Max, a 25-year-old aspiring writer living in London, begins a double life as a sex worker in order to research his debut novel.
No Love Lost shot to global fame like a shooting star and made millionaires out of its members. Guitarist Tony drank his millions and hasn't been able to play a chord in years. The guitars have been pawned and no new songs are being written. A message about singer-songwriter Katarina reaches Tony. The singer, who has been sober for a long time, has relapsed into drugs with fatal consequences. Katarina's teenage daughter Ellie, who has been placed in a family home, contacts Tony to find out about her family background. In the process, she reveals a secret to Tony that could enable No Love Lost to make a comeback and save Tony's finances. Tony decides to go to the funeral and get to know his daughter enough to get a DNA sample from her to confirm paternity - and gain access to Katarina's inheritance.
No Love Lost shot to global fame like a shooting star and made millionaires out of its members. Guitarist Tony drank his millions and hasn't been able to play a chord in years. The guitars have been pawned and no new songs are being written. A message about singer-songwriter Katarina reaches Tony. The singer, who has been sober for a long time, has relapsed into drugs with fatal consequences. Katarina's teenage daughter Ellie, who has been placed in a family home, contacts Tony to find out about her family background. In the process, she reveals a secret to Tony that could enable No Love Lost to make a comeback and save Tony's finances. Tony decides to go to the funeral and get to know his daughter enough to get a DNA sample from her to confirm paternity - and gain access to Katarina's inheritance.
The lifelong friendship between the two game developers begins to fray as one longs for nostalgia of her youth, and the other for marriage and a life abroad. When old grudges surface at a LARP-themed bachelorette party, it's time to find out who's living whose dream.
Erik is convinced he has a stone for a heart. That’s why he doesn’t mind that his parents have no time for him, or that he is bullied at school, or that he has no real friends. When his family moves to a villa they inherited, he is confronted by Maria whom Erik's parents want to kick out along with her father. Maria refuses to move and promises to make Erik's life a living hell. As a last attempt to defeat Erik, Maria goes to look for her mother who disappeared two years ago. Together they end up on a fantastical journey to the In-Between-World and Erik learns how hard it really is to wear a heart of stone.
A celebrity psychiatrist struggles to find a date for a wedding. Her dearest ex is getting married and she needs to find someone fancy enough to hide the fact that she is lonely, drinks too much and is pretty fucked up in any imaginable way.
A celebrity psychiatrist struggles to find a date for a wedding. Her dearest ex is getting married and she needs to find someone fancy enough to hide the fact that she is lonely, drinks too much and is pretty fucked up in any imaginable way.
The approaching baptism of his ex-wife's new baby destroys Antti's ability to function and puts him in catatonic state. Tuomas and Nippe take action to cheer him up and decide to take him on a singles cruise.
Biopic sobre Tove Jansson, que indaga en sus relaciones personales y la creación de los populares libros de los Mumin.
Inkeri tiene 75 años y está planeando enterrar a su marido, al que acaba de matar de un sartenazo, en el jardín de su casa. Cuando se da cuenta de que va a pasar el resto de su vida en la cárcel, se lanza a un enloquecido último viaje con sus hermanas Sylvi y Raili.
Inkeri tiene 75 años y está planeando enterrar a su marido, al que acaba de matar de un sartenazo, en el jardín de su casa. Cuando se da cuenta de que va a pasar el resto de su vida en la cárcel, se lanza a un enloquecido último viaje con sus hermanas Sylvi y Raili.
Juha ha perdido a su esposa en un accidente. Años después, todavía se siente entumecido e incapaz de conectarse con las personas. Conocer a Mona, una dominatriz que lo cambia todo.
Executive Producer
The story of a Finnish rap artist Cheek and his brother.
The story of a Finnish rap artist Cheek and his brother.
Executive Producer
Recently divorced Helena is getting anxious about spending christmas alone. Her best friend invites her to spend old time christmas on a farm - only place they can afford.
Tom of Finland, protagonizada por Pekka Strang, sigue los pasos de esta figura pionera de la cultura gay, que sufrió la opresión y homofobia durante su juventud. Volvió como héroe de la Segunda Guerra Mundia, pero la vida en Finlandia en tiempos de paz no fue como esperaba. Perseguido por su homosexualidad, se encontró sumergido en relaciones secretas y presionado para casarse con una mujer. Encontró una válvula de escape a través de su arte, especialmente por sus dibujos homoeróticos con un estilo marcado por musculados cuerpos masculinos vestidos de cuero. Su fama llegó a ser revolución en Estados Unidos bajo su nombre artístico, Tom of Finland.
Tom of Finland, protagonizada por Pekka Strang, sigue los pasos de esta figura pionera de la cultura gay, que sufrió la opresión y homofobia durante su juventud. Volvió como héroe de la Segunda Guerra Mundia, pero la vida en Finlandia en tiempos de paz no fue como esperaba. Perseguido por su homosexualidad, se encontró sumergido en relaciones secretas y presionado para casarse con una mujer. Encontró una válvula de escape a través de su arte, especialmente por sus dibujos homoeróticos con un estilo marcado por musculados cuerpos masculinos vestidos de cuero. Su fama llegó a ser revolución en Estados Unidos bajo su nombre artístico, Tom of Finland.
Executive Producer
Una influencer de la moda con dificultades económicas conoce al heredero de una fortuna. Esta relación con uno de los hombres más ricos del país es lo que necesita para financiar su lujoso estilo de vida. Todo cambia cuando comienza a enamorarse de él.
Un joven y ambicioso funcionario Jussi se encuentra a cargo de la licencia ambiental de una enorme mina de níquel y uranio en el norte de Finlandia. La mina Talvivaara introduce un nuevo método de recolección de minerales, a la vez implica la creación de puestos de trabajo en una de las zonas más pobres de la región.
Jussi descubre poco a poco que está siendo llevado por mal camino y que el nuevo método tiene graves inconvenientes no previstos. La mina está causando peligros ambientales que están siendo silenciado.
Executive Producer
Headfirst is a black comedy about a single mother with anger management problems and her teenage daughter who is always in trouble at school. With yet another school comes a new teacher and a blast from the past for the mother. Before long, an accidental pickpocket and a notoriously lousy storyteller teams up with this one dysfunctional sort of a family. Nothing is the same anymore. Headfirst is a story about missing teeth, strange friends, hidden dreams and long-gone love. And about a hare.
Two troubled youths break out of their halfway house and make their way to one's home.
Una mujer joven que creció en el orfanato tiene muchas ganas de ser amado, pero no tiene el amor de los demás. En tal situación es falsamente acusada de cometer un crimen y se esconde en un orfanato sin despertar ninguna sospecha. Allí, conoce a una persona sin hogar de 13 años de edad como ella misma, Kristina, y juntas parten a un viaje largo a un pequeño pueblo en Kazajstán, donde vive la abuela de Kristina...
Executive Producer
Follows the (successful) presidential campaign of Sauli Niinistö from inside of the campaign office.
Executive Producer
Concerning Violence is based on newly discovered, powerful archival material documenting the most daring moments in the struggle for liberation in the Third World, accompanied by classic text from The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon.
El líder de una banda de skinheads racistas encuentra que sus prejuicios y lealtades están enfrentados a su deseo de amor y conformar una familia, cuando se enamora de una camarera cuyo hijo es de ascendencia africana.
Juha Berg is a 30-year-old hopeless drunk in the Kallio neighborhood of Helsinki. Juha doesn't have the first intention of changing his way of life - just the opposite. He really enjoys sundry sexual relationships, adrenalin-inducing violence and, of course, alcohol for which he gets money even if by collecting bottles. But the hilarity in a drunken haze soon gets a run for its money as the passionate Juha falls in love with his AA group leader. The relationship with Tiina progresses quickly to dating and Juha has to make pivotal decisions. Juha has to begin balancing between maintaining a functional intimate relationship and his old lifestyle. Juha's best friend Kristian does his best to sabotage the relationship, and Juha's shaky decision to stay sober is further hindered by Mikael, an expert on German erotica. But how far can you go before there is only one solution left?
Irak, década de los 90, una tierra devastada. En el Kurdistán, dos hermanos sin hogar (Zana, 7) y (Dana, 10), viven al borde de la supervivencia. En el comienzo de la historia echan un vistazo a Superman a través de un agujero en la pared del cine local. Zana y Dana deciden que quieren ir a Estados Unidos a vivir con Superman. Una vez que llegan allí podrán resolver todos sus problemas, hacer su vida fácil y castigar a todos los que fueron malos con ellos. Zana, el hermano menor, empieza a hacer una lista de todas las personas a las que va a decirle a Superman que castigue. En la parte superior de la lista esta Saddam Hussein. Dana en cambio hace un plan concreto de lo que necesitan para llegar allí, el dinero, pasaportes, transporte y una manera de conseguir todo ello...
Sakari and Veera get engaged, madly in love. Not long after, Veera asks Sakari to help her in a matter relating to her father, and in a way that completely shocks Sakari. He does everything in his power to stop her from pursuing her plan. But before the story is over, Sakari will be been forced to make choices he thought he'd never have to face.
Rouva Presidentti is a documentary on Tarja Halonen, the 11th President of Finland. The movie follows Halonen for one and a half years, during her last times as President.
Rouva Presidentti is a documentary on Tarja Halonen, the 11th President of Finland. The movie follows Halonen for one and a half years, during her last times as President.
Rouva Presidentti is a documentary on Tarja Halonen, the 11th President of Finland. The movie follows Halonen for one and a half years, during her last times as President.
A short film directed by Aleksi Salmenperä.
Lapland Odyssey is a comedy about Janne, a man from Lapland in northern Finland, a man who has made a career out of living on welfare. Inari, his girlfriend, is tired of Janne's incapability of getting a grip on life, Janne wasn't even able to buy a digital TV box that Inari had given money for. Inari gives an ultimatum: a digital box needs to arrive by dawn or she leaves. Janne sets out into the night with his two friends to find a box. On their way to the city of Rovaniemi, Janne and his friends face many challenges, obstacles and temptations. They learn that they need to be daring. There's no room to give into bitterness. The most important thing isn't success, but rather the journey in itself.
German Laura follows her husband and moves to Finland with their baby girl. Her days at home are lonely as her husband is constantly working.
A different history of the Cold War: how Estonians under Soviet tyranny began to feel the breeze of freedom when a group of anonymous dreamers successfully used improbable methods to capture the Finnish television signal, a window into Western popular culture, brave but harmless warriors who helped change the fate of an entire nation.
Two 18-year old girls from a christian fundamentalist community flee to a city for a summer job.
Two 18-year old girls from a christian fundamentalist community flee to a city for a summer job.
Executive Producer
Recovering from a nail gun shot to the head and 13 months of coma, doctor Pekka Valinta starts to unravel the mystery of his past, still suffering from total amnesia.
Un muchacho y su madre viven solos en una granja situada en la profundidad del bosque finlandés, teniendo como único compañero a un caballo indómito, que tienen encerrado en el granero. El joven visita con regularidad a su padre, un hombre extremadamente violento, en la cárcel. Su rutina monótona se ve interrumpida por la aparición de un extraño. (FILMAFFINITY)
Over a year, we follow the former Swedish Minister of Defense, Anders Björck, in his work as governor of Uppsala County. The official position is almost 400 years old, and the job consists of sitting at a big desk, having lunch meetings with other governors, cutting ribbons at opening ceremonies, holding speeches and eating dinner with the King and Queen of Sweden. It is hard work, but someone has to do it. Björck gives the viewer full access, making this personal portrait both humorous and very, very serious.
Script Editor
Seventeen-year-old Rass is growing up in an Estonian suburb. In the absence of a solid home life his family becomes a group of youngsters who are verging on being thieves. Drugs are an inseparable part of their lives, and when Rass agrees to distribute them, he gets tangled up in the narcotics trade. Small amounts suddenly become two-kilo packages that the mafia, to the misfortune of all involved, has not been paid for, and is ready to collect on by force…
1918. La guerra civil finlandesa: los socialistas rojos contra los burgueses blancos. Miina Malin, una mujer fuerte e inteligente que lucha en el Ejército Rojo, consigue escapar de las garras de los blancos. Poco después, uno de los soldados blancos, Aaro Harjula, vuelve a capturarla. Pero al contrario que otros soldados blancos, no quiere matarla, sino llevarla ante un tribunal para que tenga un juicio justo. El encuentro entre Aaro y Miina une dos poderosas historias y enciende la chispa de un tenso amor entre los horrores de la guerra
The young man must set up a clear border between Finland and Russia, white and red, enemy and friend, us and them. While the task seems clear he finds out the execution of his command in concrete situations is very difficult. Right choices turn out to be wrong ones and correcting them make things worse.
Remu grew up in modest conditions. He dropped out from schoold during his teen age years and is making career as a small time criminal. His family's destiny is about to come true, and it's going to be the usual: jail, alcoholism and violent death. After learning about rock music Remu learns to play drums and pushes himself into different bands. His first time in jails interrupts his music career, but after being released he starts his own band; Hurriganes.
The film stars the familiar characters from the Finnish TV show The Autocrats (a political satire of Finnish politics) in a fairy tale where the inhabitants of a small Finnish village have to defend themselves against a despotic emperor.
The film stars the familiar characters from the Finnish TV show The Autocrats (a political satire of Finnish politics) in a fairy tale where the inhabitants of a small Finnish village have to defend themselves against a despotic emperor.
Screenwriter Ilona falls in love with Kalle, the main star of the series, and mixes fact and fiction when she starts writing a romance between herself and the star. Jealous producer Raakel does everything she can to destroy Ilona's plans.
Screenwriter Ilona falls in love with Kalle, the main star of the series, and mixes fact and fiction when she starts writing a romance between herself and the star. Jealous producer Raakel does everything she can to destroy Ilona's plans.
Modern finnish movie about two very different young adults that after a chance meeting end up making music together and fall in love. While Nellis parents have the perfect career and man planned, she dreams of becoming a singer. Through a chance meeting at the studio, she meets the young and grungy Hip Hop music artist Sunen and asks him to help her make a demo tape. Not only is the ensuing story about differences growing closer and the difficulties that have to be overcome, well told. Also the music is exceptionally well made. It is quite unbelievable that this is the first feature of the director.
A black comedy about the dysfunctional relationships, love, and hate; concerning a small town sausage factory manager whose careless love affairs affect the lives of the factory workers as well as the women in his life.
A black comedy about the dysfunctional relationships, love, and hate; concerning a small town sausage factory manager whose careless love affairs affect the lives of the factory workers as well as the women in his life.
Taavi,the enigmatic 18-year-old lead, has just inherited his long-deceased wealthy parents home and estate. It is high school graduation and Taavi's birthday, and after his fiends greet him au natural and are arrested, Taavi invites his friends to the mansion for a wild party. Taavi lives with a recording camera to his eye, a machine that allows his to keep interpersonal distance from everyone. Among his friends are Jere who considers himself a woman's man, Markus (who appears the well-adjusted one, and chubby, pierced Sami whose sexuality is ambiguous. The party gets wild, guests sleep around, and Taavi records it all!
Original Story
Ari de 27 años (Mikko Nousiainen) es un doctor de ambulancias que trabaja en el cuerpo de bomberos de Turku. Fuera de su trabajo, su principal afición son las noches y tiene como norma no acostarse dos veces con la misma mujer porque está seguro que el compromiso es dolor y él no desea herir a nadie. Todo en la vida de Ari marcha bien excepto ese profundo sentimiento de vacío. Pero cuando Ari conoce a Tina (Laura Malmivaara) algo inesperado ocurre: Ari se enamora.
Ari de 27 años (Mikko Nousiainen) es un doctor de ambulancias que trabaja en el cuerpo de bomberos de Turku. Fuera de su trabajo, su principal afición son las noches y tiene como norma no acostarse dos veces con la misma mujer porque está seguro que el compromiso es dolor y él no desea herir a nadie. Todo en la vida de Ari marcha bien excepto ese profundo sentimiento de vacío. Pero cuando Ari conoce a Tina (Laura Malmivaara) algo inesperado ocurre: Ari se enamora.
Häjyt tells a story of two friends who have a hard time finding their place in the society. Antti and Jussi are released from jail. While they were doing time for bank robbery, the third man involved in the robbery, the one who was not convicted, has become a policeman. He tries to help his friends to settle into the small town in Pohjanmaa, but the boys start a black market liquor business instead. The road seems to lead back to the jail.
Video documentary about Mark Parland's life during the years 1997 - 1999.
Mies rautatieasemalla
Reima Elo ends up trying to commit suicide when he is abandoned by his wife Molla. He is also the village's laughing stock due to his communism. At a critical moment, a Lenin lookalike from Russia named Vladimir rescues him.
The Summer Book tells the story of the relationship between Sophia, an eight-year-old girl who is growing up fast, and her grandmother, who is nearing the end of her life. They are spending time together with Sophia’s father, at the family summer house on a tiny unspoiled island in the Gulf of Finland. All three are coming to terms with the recent death of Sophia’s mother in very different ways.