigio dotada de una voz maravillosa huye de su represora tía y convence a una pareja rural de que la adopte.
Calling Dr. Gillespie
Mrs. Todwell
Un médico en silla de ruedas se enfrenta a un maníaco homicida.
Justicia corsa
Madame Dupre
El conde Franchi tiene dos hijos gemelos. Cuando el barón Colonna decide exterminar a la familia Franchi, el doctor Paoli escapa con los dos bebés.
One Foot in Heaven
Mrs. Morris
Episodic look at the life of a minister and his family as they move from one parish to another.
Gangs Of The City
Heiress Bonnie Parker, tired of newspaper stories about her society high-life, gives a false story to energetic reporter Bill Raymond, who has frequently pestered her for a scoop. When Bill is dismissed for the phony item, Bonnie realizes that she carried the prank too far.....
El dragón chiflado
Mrs. Benchley
Un entrañable dragón se distingue del resto de su especie porque no se siente violento ni malvado. Antes que atacar a los seres humanos, prefiere entretenerse en cantar canciones o recitar poesía. Un día aparece un famoso caballero andante, que le enseñará a combatir.
Thieves Fall Out
Martha Matthews
Eddie Barnes, tired of being a nobody and living with his parents, decides to cash in his mother's legacy and use the money to buy a business. Unfortunately, Eddie's mother has to die before the broker can collect the full value of the policy and the broker's gangster partner doesn't want to wait for nature to take its course.
Mary Peasley
Con la ayuda de su ama de llaves, el viudo profesor Oliver Wendell se ocupa de la educación de sus tres hijas. Dana, una de ellas, tiene la impresión de que su novio se interesa más por su coche que por ella, por lo que pone sus ojos en un compañero de negocios de su padre, el atractivo Richard Calvert, comprendiendo que ha llegado el momento de dar el paso de niña a mujer y tomar una decisión definitiva...
Father Is A Prince
Mrs. Susan 'Susie' Bower
Director Noel Smith's comic 1940 morality tale, about a carpet sweeper manufacturer who sacrifices his family's happiness for his business, stars Grant Mitchell, Nana Bryant, Jan Clayton, George Reeves, Lee Patrick, John Litel, Billy Dawson, Richard Clayton, Frank Ferguson, Vera Lewis, Pierre Watkin, Frank Wilcox, John Ridgely and Frank Orth.
The Flag of Humanity
Clara Barton
The story of how Clara Barton helped found the American Red Cross.
A Little Bit of Heaven
A child from the New York tenements sings on a radio quiz show and is eventually hired to a big-bucks contract, which allows her and her family to move into a posh apartment, with all the usual problems that accompany sudden wealth.
Con la música a otra parte
Marian Johnson
Un obrero de la construcción se hace cargo de la hija de un compañero, muerto en accidente laboral. Va con la chica a Nueva York para localizar a su tío. Cuando le encuentra, descubre que el hombre ha invertido los ahorros de toda su vida en un restaurante que es una ruina. Toma la decisión de ayudar a la chica y a su tío en convertir el local en un éxito.
Alice in Movieland
Agatha Winters
In a U.S. town that could be anywhere, 18-year-old Alice Purdee wins a free trip to Hollywood. With the assistance of a cheerful porter, she takes the night train and dreams about her arrival. Instead of instant success, she meets disappointment after disappointment, and she needs the unexpected encouragement of her grandmother and an aging, former star whom she meets at a talent night. Finally, she gets a call to be an extra, and she's so hopeful that the regulars decide to make a fool of her. Is this the end of Alice's dream? Not if the porter has anything to say about it.
Brother Rat and a Baby
Mrs. Harper
Three comrades graduate from Viriginia Military Institute. Bing has a chance to return to VMI as a football coach.
Old Hickory
Rachel Jackson
Four key incidents in the public life of Andrew Jackson (1767-1845), seventh President of the United States.
Espionage Agent
Mrs. Corvall
Cuando Barry Corvall descubre que su novia es una posible agente enemiga renuncia a la diplomacia secreta para desbaratar un anillo de espionaje que está planificando la destrucción de la capacidad industrial estadounidense. FY
Parents on Trial
Margaret Ames
According to Hollywood, the parents were generally at fault when good kids went bad. This theory is elucidated in Columbia's Parents on Trial, wherein strict disciplinarian James Westley (Henry Kolker) fails to understand or appreciate the real needs and feelings of his teenaged daughter Susan (Jean Parker).
Street of Missing Men
Mrs. Putnam
An ex-con vows vengeance on the newspaper responsible for putting him behind bars, but has a change of heart when another racketeer threatens to bring the paper down..
Lincoln in the White House
Mary Todd Lincoln (uncredited)
This short chronicles Abraham Lincoln's presidency from his inauguration through delivery of the Gettysburg Address.
Swing, Sister, Swing
Hyacinth Hepburn
In this musical comedy, two star-struck small town kids head for the Big Apple and become famous for their jitterbug act. Their fame doesn't last long, but they had fun anyway. Songs include: "Baltimore Bubble," "Gingham Gown," "Just a Bore," "Wasn't It You," "Kaneski Waltz" (Frank Skinner, Charles Henderson).
Peck's Bad Boy with the Circus
Mrs. Henry Peck
Trouble-prone Billy Peck and his gang descend on a traveling circus that has just hit town, and before long their antics are causing the circus owner all kinds of problems.
Out West with the Hardys
Dora Northcote
Cuando el juez Hardy recibe la carta de una vieja amiga, en la que le explica que puede perder su rancho de Arizona por culpa de un vecino, decide ir en persona a solucionar el problema, acompañado de su familia.
Always in Trouble
Mrs. Minnie Darlington
Jane's dad (Tombes) is an oil field worker who comes into a fortune and is then pushed into society by his wife.
Dame un marino
Mrs. Minnie Brewster
Los hermanos Jim y Walter son dos marinos de la Marina de los Estados Unidos. Walter le dice a Jim que tan pronto como llegue a casa le va a pedir matrimonio a la bella Nancy Larkin, pero Jim también está enamorado de Nancy por lo que pide a la fea hermana de Nancy, Letty, que le ayude a que Walter y Nancy rompan. Letty está de acuerdo, pero con una condición, que Jim la ayude a conquistar a Walter.
Sinners in Paradise
Mrs. Franklin Sydney
The survivors from a plane crash are washed up on an island where the only inhabitants are Mr. Taylor and his servant, Ping. The mismatched group must learn to get along and work together if they are to convince Taylor to let them borrow his boat and return to the main land.
Gloria Parkinson (Deanne Durbin) es la hija adolescente de Gwen Taylor (Gail Patrick) una reconocida actriz que ha enviado a Gloria a un internado en Suiza para apartarla de los ojos del público. En parte es por su bien pero, por otro lado, es porque Gwen prefiere que la gente no sepa que tiene los años suficientes para tener una hija de esa edad. Gloria se divierte consigo misma y se gana la admiración de sus compañeros cuando empieza a contar sus extraordinarias historietas acerca de la vuelta al mundo de su millonario padre. Sin embargo, la realidad es otra. Su madre es divorciada y Gloria no tiene padre reconocido hasta el momento. Después de algún tiempo, sus amigos se vuelven escépticos y le reclaman evidencias de la existencia de su padre...
Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer
Mrs. Thatcher
Película basada en la novela novela homónima de Mark Twain.Ambientada en un pueblecito a las orillas del río Mississippi, narra las aventuras de dos chicos: Tom (Tommy Kelly) y su inseparable amigo "Huck" (Jackie Moran).
Midnight Intruder
Mrs. John Clark Reitter Sr.
A former actor poses as the son of a wealthy man and gets involved in a murder in which the real son is the suspect.
Meg Swift
Triángulo amoroso que surge cuando planea sobre el matrimonio constituido por Walter Pidgeon y Rosalind Russell la sombra del divorcio, y aparece en escena otra mujer, Myrna Loy.
Counsel for Crime
Mrs. Maddox
Otto Kruger once again plays a dynamic, bombastic attorney in Columbia's Counsel for Crime. Kruger plays William Mellon, a shifty shyster whose underhanded methods loses him the love of his sweetheart Anne (Nana Bryant), who subsequently marries a powerful senator (Thurston Hall). What Mellon doesn't know is that Anne has borne him a son, whom the senator has adopted. Reaching adulthood, Paul (Douglass Montgomery) opts for a legal career himself, taking a clerical job with his own father's firm. In typical "B"-picture, Mellon is charged with murdering one of his more odious clients -- and Paul is appointed prosecuting attorney in the case.
A Dangerous Adventure
This drama chronicles the education of a naive, rich young woman who inherits a steel mill. To help her keep it running she unites with a man. Meanwhile two crooks try to destroy her production in order to force her to sell it to them for very little money. They are thwarted at the last moment.
The Devil Is Driving
Mrs. Sanders
In the fine tradition of And Sudden Death, Columbia's The Devil is Driving tabulates the dangers of drunken driving in an exciting, unabashedly melodramatic fashion. In his first true portrayal of a "little creep," Elisha Cook Jr. stars as Tony, the spoiled-rotten son of the wealthy and influential Mr. Stevens.
The League of Frightened Men
Agnes Burton
Nero Wolfe agrees to investigate a series of murders that seem to be tied in with a past Harvard hazing prank that went awry.
Let's Get Married
Mrs. Willoughby
Let's Get Married is a 1937 American comedy film starring Ida Lupino, who plays the daughter of a political consultant, Joe Quinn. From Wikipedia
Pennies from Heaven
Miss Howard
Larry Poole, in prison on a false charge, promises an inmate that when he gets out he will look up and help out a family. The family turns out to be a young girl, Patsy Smith, and her elderly grandfather who need lots of help. This delays Larry from following his dream and going to Venice and becoming a gondolier. Instead, he becomes a street singer and, while singing in the street, meets a pretty welfare worker, Susan Sprague. She takes a dim view of Patsy's welfare under the guardianship of Larry and her grandfather and starts proceedings to have Patsy placed in an orphanage.
Los pecados de Teodora
Ethel Stevenson
Lynnfield es una pequeña ciudad mojigata y represiva que se siente turbada ante la publicación de una atrevida novela llamada 'El pecador'. La autora es Theodora Lynn, una escritora que firma con el sobrenombre de Caroline Adams, y que pertenece a una influyente familia. Ante el miedo a ser descubierta como la autora del libro, Theodora viaja a Nueva York para negociar con el publicista. Pero en el camino conoce al ilustrador de portadas Michael Grant, del que se enamora.
The Man Who Lived Twice
Margaret Schuyler
A hardened criminal is transformed into a responsible member of society after he undergoes plastic surgery.
Mrs. Lindsay
Dinner party guests become murder suspects when an extortionist they all hated turns up dead.
Meet Nero Wolfe
Sarah Barstow
El gran detective, con la ayuda de su inseparable ayudante Archie, ha de resolver dos crímenes, en apariencia no relacionados entre sí.
The King Steps Out
Princess is destined to marry the Emperor, until her sister steps in.
Lady of Secrets
Aunt Harriet Whittaker
Because of a very unhappy affair she had earlier in her life, a woman shuts herself off from the rest of the world.
You May Be Next!
Miss Abbott
Gangster tries to censor a crusading radio station by jamming its signal.
The Lone Wolf Returns
Aunt Julie Stewart
Once a jewel thief always a jewel thief? Yes and no. Yes if you consider the fact that Michael Lanyard also known as the Lone Wolf once retired from the "trade" but relapses back into his old habits when he is tempted by the emerald pendant of beautiful socialite Marcia Stewart. The trouble (?) is that he falls for the belle and he soon gets more interested in getting the girl than the jewels that adorn her. What he wants now is to return the pendant but a rival gang interfere and force him to take part in a big-time caper.
One Way Ticket
Mrs. Bourne
A convict marries the warder's daughter after his escape and she eventually persuades him to finish his sentence.
Guard That Girl
Attorney Joshua Scranton hires "Budge" Edwards and Larry Donovan, who has just bought into Edwards' detective agency, to protect Estelle Hudson, a client of his who is to inherit three-million dollars the next Thursday. He tells them he has reason to believe the girl is in danger from five relatives who stand to benefit from her death.
A Feather in Her Hat
Lady Drake
After the woman who raised him claims he's not her son, Richard searches for clues about his identity. Urged on by his mentor, Capt. Randolph Courtney, Richard focuses on Julia Trent Anders, a middle-aged actress who just might be his real mother. But soon, Richard begins to fall for Julia's stepdaughter. Amidst the upheaval, Richard schemes to return Julia to the stage -- but he's in for another big surprise.
Atlantic Adventure
Joan Hill
When reporter Dan Miller is once again late to meet his girl friend, Helen Murdock, because he is working on a story, Helen breaks up with him. Later, in an effort to reconcile with her, Dan misses an appointment with the district attorney, and is fired when his editor learns that the district attorney was murdered in Dan's absence. The man suspected of the crime, Mitts Coster, is rumored to be traveling to Europe aboard an ocean liner. While Dan's friend, photographer Snapper McGillicuddy, fetches Helen to the boat, under the pretense that Dan is leaving town to forget her, Dan searches the ship for Mitts, whom he does not recognize. When Helen arrives, Dan feigns illness, and she admits her love for him. When Helen learns of Dan's ruse, however, she angrily hits him with a package that a passenger gave her when she boarded the ship. The package contains a passport for Dorothy Madden, who greatly resembles Helen, and $2,000 dollars.
Unknown Woman
A young attorney, Larry Condon, is on a retainer by a nightclub-owning gangster, to carry and deliver what he thinks are legal papers but he is innocently carrying around millions of dollars in stolen bonds. He meets Helen Griffith when she is arrested in a raid on a gambling house and befriends her. She talks him into taking her to the nightclub of the man he is working for and, while there and unobserved by anyone by Larry, he sees her going through the files and desk of the owner. Who is this mystery woman he just got released from jail, and what is she up to?