Albert Glasser

Nacimiento : 1916-01-25, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Muerte : 1998-05-04


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Albert Glasser (January 25, 1916 – May 4, 1998) was a composer, conductor and arranger of film music, primarily in the realm of B-movies, during the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. He scored approximately 200 films during his career, many for American International Pictures and director Bert I. Gordon. For the US War Department, Glasser composed for Frank Capra's Special Services Unit and for Office of War Information radio shows for overseas broadcasts. For television, he composed the score for the early western The Cisco Kid. For radio, he composed scores for Hopalong Cassidy, Clyde Beatty, and Tarzan. Glasser joined ASCAP in 1950, and his popular song compositions include "Urubu", "The Cisco Kid", "Someday" and "I Remember Your Love".


The Naked Monster
Original Music Composer
Using soundtracks and extensive footage from many old movies, this spoof/homage of 1950's science-fiction films brings back many favorite actors from these classic movies, some reprising their former roles, to help destroy a giant stop-motion monster that is threatening to destroy Los Angeles.
Fangoria's Weekend of Horrors
Actors, directors and special effects technicians are interviewed at a horror-film convention.
The Cremators
Original Music Composer
An alien life form, resembling glowing rocks, summons forth a huge, rolling ball of fire, whenever threatened, that incinerates people.
El tesoro de Atahualpa
Un médico, dedicado a socorrer a los indígenas, es considerado muerto al accidentarse el avión en que viajaba en la selva peruana. Su esposa y dos hombres se trasladan al lugar de los hechos para buscarlo. Ahí encuentran a unos expedicionarios que buscan el tesoro de Atahualpa. Tras enfrentarse a varios peligros logran encontrar vivo al doctor, quien ha conseguido curar a los nativos a costa de su salud.
20,000 Eyes
Original Music Composer
An investment counselor turns jewel thief when the gangster he embezzled funds from demands to be paid back.
Kipling's Women
Nudie-cutie suggested, as the title lets on, by a Kipling poem.
Sangre en el faro
Original Music Composer
Un hombre se va a vivir a una isla de Nueva Inglaterra con su pareja. Despues de unos dias, recibe la visita de su antigua novia que viene con intenciones agresivas para hacerle pagar su despecho. Después de un momento de tensión, la mujer muere accidentalmente y el hombre cree que al fin se ha librado de ella. Sin embargo, al poco tiempo el espíritu de la fallecida vuelve de la muerte para consumar su venganza. La feliz pareja estará entonces a las puertas de una terrible pesadilla...
The Boy and the Pirates
Original Music Composer
Jimmy desires to be a pirate when one day he discovers a magic bottle on the beach. He makes a wish and suddenly finds himself aboard Blackbeard's ship. Soon he realizes that being a pirate isn't what he expected.
Oklahoma Territory
Original Music Composer
Temple Houston (Sam Houston's son) who is the DA with a sense of Justice. He is located in Fort Smith, Ark and works with Judge Parker in 1872. His area includes the Oklahoma Territory which was the Indian territory at that time. Chief Buffalo Horn who is falsely accused of murder.
Inside the Mafia
Original Music Composer
A mob assassin holds innocent hostages at an airport in upstate New York.
The Beat Generation
Original Music Composer
A group of beatniks unwittingly harbor a serial rapist. A cop goes after him after his wife is attacked.
Night of the Quarter Moon
A POW marries a woman he meets in Mexico. Controversy erupts when people find out that she's one-quarter black.
When Hell Broke Loose
Original Music Composer
Near the end of the war in Germany, GI Steve Boland, a self-described "sharp-operator", meets a German girl, Ilsa, and they fall in love. Ilsa's brother Karl, whom she has not seen in three years, and his fellow Nazi Ludwig visit Ilsa. Karl proudly informs her that he and Ludwig are "Werewolves", a group of Nazi assassins parachuted behind Allied lines for the purpose of killing Allied High Command officers. She and Steve go to Army Intelligence with their information, where Steve is immediately arrested for being A.W.O.L. Captain Melton of Army G-2 intervenes on Steve's behalf, as G-2 has had a suspicion about the existence of the "Werewolves" but no concrete info before now.
Caza de policías
La policía de Nueva York está en estado de alerta máxima por la aparición de un agente de policía convertido en asesino. (FILMAFFINITY)
Caza de policías
Original Music Composer
La policía de Nueva York está en estado de alerta máxima por la aparición de un agente de policía convertido en asesino. (FILMAFFINITY)
La araña
Music Director
Una araña gigante es hallada dentro de una cueva. A pesar de estar muerta y empacada para su estudio en una universidad, revive a los compases del rock´n´roll, para iniciar la consabida destrucción.
La araña
Original Music Composer
Una araña gigante es hallada dentro de una cueva. A pesar de estar muerta y empacada para su estudio en una universidad, revive a los compases del rock´n´roll, para iniciar la consabida destrucción.
Yo fui un cavernícola adolescente
Original Music Composer
Boy (Robert Vaughn) es un adolescente cuya tribu tiene prohibido sobrepasar los confines del árido y desolado valle donde vive, valle que limita con un país mucho más rico en vegetación y fauna. Según sus creencias, allí vive “el Dios que da muerte con su contacto”, y los espíritus asesinan con sus hechizos a los que se aventuran a llegar hasta allí. El valiente Boy, que no teme las supersticiones, decide cruzar la frontera para investigar el misterio de la muerte de sus compañeros de tribu.
La guerra de la bestia gigante
Original Music Composer
Una misteriosa serie de robos de camiones de comida hace a los oficiales del gobierno sospechar que el Hombre Colosal de 20 metros de alto no esté muerto. Secuela de "The Amazing Colossal Man" ("El asombroso hombre creciente").
High School Confidential!
Original Music Composer
A tough kid comes to a new high school and begins muscling his way into the drug scene. This is a typical morality play of the era, filled with a naive view of drugs, nihilistic beat poetry, and some incredible '50s slang.
Ataque diabólico
Original Music Composer
La joven Sally responde un aviso clasificado en el que piden secretaria para la empresa Dolls Inc., cuyo director y único miembro es el Sr. Frank le ruega que acepte el trabajo propuesto. Semanas más tarde llega desde St. Louis el viajante Bob Westley que se percata del nerviosismo de Sally ante su jefe, que está demasiado compenetrado con sus muñecos. ¿Tendrá algo que ver con esta situación las misteriosas desapariciones de la antigua secretaria de Franz y un cartero del vecindario?
El gigante de la tierra misteriosa
Original Music Composer
Una serie de espeluznantes asesinatos azotan a una pequeña comunidad montañesa y el sheriff sospecha de un científico local que no le agrada. Junto con un exprofesor y la hermosa hija del profesor, el científico se propone resolver los crímenes y descubre que el asesino es un conquistador del siglo XVI de gran tamaño, resucitado por un rayo de su tumba en la montaña.
Las mujeres vikingo y la serpiente del mar
Original Music Composer
Un grupo de solitarias vikingas construye un barco para cruzar el mar y buscar a sus maridos desaparecidos, sólo para caer en las garras de los bárbaros que mantienen cautivos a sus hombres.
El asombroso hombre creciente
Original Music Composer
Un coronel del ejército queda atrapado en una prueba nuclear. Pero esto no sólo no lo lleva a la muerte sino que provoca una horrible mutación que le proporciona un tamaño descomunal. El crecimiento también trae desequilibrios mentales que lo llevan a atacar Las Vegas.
The Hired Gun
A rich Texan hires a gunman (Rory Calhoun) to bring an escaped woman (Anne Francis) back to hang.
Original Music Composer
After the American Civil War, former Union Major John Garth marries pretty settler Valerie but tragedy strikes and the two spouses end up in court where they give two different conflicting accounts of their marriage.
The Cyclops
Original Music Composer
Una mujer contrata a un piloto para que realice una expedición hacia el México salvaje, para localizar a su novio extraviado, quien ha sido sometido a radiaciones peligrosas y ha mutado hasta convertirse en un monstruoso cíclope de quince metros de altura.
The Buckskin Lady
Original Music Composer
Patricia Medina plays the title character in The Buckskin Lady. Medina is cast as female gambler Angela Medley, who is forced by circumstances to align herself with outlaw Slinger. But Angela has never gotten over her love for honest frontier doctor Bruce Merritt, and at the first opportunity she redeems herself by catching a bullet intended for the doc. Henry Hull delivers the film's most memorable performance as Angela's drunken wretch of a father. Per the title, Buckskin Lady affords the viewer ample opportunity to see Patricia Medina in form-fitting western garb.
Beginning of the End
Music Director
An attractive reporter investigating the mysterious destruction of an Illinois town stumbles upon a secret government laboratory conducting radiation experiments on vegetables. The lead scientist is eager to help find out what happened. Together they discover that giant grasshoppers are behind the devastation. Worse yet, thousands of them are headed toward Chicago! Can they be stopped... or is this the BEGINNING OF THE END?
Beginning of the End
Original Music Composer
An attractive reporter investigating the mysterious destruction of an Illinois town stumbles upon a secret government laboratory conducting radiation experiments on vegetables. The lead scientist is eager to help find out what happened. Together they discover that giant grasshoppers are behind the devastation. Worse yet, thousands of them are headed toward Chicago! Can they be stopped... or is this the BEGINNING OF THE END?
Monster from Green Hell
Original Music Composer
A test rocket carrying wasps to outer space, to study the effects on them of weightlessness and radiations, crashes out of control back to Earth, into the jungles of Africa. The two astrobiologists in charge of the test mount an expedition to the Darkest Continent to retrieve their experiment, only to find the wasps have grown to giant size which are panicking all forms of life as they quest for food.
Bailout at 43,000
Original Music Composer
An Air Force major feels a volatile mixture of relief and anger when he is excused from performing a dangerous test in a new aircraft.
The Big Caper
Original Music Composer
A con artist moves into a small town to spearhead a payroll robbery.
Four Boys and a Gun
Original Music Composer
The moving story of four young men struggling against overwhelming odds to remain honest. When their crooked employer shorts their earnings; they turn to crime, their first theft ending in tragedy.
The Boss
Original Music Composer
A crusading politician falls prey to the temptations of power.
El hombre indestructible
Un peligroso convicto es condenado a la silla eléctrica. Pero su organismo no colapsa con los 300.000 voltios que recibe sino que, merced a un experimento científico para lograr una cura contra el cáncer, resucita e inicia una venganza contra los gangsters que le llevaron a esa situación.
Please Murder Me
Original Music Composer
El abogado Craig Carlson (Raymond Burr) gana el juicio de su cliente Myra Leeds (Angela Lansbury), acusada de asesinar a su esposo, y logra que sea declarada inocente. Poco después del veredicto, descubre que ella efectivamente cometió el asesinato y lo manipuló para salir absuelta. Atormentado por los remordimientos y sabiendo que no puede ser juzgada nuevamente por el mismo delito, urde un plan para entregarla a la justicia.
Murder Is My Beat
El cadáver del Sr. Dean es encontrado boca abajo en la chimenea, con su rostro desfigurado por las quemaduras, sin poder ser reconocido. Los detectives Patrick (Paul Langton) y Rawley (Robert Shayne) arrestan a Eden Lane (Barbara Payton), una cantante de un nightclub, que es condenado por el crimen. De camino a la cárcel, Eden ve a un hombre a través de la ventanilla del tren, que lo identifica como el asesino, y tanto Patrick como la propia Eden saltan del tren para capturarlo... (
Murder Is My Beat
Original Music Composer
El cadáver del Sr. Dean es encontrado boca abajo en la chimenea, con su rostro desfigurado por las quemaduras, sin poder ser reconocido. Los detectives Patrick (Paul Langton) y Rawley (Robert Shayne) arrestan a Eden Lane (Barbara Payton), una cantante de un nightclub, que es condenado por el crimen. De camino a la cárcel, Eden ve a un hombre a través de la ventanilla del tren, que lo identifica como el asesino, y tanto Patrick como la propia Eden saltan del tren para capturarlo... (
El hombre de Neandertal
Original Music Composer
Un científico efectúa pruebas en una cabaña de la montaña, transformando a un gato en un dientes de sable, y a su criada en una prehomínida. Finalmente, lo probará sobre sí mismo, deviniendo en un hombre de Neanderthal que vagará por los bosques.
Port Sinister
Original Music Composer
A 17th-century Caribbean port rumored to have frequented by pirates rises from the ocean floor, where it came to rest after an earthquake many years before. A scientist wants to study it, some thugs want the treasure alleged to be stored there, a bunch of mutated giant crabs living there attack them all.
Problem Girls
A medical student (Ross Elliott) learns about a scheme to drug a girl (Susan Morrow) and pass her off as an heiress to an oil fortune.
Invasion, U.S.A.
Original Music Composer
A group of American witness the deadly invasion of the United States by the Soviet Union.
Paradise for Buster
Original Music Composer
Buster leaves his job after learning that he inherited a farm from an old relative.
Geisha Girl
Original Music Composer
Two American G.I.s visiting Tokyo find themselves mixed up with espionage, a pretty flight attendant, a mad scientist, geisha girls, and a goofy magician-hypnotist and his white rabbits.
The Bushwhackers
Original Music Composer
Confederate veteran Jeff Waring arrives in Independence, Missouri shortly after the Civil War, intending never again to use a gun. He finds that rancher Artemus Taylor and his henchmen are forcing out the settlers in order to claim their land for the incoming railroad.
Tokyo File 212
Original Music Composer
A Communist spy ring in Japan is hard at work trying to sabotage the American war effort during the Korean War, using kidnapping, murder and a disturbed former kamikaze pilot. A U.S. secret agent, posing as a reporter, is dispatched to Tokyo to put a stop to these nefarious activities.
The Bandit Queen
Original Music Composer
Zara Montalve, half Spanish and half America, returns to her native California in time to see her parents murdered for their hacienda and gold by Sheriff Jim Harding and his gang. Posing as Lola Belmont, an American visiting from Detroit, teams up with Joaquin Murietta, posing as Carlos Del Rio, to form a Robin-Hood type band that takes vengeance on the gang and restores stolen gold to its rightful owners, aided by militia leader Dan Hinsdale.
Everybody's Dancin'
Dance-hall owner Dick Lane is in dire need of some big-name acts or he will lose his business. Several country-western stars come to his rescue by agreeing to appear on a TV special to be broadcast from his club.
Apache Chief
Original Music Composer
When his tribesmen begin killing off white settlers, Young Eagle is opposed to the carnage. In order to assure a lasting peace, however, the chief must deal with renegade Apache Black Wolf.
Omoo-Omoo the Shark God
The curse of a shark god follows a group of people who have violated a sacred jungle idol.
Balas vengadoras (Yo maté a Jesse James)
Musician (uncredited)
Esta no es la historia de Jesse James, sino la caída en desgracia de su asesino, el tristemente famoso Bob Ford, que traicionó a su amigo para conseguir el indulto del gobierno y casarse con su novia Cynthy. En lugar de ello, se vió condenado al ostracismo y al desprecio incluso por parte de la mujer amada.
Balas vengadoras (Yo maté a Jesse James)
Original Music Composer
Esta no es la historia de Jesse James, sino la caída en desgracia de su asesino, el tristemente famoso Bob Ford, que traicionó a su amigo para conseguir el indulto del gobierno y casarse con su novia Cynthy. En lugar de ello, se vió condenado al ostracismo y al desprecio incluso por parte de la mujer amada.
Last of the Wild Horses
Original Music Composer
A cowboy must clear himself of a murder he did not commit.
Assigned to Danger
Original Music Composer
A gang of bank robbers is pursued by an insurance investigator.
The Gas House Kids in Hollywood
Original Music Composer
The Gas House Kids, the very poor man's Bowery Boys, head for Hollywood.
Philo Vance Returns
Original Music Composer
Playboy Larry Blendon introduces his grandmother Stella Blendon to his fiancée, radio singer Virginia Berneaux. Despite Larry's record of broken romances and divorces, Virginia decides she will marry him. Virginia is slain that night and Blandon telephones his friend, Philo Vance, to help find the killer.
Sure Cures
This comedic Pete Smith Specialty short examines the folly of using "home remedies" for various ills.
Musical Masterpieces
Performances of three well-know compositions. An orchestra plays Flight of the Bumblebee. Carlos Ramírez sings The Donkey Serenade with a boy on penny whistle. Finally, Ramírez and Lucille Norman sing lyrics to Tales from the Vienna Woods. (This film appears in its entirety within MGM's short feature, "The Great Morgan")
Magic on a Stick
This MGM Passing Parade series short recounts how English chemist John Walker invented the wooden friction match during the 1820s.
La calle de los conflictos
El sheriff Dan Mitchell (Randolph Scott), que es la ley en Abilene, tiene la misión de mantener la paz entre dos grupos. Durante mucho tiempo la ciudad ha estado dividida entre ganaderos y vaqueros, que ocupan un lado del pueblo, y el resto de habitantes, que ocupan el otro lado. A Mitchel le gusta esta situación, porque evita que surjan problemas entre los dos bandos y le hace la vida fácil. Sin embargo...
Stairway to Light
This John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short tells the story of 18th Century French physician Dr. Philippe Pinel, who initiated enlightened, humane treatment of the mentally ill.
A Gun in His Hand
In this MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short, a young man graduates from the police academy at the top of his class. He then teams up with some local thieves and uses his knowledge of police procedures to pursue a career of undetected crime.
Phantoms, Inc.
This Crime Does Not Pay entry focuses on fake spiritualists. A mother is worried about her son, who is missing in action. Over time, she gives a con man all of the family savings to find reassurance that her son is all right. When she can no longer pay, events take a tragic turn.
It Looks Like Rain
This short film takes a look at the tools and methods used to forecast the weather.
The Cisco Kid Returns
Original Music Composer
After several years' dormancy, the "Cisco Kid" western-film series returned to the screen with Monogram's The Cisco Kid Returns. Duncan Renaldo, actually Rumanian, starred as the Mexican "Robin Hood of the Old West", with Martin Garralaga as his corpulent sidekick Pancho. In the tradition of 20th Century-Fox's earlier "Cisco" efforts, our hero comes to the aid of an orphaned child, clears himself of a kidnapping charge, and proves that a "solid citizen" is in fact a criminal mastermind.
The Kid Sister
Original Music Composer
A madcap comedy about a kid sister who tries to steal her older sister's boyfriend. Her plan involves joining forces with a burglar to rob the unfortunate suitor's home.
Dark Shadows
A police psychiatrist is enlisted to catch a killer.
Call of the Jungle
Original Music Composer
A beautiful white girl resident of Ta'Pu, Tana, is determined to clear Harley, who is suspected of stealing sacred jewels.
The Monster Maker
Mad scientist injects his enemies with acromegaly virus, causing them to become hideously deformed.
The Negro Soldier
Documentary focusing on the contributions to the American war effort of African-American soldiers.
Klondike Kate
Original Music Composer
A young man in Alaska finds himself accused of murder, and must fight to clear his name.
Bad Man of Deadwood
Roy and Gabby fight bad guys to save the town of Deadwood.