Martin Buch

Martin Buch

Nacimiento : 1968-11-04,


Martin Buch


All I Want for Christmas: The Magic Time Machine
At Santa Claus School, the principal has called a meeting. Lucia, her parents Julius and Claudia and everyone else at school are excited. But the tension is replaced by a shock when the headmaster cancels Christmas. He seems confused, and it soon becomes clear that he is trapped in a Christmas trauma from his younger days as Santa Claus. Lucia sets out to find out what has happened and with the help of the younger student Elias and a magical time machine, she travels back in time in the hope of saving Christmas.
Lucía y el Cristal Mágico
Hacia el norte, en Groenlandia, vive Lucia, de 12 años, con su madre y su padre, mejor conocido como Papá Noel. Lucía es la primera niña en la clase de Santa en la Escuela Internacional de Navidad. El día en que se supone que la máquina actual se pondrá en marcha para la producción actual de este año, el mejor amigo de Lucía, el pastor de renos Oscar, es acusado de robar el cristal mágico del Rey Invierno que alimenta la máquina actual. Claudia, la madre de Lucía que durante mucho tiempo ha desconfiado del crudo Oscar, intenta evitar que Lucía arruine su futura carrera defendiendo al niño aparentemente culpable. Pero Lucía está decidida a luchar contra la injusticia y escapa con Oscar para probar su inocencia encontrando al verdadero ladrón.
Mina y el mundo de los sueños
Gaff (voice)
La vida de Minna, una joven de 12 años, se ve totalmente alterada cuando Jenny, su nueva hermanastra, se muda a su casa. Para Minna, Jenny es lo más molesto del mundo y no puede esperar para tenerla fuera de su vida. Una noche, Minna conoce a los Constructores de Sueños, aquellos que trabajan en pequeños platós de cine construyendo los sueños cada noche. Es entonces que tiene una idea, quizá pueda cambiar a Jenny manipulando sus sueños. Pero cambiar los sueños conlleva grandes consecuencias... Y es cuando Minna tendrá que salvar a Jenny en el mundo de los sueños para salvar a su familia en el mundo real.
La amabilidad de los extraños
Loud Voice Man
Clara llega a Nueva York con sus dos hijos en el asiento trasero de su coche. El viaje, que disfraza como una aventura a los ojos de los niños, pronto se revela como una huida de un marido y padre abusivo. Él es policía, y Clara trata desesperadamente de evitar que la encuentre. Los tres tienen poco más que el coche, es invierno y se quedan sin dinero. Pero la gran ciudad muestra misericordia: en su búsqueda de refugio, la familia se encuentra con una altruista enfermera llamada Alice, que les consigue camas en un refugio de emergencia. Mientras roba comida en un restaurante ruso llamado "Palacio de invierno", Clara conoce a un ex convicto, Marc, a quien se le ha dado la oportunidad de ayudar al antiguo restaurante a recuperar su antigua gloria. El 'Palacio de invierno' se convierte en un lugar de encuentros inesperados entre personas que están atravesando algún tipo de crisis y que el destino ahora ha reunido.
Mom Squad
New mother Line is living the high life in Hong Kong with husband Bjørn when she discovers that he has been unfaithful to her with their Filipino nanny, so Line takes her baby son and heads back to her old hometown in southern Funen.
All I Want for Christmas
To be the first girl accepted into Santa school, twelve-year-old Lucia must find a cure for a mystery illness caused by the devilish Krampus.
Munch-Fals’ script follows Adam, who has so far been spoiled by life – a good job, a lovely wife, an expensive villa, an independent son – but still it isn’t good enough. Even the swinger weekend trips he has been taking with his wife have become a joyless routine, and his youthful optimism and appetite for life are distant memories. Then, one day, at another swingers’ club, he does what swingers don’t do – he falls in love.
Satisfaction 1720
Set in the year 1720, the story is about what happens to 29-year-old Tordenskiold when the Great Northern War ends and he doesn't know what to do with the rest of his life. His trusted valet persuades him to go on a European ‘road trip’ to search for a bride.
The Olsen Gang in Deep Trouble
Egon Olsen (voice)
New animation featuring the Olsen Gang, the legendary trio of small-time crooks with big money dreams.
All for Two
This sequel to the box office hit All for One finds the previously tight-knit trio dispersed: Nikolai is on parole, while brothers Ralf and Timo are planning a heist involving the unlikely combination of unsalted butter, a strict diet and a helicopter. When their seemingly impossible heist succeeds, Nikolai asks to borrow some money to start over. The brothers reject him, but when all three of them are tricked by a fish-loving banking executive, they are forced to team up again.
Rytteriet - Live fra Bellevue
A Funny Man
Preben Kaas
La biografía del cómico danés Dirch Passer, que ha sido la producción danesa más vista de 2011.
La banda de Olsen y las altas esferas
Egon Olsen
Cuando el presidente de China le pide al gobierno danés la pluma de Hans Christian Andersen como condición para cerrar un importante acuerdo militar, éste decide utilizar a la Olsen Banden, un pintoresco trío de ladrones encabezado por el astuto Egon Olsen, como chivo expiatorio. Pero la banda no piensa renunciar a su objetivo tan fácilmente... (FILMAFFINITY)
Nothing's All Bad
Follows the lives of four longing souls. Ingeborg who feels unattractive and young Jonas who is so attractive that he can literally sell some of what he's got. Anna, a young beautiful woman with a physical disability, and Anders, a tender man with a psychological disability. Four people yearning for love, four people, each hoping for a better tomorrow.
En un mundo mejor
Anton es un idealista médico danés que trabaja en un campo de refugiados de un país africano que está en guerra. Su mujer y su hijo Elia viven solos en Dinamarca. El niño es maltratado en la escuela por sus compañeros y se siente aislado. Pero cuando llega al colegio Christian, un niño huérfano de madre que expresa su dolor por medio de la violencia, él y Elia simpatizan y se hacen amigos. El problema es que esa amistad se convierte en un peligroso juego de venganza y rabia que, además de perturbar la vida de sus familias, lleva a Anton a cuestionarse sus ideales
Anja & Viktor - Flaming Love
Finally, Viktor becomes a fireman, while Anja still do not have the great success of the advertising agency. Fortunately, they have each other and everything is bright as Anja gets a great opportunity at the office while being pregnant. Then Viktor just figure out how to be soft father, understanding man and tough firefighter at once. But how hard can it be?
La tacha azul
Katrina y Jonás están a punto de casarse. Katrina va a visitar a su hermana Mette, que ha estado internada en un hospital psiquiátrico, pero no le dice nada sobre los preparativos de la boda. Thomsen, el ex-novio de su hermana, que ha pasado dos años en Kenia y es responsable de la infelicidad de Mette, aparece de repente en la casa de la futura pareja. La visita termina en una loca fiesta. Al día siguiente, Katrina descubre por casualidad un hecho que afectará el futuro de Thomsen, pero, sin embargo, decide callarse. Y así continúan varias aventuras previas a la boda en las que harán aparición las drogas, la locura y el sida. (FILMAFFINITY)
This Charming Man
Lars Hansen/El Hassan
Lars applies for job training, but his papers are mixed with an immigrant and he's sent instead to Danish class. When he learns that the attractive teacher, Ida, will lose her job if the immigrant isn't in attendance, he decides to go through with the erroneous assignment posing as the other guy. The short film is a comedy of errors, but works in some poignant and scathing observations about xenophobia.
Minor Mishaps
Minor Mishaps is the story of a family's reaction to the untimely death of their matriarch, examining the effect of the tragedy on John, her husband, who is himself ill, his daughters, Marianne and Eva, and their friends and family. When a man's wife dies in an accident, his children return home to deal with the tragedy together. The film throws a spotlight on each of their lives as they confront the changed dynamic in the family and their own lives, with some surprises, revelations and false accusations occurring along the way.
Chop Chop
Dennis and Carl are brothers who live on a small farm in the country. None too bright, Dennis wants a girlfriend for Christmas. Carl makes sure that Dennis gets just that when he meets Rita at the local pub. She is on the run from her husband and she doesn't turn down the chance to hide away at Carl and Dennis's place.
El mundo de Mona
Comedia que cuenta la historia de Mona (Sidse Babett Knudsen), empleada modelo de una agencia publicitaria, de quien se enamora un ladrón pobre (Thomas Bo Larsen) que la conoció durante un robo en un banco.
Gone with the Fish
Based on director Lotte Svendsen's own memories of her childhood on the Baltic island of Bornholm, but though it is set in 1981 the conflicts portrayed do not seem far away. At the start of the film Lars Erik and his wife Sonja are doing well on the Baltic island of Bornholm. Lars Erik is a successful fisherman, Sonja is a traditional housewife, proud of their new house bulging with consumer goods. Their love for each other is the sturdy footing on which their home is founded. Lars Erik employs three men on his trawler, and spends as fast as he earns, so when fishing quotas are cut he faces a crisis. One by one his men leave the boat, but he refuses to give up. Being a fisherman is like being a farmer - you depend on the wealth of mother nature herself. However, mother nature is like romance, highly capricious!
Blind date!
Just curious.