Pertti Sveholm

Pertti Sveholm

Nacimiento : 1953-12-02, Oulu, Finland


Pertti Sveholm


Lapland Odyssey 4
Hunt for the elusive tofu in the Arctic Circle.
In the middle of the summer holidays, the body of a drowned man with ligature marks on his wrists is recovered from Tammerkoski river. The investigation by Koskinen's team is further strained by the hit-and-run case of a dubious music manager and the mysterious Carl Friedrich. When a new body is found in Lake Näsijärvi, the connection between the victims is made clear.
Attack on Finland
Peter Nylund
La recepción del Día de la Independencia de Finlandia se interrumpe bruscamente cuando el palacio presidencial es atacado y los líderes del estado son tomados como rehenes. Max Tanner, de la Policía de Seguridad, es designado como negociador en la crisis de los rehenes, que se desarrolla como parte de un plan mayor para socavar la seguridad europea.
Reunion 3: Singles Cruise
The approaching baptism of his ex-wife's new baby destroys Antti's ability to function and puts him in catatonic state. Tuomas and Nippe take action to cheer him up and decide to take him on a singles cruise.
Gracious Night
The three men enjoy the evening at a bar whose fate is threatened by pandemic restrictions. Bartender Heikki offers discussion help to his friend Risto, who works in the first line of healthcare, and who has just finished a difficult shift. The evening gets a new twist when a stranger looking for a mobile phone charger pops in and refuses to leave.
El artista anónimo
A punto de jubilarse y de cerrar su galería de arte, Olavi cree ver su oportunidad de terminar su carrera con prestigio adquiriendo un lienzo anónimo de una casa de subastas que él piensa que se trata de una obra de un autor importante.
Heavy Trip
Turo (25) está tratando de superar sus temores dirigiendo a la banda de heavy metal más desconocida en Finlandia, Impaled Rektum, al festival de metal más popular de Noruega. El viaje incluye el heavy metal, el robo de tumbas, el cielo vikingo y un conflicto armado entre Finlandia y Noruega.
Documentary on the history of Ryhmäteatteri theatre company.
The Mine
Un joven y ambicioso funcionario Jussi se encuentra a cargo de la licencia ambiental de una enorme mina de níquel y uranio en el norte de Finlandia. La mina Talvivaara introduce un nuevo método de recolección de minerales, a la vez implica la creación de puestos de trabajo en una de las zonas más pobres de la región. Jussi descubre poco a poco que está siendo llevado por mal camino y que el nuevo método tiene graves inconvenientes no previstos. La mina está causando peligros ambientales que están siendo silenciado.
A boss invites an underling and his family for dinner.
Reina Cristina
Kristina's Tutor
Coronada en 1633, a los seis años, la Reina Cristina de Suecia fue una joven dirigente, enigmática y brillante, que combatió a las fuerzas conservadoras para revolucionar Suecia al tiempo que experimentaba el amor y exploraba su incipiente sexualidad. Huérfana de padre, rechazada por su madre y criada en una corte luterana dominada por hombres que pensaban que no tenía otra opción que casarse para tener un heredero, Cristina se vio envuelta entre la pasión y la razón. Revolucionaria, estudiosa de las artes y las ciencias, amiga de Descartes, librepensadora, precursora del movimiento feminista. Cristina era al mismo tiempo confusa, inquieta, excéntrica, solitaria, y en la corte todos subestimaban tanto su mente brillante como el despertar de la atracción que sentía por la condesa Ebba Sparre. Dividida por el conflicto que le planteaban sus aspiraciones políticas y sus deseos personales, Cristina tomaría una de las decisiones más controvertidas de la historia.
Hyvää joulua
Merry Christmas is a comical interpretation of the traditional Christmas gospel set in a modern-day Helsinki
Vasen ja oikea
Iiro Viinanen
Both diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, politicians Esko Seppänen and Iiro Viinanen forge a deep friendship despite their ideological differences.
Poikolaisen Sakari
A woman meets a man who tells her that they have known each other 11 years ago and wishes to take her out. Woman does not recall him and in her mind she thinks back and goes through several random meetings from the past, yet he does not seem to be any of those men from her past. Woman continues the relationship and tries to solve the mystery, which at the end is revealed.
Rumbo al norte
Timo es un reputado concertista de piano que ha naufragado en su vida personal. Un día se encuentra a la puerta de su casa a un hombre mayor que él de aspecto un tanto desastrado. El hombre, que se llama Leo, resulta ser su padre, quien abandonó el país cuando Timo tenía tan sólo tres años y ha pasado los últimos 35 en paradero desconocido. Leo es un eterno embaucador de talante optimista que tuvo que abandonar su patria tras meterse en notables embrollos. Ahora ha vuelto para entregar a su hijo un misterioso legado y para responder preguntas acerca de su pasado. Padre e hijo se embarcan en un viaje por carretera rumbo al norte del país. Lo que empieza como un choque de caracteres que resulta gracioso y pintoresco termina siendo una auténtica revelación emocional mientras los dos protagonistas se ayudan a asimilar sus respectivos fracasos.
Situada en un barrio del mismo nombre, "Vuosaari" es una realización hecha en distintos episodios sobre la Finlandia de hoy. Vuosaari es la última parada de la línea de metro, el principio y el final de un viaje. Historias entrelazadas sobre familias e individuos, niños y adultos (familias monoparentales, drogadicción, la influencia de la televisión y la copia de patrones televisivos en la cotidianidad juvenil). Todos necesitamos ser amados y tocados.
The script of this film was very loose and most of the dialog was improvised by the cast
Mobile Horror
Mobile Horror based on Juha Jokela's play of same name, telling the story of small firm struggle in 2000 it-boom
Bad Family
The story of an overly protective and controlling father who suspects incest is taking place between his own son and daughter. These growing suspicions and concerns cause the father to become delusional and unrelenting in his quest to end the love affair between his children.
Prime Minister
Jorma Melleri
A Finnish drama about the short term of Finland's first female prime minister, Anneli Jäätteenmäki.
Twisted Roots
In this stylish Finnish drama, the secrets and desires of a family can no longer be suppressed. Mikko turns out to have a hereditary illness. Since then he has been worried. How long can he continue to run the family business that he and inherited from his father, just like his illness? And how does he tell his teenage daughter and adult son that they might have the wrong genes? The imaginative eight-year-old Lumi, adopted from China, also cannot get away from her roots.
The Interrogation
Arvo Tuominen
Finnish Kerttu Nuorteva is spying for the Russians in Helsinki during World War II. She is arrested and interrogated in the hope that she will uncover the Soviet Union espionage tactics.
On Thin Ice
It's Christmas Eve in Helsinki. Young taxi driver Samu is working to escape a family Christmas with his fiancé and baby. At the airport Samu picks up a fascinating customer: a Finnish mercenary Hans, who has returned to Helsinki after an absence of 20 years. Hans hires Samu to go on a mission with him: to find Laura, the daughter of his recently deceased best friend and brother in arms. The quest to find Laura leads the men around the wintry city, to places and people from Hans's past. As Samu watches Hans confront his past, he begins to open his eyes to his own future. When the eventful mission reaches its end, both of the men's lives are forever changed.
Divorcio a la finlandesa
Juhani, terapeuta, 35 años, y Paula Helin, empresaria, 34 años, deciden divorciarse de forma civilizada, mudarse a una casa nueva cada uno y vender su domicilio conyugal. Pero cuando Paula invita a su ligue de una noche, Marco, a la casa, Juhani se venga contratando a una prostituta, Nina, a su hermanastro y a un chulo, Wolffi, para que haga de su nueva novia y echar así a Paula de la casa. (FILMAFFINITY)
One Foot Under
Visa Vuorio (Tobias Zilliacus), a 35-year old team leader at the Helsinki city gardening department, is suffering from a terminal neurological disease and only has a few months to live. Because of this, he is a member of a therapeutical support group for people suffering from terminal diseases. Visa's life changes when a young female reporter, Hanna Manninen (Helena Vierikko), arrives at the support group offering to write a series of articles about Visa's life story.
Three Wise Men
Three middle aged men, long time friends, get together in a normally closed Karaoke bar to drink their failed lives away. Secrets are revealed and sometimes discovered and they sing their miseries one by one during Karaoke sessions. The arrival of a lone woman to the bar will facilitate revealing of the final secret.
La casa de las mariposas negras
Relato de supervivencia sobre un adolescente enviado a un reformatorio para chicos en una remota isla. Largometraje basado en una novela de Leena Lander que intentó comprar un estudio de Hollywood, pero acabó en manos de una de las grandes figuras del cine finlandés, Markus Selin (Solar Films). Seleccionada por Finlandia como candidata al Oscar 2009 a la mejor película de habla no inglesa.
Legend of the Lake Bodom
Presidentti Kekkonen
Frozen City
Looking to outrun the horrors of his past, a tormented cabbie flees Helsinki for an apartment complex in the suburbs, only to discover that new neighbors bring new problems. What ensues is a raw, realistic tragedy with an unwaveringly humane core.
Luces al atardecer
Koistinen, un guardia de seguridad nocturno, recorre las calles buscando un lugar al sol, pero la indiferencia general destroza, una tras otra, sus modestas esperanzas. Un grupo de mafiosos, que se aprovecha de su sed de amor y de su profesión con la ayuda de una mujer fría y calculadora, organiza un robo del que se acusa sólo a Koistinen. Así, pierde su trabajo, su libertad y sus sueños. Tercera parte de la trilogía que empezó con "Nubes pasajeras" (1996) y "Un hombre sin pasado" (2002).
Helmer Moisio
The film tells about members of Finnish women's Lotta Service during the Second World War through the eyes of three young women.
Frozen Land
Pertti Smolander
When a schoolteacher is sacked, he projects his bad mood at his troubled teenage son. The son, in turn, buys a CD player from a pawnshop with counterfeit money. This starts a chain reaction of misery as every victim projects his problems on to another person.
Miehen sydän
Harri Salomaa
Harri, a usually calm middle-aged man, loses his temper at a bar. His behavior towards the bartender Raija weighs on his mind, so he returns to make things up to her. This ends up being the catalyst for an unlikely and unwitting relationship between the two.
My Friend Henry
Kalervo Heikkilä
When 12-year-old Elsi Björkman and her mother Paula return from a week's holiday abroad, Elsi immediately notices that someone has been in her room. She tells her mother about it, but she does not believe her. At the local supermarket Elsi meets Henry, who seems to spend his time returning shopping trolleys. Elsi does not know anything about the boy, who has an irritating habit of appearing from out of nowhere, only to disappear again, as if into thin air. Nevertheless, the children become friends.
Joensuun Elli
tohtori Laitinen
Antti Kuusisto
Katri y Janne son jóvenes, guapos y tienen una buena situación económica. El grupo de amigos de Katri y Janne practican viajes de aventura. Es importante estar un paso delante de los demás y vivir experiencias extremas. Katri y Janne llevan mucho tiempo sin compartir juntos tales experiencias. En la fiesta de su nuevo jefe Erik Stein, Janne conoce a un agente de viajes, que le ofrece una nueva manera de viajar. La empresa IH-tours organiza viajes de aventura a otras realidades en el país: 1) sin techo en Espoo, 2) trabajador por turnos en Vantaa o 3) una vida diaria como desempleado en el barrio de Jakomäki. Janne y Katri quieren mostrar que se atreven, y eligen la tercera opción, el de los cesantes. ¿Como se acostumbrarán a la nueva vida diaria en la cual el pan de cada día no esta garantizado?. ¿Qué queda de una persona, cuando se le quita todo lo superficial? En Jakomäki, Katri y Janne emprenden una aventura que ninguno de sus amigos ha vivido.
Un hombre sin pasado
Police Detective
Un hombre que ha perdido completamente la memoria debe reiniciar su vida en una zona marginal, junto a seres humanos apartados de la sociedad.
The Classic
A self-loving fictional autobiography of author Kari Hotakainen.
Los Inquietos
Ari de 27 años (Mikko Nousiainen) es un doctor de ambulancias que trabaja en el cuerpo de bomberos de Turku. Fuera de su trabajo, su principal afición son las noches y tiene como norma no acostarse dos veces con la misma mujer porque está seguro que el compromiso es dolor y él no desea herir a nadie. Todo en la vida de Ari marcha bien excepto ese profundo sentimiento de vacío. Pero cuando Ari conoce a Tina (Laura Malmivaara) algo inesperado ocurre: Ari se enamora.
The Geography of Fear
Rainer Sakari Auvinen, autokoulun opettaja
When her sister is mugged and raped, Oili, a young female forensic dentist, meets a group of abused women who have taken matters to their own hands to make the living in fear and just letting it happen stop.
White Marble
Martti Ahmala
Half-senile Ossi and his wife travel to celebrate Ossi's 75th birthday at an old people's home where most of their friends are already staying. Just before the festivities Ossi suddenly disappears and goes on tour to 'make an inventory of his life'. He checks into a hotel, poses as a publishing director to lure an aspiring female novelist, next travels to bother his old mistress and her new husband with his surprise visit and obnoxious comments, then goes to see his son for the first time in 34 years just to receive an even colder treatment. Meanwhile, his equally demented wife goes looking for him with a local policeman.
Paratiisin lapset
Antti Kirvela
"Children of the Paradise"- Eeva, the strong-willed and ambitious businesswoman, dreams to build a spa called Paradiso Baltica.
Play It All
Pentti Töysä
A film group is making movie in the little town. Writer Pentti Töysä interrupts film group's press conference and claims that script is written by him and it is based on true story. Töysä also says that he has written a new ending to the movie and that it reveals an old murder. Not everyone is happy about the new twist.
Mies WC:ssä
The company's regional manager has had enough of the fast pace of business and the frivolous patterns. He leaves the office sauna for a booze run at the behest of his boss. Drunk and driving his own car, even he doesn't have to. The situation becomes a thrilling chase that ends in a breathalyzer test and all-round relief as things fall into place. The booze run becomes a turning point in the life of the group's regional manager.
The Champion
Tauno Haninen
Katya's Autumn
Ossi (Antti Litja) hasn't seen his daughter for over ten years. Suddenly she arrives to figure out what kind of person her father is and why she wasn't good enough for him.
Banned from Heaven
High-class prostitute Bella works for hotel manager TT with Sara, Lulu and Cindy. However, Bella misses the ordinary life and love of her youth Timo, who is a hockey player on the team owned by TT.
Dolly and Her Lover
Directed by Matti Ijäs and written with Arto Meller, Räpsy & Dolly aka Paris Waits (1990) is a tragicomic love story of a petty criminal and a former cabaret dancer. Detective Karisto (Kari Väänänen) releases Auno "Räpsy" Pirilä (Matti Pellonpää) from prison, who in turn has to calve his childhood friend Börje (Pertti Sveholm) from criminal activities. Alcoholic Dolly (Raija Paalanen) takes Räpsy to live in Kallio, Helsinki, and hopes to move to Paris with her in the spring.
Talvisota (The winter war)
Antti Jouppi
Finlandia, Octubre de 1939. La crisis diplomática abierta entre el país finés y la URSS a causa de las exigencias territoriales de Stalin hace que el ejército finés se movilice. A través de la historia de los hermanos Martti y Paavo Hakala, enviados a combatir junto con su compañía al frente, asistiremos a las visicitudes de la cruenta guerra de invierno que Finlandia libró contra el ejército Rojo en unas durísimas condiciones climáticas y en franca inferioridad material frente al poderoso ejército sovietico. La versión extendida para televisión consta en total de 250 minutos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dirty Hands
A political drama set in the fictional country of Illyria between 1943 and 1945, the story is about the assassination of a leading politician. The country, an ally of Nazi Germany, is on the verge of being annexed to the Eastern Bloc. Kaurismäki's TV adaptation of Jean-Paul Sartre's play Les Mains Sales (Dirty Hands) tells the story of Hugo (Matti Pellonpää) who has just been released from prison. Before going to prison, he has worked as a journalist at his party's newspaper. This timid journalist, who uses the pseudonym Raskolnikov, wants to advance in his career and gets his chance when Hoederer (Sulevi Peltola), the leader of the party, has to be eliminated.
Hamlet vuelve a los negocios
A bizarre black-and-white film noir reworking of Shakespeare's 'Hamlet'.
A Finnish film version of Macbeth. Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis, receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders his king and takes the throne for himself.
A revolver changes hands seven times, each time serving a different purpose shot in a film style which tests the traditional story-telling form of film.
The King Goes Forth to France
Soldier of The King of Bohemia
A new ice age is coming to England. All energy sources have been depleted and despair is taking over the earth. The young king decides to use his last trump card before his power collapses and anarchy reigns over the island kingdom.
Nuori menestynyt ekonomisti
A man fakes his own suicide in order to see how his close ones react
Calamari Union
En Helsinki, dieciocho hombres, diecisiete de los cuales se llaman Frank, deciden abandonar el barrio de trabajadores en el que llevan una vida triste y gris para instalarse en un barrio al otro lado de la ciudad, cerca del mar, que representa para ellos una especie de "El Dorado".
Hello, Mr. Kivi
Eccentric small town librarian Helinä struggles between everyday life and her love for the theatre, directing amateurs for a play by the famous Finnish writer Aleksis Kivi. She still carries the torch for her teenage sweetheart Leo, now a married chimney sweeper but still an aspiring playwright, despite his wife's opinions. Helinä thinks Leo is Aleksis Kivi, and so does Leo himself. Discouraged by the society, they end up in a mental institution but finally manage to stage an outdoor premiere of the play.
Kuoleman hellä kosketus
Matti Tulli
Vääpeli Sadon tapaus