Produced for Glass Eye Pix as part of their 2018 Creepy Christmas Film Festival, in which each short is inspired by a holiday-themed word. This film, the nineteenth in the series, is inspired by the word “toys.”
Produced for Glass Eye Pix as part of their 2018 Creepy Christmas Film Festival, in which each short is inspired by a holiday-themed word. This film, the nineteenth in the series, is inspired by the word “toys.”
Produced for Glass Eye Pix as part of their 2018 Creepy Christmas Film Festival, in which each short is inspired by a holiday-themed word. This film, the nineteenth in the series, is inspired by the word “toys.”
Produced for Glass Eye Pix as part of their 2008 Creepy Christmas Online Film Festival, in which each short was inspired by the inhabitants of a Christmas diorama advent calendar. Each filmmaker was assigned a specific date and given the props that were used in that window to use in their short. This is the seventh film in the series.
Produced for Glass Eye Pix as part of their 2008 Creepy Christmas Online Film Festival, in which each short was inspired by the inhabitants of a Christmas diorama advent calendar. Each filmmaker was assigned a specific date and given the props that were used in that window to use in their short. This is the seventh film in the series.
Assistant Art Director
El principio de I Sell the Dead es una auténtica declaración de intenciones: hordas de gente en la plaza de un pueblo del siglo XIX gritan encendidas ante una guillotina a punto de cortar en dos al mismísimo Larry Fessenden. El filo cae y el busto del director de Wendigo rueda. La pantalla se tiñe de rojo. Fessenden y Dominic Monaghan (el Charlie de Perdidos) interpretan a dos ladrones condenados a muerte. El segundo optará por confesar sus interminables fechorías a un cura con el rostro de Ron Perlman, que aquí abandona el rojo demoníaco de Hellboy para sumirse en el rojo de la sangre.