Matti Onnismaa

Matti Onnismaa

Nacimiento : 1959-10-21, Nokia, Finland


Matti Kalle Onnismaa (born 21 October 1959) is a Finnish actor. He made his leading performance debut in black comedy film Euthanizer (2017). He has also appeared in films such as The Winter War (1989), The Romanov Stones (1993), Drifting Clouds (1996), Pearls and Pigs (2003), Matti: Hell is for Heroes (2006), Lights in the Dusk (2006), V2: Dead Angel (2007), The Home of Dark Butterflies (2008), Hellsinki (2009), The Other Side of Hope (2017), Rendel (2017) and The Woodcutter Story (2022).


Matti Onnismaa


Oh No, Lasse Falls!
The Munich Olympic Stadium, 1972. Athletes and officials are preparing for the 10,000 metres final. Lasse Virén is warming up on the track. It is not a big day only for Virén but for the whole nation. But one man cannot win alone. It takes a dedicated group of hardworking, reliable people. In a desolate bunker near the track, six Finnish men are preparing to help Lasse achieve the run of his life. A run that changes history. All for the small, relentless nation from the dark cold North.
Hojas de otoño (Fallen Leaves)
Manager of the Metal Workshop
Ansa es soltera y vive en Helsinki. Trabaja con un contrato de cero horas en un supermercado, abasteciendo los estantes; luego clasifica el plástico reciclable. Una noche se encuentra accidentalmente con el igualmente solitario trabajador Holappa, un alcohólico. Contra todo pronóstico y malentendidos, intentan construir una relación. Como resultado, Holappa logra controlar su adicción al alcohol.
Thank You in Your Language
Security guard
Actor Tiina Vainio has to make an audition tape in a hotel room as soon as possible for the role of her life.
The Woodcutter Story
An open-pit mine is unearthed in an idyllic town in Northern Finland. A strange chain of dreadful events affect the life of Pepe, a kind and optimistic woodcutter. But no matter what happens, Pepe seems to be fine with it, as if he holds a secret of existence that is hard to grasp.
El hombre ciego que no quería ver Titanic
La historia de un hombre con una severa discapacidad: está casi ciego y depende de una silla de ruedas. Jaakko vive solo en un pequeño apartamento, es un gran aficionado al cine, mantiene una relación telefónica de amistad con Sirpa (otra alma solitaria) y sus padres no dejan de llamar (aunque él no soporta dar lástima). Pero cuando las circunstancias lo llevan a darse cuenta de que debe ir a ver a su amiga, Jaakko se ve obligado a salir de su agujero y a lanzarse a un mundo lleno de limitaciones para alguien como él.
Yellow Sulphur Sky
In his youth, the author Frej has already found a deep connection and passion with an upper-class girl, Stella Rabell, that has lasted between them through the decades. When Stella's older brother Alex falls victim to a stabbing attack, Frej begins to reminisce about the events of decades past. Frej's memories from the bright 1970s to the present day are filled with love, jealousy, betrayal, life and death.
Humorous fragment of starting over, struggles with life and neighbours. A story of the time when even washing the undies seems difficult.
Janika takes advantage of her pregnancy by smuggling amphetamine from Tallinn to Helsinki with her brother.
Vertaistuen ryhmänjohtaja
It’s the past that defines you, Kari tells his therapy group. And indeed, after serving a lengthy prison sentence, he wants to become a better person. However, his former life as a ruthless debt collector catches up with him in a nightmarish way.
Nimby – Not In My Backyard
Mervi is a gay girl living in the hipster quarters of Helsinki. She has been together with Kata for a year, and now they are encouraged by the circumstances to come out from closet. When they do, Mervi realises that she is not the only one in her family with secrets – her parents have been living in an open-bisexual-swinger-relationship for 20 years. On the other hand Kata is pretty surprised that she might be living with a hetero girl that once was dating a neo-nazi. And the ex-boy friend cannot swallow that Mervi is now with a person both of wrong color, and sex. The real threat appears when Kata’s parents arrive from Berlin and the local skinhead chief finds out that a black muslim celebrity politician has arrived to town.
Forest Giant
Pasi regresa a la ciudad de su infancia y se le pide que reconfigure la fábrica local de madera contrachapada. Con un niño en camino con su esposa de clase alta, Pasi ve una oportunidad: este es su boleto para escalar la escalera profesional en la empresa. Al llegar, se encuentra con su amiga de la infancia, Janne, que trabaja en la fábrica que está a punto de reducir. Pasi comienza a luchar con el hecho de que se supone que debe preocuparse por las ganancias, no por la gente.
A Mother
Finland's best detective
After getting released from prison, Eeva returns to her old home town with only a shoulder bag, cellphone and the clothes she is wearing. She wants to find her grown-up daughter, but the townspeople soon make it clear that she is not welcome.
Superbola de Pelo
Emilia es una niña ordinaria de padres divorciados: va a la escuela, vive con su madre y algunas veces con su padre, y su vida no podría ser más común. Pero un día, el conejillo de indias de Emilia le muerde el dedo. A partir de entonces, Emilia tendrá una habilidad secreta para transformarse en un superhéroe peludo, que puede volar y resolver problemas con sus superpoderes. Al mismo tiempo, los arenques en la cercana bahía del Mar Báltico están pidiendo ayuda. El agua de mar envenenada los ha enfurecido y amenazan la paz y la tranquilidad de toda la ciudad.
Winning Ticket
Eevi works in a beauty parlor, leading a humdrum life in the suburbs of Helsinki with his husband Kari, a wannabe rocker. After the jackpot, the couple agrees to carry on with their lives as before, without telling anyone about the stroke of luck. But the money is burning holes in their pockets and that’s hard to hide. Their opinions about themselves and their relationship are put to the test. Everyone seems now to have a strange attitude towards them – although they try to pretend to be the same people as before. Do the millions bring happiness after all?
Toimittaja Toikka
Set in the final weekend of the year 1995 Ice Hockey World Championships, 95 tells through overlapping stories why Finland became a ice hockey world champion and how it affected the whole nation.
Veijo Haukka
Veijo es un verdadero amante de los animales. Vive en una región suburbana de Finlandia de practicar ilegalmente la eutanasia a mascotas. También es un encantador de animales y prefiere ejercer la justicia por su cuenta contra propietarios negligentes para con sus mascotas. Su vida, tan poco convencional como está tan meticulosamente organizada, se verá trastocada al conocer a Petri, un mecánico de coches y miembro de una banda de neonazis, y Lotta, una joven enfermera que entiende sus psicosis. El cambio de Veijo empezará antes de que la sed de venganza sea su único combustible
Mr. Erola
Un hombre se convierte en un enmascarado vigilante en busca de venganza contra la organización criminal responsable de la muerte de su familia.
Wendy and the Refugee Neverland
Kari Tillander
Story about 29-year-old Krisu, who is quite lost in her life. Luckily, she has a indie band called Wendy and the Refugee Neverland.
El otro lado de la esperanza
Man with Cold Stare
Helsinki. El joven Khaled llega oculto en un barco de carga procedente de Siria. Su solicitud de asilo es rechazada, pero decide quedarse de todos modos. Mientras, un gris comercial cincuentón llamado Wikström decide cambiar su vida y abrir un decadente restaurante. Sus caminos se cruzarán cuando una tarde Wikhström se encuentra a Khaled en la puerta de su restaurante y, emocionado, decide ofrecerle techo, comida y trabajo. Pero el sueño del chico es encontrar a su hermana, que también huyó de Siria.
Unemployed actor Kati gets a job as a tomato on a commercial. Turns out that the gig is not what she expected.
Guilt is a high concept thriller that follows Tomas, a man who joins a violent criminal gang in an attempt to find his sister. As he delves deeper into his mission, his moralities waver and his obsession starts to consume him.
Pathologist Abrikosov gets a phone call that a fly has taken a refuge inside Lenin's sarcophagus. No one knows how to get rid of it. Its Mayday 1936 and Stalin himself is about to come to inspect the body prior to Mayday festivities.
Lapland Odyssey 2
It’s been three years since we last met Janne and Inari. Since then, they’ve had a daughter named Lumi. Janne and his friends experience a new adventure, this time on an autumn night. The boys go to a party but end up chasing Lumi who has disappeared. Meanwhile, Inari enjoys a girls-night-out and has an adventure of her own.
Aimo and Milla are living together at Milla's alcoholics-turned-zombies parents' place. They save money to move out of the house. Due to his lack of self confidence, Aimo wastes their savings to turbo-boost his muscles. As conventional body building is not quite satisfactory, Aimo tunes himself up into a robot. Milla doesn't like the new Aimo-Robot and leaves him. Aimo´s heartache leads him to extreme measures as he also changes his heart into a metal one, one that doesn't hurt. Milla decides to steal Aimo heart: after all, a woman needs to have a man´s heart. Lovemilla is an anarchistic comedy trip, a comedy about love, a story about love, robots and bodybuilding.
Vares  Sheriffi
Pastori Alanen
El detective privado Jussi Vares encuentra dos cadáveres en una casa remota. Un año después, contratan a Vares para investigar el caso. Vares se acerca de forma peligrosa al “Consejo” – un club secreto para caballeros, a la cabeza del cual está “El Sheriff”. Para los miembros del Consejo, la vida humana es barata. La identidad del Sheriff ha sido revelada – pero ¿tendrá que afrontar a la justicia por los crímenes cometidos en un juzgado? ¿O saldrá impune por estos actos malvados?.
First World Problems
Losing a car in a car park can be the end of the world or the beginning of another.
August Fools
Oikeistolainen toimittaja
An comedy set in 1960s Helsinki. The story revolves around Elsa, a resolute hatmaker who is in complete control of her life. Besides running her shop, she sometimes doubles as a fortune teller. When Jan, a Czechoslovakian jazz musician and Elsa's old lover comes to town to perform at a "peace and friendship festival", her well-organised life is jolted out of balance.
The Hijack That Went South
Marttisen keilakaveri
Aarno Lamminparras hijacked an airplane with a gun in 1978. A true story.
A Closet
Aerial photograph salesman travels the Finnish countryside. In one house he hears strange noises coming from the closet.
Vares: Tango of Darkness
Pastori Alanen
The tango king Harry Koivikko was found dead six years ago in a sleazebag motel, with a knife is his back. The biggest manhunt in the county faded away without results. Jussi Vares gets a phone call from a down-and-out journalist; the informant tells Vares he knows the murderer. Then the journalist disappears without a trace and Vares has to face the biggest challenge of his career. To add insult to the injury, an old acquaintance Veikko Hopea gets his first prison furlough…
3 Simoa
A caper comedy about two friends, Simo and Lasse, who try to earn their living as burglars. But now there's also Baby Simo.
Stars Above
Vihavaisen isäntä
A story of a house and three women of different generations who inhabit it through the years.
Vares: Gambling Chip
Pastori Alanen
Jussi Vares falls in love with a beautiful brunette - only to lose her in a horrible way. After dating Sole a few weeks, her body is found in a bird-watching tower. The investigations come to a standstill, until Vares promises to solve a mystery of messy denunciation letters. Before the letters reveal their secret, a lot of things happen. A gun-for-hire, Stahanov, gets an assignment. Sole's brother finds his wife in the arms of a wrong man and goes on a rampage, accompanied by a black cat. In the end the clues lead to a familiar person and more death in unavoidable
Vares: The Path of the Righteous Men
Pastori Alanen
El cuerpo de una mujer joven, con el corazón arrancado del pecho, se encuentra junto a un antiguo cementerio en un pequeño pueblo en la costa oeste de Finlandia. El cuerpo es descubierto por un pastor llamado Hukkanen, que contrata a Jussi Vares para investigar el caso.
Play God
Play God is a humorous documentary that neither apologizes nor whines but simply recounts, with brutal honesty, the story of a failed splatter film project.
Vares: Garter Snake
Pastori Alanen
In the heat of the night, a man from faraway plays the piano. In the local hillside prison, a bitter double-crossed convict stares at the city life over the roofs. A revenge is brewing in his mind; the blood-thirsty killer prepares his escape. Vares gets a client who needs private investigations. Despite the beautiful wife, Vares smells a rat... In the middle of the summer night, a shot rings out. One life comes to an end and Vares finds changes in his assignment. The clues lead him to first-hand encounters and second-hand bookshops; a visit to the gym reveals a drug-smuggling route from Stockholm... Vares finds himself entangled in hot money and cool silk. In the background slithers a cunning garter snake.
The Inspector
Surrealistic black comedy about a safe insurance inspector looking into one company's fate.
Vares: The Girls of April
Pastori Alanen
Tough Finnish detective Jussi Vares gets hired by a friend at a newspaper to investigate a 15 year old mystery regarding the disappearance of 3 girls.
Vares - The Kiss of Evil
Pastori Alanen
A young college student is found stabbed to death,and private detective Vares life takes an interesting turn when the girls family asks him to investigate the case.
A Perfect Day
Police officer gets back to work after getting a wheelchair. Nothing is the same and even the gun must be given away.
Princess tells the true story of former cabaret dancer Anna Lappalainen's redemptive struggle with insanity, who checked in to Finland's Kellokoski Psychiatric Hospital in 1945.
Möreä-ääninen mies
"Encounter". Seven stories of women. Occasionally intersecting with each other in everyday situations. Parallel episodes of hope and abandonment, addiction and infidelity, but also friendship and trust.
Bad Family
The story of an overly protective and controlling father who suspects incest is taking place between his own son and daughter. These growing suspicions and concerns cause the father to become delusional and unrelenting in his quest to end the love affair between his children.
If You Love
Ada, the pampered daughter of the Minister, crashes drunk with an immigrant and loses her memory. Ada starts dating the victim’s son, Toni, but the relationship is put to the test when the secret is revealed.
Overseas and Under Your Skin
Ida is a woman who was adopted to Finland from Africa as a child. Ida is an unemployed seamstress approaching her thirties and still lives at home with her activist mother Kati. Kati wants to fix her daughter's life and offers her a job at her work. Encouraged by her new friend Ville, Ida, however, sets out for Berlin in order to find a job and to prove to her mother that she can manage on her own. Meanwhile, Kati has been told that she is seriously ill, but she does not want to mention it to Ida in fear of standing in the way of her daughter's struggle for independence. Ida wants to have a life of her own, but what will she have left at the end of the day?
1966, Tomppa y sus amigos Krisu y Kari ya se les está quedando pequeño su negocio de venta ilegal de alcohol en Punavuori, Helsinki. A base de puño y mal carácter expanden su territorio y aumentan sus ganancias. Pero también están al tanto de que su estilo de vida solo tiene tres destinos: seguir adelante, la cárcel o la muerte.
A Mate
Pera wants to try something kinky in the bathroom, so he asks his mate to help him. However, Pera’s wife comes home a bit too soon…
The first film in the Seto language in the world speaks about the brightest heroine of a small people, the folk singer Hilana Taarka, a woman who lived her whole life as an outcast in a small chimney-less hut; as an unmarried mother of children in poverty, begging her bread, doing odd jobs and singing. She always sang the truth, sometimes bitter, sometimes funny, sometimes cruel. She was feared, despised and coveted. Taarka sang throughout her remarkable life, throughout her fate, from a small Seto village to international fame. And she sang well. Really well. Taarka became the Mother of the Song, a legend. But as a woman, as a member of the community, the Seto people never really accepted her. Taarka - a despised woman and a worshiped singer.
Three in Love
Tomi finds himself in love with two women and his wife Maria finds herself in a situation where she has to deal with the fact that Tomi is the love of her life.
8 Days to Premiere
8 Days to Premiere is a love story set in the world of theater. Romeo and Juliet is to be the season´s grand premiere. Noora, the female lead in the play, breaks her leg at the kickoff party, and Laura, an actress who due to her debilitating stage fright has ended up as the prompter for the play, gets a chance of a lifetime. There are 8 days to the premiere.
The meaning of life is a piece of cake.
Finnish Border Guard
Unforgettable melodies, unique timbre and a memorable, soul-stirring voice. A mystery for women and authority for men, his talent was revered by the highest ranks of the Soviet Union and millions of ordinary people. Georg Ots took the stage when a huge country was recovering from the horrors of war, and his voice returned them faith in a bright future. Few people know what his life was really like.
V2: Dead Angel
Matti Urjala
The tough Detective Vares, get hired by a friend accused of murdering a girl. His job is to find the real killer, but people aren't talking. Before he can get traction another homicide takes place- and things move toward a dire conclusion.
Rock'n Roll Never Dies
Finnish rocker movie
Luces al atardecer
Shift Boss
Koistinen, un guardia de seguridad nocturno, recorre las calles buscando un lugar al sol, pero la indiferencia general destroza, una tras otra, sus modestas esperanzas. Un grupo de mafiosos, que se aprovecha de su sed de amor y de su profesión con la ayuda de una mujer fría y calculadora, organiza un robo del que se acusa sólo a Koistinen. Así, pierde su trabajo, su libertad y sus sueños. Tercera parte de la trilogía que empezó con "Nubes pasajeras" (1996) y "Un hombre sin pasado" (2002).
Matti: Hell Is for Heroes
Four Olympic gold medals, seven World Championship titles, four World Cup tour championships, and forty six World Cup circuit victories. Once his career as a professional athlete ended however, the other side of his personality emerged into public view in all of its vulgarity. An alcohol dependency, several marriages accompanied by numerous marital problems, petty crime, uncontrolled acts of violence, and greedy hangers-on.
The film tells about members of Finnish women's Lotta Service during the Second World War through the eyes of three young women.
Producing Adults
Driver in Traffic Jam
Longtime couple Venla and Antero come to a serious impasse. After years with Antero, Venla wants to start a family, but her boyfriend, worried that parenthood will stifle his speed-skating career, secretly gets a vasectomy. Determined to have a child, Venla seeks help from a female fertility doctor, a decision that breeds new possibilities for the prospective mother when she falls in love with the doctor.
Pearls and Pigs
Mother's Boyfriend
When their bootlegging father ends up in jail, four twenty-something brothers need money to pay his debts to local crooks. Next, their 9-year-old half-sister is dumped on their doorstep by her prostitute mother. A karaoke set helps reveal that the little girl is quite a singer, just as a talent contest for children is coming up on national television offering more than enough money to the winner.
Ken tulta pyytää
2. poliisi
The Classic
A self-loving fictional autobiography of author Kari Hotakainen.
Highway Society
The mechanic Jack tries to get rid of his criminal background.
Bad Luck Love
Isännöitsijä Herranen
A shocking crime forces a man to re-evaluate his life, only to find that going straight is more complicated than he imagined. Ali is a low-level criminal who spends much of his spare time working out at a gym with his brother Pulu. Ali spends most of his day stoned on marijuana, while Pulu is known to drink cleaning products when he's run out of booze. Ali has fallen in love with Inka, a bright woman with a mind of her own, and her independent nature occasionally throws him into a fit of jealousy.
Pieni pyhiinvaellus
In a religious rural community in the 1950s, Ritva, a young woman has kept her pregnancy a secret. Helped by her sister, she gives birth but soon abandons the baby. The next day the infant is brought to the hospital where Ritva works. Troubled with shame, Ritva finds consolation from a dying priest.
Lakeuden kutsu
Nikander, pankinjohtaja
Kiss Me in the Rain
Middle-aged Maire's husband spends most of his time abroad on business. Alone in their large house, Maire fills her empty life by absorbing other people's tragedies from tabloid newspapers. Obsessed by the story about a young single mother whose husband was killed and the killer got away with it, she befriends the young widow who would rather forget the whole event and go on with her life.
White Marble
Half-senile Ossi and his wife travel to celebrate Ossi's 75th birthday at an old people's home where most of their friends are already staying. Just before the festivities Ossi suddenly disappears and goes on tour to 'make an inventory of his life'. He checks into a hotel, poses as a publishing director to lure an aspiring female novelist, next travels to bother his old mistress and her new husband with his surprise visit and obnoxious comments, then goes to see his son for the first time in 34 years just to receive an even colder treatment. Meanwhile, his equally demented wife goes looking for him with a local policeman.
Eros and Psyche
Eroksen kaveri
This is a sad story of Eros and Psyche. Sadder than the ancient myth that was only a dream after all. In my story, the characters learn nothing.
2nd Officer Pavic
Eco-terrorists attack a ship carrying toxic waste.
Nubes pasajeras
Historia de un matrimonio (Ilona y Lauri) cuya relación y dignidad son puestas a prueba por los duros golpes de la vida. La pareja no suele correr riesgos y vive en un modesto apartamento de alquiler. Pero Ilona (Kati Outinen) pierde su empleo como camarera en el restaurante Dubrovnik, en Helsinki. Por si esto fuera poco, acaba enterándose de que Lauri (Kari Väänänen) ya hace un mes que ha sido despedido de su trabajo como conductor de tranvía.
Play It All
veturin lämmittäjä
A film group is making movie in the little town. Writer Pentti Töysä interrupts film group's press conference and claims that script is written by him and it is based on true story. Töysä also says that he has written a new ending to the movie and that it reveals an old murder. Not everyone is happy about the new twist.
The Romanov Stones
This action packed Finnish thriller tells the tale of two friends who get their revenge against the millionaire who double-crossed them. Patrick and Tony are hired by the wealthy gambler to steal the priceless Romanov stones, Russian jewels. They do it, but almost lose their lives when he double-crosses them. They turn around and get revenge, his money, his wife, and his daughter.
Our Father
Juhanin isä nuorena
Juhani Haavisto returns to his childhood home from the seas and is confronted by his wheelchair-bound, demented father Eino and the traumas of sexual abuse and violence he experienced as a child.
Frozen Heart
In this gloomy scenario about Finland's upcoming membership in the European Union, the country has become a poor peripheral area plagued by energy shortages and civil wars. Escaping the city to his summer cottage with his children and a lady next door, a divorced university teacher is forced to pick up a young delirious woman from the roadside. He soon falls in love with her, only to find out she is a sought-after deserter from a violent guerilla army.
The Prodigal Son
Esa is a small time crook who has been precisely released from prison. He starts to make money by mugging people. One day psychiatrist Lindström rings Esa's doorbell. He has a very strange request: he wants Esa to maltreat him. Esa accepts this request, but he is not aware of Lindström's bad intentions.
Kauhun millimetrit
Missä on suuri pohjoinen
Talvisota (The winter war)
Veikko Korpela
Finlandia, Octubre de 1939. La crisis diplomática abierta entre el país finés y la URSS a causa de las exigencias territoriales de Stalin hace que el ejército finés se movilice. A través de la historia de los hermanos Martti y Paavo Hakala, enviados a combatir junto con su compañía al frente, asistiremos a las visicitudes de la cruenta guerra de invierno que Finlandia libró contra el ejército Rojo en unas durísimas condiciones climáticas y en franca inferioridad material frente al poderoso ejército sovietico. La versión extendida para televisión consta en total de 250 minutos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Siriuksen vieraat
Vääpeli Sadon tapaus
Armomurhaaja 2: Elämän koulu
Veijo Haukka
Veijo Haukka, who has mended his ways during his murder sentence, has to face against the offspring of his victims. At the same time closeness of death threatens his relationship.
Snot and Splash
Ordinary winter holiday turns into an adventure when trash starts to rain from the sky and all the holes in the city disappear. Snot and Splash solve the mystery, and at the same time save the world from being sucked into a black hole.