Kenneth Macgowan


The Maya Through the Ages
Documentary on the Mayan culture.
Easy Come, Easy Go
Comedy about an Irish father, who enjoys betting on horses, who keeps interfering with his daughter's romance with a serviceman.
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, ocho supervivientes de un barco que ha sido torpedeado comparten un bote salvavidas. También recogerán a un nazi que está a punto de ahogarse, lo que provocará diversas tensiones entre los tripulantes.
Alma rebelde
Adaptación de la célebre novela de Charlotte Brontë con un reparto de lujo, encabezado por Joan Fontaine y Orson Welles sobre la profunda historia de amor de una institutriz y un rico heredero que se verá truncada por un trágico acontecimiento del pasado de éste.
Happy Land
An Iowa drugstore owner becomes embittered when his son is killed in World War II. The druggist believes that the boy's life was cut short before he had an opportunity to truly appreciate his existence.
Belle Starr
Terminada la Guerra Civil norteamericana (1861-1865), las tierras de la familia de Belle Starr (Gene Tierney) han ido a parar a manos de los yanquis. Durante el conflicto, Belle, muy comprometida con la causa sudista, se casó con el líder confederado Sam Starr (Randolph Scott). Una vez concluida la contienda, la hermosa Belle se convierte en una proscrita y se dedica a combatir contra el expolio yanqui de los estados del Sur. (FILMAFFINITY)
El hombre atrapado
Un cazador inglés que está de vacaciones en Baviera, de pronto, ve en lo alto de una colina la figura de Adolf Hitler. Convencido de que su desapariciión evitaría millones de muertos, dispara su rifle, pero se olvida de introducir una bala en la recámara. A partir de entonces será implacablemente perseguido por agentes de la Gestapo.
Hudson's Bay
Highly fictionalized early history of Canada. Trapper/explorer Radisson imagines an empire around Hudson's Bay. He befriends the Indians, fights the French, and convinces King Charles II to sponsor an expedition of conquest.
Tin Pan Alley
Associate Producer
Songwriters Calhoun and Harrigan get Katie and Lily Blane to introduce a new one. Lily goes to England, and Katy joins her after the boys give a new song to Nora Bayes. All are reunited when the boys, now in the army, show up in England.
La venganza de Frank James
Associate Producer
Cuando los periódicos publican la noticia del asesinato de Jesse James, su hermano Frank, que desde hace años vive con una identidad falsa (Ben Wooden), decide abandonar su pacífica vida de granjero para vengar su muerte.
Star Dust
When the studios reject her because she"s too young, a young actress sets out to build a career on her own.
El joven Lincoln
Se basa en los años de juventud de Abraham Lincoln, que llegaría a ser presidente de los Estados Unidos (1861-1865). El antiguo leñador de Kentucky es ya un abogado que empieza a destacar por su defensa de los derechos de los más humildes. Fue candidata al Óscar en 1939 por el mejor guión original.
El joven Lincoln
Associate Producer
Se basa en los años de juventud de Abraham Lincoln, que llegaría a ser presidente de los Estados Unidos (1861-1865). El antiguo leñador de Kentucky es ya un abogado que empieza a destacar por su defensa de los derechos de los más humildes. Fue candidata al Óscar en 1939 por el mejor guión original.
The Return of the Cisco Kid
In Arizona a young woman who's being manipulated by an evil businessman is helped by the Cisco Kid who happens to be there on holiday.
Robert Louis Stevenson's hero David Balfour joins rebel Alan Breck Stewart in 18th-century Scotland.
La contraseña
Associate Producer
Un exoficial de la Marina, empleado del presidente McKinley a principios del siglo XX, lucha contra una poderosa organización criminal que ha hecho del atraco a entidades bancarias su principal fuente de financiación.
Lloyds de Londres
Associate Producer
Jonathan Blake, amigo de la infancia de Lord Nelson, asciende de mensajero a un puesto importante en la aseguradora Lloyd’s gracias a que inventa un sistema de transmisión de noticias. Lord Stacey, un bellaco altanero, odia a Blake por su influyente cargo. Sin saber que está casada con Lord Stacey, Blake se enamora de Lady Elizabeth. Lord Stacey se convierte en enemigo de Blake cuando Lloyd’s rechaza su petición de un préstamo para cubrir sus deudas de juego.
King of Burlesque
Associate Producer
Warner Baxter plays the ambitious producer of a burlesque show who rises to the big time on Broadway. Alice Faye is the loyal burleycue singer who helps make Baxter a success. His head turned by sudden fame, Baxter falls under the spell of a society woman (Mona Barrie) who has theatrical aspirations of her own. She marries Baxter, then convinces him to produce a string of "artistic" plays rather than his extravagant musical revues. The plays are flops, and the woman haughtily divorces Baxter. Faithful Alice Faye, who'd gone to London when her ex-beau was married, returns to the penniless Baxter. She and her burlesque buddies team up to pull Baxter out of his rut and put him on top again.
The Return Of Peter Grimm
The ghost of a recently deceased family patriarch tries to help his surviving relatives, in part by preventing a marriage that he knows will go wrong.
A young poet, accompanied by his new bride, returns home to his large family at their Canadian farm.
Murder on a Honeymoon
A schoolteacher and amateur sleuth suspects foul play when a fellow passenger on a seaplane gets sick and dies. The third and final film with Edna May Oliver and James Gleason as the astute schoolteacher Hildegarde Withers and the New York Police Inspector Oscar Piper busy solving crimes.
Enchanted April
Mrs. Lotty Wilkins is an unhappily wife whom's life husband and romance have departed. In order to possibly salvage some of the missing elements in her life she rents an old Italian mansion and sharing it with three women. Here the four women plan to spend the month of April away from the cares of home, husbands and the everyday monotony.
Anne of Green Gables
Anne Shirley, an orphan, is fostered by farmer Matthew Cuthbert and his sister Marilla, who were expecting a boy to be sent them to help with their farm work. They accept Anne, who quickly endears herself to them and to the local villagers.
Wednesday's Child
Associate Producer
A 10-year-old's happy life is shattered when his parents are divorced.
La Cucaracha
Señor Martinez, a famous theater owner, visits a local café in Mexico because of its reputation for good food and to audition the famous dancer who performs there. Martinez tells the café owner that if the dancer is as good as he has heard, he will offer the dancer a contract to perform in his theater. The café's female singer hears about this and is determined that he won't leave the café without her.
Una esposa infiel
Associate Producer
Un abogado acepta defender al amante de su esposa, acusado de asesinato, con la condición de que ella no testifique y vuelva a su lado al acabar el juicio. (FILMAFFINITY)
Murder on the Blackboard
Associate Producer
There are plenty of guilty secrets at the school where Hildegarde Withers teaches. When she finds the body of the pretty music teacher, she calls in her old friend Inspector Piper, who promptly arrests the obvious suspect. Clues multiply and everyone looks suspicious as Piper and Miss Withers continue their battle of the sexes.
Finishing School
Associate Producer
Virginia, who studies at a boarding school for upper-class girls, falls in love with a medical intern who works as a waiter for a living. Both the director of the school and her mother oppose such a relationship.
Long Lost Father
Associate Producer
A long-absent father is reunited with his daughter, who still holds a grudge that he had deserted his family years earlier.
If I Were Free
Associate Producer
A recently divorced interior decorator falls in love with a married barrister.
Associate Producer
Cuatro jóvenes hermanas realizan un aprendizaje, a veces doloroso, a veces fascinante, de la vida y del amor. Van creciendo y abandonando, una a una, el hogar familiar para casarse y crear sus propias familias. Sólo se queda Jo, que quiere ser escritora. A pesar de la sensación que tiene de que ya ha terminado su tiempo de felicidad, sigue escribiendo y consigue publicar su primera obra.
Rafter Romance
Associate Producer
Mary Carroll, una chica trabajadora, alquila una habitación en piso compartido con Jack Bacon, un artista bohemio. Como él sale por las noches y ella por el día, no se ven nunca. Carroll se propone conocer a su compañero de piso como sea.
Double Harness
Associate Producer
After tricking him into marriage, a woman tries to win the love of her philandering husband.
The Great Jasper
Associate Producer
Generational saga about a failed streetcar conductor, who finds success as an Atlantic City fortune teller, and his son. Drama.
Associate Producer
Un honesto e ingenuo maestro recibe una lección sobre cómo funciona el mundo fuera del aula, cuando un rico barón y su amante usan al maestro y su sobresaliente reputación para comercializar bajo su nombre una bebida de dudosa calidad.
Penguin Pool Murder
Associate Producer
New York schoolmarm Hildegarde Withers assists a detective when a body of unscrupulous stockbroker Gerald Parker suddenly appears in the penguin tank at the aquarium.