Sébastien Buchmann

Sébastien Buchmann


Sébastien Buchmann


Grands Enfants
Director of Photography
COOL (News from Belarus)
In this cinematic zine, directors scattered all over the world adapt to screen hilarious and poignant Belarusian news stories. Featuring phone thieves, TikTok storks, the tiniest castle in the world, and victims of the depression epidemic.
My Dear Spies
Director of Photography
Two brothers, Pierre and Vladimir, wonder if their Russian grandparents, Lily and Constantin, worked for the Soviet secret services in Paris during the 1930s and 1940s. Their research begins in Russia. After meetings and conversations, yellowish photos and vodka glasses, a lost world begins to emerge harassing the present.
The Green Perfume
Director of Photography
In the middle of a performance at la Comédie-Française, an actor dies on stage, poisoned. Martin, member of the troupe and friend of the victim, becomes the center of everyone’s attention. Suspected by the police, he’s also chased by a mysterious organization, the Green Perfume, that seems to have ordered the murder. While leading his own investigation, Martin receives the unexpected help of Claire, an eccentric cartoonist in need of adventure. This unlikely duo will live an adventure across Europe to foil the plans of the mysterious Green Perfume.
Don Juan
Director of Photography
En 2022, Don Juan ha dejado de ser un hombre que seduce a todas las mujeres para convertirse en un hombre obsesionado por una sola mujer: la que le abandonó…
Los pasajeros de la noche
Director of Photography
París,1981. Soplan vientos de cambio la noche de las elecciones y los franceses toman las calles, eufóricos. Pero a Élisabeth (Charlotte Gainsbourg) le cuesta compartir el ambiente general de optimismo. Su matrimonio está llegando a su fin y ahora tendrá que mantener a su familia. Está angustiada, y su padre y sus hijos adolescentes están preocupados de que sus lágrimas simplemente no se sequen. Pero, ¿y si escuchar sus emociones pudiera ayudarla a comenzar a llenar la página en blanco de su futuro? ¿Y si por capricho le escribiera una carta al presentador de su programa de radio favorito? ¿O invitar a una niña sin hogar a su casa? ¿Qué pasaría si hiciera el tipo de gestos que realmente cambian vidas?
Little Solange
Solange is a typical 13 year old, curious and full of life, with perhaps the peculiarity of being overly sentimental and adoring her parents. But when her parents begin to argue, fight and slowly drift apart, the threat of divorce looms near and Solange’s world begins to splinter. To keep her family together, she will worry, act out, suffer. It’s the story of a young and overly tender teen who wants the impossible: for love to never end.
Malmousque by the Sea
Director of Photography
In Malmousque, a former fishermen's district in Marseille, new residents and bathers from all over the city mix. Virginie wanders the streets looking for her cat, while Elina is convinced that her husband has put spyware on her cell phone. The two friends go kayaking so they can talk to each other without the risk of being overheard.
James Tissot: L'étoffe d'un peintre
Director of Photography
A movie about James Tissot (1836-1902), a French painter and portraitist
Los consejos de Alice
Director of Photography
El acalde de la ciudad de Lyon (Francia), Paul Théraneau, se encuentro un punto decisivo y drástico en su carrera política. Tras 30 años de oficio, es incapaz de plantear una solución a los problemas de su comunidad y de atraer votos, causandole una gran frustración. Decide traer sangre joven al partido, Alice Heinmann, una brillante filósofa, que aconsejará a Théraneau. Entre ambos se forja una relación y un diálogo que hará que ambos se planteen su forma de entender el mundo.
Director of Photography
Mi vida con Amanda
Director of Photography
París, hoy en día. David tiene veinte años y vive el presente. Se gana la vida con pequeños trabajos, y evita tomar decisiones que le comprometan. Es solitario y soñador. Un día se enamora de Lena, una vecina que acaba de llegar. El transcurso tranquilo de su vida estalla de pronto cuando su hermana mayor muere brutalmente en un atentado. David es la única persona que se puede hacer cargo de Amanda, su sobrina de siete años.
Vitalium, Valentine !
Director of Photography
Una delirante revisión del mito de Frankestein en la que el legado del famoso doctor se perpetúa en el seno de la familia que pasa a ocupar el castillo donde está su laboratorio. Esta comedia de enredos protagonizada por Guillaume Gallienne muestra, a modo de virtuoso cuento de hadas, la complejidad del alma humana, tema filosófico recurrente en el cine siempre onírico de Fitoussi.
The Apple of My Eye
Director of Photography
A boy, a girl. They live in the same building. They share a passion for music. But when they meet in the elevator, Théo doesn’t see that Élise is blind. It’s hate at first sight. Love takes its time. Will that early misunderstanding bring them together or drive them apart?
Le Ramage et le Plumage
Director of Photography
I Am Not a Swan
Director of Photography
Pierre, 20, looks like any other guy his age. But to support his studies in molecular biology, he also has another life which he prefers to remain secret—to make some extra money, Pierre works as an escort. One day, he receives an insistent SMS from Hélène, one of his regular clients. Intrigued, the young man will discover a side to her that he did not know existed.
The Great Game
Director of Photography
Pierre Blum, 40, is a writer who had his time of glory in the early 2000s. One evening, on a casino terrace, he meets Joseph Paskin. This mysterious man, charismatic and manipulative, is influential in the world of politics and persuades Pierre to take on a strange mission that takes him back to a past he’d prefer to forget, and puts his life in danger. In the middle of all this, Pierre falls in love with Laura, a young extreme-left activist. But in this world of subterfuge, who can really be trusted?
Ese sentimiento del verano
Director of Photography
A mitad de verano, Sasha, treintañera, muere repentinamente. Aunque apenas se conocen, su novio Lawrence y su hermana Zoé se acercan el uno al otro. Comparten como pueden la pena y el peso de su ausencia, entre Berlín, París y Nueva York. Tres veranos, tres ciudades y el tiempo de regreso a la luz, impulsados por el recuerdo de aquella a la que han amado. (FILMAFFINITY)
Grace de Mónaco
Additional Camera
A los 33 años, Grace Kelly, una gran estrella de Hollywood, renunció a su carrera como actriz para casarse en 1956 con el príncipe Rainiero III y convertirse en Su Alteza Serenísima la Princesa Gracia de Mónaco. La historia se ambienta en plena crisis política y económica entre Francia y Mónaco, crisis en la que la actriz americana estuvo involucrada.
Animal Serenade
Director of Photography
At 25, Nina adopts a dog. She is sure: with her new companion Jojo, she will be doing better.
Just Love!
Director of Photography
Silvia’s father grants her permission to meet Dorante, the man she’s promised to in marriage, by pretending to be her servant Lisette, who in turn will play the role of her mistress.
Lads & Jockeys
Director of Photography
In a small village near Paris, 14-year-old boys and girls enter the training center for future lads and jockeys. For these young pupils, the transition between the family environment and this new world is brutal. Though sharing the world of teenagers -- flirting, cell phones and PlayStation -- they enter a world where the comfort of the horses comes before that of the human.
Declaración de guerra
Director of Photography
Una pareja, Roméo y Juliette. Un niño, Adam. Un combate, la enfermedad. Y, sobre todo, una gran historia de amor, la suya
Memory Lane
Director of Photography
August in Paris' suburbs, seven friends are gathered to spend a week in the city where they grew up. The city is empty and the days pass by under a deep blue sky. Each of them has a reason to be there: some still live there, some come back to see their family, some are searching their childhood, some want to escape boredom or eventually searching for love. They are all bearing the fact that these moments they are sharing are maybe the last ones.
La République
Director of Photography
François Darcy, a young MP, gets back to his hotel in the morning. A rumor starts spreading around town : the President may have incidentally died.
Time of the Gifts
Camera Supervisor
A documentary investigation of the world of French agriculture today through various testimonials. A world that manages to resist the upheavals that it faces – economic, scientific, social – and which continues, for better or for worse, to maintain the link between generations.
Director of Photography
One night, three young women, the neon lights of the boulevards, empty streets, a mall, quiet gardens, the tower plaza, the esplanade of the station, a farewell coffee, a camera, a concert, a terrace, then the city waking up, Montparnasse.
I Did Not Die
Director of Photography
Alix is a woman of 27 looking for the only thing she is incapable of: love.
Avant que tu reviennes
Director of Photography
"Avant que tu reviennes" is the fragmented, deliberately cubist story of a group of friends who get together in a nightclub a few days after one their tribe, who had ties with all of them, abruptly killed himself, leaving no note of explanation.
Le Gros Lucas
Director of Photography
Le Jour où Ségolène a gagné
Director of Photography
May 6th, 2007: Alice, a socialist activist, still believes in Ségolène Royal and decides to do everything in her power to help the socialist candidate win. Unfortunately, nothing goes as expected.
Cap Nord
Director of Photography
A party, musical love stories: head North, on a Northern Soul rhythm.
Cap Nord
A party, musical love stories: head North, on a Northern Soul rhythm.
Guillaume et les sortilèges
Director of Photography
En julio, Guillaume llega a París para cuidar de un gran apartamente hasta el final del verano. Lucie, la propietaria del piso, le da la bienvenida y, de repente, desaparece. Una tetera silba en la cocina, un armario cruje, un repartidor aparece con platos cuando nadie lo ha ordenado... La casa comienza poco a poco a cobrar vida.
Primrose Hill
Director of Photography
On Christmas Eve, a West suburb of Paris. Stéphane, Joëlle, Xavier and Sonia (25 years old) decide to take a stroll down the big park overhanging the city of their youth, musing on pop music, their work, sex and their disappointed ambitions.
Director of Photography
Como en una anécdota, tres extraños se suben a un tren que va de Bruselas a Moscú y comienzan una conversación acerca de un libro de Dostoievski. Cuando llegan a Moscú, cada uno se va por su lado, pero antes prometen volver a encontrarse.
Como en una anécdota, tres extraños se suben a un tren que va de Bruselas a Moscú y comienzan una conversación acerca de un libro de Dostoievski. Cuando llegan a Moscú, cada uno se va por su lado, pero antes prometen volver a encontrarse.
Mystification ou L'histoire des portraits
Director of Photography
Before he marries his current girlfriend, eccentric speech therapist Richard (Serge Bozon) asks his friend Raphael (Mods star Laurent Lacotte) to help him destroy photos kept by his ex-girlfriend, Mademoiselle Dornet, as a record of their relationship. Raphael in turn enlists an actor (Laurent Le Doyen) to pose as a Turkish doctor and convince Dornet that she must rid herself of the photos in order to cure her depression.
Director of Photography
Jeanne Louvrier, una mujer joven y decidida, se queda sin combustible en un camino rural. Después de cruzar a un extraño inspector de policía y a dos hermanos que beben coñac al aire libre, Jeanne entra en un pueblo que parece abandonado. En cuanto se acerca demasiado a una casa cerrada con candado, una trampa se cierra sobre su tobillo. De esta manera, se ve obligada a conocer a los hermanos Odradek, objetos de descubrimiento y estupefacción.
Foul Play
Assistant Camera
In this French comedy-drama, actor Angelo Bastiani installs satellite dishes when not auditioning for films. After being told he's not convincing enough for a role in a gangster flick, Ange dons a mask and stages a parking-lot holdup, terrifying the film's director and casting director to prove his point.