Coach Calhoun
The story behind the classic movie musical. The programme examines the original stage musical in the early 1970s, which starred a young Richard Gere, and the changes that occurred between stage and screen, including the addition of several new songs and toning down the original show's darker elements. Plus, a look at some of the actors who could have played the roles made famous by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John.
Tras 60 años de carrera, el actor, guionista, productor y director neoyorquino Mel Brooks es una de las 14 personas del grupo EGOT, es decir, que ha ganado, como mínimo, un premio Emmy, un Grammy, un Oscar y un Tony. Este documental, que recorre su carrera desde sus comienzos en la televisión hasta sus grandes éxitos con "El jovencito Frankenstein", "Sillas de montar calientes" o "Los productores", es un inédito acercamiento a este gigante de la comedia.
New interviews with Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner, footage from the reunion of Caesar's Writers (1996), and sketches from Your Show of Shows (1950) and Caesar's Hour (1954).
For the past 40 years, a group of comedy writers and directors has gathered every other Wednesday for lunch - and other nourishment. These are the fabled guys that made America funny.
Recorre toda la carrera de Woddy Allen, film por film, a través de clips y numerosas entrevistas a actores, escritores, fotógrafos, directores, productores y a él mismo, acompañándolo en su rutina diaria, en su estudio, por las calles de Brooklyn, en su antigua casa y en el colegio de su infancia.
A collection of Ceasar's finest comedy moments.
The Big Daddy of televised comedy sketches, Sid Caesar had millions of Americans holding their sides and howling at his uproarious antics and those of his inspired sidekicks--Imogene Coca, Nanette Fabray, Carl Reiner, and Howard Morris. These are compilations of fan favorites--digitally remastered to be as crisp as they were in the 1950s. "The Fan Favorites" includes gems from the heyday of live TV, as well as interviews with writers and actors, including Mel Brooks, Woody Allen, and Neil Simon. 3-3/4 hours on 3 cassettes or 3 DVDs. Set 1 features live gut-busters from "Your Show of Shows" and "Caesar's Hour", including 18 of Caesar's own favorite sketches, plus revealing interviews with contemporaries, including Mel Brooks and Neil Simon.
The Big Daddy of televised comedy sketches, Sid Caesar had millions of Americans holding their sides and howling at his uproarious antics and those of his inspired sidekicks--Imogene Coca, Nanette Fabray, Carl Reiner, and Howard Morris. These are compilations of fan favorites--digitally remastered to be as crisp as they were in the 1950s. "The Fan Favorites" includes gems from the heyday of live TV, as well as interviews with writers and actors, including Mel Brooks, Woody Allen, and Neil Simon. 3-3/4 hours on 3 cassettes or 3 DVDs. Set 1 features live gut-busters from "Your Show of Shows" and "Caesar's Hour", including 18 of Caesar's own favorite sketches, plus revealing interviews with contemporaries, including Mel Brooks and Neil Simon. Three digitally remastered volumes: "The Magic of Live TV, Inside the Writer's Room," and "Creating the Comedy". Almost 4 hours on 3 cassettes or 3 DVDs.
Executive In Charge Of Production
One of the greatest comedians of early television, Sid Caesar hasn't had his work shown in perennial reruns, so it's especially gratifying to see a collection of his classic sketches released on video, with Caesar himself introducing the material. Besides being a truly gifted comic, Caesar benefited from having some brilliant supporting players, including Carl Reiner, Imogene Coca, and Nanette Fabray. Some of his illustrious writers, including Neil Simon, Woody Allen, and Mel Brooks, appear in interviews setting up the sketches. The sketches themselves include some all-time classics such as Caesar and company playing the figurines populating a medieval town clock (a brilliant bit partly written by Neil Simon and his brother, Danny, who reminisce after the sketch).
One of the greatest comedians of early television, Sid Caesar hasn't had his work shown in perennial reruns, so it's especially gratifying to see a collection of his classic sketches released on video, with Caesar himself introducing the material. Besides being a truly gifted comic, Caesar benefited from having some brilliant supporting players, including Carl Reiner, Imogene Coca, and Nanette Fabray. Some of his illustrious writers, including Neil Simon, Woody Allen, and Mel Brooks, appear in interviews setting up the sketches. The sketches themselves include some all-time classics such as Caesar and company playing the figurines populating a medieval town clock (a brilliant bit partly written by Neil Simon and his brother, Danny, who reminisce after the sketch).
Jacob (voice)
In search of fun and freedom, a trio of animal friends -- a bold monkey with a temper, a timid, bespectacled parrot and a lightning-fast cheetah -- escape from captivity. Their adventures take them around the world and, ultimately, straight into our hearts. Willem Dafoe and Chaka Khan lend their vocal talents to this perky animated musical that the family can enjoy together.
Sid Zellman
Gomez is a middle-aged man who dreams of buying a gorgeous white suit in a nearby store, but doesn't have enough cash. He finds 4 more people of same size, who each give $20 and get to wear the suit for an hour each in return. But the suit is not just a suit - it makes wishes of the one wearing it come true.
Mr Ellis
Nadie planea unas vaciones mejor que Clark Griswold, un fiel marido y generoso padre de familia. En esta ocasión ha elegido un destino perfecto, Las Vegas, capital del juego donde los Griswold podrán disfrutar de unos días en familia. Pero cuando Clark pone empeño en algo, todo se estropea.
Papa Tognetti
When two girls think the other has it better, they swap places to see who's right!
A star-studded documentary and tribute to the classic comedy, It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World.
Louis Hammerstein
Tres hombres que se han visto obligados a retirarse convencen a su banco para financiar su sueño: Producir una línea de ropa para personas de la tercera edad.
A U.S. soldier sees the Berlin Wall go up in 1961 and helps a group of East Germans escape to the West.
The Emperor
In Europe several several centuries ago, a group of prisoners about to be executed are freed as part of the celebration of the upcoming marriage of the emperor's daughter, Princess Gilda, to a very rich prince from another country. Sid Caesar composed the song "Clothes Make the Man". Ran 93 minutes on German TV.
Mr. Snyder
Un propietario malhumorado (Syd Caesar) amenaza con cerrar una tienda de dulces operada por una viuda (Katherine Helmond) opera una tienda de dulces en Navidad.
Doctor Fixyer Mindyer
The film centers on Howard F. Howard, an overweight everyman. Engaged to Beverly, the woman of his dreams, Howard has one problem - an overactive fixation with The Three Stooges. Everywhere Howard goes, he sees Moe Howard, Larry Fine and Curly Howard intruding on his life. Determined to overcome his fixation, Howard and Beverly prepare for their wedding. But on his way to the ceremony, Howard descends into Stoogemania and finds himself walking into the city streets with other Stoogemaniacs. His only hope is commitment to the Stooge Hills sanitarium, under the care of a renowned psychologist, until the inmates take over the asylum on graduation day.
Mr. Petrakis
A young woman struggles with her own need for independence and the obligation she feels for her deaf parents in this depression-era drama. A friend sees her turmoil and tells her she must find happiness on her own. However, the initial joy she finds in marriage starts to strain under the guilt she feels for deserting her parents and the bitterness they express towards her.
Fisherman #2
"Los locos del Cannonball" vuelven con otra edición de la carrera automovilística en la que el ganador es el que consiga cruzar los Estados Unidos más rápido. Viejos conocidos y nuevos personajes participan en esta peculiar carrera sin reglas para ser el vencedor.
Uncle Benjamin
A put-upon Jewish deli owner in Brooklyn dreams of getting out from underneath the thumb of his domineering father and his haughty fashion-model girlfriend by buying his own restaurant in midtown Manhattan.
Sam Green
Two former bank employees, executive Dick Van Dyke, forced into early retirement by a computer, and guard Sid Caesar, unceremoniously dismissed before his pension comes due, concoct a computerized scheme to steal from the rich (i.e. the bank) and give to the poor with anonymous checks (money accessed from inactive accounts) to average do-gooders.
Coach Calhoun
Michael, un joven inglés que estudia en un instituto estadounidense, se enamora de Stephanie, líder del grupo de animadoras, pero que sólo salen con los miembros del club de chicos local.
Chief Caveman
"La loca historia del mundo" es una visión irreverente de la evolución de la historia, desde la aparición del primer hombre hasta la Revolución Francesa. La Última Cena es captada a través de los ojos de un atormentado camarero. El Imperio Romano es más alocadamente corrompido de lo que DeMille jamás pudiera soñar. Se divulgan los secretos de la Revolución Francesa. E incluso los ritos tribales del hombre prehistórico aparecen desnudos.
Dr. Dustin Diablo
El propietario de un museo de cera tiene una exposición dedicada a los Munsters. Un día utiliza robots que se parecen a Herman y al abuelo para llevar a cabo un robo de joyas, todo el mundo piensa que el verdadero Herman y el abuelo lo hicieron. Ellos deben demostrar su inocencia y descubrir a los verdaderos ladrones.
Wizard / Mince Pie U.N. Krust / Narrator (voice)
Dorothy is carried back to Oz by a green turkey balloon on the final Thanksgiving she is to spend with her aunt and uncle, who are moving to a retirement community. She meets Jack Pumpkinhead, The Hungry Tiger, and Tic Toc (sic), and must stop the evil Tyrone the Terrible Toy Tinkerer (looking suspiciously like John R. Neil's depiction of the Nome King), who brings the balloon to life.
Joe Capone
El anciano Fu Manchu está tratando de fabricar la poción de la eterna juventud que le permitirá dominar el mundo. Tiene que conseguir todos los ingredientes, entre los que se encuentra un valiosísimo diamante. Para ello pondrá en funcionamiento una red criminal, encargada de robar la joya. El detective Nayland Smith seguirá sus pasos...
MAX (voice)
Two everyday schlubs are inadvertently frozen for 120 years, awakening to a wacky future run by a robot named MAX. Pilot episode for unproduced series.
King Goochi
With a new twist on an old holiday, Intergalatic Thanksgiving or Please Don't Eat the Planet is a delightful animated special combining space age fantasy with the old and revered traditions that make Thanksgiving a great festive holiday.
Coach Calhoun
Sandy y Danny han pasado un romántico y maravilloso verano juntos, pero las vacaciones se acabaron y sus caminos se separaron. Al regresar al instituto Rydell, ambos vuelven a encontrarse de manera sorpresiva, pero el problema es que la imagen y actitud de Danny no es la misma que durante el verano: ya no es el encantador y atento chico que encandiló a Sandy, sino alguien engreído e insensible que sólo quiere presumir de duro delante de sus amigos.
Ezra Dezire
San Francisco, 1940. Lou Peckinpaugh es un torpe detective privado. Su compañero es hallado muerto y los intereses amorosos de la viuda hacia él le convierten en el principal sospechoso. El detective debe actuar con rapidez y descubrir al asesino antes de que le inculpen. Pero sus pesquisas le llevan al centro de una intrincada red en la que demasiadas personas están interesadas en hacerle desistir de su investigación.
Lazlo Cozart
Un amigo del detective privado Mark Higbie aparece asesinado en extrañas circunstancias. Leigh, la novia del muerto, lo contrata para que encuentre al culpable. Mark averigua que sobre la familia de Leigh pesa una una maldición india relacionada con las arañas. Empiezan entonces a aparecer cadáveres de personas vinculadas con la familia, que presentan síntomas de haber sido atacados por una araña gigante.
Leo Fisk
Barnaby and Me is a 1978 Australian TV movie about a girl and her talking koala who are pursued by criminals.
Al Zabar
Benny and his wife Ruthie are getting set to drive down to Florida, but Benny needs someone to look after his department store while he's gone. Though he doesn't think much of him, Benny hands the responsibility over to his son, Russell. While Russell doesn't get much respect from his parents, he's better off than his brother, Ezra, whom Benny has gone so far as to disown. Ezra is currently battling with his work (coach of a high school basketball team that hasn't won in ages) and his wife (who keeps nagging him that she wants to have a baby as soon as possible) at the same time.
George Beam
A team of troubleshooters is called to a skyscraper where a plane has crashed into the 20th floor and is stuck in the side of the building.
Studio Chief
Homenaje satírico al cine mudo norteamericano, en el que grandes estrellas como Paul Newman o Burt Reynolds se autoparodian. Mel Brooks interpreta a un director que propone lo que él considera una idea fantástica: hacer una película muda. Está convencido de que su original idea evitará la desaparición de los estudios de cine para los que trabaja.
Book-ending the year 1975 with two big budget TV Specials, Ann -Margret also earned her second Oscar nomination that year, for Tommy. In January, "Ann-Margret Olssen" premiered and was titled with the star's maiden name. This second special premiered late in the year and was titled with the star's married name. Her husband Roger Smith also appears in the opening sequences. Presented by the Bell System's Family Theatre, the program was filmed at the ATV Studios at BBC Elstree Centre, Borehamwood, England.
Cuando un Jumbo 747 colisiona contra una avioneta pilotada por un hombre de negocios que acaba de sufrir un infarto, el pánico se apodera de los pasajeros. Muertos los pilotos a causa del choque, la azafata Nancy Pryor, recibe instrucciones por radio para poder hacerse cargo de la situación.
Ten comedy sketches compiled from the 1950s TV series, "Your Show of Shows."
Ben Powell
When Ben and Kate Powell rent a haunted New England house by the sea, their son Steve gets blamed for the destruction caused by three unruly ghosts.
George Norton
George Norton, un tipo bastante torpe que trabaja para un importante jefe de la mafia, descubre un gran robo y se ve implicado en la muerte del guardián del dinero. Como su jefe empieza a sospechar de él, Norton tendrá que buscar por su cuenta al verdadero ladrón y asesino.
Technical Adviser (at Romanoff's)
Walter Matthau interpreta a un hombre felizmente casado desde hace doce años pero que comienza a sentirse inquieto, especialmente cuando observa a las bellezas que le rodean por todas partes en Los Ángeles. Su mejor amigo es también un hombre casado, pero tiene amantes desde hace doce años y decide aconsejar a su amigo de cómo tener una sin que se entere la esposa.
Melville Crump
Un grupo de automovilistas viaja por un agreste paisaje del sur de California. De pronto, un coche les adelanta a gran velocidad pero, al tomar una curva, se precipita por un barranco. Los automovilistas se detienen e intentan ayudar a los ocupantes del vehículo siniestrado, pero llegan tarde, y el conductor moribundo confiesa que tiene escondido un botín de trescientos mil dólares en el parque de Santa Rosita.
Sammy Weaver
El marido de Janet Ames (Rosalind Russell) muere durante la II Guerra Mundial tratando de salvar la vida de cinco de sus compañeros. En cierto modo Janet culpa a estos cinco hombres de la muerte de su esposo, por lo que trata de vengarse de alguna manera, pero la mujer es atropellada por un camión quedando paralítica. Smithy Cobb (Melvyn Douglas), un periodista con cierta tendencia al alcohol, cree que ella podrá volver a caminar con ayuda psicológica. Lo que Janet no sabe es que Smithy es uno de los cinco hombres que se salvaron cuando murió su marido.
Chuck Enders
Howard Young is a coast guardsman who has been on shore duty for three years despite his efforts to be sent into action. His nearest approach to sea duty was on a harbor-moored life raft for 21 days as part of an experiment with a new type of vitamin gum for the government. He meets Christine Bradley, a SPAR, sent to take over his communications job and, by things he leaves unsaid, she thinks his life-raft experience was the result of a ship-wreck at sea.