Roberto Bertea

Roberto Bertea

Nacimiento : 1922-06-27, Argenta, Emilia-Romagna, Italia

Muerte : 1985-12-28


Roberto Bertea made his debut as an actor in the theater at the end of the thirties; He was noticed by Carmine Gallone who had him write for a part in the film Oltre l'amore. After the war he began his collaboration as a voice actor within the CID and SAS cooperatives in Rome, until he became dubbing director in the 70s. He was very active in the radio prose of Radio Rai until the sixties, he also carries out the activity of presenter of entertainment shows, often together with his colleague Gianna Piaz, working, even if occasionally, as a scriptwriter, screenwriter, director and dialogue adapter.


Roberto Bertea


Geppetto (voce)
The film was directed by Giuliano Cenci with assistance from his brother Renzo. During production, Carlo Collodis grandchildren Mario and Antonio Lorenzini were consulted. The subtle movements made by fidgeting children whilst speaking or under scrutiny were incorporated into Pinocchios movements, particularly when he lies to the Fairy with the Turquoise Hair over the fate of his gold coins. For the design of the Fairy, Italian portrayals of the Blessed Virgin Mary in art were used as starting points.
Vip, mi hermano superhombre
German Scientist (voice)
Parodia del mundo de los superhéroes que critica además de modo irónico los estilos de vida basados en el consumismo. "Vip" no contenía el típico relato del invulnerable personaje de ficción. Los protagonistas eran los hermanos Vip, dos descendientes de una familia de superhombres. Super Vip era el ejemplar A1, el invulnerable, dueño de una amplia legión de fans y como todos los superhéroes puro en el alma y fuerte en el cuerpo. Su hermano Mini Vip, era todo lo opuesto, un acomplejado anti-héroe al cual una falla genética lo había convertido en chato, miope y con poderes bastante limitados. Eran como un Abbot y Costello convertidos en paladines de la justicia.
La trincea
Run with the Devil
En la calle del mismo nombre se entremezclan jóvenes pintores que quieren alcanzar el reconocimiento, y otros jóvenes que sólo desean "llegar".
Atom Age Vampire
Cuando una cantante (Susanne Loret) se desfigura horriblemente en un accidente automovilístico, un científico (Alberto Lupo) desarrolla un tratamiento que puede restaurar su belleza inyectándole un suero especial. Mientras realiza el procedimiento, sin embargo, él se enamora de ella. Cuando el tratamiento comienza a fallar, él decide salvar su apariencia, independientemente de cuántas mujeres deba matar por su bien.
The Seducer
Lo Bianco
Alberto is forced to face his wife and his two lovers at the same time.
Beyond Love
Venice Film Festival 1940