The Girl
The Pride of the Force s a 1925 silent crime film
When Neely is hypnotized to think he's a monkey, he goes on a freewheeling chase where he climbs things he wouldn't ordinarily and throws lots of things.
Mrs. Green
Mr Green tells his wife that spiritualism is the bunk. She offers to run a seance that evening. While she does so, a crooked scientist creeps in to steal a skeleton and a chicken thief does likewise to general confusion in this Universal horror-comedy short.
Nervy Ned's Wife
It's raining heavily, but at first the young husband and wife are not concerned about it. But the husband gets soaked on the way home from work, and then finds that the butler has left all of his suits hanging outside in the rain. Next, when some friends come to visit, they find that their troubles with water are just beginning.
Alice and Phil's happy home is disrupted when their furniture is being repossessed by a huge bullying workman. To placate him, they try being nice and inviting him to dine with them, but fighting breaks out and the bully pretends to be murdered when a cop shows up, and Phil is sent to jail.
Alice Howell plays a working girl who breaks into society through no fault of her own when asked to pose as royalty at a posh party. Spiked punch adds to the hilarity of the proceedings. A silent film inspired by the character of Cinderella, but with the contemporary setting.
Alice Howell comedy short
A woman played by Alice Howell receives an inheritance from her grandfather of his wooden leg.
The Milkmaid
Alice Howell is a simple milkmaid in love with color-blind artist Dick Smith. Oliver Hardy is a bootlegger who lures her to the wicked city to be a gypsy dancer on the street but then accuses her of having an illicit baby.
Hulda from Holland
Comedy short starring Alice Howell
A Century Film comedy short.
The Head Waitress
The proprietor of the Crowing Rooster Inn was a bad man, but he went one too many when he stole the airship model from the War Department, for they were on his trail immediately. The head waitress discovered the workshop where the proprietor was having the model duplicated and she was bribed not to say anything about what she saw. She started out with the bribe money to buy some gewgaws for herself, but she got in the road of a passing auto. Unfortunately, the auto contained the young Secret Service agent.
Lillian Russell
Comedy short starring Alice Howell
The Boss’s Wife
Web of office romance entanglements lead to slapstick hijinks at a fly paper company.
It all starts when the actress-wife gives a midnight party to her former associates and Bill and Mr. Jowlish try to horn in on the revelry...
The Deserted Wife
A deadbeat father abandons his wife after she has triplets, who chases him down and exacts comic justice.
Woman (uncredited) (unconfirmed)
When a woman's husband leaves town, she begins to see odd things happening in her house. Afraid that gangsters are after her, she becomes increasingly anxious.
Back Room Diner / Party Guest (uncredited)
Charlot es un timador de ciudad que induce a Tillie a robar los ahorros de su padre y huya con él. Una vez ha llegado a la ciudad, Charlot se apropia del dinero y vuelve junto a Mabel, su primer amor y pareja del delito. Esta considerado como el primer largometraje del genero de comedia de la historia.
The Iceman's Wife
Married ice man Charles Murray is "Cursed by His Beauty" (1914) when he becomes a model for a female artist.
The Daughter
Keystone short about two suitors getting into an increasingly, cartoonishly violent fight over a woman.
The Diner
Bombs and Bangs is a 1914 Comedy short.
Leader of Snoopy Neighbors
A Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle Keystone comedy.
The Wife (uncredited)
A man goes in hot pursuit of the shoe store clerk he feels has made inappropriate advances towards his wife.
Dentist's wife
Chaplin es el ayudante de un dentista con muchos pacientes. Uno de esos pacientas cae rendido ante al gas anestésico, al que el ayudante cura con un golpe en la cabeza El dentista manda a Chaplin a rellenar una prescripción, en el camino tiene un lió con un hombre gordo esperado afuera de la farmacia, se produce una persecución en que Chaplin por casualidad le quita la falda a la mujer del dentista, que pasaba por allí. Llaman al dentista avisándole que su esposa ha tenido un accidente, y al regresar Chaplin usurpa su puesto. Elige a la paciente más bonita, se sienta encima, le toma la nariz con las pinzas y la besa en la boca. Entra un nuevo paciente, pero también está esperando aquel tipo con que se había liado. Se persiguen, corren, entra todo el mundo y la casa se convierte en un caos, concluyendo todos o golpeados o desmayados.
Neighbor (uncredited)
Mabel llega a casa después de haber sido humillada por un matón al que su esposo no peleará. El marido va a emborracharse a un bar. Mabel entretanto consigue un maniquí para que su marido se entrene en el boxeo. Al retornar a casa, el esposo ebrio la confunde e invita a salir.
Spectator (uncredited)
Mabel trata de vender salchichas en el autódromo, pero no está haciendo muy buena tarea. Deja un momento la caja con las salchichas y Charlot la encuentra y las reparte a los hambrientos espectadores. Mabel busca la caja y cuando se da cuenta de lo sucedido llama a la policía y sobreviene el caos.
Spectator / Party Guest (uncredited)
Un par de vagabundos deciden fingir una pelea de exhibición de boxeo para un promotor. En tanto Pug, un tipo de buen corazón pero alborotador, enfrenta un grupo de atrevidos que molesta a su novia. Impresionados por sus habilidades deciden hacerlo pasar por Cyclone Flynn, el campeón, y hacerlo participar de un encuentro de boxeo.
Hotel Guest
Aprovechando la ausencia momentánea del esposo, Charlot coquetea con una dama en un banco del parque. Cuando el mismo regresa increpa a Charlot y le hace una escena a su mujer. En el hotel, donde la discusión continúa, Charlot se equivoca de puerta, reencuentra a la pareja y se hace expulsar violentamente. Charlot se acuesta en una habitación vecina pero la mujer, que es sonámbula, se le aparece y Charlot la devuelve a su habitación provocando un alboroto con el esposo y con todo el hotel. Refugiado en la parte exterior de una ventana, bajo la lluvia, es rescatado por la policía. En la batahola final Charlot trata de escapar pero la sonámbula vuelve a caer en sus brazos.
Party Guest (uncredited)
Mientras atraviesa un parque Charlot encuentra a Mabel, una joven de alta sociedad, y a dos malandrines que la están asaltando y logra ponerlos en fuga. En agradecimiento la joven lo invita a una fiesta. Charlot, que era camarero en un café de un barrio pobre, se hace pasar por un conde y concurre a la misma. Sus barrabasadas y su vulgaridad llaman la atención pero no lo delatan. Charlot regresa a su trabajo y justo allí concurre el festejante de Mabel, y rival de Charlot, con algunos amigos en tren de visitar un lugar para ellos desusado. Finaliza la película con un alboroto final al ser descubierta su impostura.