Jimmy Conlin

Jimmy Conlin

Nacimiento : 1884-10-14, Camden, New Jersey, USA

Muerte : 1962-05-07


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jimmy Conlin (October 14, 1884 – May 7, 1962) was an American character actor who appeared in almost 150 films in his 32-year career. Conlin was born in Camden, New Jersey in 1884, and his acting career started out in vaudeville, where he and his first wife Myrtle Glass played the Keith-Albee-Orpheum circuits billed as "Conlin & Glass", a song-and-dance team. They also starred together in two short films, Sharps and Flats (1928) and Zip! Boom! Bang! (1929) for Vitaphone. Conlin made another comedy short without Glass in 1930 (A Tight Squeeze), but his film career started for good in 1933, and for the next 27 years, with the single exception of 1951, every year saw the release of at least one film in which Conlin appeared – at the height of his career, often more than a dozen of them. Recognizable by his small size and odd appearance, Conlin played all sorts of small roles and bit parts, many times not receiving an onscreen credit. In the 1940s, Conlin was part of Preston Sturges' unofficial "stock company" of character actors, appearing in nine films written and directed by Sturges. His roles in Sturges' films were often sizable and often came with good billing. One of his best performances came in Sturges' The Sin of Harold Diddlebock in 1946, when he played "Wormy", the racetrack tout who convinces Harold Lloyd to have his first drink, setting off the events of the film. The loyalty between Sturges and Conlin ran both ways, and when the former golden boy of Hollywood fell on hard times, Conlin remained a friend, stayed in contact, and helped out in any way he could. Conlin did not make many television appearances, but he did have a regular role as a bartender on Duffy's Tavern, a syndicated series from 1954. He made his final film in 1959, when he played a habitual criminal in Anatomy of a Murder.


Jimmy Conlin


La novia de nueve metros
Artie y Emmy están enamorados, pero los planes de boda se retrasan porque Artie está muy centrado en cumplir su gran sueño: convertirse en un gran científico. Con tanto experimento de por medio, un día Emmy pasa por el sitio indebido y recibe una descarga que la convierte en una gigante. Una serie de situaciones familiares obligan a la pareja a casarse y después de la boda viajan al pueblo de Emmy para ver a la familia. La sorpresa es mayúscula cuando comprueban que su hija es inmensa.
Anatomía de un asesinato
Clarence Madigan
Frederick Manion (Ben Gazzara), un teniente del ejército, asesina fríamente al presunto violador de su mujer Laura (Lee Remick). Tras su detención, se celebra el juicio. Su mujer contrata como abogado defensor a Paul Biegler (James Stewart), un honrado hombre de leyes. Durante el juicio se reflejarán todo tipo de emociones y pasiones, desde los celos a la rabia. Uno de los dramas judiciales más famosos de la historia del cine.
Mis siete hijos
Stage Doorman
Tras la muerte de la mujer de Eddie Foy, un actor de vodevil, incorpora a su número a sus siete hijos y se los lleva de gira.
It Happens Every Thursday
New York reporter Bob MacAvoy is persuaded by pregnant wife Jane to buy a broken-down weekly newspaper in Eden, California. They have humorous problems with small town mores and eccentric citizens. But their schemes to increase circulation get them in over their heads.
The Jazz Singer
Mr. Demming, Photographer
As Jerry Golding scales the heights of show business, he breaks the heart of his father, who'd hoped that Jerry would follow in his footsteps. Sorrowfully, Cantor Golding reads the Kaddish service, indicating that, so far as he is concerned, his son is dead. A tearful reconciliation occurs when Jerry dutifully returns to sing the "Kol Nidre" in his ailing father's absence.
La casa en la sombra
Doc Hyman (uncredited)
Jim Wilson es un policía violento, amargado por la contemplación diaria del mundo del crimen. Su carácter hosco y sus métodos expeditivos para capturar sospechosos le crean constantes conflictos con colegas y superiores. Finalmente, para alejarlo de la ciudad durante un tiempo, le encomiendan un caso de asesinato en una lejana región montañosa. Una vez allí, su personalidad dará un giro imprevisto, debido, por una parte, a su relación con el padre de la víctima, un hombre sediento de venganza, y, por otra, con Mary Malden, la hermana del asesino, una joven sensible, capaz de comprender el temperamento y la soledad de Wilson.
A Treasury Department agent on the trail of an international jewel smuggling ring joins a carnival that he thinks the gang is using as a front. He finally locates the jewels hidden as the eyes of wax figures.
Operation Haylift
Ed North
A pilot devises a plan to airlift hay to thousands of ranch cattle stranded and dying due to severe winter weather.
El gran Rupert
Joe Mahoney
Un clásico de vacaciones conmovedor sobre una familia que tiene mala suerte en Navidad. Poco antes de Navidad, se mudan a un apartamento donde Rupert, la ardilla, vive en las vigas del ático y actúa como el ángel de la guarda de la familia, no solo para salvar la Navidad, sino también para cambiar sus vidas para siempre.
El inspector general
Turnkey (uncredited)
Siendo Napoleón emperador de Francia, a un estafador de poca monta lo confunden con el temible Inspector General, un enviado oficial de Bonaparte para controlar y acabar con la corrupción generalizada en los vastos territorios del imperio.
Young Joe
Joe Hanson, who believes himself to be tolerant of other races and religions, gradually comes to realize that he is prejudiced against many of them.
Tulsa, ciudad de lucha
Homer Triplette
Tulsa (Oklahoma), años 20. La hija de un ganadero deseosa de vengar la muerte de su padre, provocada accidentalmente por un prospector de petróleo, se introduce en el negocio del oro negro, llegando a levantar un imperio petrolífero. Pero la ambición se apodera de ella..
Llamad a cualquier puerta
Kid Fingers Carnahan (uncredited)
Un prestigioso abogado liberal, surgido de los barrios bajos y la pobreza, asume la defensa de un joven delincuente acusado de asesinar a un policía.
Manager, Nevada Rest Motel
Como parte de una apuesta, un jugador compulsivo acepta casarse con el ganador, un jugador profesional. Antes de que él pueda "cobrar", ella se escapa de la ciudad. El jugador contrata a un detective privado para localizarla y poder cobrar sus "ganancias".
Mercaderes de ilusiones
Blake - Blue Penguin Inn Proprietor
Un veterano de la Segunda Guerra Mundial decide dedicarse por su cuenta al mundo de la publicidad, pero ve difícil compatibilizar el éxito con la integridad moral.
Seven Keys to Baldpate
Pete the Hermit
Writer Kenneth Magee has bet that he can finish a story at rural resort Baldpate Inn, now closed for the winter. The owner has given him the "only" key to the front door. But there are six other keys, and peculiar characters, some of them up to no good, keep turning up as the mystery deepens.
Dick Tracy's Dilemma
Dick Tracy investigates the theft of a fortune of fur coats, a possible insurance swindle and several murders, all linked to a huge thug who wears a hook in place of his right hand.
El Pecado de Harold Diddlebock
Veintitrés años después de anotar el tanto ganador del equipo de fútbol americano de su colegio, Harold Diddlebock, que ha estado trabajando de contable sin futuro durante años, es despedido por su estirado jefe, el magnate Wagglebury, con nada más que una pequeña pensión.
It's a Joke, Son!
Senator Alexander P. Leeds
Claghorn gets into some financial difficulties and is forced by a machine-political gang to enter a race for state senator against his wife (Una Merkel) who appears to have a good chance to beat the political hack backed by the machine. Claghorn is in to siphon votes and ensure his wife's opponent will win and is expected to run a campaign that will defeat himself and his wife. But, he runs to win and the machine's henchies abduct him.
Rolling Home
Grandpa Crawford
An elderly rodeo rider, his young grandson and their injured horse help transform the lives of various citizens in a small town. Released in 1946.
Cielo azul
Jeffrey - Valet (uncredited)
En el Nueva York de cambio de siglo, un playboy corteja a una joven cantante.
Dos hermanas de Boston
Grandpa Chandler (uncredited)
Dos muchachas de Boston deciden trasladarse a Nueva York. Una de ellas trabaja como cantante en el local de un viejo amigo de la familia, mientras que la otra se enamora del hijo de un importante mecenas de la ópera.
Señal de parada
Al - the Barber
Una bella mujer se debate entre el amor de dos hombres: uno, sin blanca, y el otro, el corrupto dueño de un night club.
¿Ángel o diablo?
Walton Hotel Clerk (uncredited)
Eric Stanton (Dana Andrews) se ve obligado a bajar del autobús en que viaja porque no tiene dinero para todo el trayecto. Es así como llega a un pueblo desconocido, donde empieza a frecuentar un local de comidas, cuya principal atracción es una hermosa camarera llamada Stella. Un clásico del cine negro.
What, No Cigarettes
Uncle Wilbur
There is movement afoot in Edgar Kennedy's house, where he lives with his wife Florence, and reluctantly with Florence's mother and brother. Without Edgar's consent, Florence, mother and brother have decided that Edgar will temporarily move in with brother, while mother will temporarily move in with Florence, giving mother's room to her visiting brother, Wilbur. Uncle Wilbur, an entrepreneur, promises to set brother up in one of his companies, making Edgar's dream come true of getting brother out of his house. But chain smoking Uncle Wilbur vows to renege on his promise unless Edgar can get him some cigarettes after he himself runs out. Edgar may have some problems as there is a cigarette shortage, every smoker clamoring for what few supplies there are. If Edgar can't get cigarettes, he may have to resort to Plan B, which may not be as easy as he imagines. Regardless, lazy brother may do whatever he can to thwart Edgar's plans if only to remain unemployed and in Edgar's house.
Bring on the Girls
Justice of the Peace (uncredited)
Newport Bates es un millonario que, a pesar de todo, se encuentra demasiado solo. Las mujeres se interesan por él únicamente por su dinero. Buscando al amor de su vida, una noche, en un night club, encuentra a una vendedora de cigarrillos a la que oculta su verdadera identidad. Los enredos se suceden cuando entran en juego un amigo de Newport y una chica de la alta sociedad.
The Town Went Wild
Lemuel Jones, Justice of the Peace
Comedy concerning two feuding fathers dealing with the shocking news that their sons were switched at birth, meaning that one of their daughters is about to marry her own brother.
Perdidos en un Harem
Arab Follower (uncredited)
Dos torpes magos ayudan a un príncipe del Medio Oriente a recuperar su legítimo trono de su tío despótico.
El milagro de Morgan Creek
Mayor (uncredited)
La tranquilidad de un pequeño pueblo de Estados Unidos se ve alterada después de un baile al que asistieron algunos soldados. Trudy Kockenlocker (Betty Hutton), una hermosa chica, aparece al día siguiente borracha, con un anillo de casada en el dedo y embarazada de un hombre del que sólo conoce el apellido. Había seis soldados, pero no recuerda quién es el afortunado.
Salve, héroe victorioso
Judge Dennis
Después de ser licenciado del servicio en los Marines por padecer fiebre del heno, Woodrow Lafayette Pershing Truesmith (Eddie Bracken) se siente demasiado avergonzado para volver a su casa. Algunos de sus compañeros lo animan a inventarse una historia según la cual habría resultado herido en combate. Lo que no se espera es que lo reciban como a un héroe de guerra.
Extraña confesión
Man Mailing Letter (uncredited)
Ambientada en Rusia tras la revolución bolchevique (1917). El anciano Conde Wolsky (Edward Everett Horton) va a la editorial que dirige la joven Nadena Kalenin (Anna Lee), pero ella, en un principio, se niega a recibirlo. Sin embargo, accede a hablar con él cuando se entera de la tentadora oferta que quiere hacerle: la publicación de las memorias de Fedor Mikhailovich Petroff (George Sanders).
Diablillos con faldas
Messenger (uncredited)
La película narra las múltiples aventuras de cuatro hermanas, las Angel sisters, todas ellas cantantes y bailarinas, que, en un principio, no quieren actuar juntas.
Sucedió mañana
Boarding House Tenant (uncredited)
Larry Stevens trabaja como reportero del Evening News de Nueva York y está a punto de celebrar sus bodas de oro con su esposa Sylvia y toda su familia. Durante la fiesta, cuenta un extraño hecho que le sucedió a fines del siglo XIX, cuando el viejo Benson, el encargado de la hemeroteca del periódico, al que apenas conocía, le entregó un ejemplar del Evening News que vaticinaba con un día de antelación las noticias que iban a producirse
Alí Babá y los cuarenta ladrones
Little Thief
Alí Babá, hijo del Califa de Bagdad, es criado y protegido por 40 ladrones tras la muerte de su padre a manos de los soldados de Hugalu Khan, un malvado que obtuvo la ayuda del traidor Cassim. Con el tiempo Alí se convierte en el líder de la banda de ladrones, decidido a luchar por la liberación de su país.
Vieja amistad
Frank - Photographer (uncredited)
Adaptación de una obra de teatro de John Van Druten. Dos amigas de la infancia, al hacerse mayores, se convierten en rivales, tanto en el terreno profesional como en el privado. En 1981, George Cukor hizo una nueva versión: "Ricas y famosas", con Jacqueline Bisset y Candice Bergen como protagonistas.
Swing Shift Maisie
Man at Meeting (Uncredited)
Street-smart Maisie from Brooklyn lands a job at an airplane assembly plant during WWII and falls in love with handsome pilot "Breezy" McLaughlin. Breezy, however, falling in love with and getting engaged to Maisie's conniving roommate Iris, doesn't realize she's using him and it's up to Maisie to convince him.
Petticoat Larceny
An 11 year old radio star decides to throw in her scripts and go undercover to get a better feel for her roles, but when she is kidnapped, trouble soon follows in this comedy.
Publisher (uncredited)
Un joven compositor abandona su Kentucky natal para triunfar en Nueva Orleans. Acaba en nueva York, donde vende sus canciones a una editora musical, pero se niega a vender su más atesorada canción, "Dixie".
Hitler's Madman
Dvorak - the Shopkeeper
Despues de las atrocidades cometidas por los nazis en un pueblo checo, Reinhardt Heydrich, un comandante de las SS, es asesinado por unos campesinos.
Taxi, Mister
Disgruntled Former Baseball Player for Bay Ridge Turtles
The owner (William Bendix) of a cab company tries to foil a racketeer.
Slightly Dangerous
Bartender at opera (uncredited)
Una chica de pueblo cambia de identidad para triunfar en Nueva York, y su novio resulta sospechoso de su "desaparición".
Madame Spy
Joan Bannister is the wife of globe-trotting war correspondent David Bannister. Returning to the US, Bannister becomes suspicious when Joan begins keeping company with known Nazi functionaries, notably the sinister Mr. Peter. Suspecting that his own wife may be the elusive “Madame Spy” wanted by American authorities, Bannister is in for quite a few surprises.
Corazones en llamas
Otto Hanson
Mientras el Ranger Don Stuart se enfrenta a un peligroso incendio en un bosque, descubre que ha sido provocado. Sus sospechas recaen sobre una persona, pero no consigue encontrar ninguna prueba que lo vincule con el escenario del crimen.
Un marido rico
Mr. Asweld
Inexplicablemente, un novio y una novia no pueden asistir a su propia boda porque se lo impiden sus dobles, que son los que se casan. Seis años más tarde, el administrador del piso de Park Avenue de Tom y Gerry Jeffers enseña la casa, aunque todavía viven en ella, a otros posibles inquilinos, ya que ellos se han retrasado en el pago del alquiler. Gerry se siente frustrada porque su marido, un arquitecto que intenta sacar adelante sus proyectos, no permite que ella utilice su belleza para conseguir que alguien se los financie. Entonces, Gerry conoce accidentalmente a John D. Hackensacker III, uno de los hombres más ricos del mundo.
Obliging Young Lady
Mr. McIntyre - Linda's Neighbor (uncredited)
A woman attempts to shelter a young girl from the publicity surrounding her socialite parents' divorce.
The Remarkable Andrew
Private Henry Bartholowmew Smith
When Andrew Long, hyper-efficient small town accountant, finds a $1240 discrepancy in the city budget, his superiors try to explain it away. When he insists on pursuing the matter, he's in danger of being blamed himself. In his trouble, the spirit of Andrew Jackson, whom he idolizes, visits him, and in turn, summons much high-powered talent from American history...which only Andrew can see.
La mujer del año
Reporter at Bar (uncredited)
Ésta es la primera película de la famosa pareja formada por Spencer Tracy y Katharine Hepburn. Él es un periodista deportivo, ella, una periodista política que necesita que le recuerden los placeres simples de la vida. Una inteligente comedia de lucha de sexos llena de química y encanto.
Los viajes de Sullivan
Estrenada primero en Portugal el 5 de Diciembre 1941. Obsesionado con la idea de rodar una película sobre la miseria y el sufrimiento, el director de cine John L. Sullivan convence a los ejecutivos del estudio para que le permitan recorrer el país disfrazado de vagabundo antes de empezar a rodar. Después de trabajar como peón para una viuda que espera de él algo más que cortar leña, huye de su casa, pero el camión que lo recoge lo lleva de vuelta a Hollywood. Sintiéndose completamente frustrado, Sully entra en una cafetería, donde conoce a una actriz rubia, que, entusiasmada con su proyecto, decide acompañarlo en su aventura.
New York Town
Burt (uncredited)
Victor Ballard, a happy-go-lucky albeit impoverished sidewalk photographer, shares a New York City studio apartment with Polish immigrant painter Stefan Janowski. The big city doles out joy and misery indiscriminately: In the apartment below Victor and Steve, Gus Nelson learns that his wife has given birth to quintuplets, while the lonely tenant in the apartment below Gus has given up on life and committed suicide.
El intrépido Halcón
Bartender (uncredited)
Primera de una serie de 16 películas producidas entre 1941 y 1949, que tuvieron la intención de reemplazar a "El Santo". Gay Lawrence, alias "The Falcon" es un detective privado al que le apasiona resolver crímenes; todo un caballero inglés que siente una gran debilidad por las mujeres hermosas.
Lejos de la niebla
Jonah Goodwin (Thomas Mitchell) y Olaf Johnson (John Qualen) son dos pescadores a los que el gángster Harold Goff (John Garfield) extorsiona, exigiéndoles dinero a cambio de la protección de su barco. Temerosos de ir a la policía, deciden encargarse personalmente del asunto, tras descubrir que Goff se ha enamorado de la hermosa hija de Jonah (Ida Lupino).
A Shot in the Dark
Hotel Desk Clerk (uncredited)
A reporter and a police detective sort through the clues in a night-club owner's murder.
Las tres noches de Eva
Third Steward (uncredited)
Durante un viaje en un trasatlántico, Charles Pike, un soltero millonario experto en serpientes que vuelve de la jungla, se enamora de Jean Harrington, una jugadora profesional que, junto con su padre, hace trampas con las cartas. Jean, que también se ha enamora de Charlie, decide abandonar el juego pero, cuando Charlie se entera de cuál es su medio de vida, rompe su compromiso con ella. Jean, dolida, intenta vengarse. La oportunidad se presenta cuando Los Harrington se encuentran con un estafador amigo suyo. Entonces Jean decide hacerse pasar por su sobrina: Lady Eve Sidwich. Charlie conoce en una fiesta a Lady Eve y queda anonadado por su parecido con Jean.
Ridin' on a Rainbow
When the showboat hits town, two men use the parade as a distraction to rob the bank. Their accomplice is Pop, the clown from the showboat. He leaves the money on the boat and tells his daughter Patsy to bring it to him at a later stop on the river. Gene's investigation of a bank robbery takes him to the showboat where he becomes a performer. Gene and Frog try to find the money while helping Patsy and her father.
Let's Make Music
An elderly schoolmarm makes a hit in New York after a bandleader jazzes up her corny song.
Al fin solos
Mr. Dunn
Danny y Hank son dos estudiantes de trompeta que han estado siete años estudiando y tocando juntos en la banda de la universidad. Los dos compiten en el trabajo y en el amor para conseguir los favores de su mánager, la bella Ellen Miller.
Navidades en Julio
Arbuster (uncredited)
Jimmy McDonald, empleado de la Compañía Cafetera Baxter, se niega a casarse con su novia, Betty Casey, hasta que no haya prosperado. Para ver cumplido su sueño, Jimmy, al que le encanta participar en concursos, envía un lema al concurso de la Compañía Cafetera Maxford. Tres de sus amigos deciden gastarle una broma y le mandan un telegrama diciéndole que ha ganado los 25.000 dólares del primer premio. Jimmy, Betty y toda la oficina empiezan a celebrarlo. El señor Baxter piensa que las ideas de Jimmy deben ser buenas y le asciende al departamento de publicidad. Pero aparece el señor Maxford y denuncia a Jimmy... (FILMAFFINITY)
Ángeles sobre Broadway
Pawn Shop Proprietor (uncredited)
Bill O'Brien es un gángster que se asocia con una bailarina sin éxito para realizar una estafa que le permitiría resolver sus problemas económicos.
Charlie Chan at the Wax Museum
Tour Bus Barker
A wax museum run by a demented doctor contains statues of such crime figures as Jack the Ripper and Bluebeard. In addition to making wax statues the doctor performs plastic surgery. It is here that an arch fiend takes refuge. The museum also houses a statue of Charlie. Frustrated number-two son kicks statue in rear; oops, number-two son wrong in his assumption
El gran McGinty
The Lookout - At Felgman's
Estados Unidos, años 30. Durante la Gran Depresión, un vagabundo es reclutado por un partido político de su ciudad para colaborar en un fraude electoral.
The Way of All Flesh
Second Hobo
Paul Kriza is a cashier of a bank in a small town, and the happy husband of Anna and the father of four children. He is sent to New York to deliver some securities for the bank. There, he is tagged as easy-pickings by a con-game gang and Mary Brown, gang accomplice, proves he is. Waking up in the morning he discovers he has been robbed of the securities and, when he confronts the gang, he is hit on the head and taken out to be left on a railroad track. He comes to, struggles with the henchman and the man is killed when a train comes roaring by. Paul escapes but his watch is found and he is reported as the dead man. But he can't go home again.
Stock Guard
Set against the backdrop of WWI Europe, a man and woman of different classes are brought together by their love of Lippizan horses.
Edison, el hombre
Mediante flashback, un Edison de 82 años narra su vida desde su llegada a Nueva York con 22 años, cuando ya empezó a hacer sus pinitos en el mundo de la invención.
Two Girls on Broadway
Poem Vendor (uncredited)
Dos hermanas entran a trabajar en un musical, una como bailarina y la otra vendiendo cigarrillos. El productor, novio de la bailarina, pronto se da cuenta de que está enamorado de la otra hermana.
King of the Lumberjacks
Jimmy, the Piano Player (uncredited)
Outdoor drama about a newly-hired lumberjack discovering that his former girlfriend is now his new boss's wife.
My Little Chickadee
Squawk Mulligan - Bartender (uncredited)
While on her way by stagecoach to visit relatives out west, Flower Belle Lee is held up by a masked bandit who also takes the coach's shipment of gold. When he abducts Flower Belle and they arrive in town, Flower Belle is suspected of being in collusion with the bandit.
Calling Philo Vance
Dr. Doremus - Coroner
Philo is in Vienna working for the US Government to see if Archer Coe is selling aircraft designs to foreign powers. He grabs the plans with Archer's signature, but is captured by police before he can escape. Deported he comes back to America and plans to confront Archer, but Archer is found dead in his locked bedroom with a gun in his hand. While it looks like a suicide, Vance knows better and the coroner finds that Archer has been shot, hit with a blunt instrument and stabbed - making suicide unlikely. But Vance is on the case and is looking to see if government secrets have been sold and who has murdered Coe. This is a remake of "The Kennel Murder Case" using aircraft designs and espionage instead of Chinese porcelain and dog shows.
The Amazing Mr. Williams
Master of Ceremonies (uncredited)
Kenny Williams, a lieutenant on the homicide squad, is engaged to Maxine Carroll, the Mayor's secretary. Or isn't he rather married with his job? For each time he has a date with his longtime fiancée, he is prevented from keeping it by his devotion to duty. Maxine, in desperation, decides to take action and bring Kenny to the altar. Who will win, Maxine's curves or the glorious fight against crime?
$1,000 a Touchdown
Sheriff (uncredited)
A couple inherits a college and to generate revenue offers a thousand dollars to players for each touchdown they score.
No Place to Go
An elderly war veteran feels lonely and unwanted while living with his son and daughter-in-law, but he learns his life still has purpose when he befriends a neighborhood child with a troubled family life.
Torchy Runs for Mayor
Coroner (uncredited)
Torchy conducts a one woman campaign against a corrupt mayor and crime boss, and when the reform candidate is murdered, she takes up the banner.
Nancy Drew... Reporter
Newspaper Morgue-Keeper (uncredited)
Mientras participa en un concurso del periódico local en el que se les pide a los escolares que envíen una noticia, la hija del abogado local Carson Drew, Nancy, intercepta una asignación de historia real. Ella "cubre" la investigación de la muerte de una mujer que fue envenenada. Nancy no cree que la joven acusada del crimen sea culpable y acorrala a su vecino Ted para que busque una evidencia vital y tropieza con la identidad del verdadero asesino.
La delicia de los idiotas
En los Alpes, en vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), dos estafadores profesionales se conocen durante un espectáculo burlesco. Tras el estallido de la guerra, vuelven a encontrarse en Francia, pero ella va acompañada por un odioso barón, que se dedica al tráfico de armas y que cree que ella es una exiliada rusa.
Comet Over Broadway
Burlesque Comic (uncredited)
Story of a rising stage star and the trouble she causes by her ambition.
The Shining Hour
Man Shaving on Plane (uncredited)
A nightclub dancer shakes the foundations of a wealthy farming family after she marries into it.
Hard to Get
Dour Diner (uncredited)
Cuando la mimada y rica heredera Maggie Richards intenta poner gasolina en un camping dirigido por Bill Davis, éste la obliga a pagar la deuda haciendo las camas. Con ánimo vengativo, ella finge perdonarle y le envía a su padre para que financie un plan de Bill. Lo que ocurre a continuación no formaba parte de su plan original...
Broadway Musketeers
Hobart Skinner
Three women who grew up in an orphanage cross paths later in life: one unhappily married with a young daughter, one an office secretary, and one a nightclub performer.
Smashing the Rackets
Jim 'Socker' Conway, former boxer and FBI hero, is maneuvered for political reasons into a do-nothing job in the district attorney's office. Meanwhile, he meets wild debutante Letty Lane, girlfriend of mob mouthpiece Steve Lawrence; and Letty's much nicer sister Susan. Now the slot machine gang brutally beats Jim's friends Franz and Otto. And Jim finds a way to use his nominal position to go into the racket- busting business. But his success puts Letty in deadly peril...
Prison Farm
Dave, the Grocer
Shirley Ross plays an innocent young girl convicted for complicity in a crime committed by her boy friend (Lloyd Nolan). The male crook is sentence to six months on a prison farm populated by both men and women (segregated, of course). Ross is also incarcerated, suffering the cruelties of the sadistic male and female guards (including J. Carroll Naish and future "Ma Kettle" Marjorie Main!)
Cocoanut Grove
Motel Proprietor
Band tries to get an audition for a job at a prestigious nightclub.
Torchy Blane in Panama
Botkin (as James Conlon)
Torchy, Steve, and Gahagan are on the trail of a bank robber aboard an ocean liner traveling from New York to L.A. via the Panama Canal.
Over the Wall
Davis' Handler
When a singing, song-writing prizefighter is framed for murder and sent to the state pen, his girlfriend sets out to prove his innocence.
He Couldn't Say No
Ambulance Driver
A lowly office clerk angers his fiancee and future mother-in-law by spending money intended for marriage furniture on a statue of a pretty girl, which he refuses to part with at any cost.
Blondes at Work
Coroner (uncredited)
When a rival newspaper publisher complains to his captain about possible collusion between himself and reporter Torchy Blane on scooping her rivals in crime news reporting, Det. Lt. Steve McBride determines to thwart her efforts to get inside information - and she determines to go on getting it, by whatever means necessary.
Elevator Operator (Uncredited)
Después de un desgraciado matrimonio con un delincuente, Jessie, una mujer que desea abandonar el humilde barrio de Nueva York en el que siempre ha vivido, hace realidad su sueño cuando conoce al naviero Hennessey.
Crashing Hollywood
A true-to-life gangster movie stirs up an all out mob assault on Hollywood.
The Adventurous Blonde
Dr. Bolger, coroner
The third of nine Torchy Blane movies. Angry that police detective Steve McBride (Barton MacLane) is giving preferential treatment to his reporter-fiancée, Torchy Blane (Glenda Farrell), reporters from a rival newspaper plan a fake murder with the idea that Torchy's paper will print the story and look foolish. The tables are turned when the fake murder turns out to be the genuine article.
Living on Love
Man with Monkey
A man and woman, who've never met, are forced by circumstances to share the same apartment. A remake of the 1933 film "Rafter Romance".
Capitanes intrépidos
Martin (uncredited)
Harvey, el hijo arrogante y malcriado de un padre poco cariñoso, cae por la borda de un barco de vapor transatlántico y es rescatado por un barco de pesca en el Gran Banco de Terranova. Harvey trata de convencerles para que lo lleven a tierra alardeando de su riqueza ante la tripulación, aunque nadie le toma en serio. El capitán le ofrece un trabajo mal pagado hasta que regresen a puerto. El duro trabajo como uno más de la tripulación convierte al joven en un hombre maduro y considerado.
Un hospital en las nubes
Nosey Watson
El doctor Jim Stanton (John Beal) es un prestigioso cirujano traumatizado por las muertes de un accidente de avión que él pilotaba. Expulsado de su hospital por el escándalo, Jim se marcha a California con la esperanza de empezar una nueva vida bajo una nueva identidad. Conoce entonces a Doris (Joan Fontaine), una enfermera que se las ingenia para que Jim maneje durante una urgencia el avión-ambulancia en el que ella trabaja, logrando así demostrarse a si mismo su valía.
Rose Bowl
Browning Hills (as James Conlin)
Paddy O'Riley and Ossie Merrill, Bellport high school football heroes, enroll in distant colleges; Paddy at a small school in the East, where he is barely a substitute, and Ossie at a powerhouse-football school, where he is an instant star and all-American candidate. They leave behind Cheers Reynolds, who is fond of Paddy, who works in her family's drugstore, but she loves Ossie almost as much as he loves himself. Paddy makes friends with team fullback Dutch Schultz, who accompanies him on vacation, and they arrive back in Bellport just as Ossie is also coming home on break. Florence Taylor is also in town on a film junket. Unknown to any of the others, Paddy and Florence had gone to high school together. Back at school and three years later, Paddy and Dutch learn that their football team could get invited to the coveted Rose Bowl to play against Ossie's team, if it could get enough publicity (pre-BCS days) that would attract a large crowd...
The Accusing Finger
(scene deleted)
A proud, pro-capital punishment district attorney with a 90% execution rate, finds himself wrongly convicted of murdering his estranged wife and sentenced to die. The woman he loves and his investigator rival for her affections rally to find the real killer, while he is confronted by the misery of life on death row.
And Sudden Death
Mr. Tweets
An heiress with a penchant for speeding runs afoul of a traffic cop. Romance develops between the two, but it's soon complicated when he believes she is responsible for killing someone due to reckless driving.
Rose Marie
Joe - Piano Player (uncredited)
La cantante de ópera (Marie de Flor) busca a su hermano fugitivo en el desierto canadiense. Durante su viaje, conoce a un policía montado canadiense (Sgt. Bruce), que también está en busca de su hermano. El romance se produce...
The Bride Comes Home
Len Noble
A penniless socialite is hired by two young men as a front in their plan to start a magazine. Soon, however, they find themselves more interested in her than in their publishing venture.
Handy Andy
Henry (uncredited)
A small-town druggist is henpecked by his social-climbing wife to sell his pharmacy to a national chain. In addition, she tries to set up her pretty young daughter with the nitwit son of the chain's owner, even though the girl is in love with the handsome son of the town doctor. Finally the druggist decides he's had enough and takes matters into his own hands.
Aprendió de los marinos
Irate Neighbor
Jean, que canta en un club nocturno de Shanghai, se enamora de un marino, pero él parte hacia Estados Unidos y le escribe una carta para comunicarle que no puede mantenerla. Dos chistosos interceptan la carta y la reescriben en sentido opuesto...
City Limits
Napoleon, Second Hobo
The wealthy president of a big railroad, who's beginning to crumble under the combined pressure of business, personal and physical problems, meets up with a pair of hoboes from whom he starts to learn how to really enjoy life in ways he never knew were possible.
Cross Country Cruise
A young woman is involved with a married man, although she does not know that he is married. He kills his jealous wife and implicates her in the murder. However, a playboy character who had been flirting with the woman earlier turns amateur detective and clears her.
College Humor
Dr. Mandel
Un profesor y la estrella del equipo de fútbol americano se enamoran de la misma chica.
Grand Slam
Oscar Smelt
A Russian waiter in New York City becomes a national celebrity after he develops a "system" for winning at contract bridge.
Sharps and Flats
Jimmy Conlin and Myrtle Glass perform a short vaudeville routine.