Edward Underdown
Nacimiento : 1908-12-03, London, England, UK
Muerte : 1989-12-15
On the lush planet Tigella, two opposing factions are divided over the usage of the Dodecahedron, an ancient and powerful artefact which provides the entire planet's energy. The Doctor is summoned to arbitrate the conflict, but the power-crazed Meglos intercepts the call and impersonates him in order to steal the Dodecahedron.
Set in the English countryside of the 1920s - when otter hunting was still legal - this film follows the life of Tarka the Otter from his birth into adulthood. We witness his close shaves, and his struggle with a man who tries to keep our furry hero as a pet.
Sir Gordon Horrocks
The workers of Milton Colliery prepare for a royal visit from Prince Charles.
Christina's Father
Queen Christina of Sweden abdicates and travels to Rome to embrace the Catholic church.
Mr. Betancourt
When an undergraduate commits suicide, his best friend is sent down from university because he did nothing to prevent the death, which he felt was a choice his friend had a right to make.
A tourist travelling through Morocco discovers an ancient curse and must choose between light and dark.
Wild pony rustling on Dartmoor.
Air Marshall
En vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Eddie Chapman, un ladrón de cajas de caudales, es apresado y encerrado en la prisión de la isla de Jersey, al sur de Inglaterra. Al estallar la guerra, los alemanes ocupan la isla, y Eddie Chapman ofrece sus servicios al invasor para recobrar la libertad. Después de someterse a un periodo de instrucción como agente secreto, sus jefes lo pondrán a prueba para asegurarse de su lealtad.
Colonel William Hicks
A finales del siglo XIX, en Sudán, región bajo dominio anglo-egipcio, se pone en marcha un movimiento independentista acaudillado por "El Esperado", un visionario que proclama la Guerra Santa contra los infieles. Inglaterra envía entonces al mítico general Gordon para intentar restablecer la paz y el orden.
Air Vice Marshall (uncredited)
La organización secreta Spectra se propone infiltrar en la base inglesa de la OTAN a un impostor llamado Angelo, y así lograr apoderarse de un bombardero Vulcan Vindicator equipado con dos bombas nucleares. Cuando logra su propósito, la organización amenaza con destruir una ciudad de EE.UU. o Inglaterra si no le dan 100 millones de libras esterlinas. El agente 007 es el encargado de seguir el caso, y en las Islas Bahamas conoce a Dominó, atractiva amante del misterioso Emilio Largo, que aparenta ser un ocioso millonario pero que en realidad es el número dos de Spectra. Mientras intenta localizar el avión secuestrado, James Bond debe enfrentarse con la cabecilla de los asesinos, Fiona Volpe, y con los secuaces de Emilio Largo.
Tod (segment 1 "Werewolf")
Cinco hombres se sientan en el compartimento de un tren hacia un destino desconocido. Poco después, llega un hombre misterioso, de aspecto siniestro, que se presenta como el Doctor Schreck. Saca un juego de tarot y asegura a los viajantes que les puede predecir el futuro. Los cinco hombres no acaban de creérselo, pero Schreck consigue convencerles uno tras uno. Sus destinos se verán desvelados a través de historias distintas, que tienen todas como vínculo el enigmático Doctor Schreck.
Inspector Adams
A businessman organises a caper to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London.
The Governor
A British physician stands trial for murdering his wife after he and his mistress are captured while fleeing to Canada.
Dick Sanderson (uncredited)
Periodistas británicos sospechan del encubrimiento internacional de un desastre global en curso ... y tienen razón. El pánico histérico se ha apoderado del mundo después de que Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética hayan detonado simultáneamente artefactos nucleares y causado la alteración de la órbita de la Tierra, enviándola a toda velocidad hacia el sol.
Drama of an underworld double-cross as a man and woman set a death trap from which only one could possibly escape.
Dr. Peter Murdoch
A composer (Laurence Payne) is stuck in a middle-class marriage and finds that his affair with his wife's half-sister (Jane Griffiths) has resulted in a pregnancy. When his wife refuses to give him a divorce he hatches a murder scheme that is too clever by half.
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un espía británico tiene que llevar a cabo en Alemania una arriesgada misión. Para ello, cuenta con la ayuda de un colega que finge ser vendedor de relojes. Cuando la identidad de este hombre se descubre y es asesinado, el espía encuentra un nuevo contacto en un cabaret: Lily, una mujer que finge ser cantante. La historia de amor que deben simular para llevar a cabo su cometido acaba haciéndose realidad.
Major Dawes
Set in a Japanese prisoner of war camp during World War II, the film focuses on the brutality and horror that the allied prisoners were exposed to as the Japanese metered out subjugation and punishment to a disgraced and defeated enemy. This harrowing drama concentrates on the deviations of legal and moral definitions when two opposing cultures clash. Although fictional, this was one of the earliest films to deal realistically with life and death in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp during the Second War.
Geoffrey Tyler
A champion jockey is banned from racing so spends his time helping a young lad to become the next champion.
Harry Chelm
A un pequeño puerto italiano llegan cuatro estafadores que viajan en compañía de un matrimonio norteamericano (Billy y María) que les sirve de tapadera. Mientras esperan la reparación del barco que los llevará a África, le aclaran a Billy el verdadero motivo del viaje: adquirir unas tierras ricas en uranio. Durante su estancia en el pueblo, Billy y María conocen a otro matrimonio norteamericano, cuyas alusiones a unos yacimientos de uranio, hacen sospechar a los aventureros que su proyecto corre peligro. (FILMAFFINITY)
Det. Insp. Johnstone
A saloon owner falls in love with the abused wife of a heavy gambler. He is snared into a web of intrigue when an ex-girlfriend is found murdered in his apartment.
Michael Conway
A jeweller is killed in a gang robbery leaving the daughter as the only witness. When the police can't build a case against him she decides to go undercover to infiltrate the home of the killer's brother. Slowly she is drawn into the world of the rival gangs.
Stephen Harker
50s quota thriller.
Hugh Allen
A convicted female blackmailer is found murdered in her flat and suspicion falls on three men, all of whom the police believe may have had reason to wish her dead
Robert Mansell
El cabeza de una familia de músicos tiene una vida amorosa muy complicada.
Detective Inspector Viner
A killer called 'The Dark Man' commits double murder. This is witnessed by the young aspiring actress Molly Lester. The Dark Man tries everything to put Molly out of the way. Detective Inspector Viner of Scotland Yard investigates the murders.
The film begins in a WW II training depot of a British Guards armoured regiment where recruits from many walks of life learn to survive the strict discipline and training together before going into battle in tanks. There is a cameo appearance by the real Sgt. Major Brittain who was famous in the British guards regiments.
Slim Elfey
Un desertor del ejército se mezcla en un robo y le acusan de asesinato. Conoce a una viuda de guerra que le ayuda, mientras él busca a los verdaderos criminales.
Max Taylor
Carroll Levis, a radio variety host, gets involved in murder and theft.
Neil Inglefield
Lorna Blake, (Ursula Jeans) is a widow with two daughters. She augments her slender income by using her children to extort money - visiting the houses of the rich to tell a pathetic story and beg for help. And Lorna makes a rich capture when Sir Halmar Bernard, (Cecil Parker), proposes to her. She tells him that she has only one daughter, Molly (Jill Freud, credited as Jill Raymond). When her other daughter, Jay (Jean Simmons), is arrested for forging a cheque, she refuses to help her.
Passport Official
Jim Ackland, who suffers from a head injury sustained in a bus crash , is the chief suspect in a murder hunt, when a girl that he has just met is found dead on the local common, and he has no alibi for the time she was killed.
Third and final film in the 'Inspector Hornleigh’ series of comedy-thrillers. Inspector Hornleigh (Gordon Harker), disappointed at not being handed an important spy case, is assigned by Scotland Yard to an army barracks to investigate the mundane thefts of supplies from the stores. This accidentally leads Hornleigh and Sergeant Bingham (Alastair Sim) to a nest of fifth columnists when his dim-witted assistant carelessly talks to a girl in the cafeteria – and that night, news of Hornleigh and Bingham’s arrival is embarrassingly transmitted back to Germany.
Malden's friend
Lucky to Me is a 1939 British musical comedy film directed by Thomas Bentley and starring Stanley Lupino, Phyllis Brooks and Barbara Blair. It was based on Lupino's own 1928 stage show So This is Love which he had co-written with Arthur Rigby. The film was made by ABPC at its Elstree Studios. It was the last film of Lupino who had made a string of successful musical comedies during the Thirties.
Peter Dench
When a landlady finds one of her tenants murdered, Inspector Hornleigh is sent to investigate. Inspector Hornleigh's assistant, Sergeant Bingham, soon finds an attaché case that had been stolen from the murdered man. When Hornleigh examines the case, inside it he finds a bag that was used to carry important government documents. The documents have been taken, and to make things even more confusing, a duplicate of the stolen bag soon turns up.
Don Diego
En 1889, un lord irlandés se casa con una hermosa gitana, pero muere a consecuencia de una caída del caballo. La familia, que odia a la gitana, la expulsa y va a refugiarse en España. Casi medio siglo después, la gitana, que huye de la Guerra Civil española, vuelve a Inglaterra en compañía de María, su hermoasa nieta, la cual se enamora de de un entrenador de caballos, pero el problema es que está comprometida con un hombre en España. Un día, éste reaparece.
John Brandon
British comedy film directed by Leslie S. Hiscott
Hugh Waddon
Chided by his boss for a conspicuous lack of sensational stories, Lewis Bevan takes matters into his own hands to revive his flagging career.