Steve Pendleton
Nacimiento : 1908-09-16, Harlem, New York City, New York, USA
Muerte : 1984-10-03
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Steve Pendleton (September 16, 1908 – October 3, 1984) was an American film and television actor, often cast in the role of law-enforcement officers.
Pendleton was cast in eight episodes in different roles from 1952 to 1957 on The Roy Rogers Show. In 1955, he played the role of Baumer in "Gold of Haunted Mountain" of the CBS drama, Brave Eagle. In another 1955 appearance, he was cast as Captain Kenneth McNabb in "The Fight for Texas" of the syndicated western series, Buffalo Bill, Jr. In 1956, he was cast as Bill Mathison in the episode "The Long Weekend" of the then CBS military drama, Navy Log. In 1957, he appeared on two episodes of William Bendix's NBC situation comedy, The Life of Riley. In 1958, he played Marshal Purvis in "Star Witness" of another syndicated western series, Casey Jones, with Alan Hale, Jr., in the title role. In 1959 he portrayed Sheriff Anderson in "The Louisiana Dude" of the CBS western series Yancy Derringer.
Pendleton was cast in two roles in a total of twelve episodes broadcast between 1956 and 1961 of the ABC/Desilu western television series, The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp, with Hugh O'Brian in the title role of deputy marshal Wyatt Earp. He played a United States Army mayor, Benteen, in five segments, including "Dull Knife Strikes for Freedom" (May 7, 1957). In this segment, the actor Ian MacDonald is cast as Dull Knife, a Cheyenne chief, who leads his tribe from its reservation in Oklahoma Territory to their homeland in Montana, which they claim the U.S. government had promised them. Benteen has orders to prevent the Indians from passing through. Pendleton also appeared in seven other series episodes as the character Thacker.
In 1960, Pendleton was cast as Marshal McCoy in "The Town That Wasn't There" of the ABC/Warner Brothers western series, Maverick. That same year, he played deputy Kelsey, with Lee Van Cleef as deputy Clyde Wilson, in the episode "Man on a Mountain" of another ABC/WB western, Lawman. In 1961, he portrayed deputy marshal Ben Johnson in the episode "Death Trap" of the ABC western series, The Rifleman, starring Chuck Connors.
In 1967, he played Mr. Hutchins in the episode "Howard and Millie" of the CBS sitcom, The Andy Griffith Show. From 1968 to 1970, he had a recurring role as Mr. Bennett in six episodes of the NBC sitcom, Julia, starring Diahann Carroll.
His last role was as a businessman on the 1976 episode "The Reformer" of William Conrad's CBS crime drama, Cannon. Pendleton died at the age of seventy-six in Pasadena, California.
Destroyer Captain (uncredited)
Tora! Tora! Tora! es la señal japonesa para atacar. La película reproduce de manera meticulosa el ataque a Pearl Harbor y todos los hechos que le precedieron. Las primeras escenas nos muestran las diferencias entre ambas posturas: por una parte los imperialistas japoneses deciden realizar un ataque por etapas, por otro lado los altos mandos del ejército americano ignoran esta posibilidad. A pesar de que algunos mensajes interceptados a los japoneses advertían de este peligro, éstos nunca llegaron a las manos de la alta comandancia del ejército americano. Los avisos de los radares son ignorados, incluso la caza de un submarino japonés en Pearl Harbor antes del ataque no se reporta.
Rick Bowman, a drag racing street punk, comes to the attention of crafty businessman Grant Willard. Willard bails him out of jail and offers him sponsorship as a stock car driver. Bowman accepts and enters the demolition derby-adjacent world of "figure eight" racing. As Bowman moves up in the ranks, his regard for his friends slips-- giving way to outright obsession with becoming the best.
Major Taylor (uncredited)
Once amigos, compañeros de armas en la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), planean robar, en una sola noche, cinco de los mayores casinos de Las Vegas. En el año 2001 Steven Soderbergh hizo un remake con un gran reparto: George Clooney, Brad Pitt y Julia Roberts.
Having gained a measure of TV fame by 1958, the nightclub comedy duo of Dan Rowan and Dick Martin decided to give movies a try with Once Upon a Horse. Dan and Dick play Dan Casey and Doc Logan, a pair of nitwitted cowboys who turn to outlawry because they can't make a go at any honest profession. Stealing a valuable herd of cattle, the boys' dreams of financial security are dashed when they're forced to raise money to feed their stolen bovines. Martha Hyer costars as Miss Amity Babb, a resourceful saloon hall owner who applies 20th century business methods to her 19th century operation.
Un ejecutivo publicitario descubre que su trabajo entra en conflicto con su amor por una modelo.
Lt. Col. Graham (uncredited)
Guerra Fría. Desde que realizaron un vuelo de prueba en la guerra de Corea (1950-1953), el sargento Chuck Brennan (Karl Malden), mecánico de aviones, no le tiene ninguna simpatía al célebre piloto Jim Herlihy (Efrem Zimbalist, Jr.). Pero Brennan tiene ahora un motivo más importante para detestarlo: Jim tiene un romance con su hija (Natalie Wood). Pero los conflictos personales o domésticos no pueden en modo alguno perturbar las relaciones entre hombres que tienen la obligación de estar preparados incluso en tiempos de paz. La puesta a punto de un nuevo avión: el Stratofortress B-52 de 200 toneladas, exige que el trabajo de equipo sea perfecto.
Deputy Bob Watkins
A woman marries a man for his wealth, then concocts a plan to kill him, take his money, and run off with her lover. Things go wrong when they accidentally kill the wrong person.
Captain Reynolds
A mental patient with a violent past is released from the institution, against the advice of his doctors, and sent back to his old neighborhood. Was he released too soon?
Curt Leslie
A short feature western comprised of two episodes of the TV series 'Wild Bill Hickok': "A Close Shave for the Marshal" (6/16/1952) and "Ghost Rider" (4/7/1952).
Two episodes of the TV series "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature.
Court-Martial Board Member (uncredited)
El estricto capitán Queeg (Bogart), un hombre aquejado de agotamiento nervioso y fobias neuróticas, asume el mando del Caine, un dragaminas norteamericano cuya tripulación carece de disciplina. En contra de la opinión de los demás oficiales, introduce cambios y toma medidas tan arbitrarias que la tripulación empieza a considerarlo un neurótico peligroso. Durante una tempestad, Queeg pierde el control de la nave; entonces, el segundo oficial lo obliga a dejar el mando y lo releva. Este incidente dará lugar a un consejo de guerra.
FBI Agent Briggs
El científico atómico y piloto Doug Martin está desaparecido después que su avión se estrella en una misión de reconocimiento tras una prueba nuclear. Milagrosamente aparece ileso en la base tiempo después, pero las autoridades se muestran escépticas frente a su historia de que fue capturado por extraterrestres decididos a conquistar el mundo. Doug se compromete a utilizar la tecnología existente para destruir a los alienígenas.
Glenn Miller fue uno de los más famosos músicos de jazz de la "era del swing". En 1925 empezó a tocar el trombón en una pequeña banda de provincias y, después de una gira por pueblos y ciudades, se instaló en Nueva York. Hasta allí llegó su novia para casarse. La boda fue una histórica sesión musical dirigida por el gran Louis Armstrong. A partir de entonces la carrera de Glenn Miller estuvo llena de éxitos.
Two episodes of "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature.
(archive footage)
Two episodes of the TV series "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature.
Posse Member
Rocky Lane arrives at the town of Bear Creek to help insure the safe arrival of forty thousand dollars the citizens have raised to build a new hospital. After one of the town's doctors is killed in an ambush, Rocky devises a plan with the remaining doctor and sheriff to smoke out the bad guys.
Sgt. Morse
A trio of singers is entertaining wounded soldiers of WWII. They encourage a mutilated soldier in his love to a nurse.
El comandante de un submarino ha de enfrentarse a sus propios demonios cuando se le asigna una peligrosa misión, al principio de la guerra de Corea. (FILMAFFINIT)
Sam White
At the end of the Civil War, Sam White returns home to his ranch in the Texas ranch -The Panhandle - to find it in the hands of a gang of outlaws
Policeman at Roadblock (uncredited)
Una noche, el joven médico Jeff Cameron (Robert Mitchum) conoce a Margo (Faith Domergue), que ha ingresado en el hospital después de un intento de suicidio. Aunque se trata de una mujer casada, enseguida se enamoran y empiezan a verse. Accidentalmente, el marido de Margo es asesinado. Así las cosas, deciden irse juntos a México para eludir la acción de la Justicia.
Capt. Prescott
El Coronel York combate a los apaches desde su fuerte cercano a la frontera con México. Su hijo, que ha fracasado en West Pont, se alista a su regimiento. Dispuesta a sacarlo de allí, también llega al fuerte la esposa de York. Es el reencuentro del matrimonio tras muchos años de separación. En medio de un agrio conflicto familiar, la lucha contra los indios se recrudece.
Walter Kimball (as Gaylord Pendleton)
Roy puts a stop to gun smuggling.
Charlie Ford (as Gaylord Pendleton)
Tubercular Frank James has become a born again and retired from his career as an outlaw with his family but a look-a-like outlaw causes suspicion to fall back on him.
Joe - Airport Attendant (uncredited)
Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), una organización mafiosa dirigida por un tal Palinov se dedica al tráfico ilegal de personas que desean entrar en los Estados Unidos. Karczag Peter, un agente de los servicios de inmigración americanos, es enviado a La Habana, donde debe hacerse pasar por húngaro y encontrar a Palinov. Durante su peligrosa investigación, se enamora de la refugiada Marianne Lorress.
A young man who steals valuable Oriental objects for a lady friend who operates an antique shop gets mixed up in a twisted murder plot.
Marshal Bill Faugh
Jim Bannon is back as enduring cowboy hero Red Ryder in Eagle-Lion's Roll, Thunder, Roll. As ever, Ryder's cohorts are Little Beaver and the Duchess, here played by "Little Brown Jug" (aka Don Kay Reynolds) and Marin Sais. This time, Ryder tries to prove that a series of cattle raids and ranch fires were not the handiwork of masked Mexican do-gooder El Conejo (I. Stanford Jolley).
Murph, the undercover man (as Gaylord Pendleton)
An arson investigator goes undercover to break up a ring that sets fires in order to collect the insurance.
Johnny Allegro regenta tranquilamente una floristería, cuando una misteriosa mujer le pide ayuda para escapar de unos hombres que la persiguen. Pero Johnny no es quien parece ser -tiene un pasado oscuro y cuentas pendientes con la justicia- por lo que la policía le propone un trato: olvidar su pasado a cambio de información sobre los turbios negocios de la misteriosa mujer.
Det. Sgt. Hill
Joseph Foster (Thomas Mitchell) es un honrado fiscal de distrito que anda tras un gangster local. Un día, un misterioso hombre llamado Nick Beal (Ray Milland) le hace una oferta para atraparlo. Foster acepta y ese pacto tendrá consecuencias...
Detective (uncredited)
Película rodada en estilo casi documental que relata la caza de un ladrón que asesina a sangre fría a un policía y que es perseguido por las calles de Los Ángeles. Los policías siguen su rastro hasta las mismas alcantarillas de la ciudad.
Gerry Brooks
Riding the plains with Little Beaver and Buckskin Blodgett, Red Ryder encounters bandits trying to hold up the stagecoach carrying Libby Brooks, owner of the Devil's Hole newspaper
George Montgomery (as Gaylord Pendleton)
Hank Wilson is a driver for a truck for a big transportation company which is in financial straits. He is in love with Doris Lacy, a waitress at the truck-stop where the company has its truck fleet serviced. Frequent accidents near the place leads the company to hire a private detective to investigate, and when the detective is murdered Hank is arrested as a suspect. The insurance company that covers the fleet has him released and he is sent back to work with instructions to investigate the accidents on his own. The trail leads to the uncle of Doris, and one of the part-owners of the company.
RAF Officer
El tío Rollo finalmente se retira a la casa en la que él fue criado. Perdido en los pensamientos de su amor perdido, Lark, él no quiere ser molestado en sus útimos días. Sin embargo, la aparición de su sobrina y el romance entre ella y el sobrino de su Lark, hace que él reconsidere su vida y ofrezca algún consejo a la joven pareja para que no caigan en el mismo error que cometió, hace ya muchos años.
Police Detective Gaines
A security leak is found at a Southern California atomic plant. The authorities stand in fear that the information leaked would go to a hostile nation. To investigate the case more efficiently, Dan O'Hara, an FBI agent, and Philip Grayson, a Scotland Yard sleuth, join forces. Will they manage to stop the spy ring from achieving their aim?
Gen. Prescott
Sintiéndose responsable de la muerte del Capitán Daniels, el cadete Rocky Gilman visita a su viuda y entre ellos surge el amor. Ella lo anima a ir a West Point para someterse al interrogatorio de la comisión encargada de investigar el caso.
Gordon Melrose
A World War II European orphan, Paul, has lost all faith in humanity. Brought to the United States by Father Mathew, Paul's confidence and faith are gradually restored through his close association with a dog, Rin-Tin-Tin.
Jeff Owens
The swamp folk of the deep Okefenokee live a brutal primitive life untouched by modern times - they support themselves by hunting alligators and selling them to the outside world. Jeff returns home from college with an engineering degree and dreams of bringing modern medical care and education to the swamps. He is immediately confronted by his old boyhood rival, "Gator-Bait" Blair, who thinks things are just fine the way the are. "Gator" whips the ignorant locals into a frenzy of fear and resistance. When Jeff is unintimidated by their threats, Blair sets out to stop his plans once and for all - with a rifle.
Scorer (uncredited)
Alvin C. York es un joven y trabajador campesino que vive en una de las numerosas granjas de los montes de Cumberland, en el estado de Tennessee. Sólo tiene un defecto: la bebida. Alvin está enamorado de una muchacha, cuya familia de clase alta impide el matrimonio. Basada en hechos reales.
Tim MacGregor, unscrupulous lumber operator, obtains by bribery a contract to cut a vast quantity of timber from land owned by Kay Handley, rich débutante. When Dick O'Hara, forestry inspector, demands a postponement, MacGrgeor refuses and sends his henchman, Jean Collet, to obtain the services of the famous "bull-of-the-woods" Andy Jensen and his partner "Lucky." Kay arrives and gives her permission to cut the timber, defying Dick. Dick, with his two assistants, Withers and "Tex," begins a survey of the timber stand. When Dick and Tex finally reveal MacGrgeor as a crook, Collet is sent to kill "Tex" and obtain the reports. A fight ensues and "Lucky" is killed by one of Collet's flying knives. Kay then admits that Dick is right and helps him trap Collet. Dick and Andy force a confession from Collet and MacGregor is exposed.
North Island Tower Operator
Para cubrir la baja de un piloto muerto en acto de servicio, el ejército envía a Alan Drake de la academia de Pensacola a la base de los fabulosos Hellcats en San Diego. Allí, para ganarse un puesto, tendrá que mostrar su habilidad a bordo de un Grumman F3F -3 biplano, enfrentándose tanto al peligro como a sus propios sentimientos.
Young Marksman (uncredited)
This MGM John Nesbitt's Passing Parade series short takes a look at the origins of North American slang.
Football Player #12 (uncredited)
The story of legendary Notre Dame football player and coach Knute Rockne.
Tommy Dale
Brad Henderson arrives in Star City just in time to witness three men rob a bank of $30,000 and kill a teller. Charged for the crime and jailed, Brad realizes he must escape and track down the real killers since the only one who can prove his innocence is his friend, Sheriff Bill Gregory, who has been shot and will not soon regain consciousness. Chasing down the robbers one by one, he eventually discovers the identity of the gang's ringleader.
The future of a group of strangely connected lives is determined on one crucial night at a dinky motel in the desert.
A couple can't make ends meet. He is an airplane mechanic and makes extra money testing planes. When the baby arrives things get better.
Sailor is going to marry his girlfriend when he returns, but she becomes foster mother to baby whose parents are accidentally killed. The baby is accidentally left on board a visiting battleship.
Jerry Calhoun
It's 1860 and the old Spanish land grants are being surveyed. Montez is after part of Don Regas' rancho and gets the surveyor to alter the boundary. But Don Regas still has the original grant written on a bandanna. Montez sends Indians after it but Bill Cody and Gabby fight them off and a wounded Gabby unknowingly ends up with the missing million dollar deed wrapped around his arm for a bandage.
Gordon Wycott (uncredited)
Josh Mallon (Crosby) es un millonario que, harto de esa vida, escapa de su dominante padre (Charles Coburn) y, junto a un vagabundo (Bob Hope), viaja hasta Singapur donde encontrará a una atractiva nativa (Dorothy Lamour) que trabaja en un cabaret para un individuo con pocos escrúpulos (Anthony Quinn).
Gas Station Attendant #2 in Needles (uncredited)
Tom Joad regresa a su hogar tras cumplir condena en prisión, pero la ilusión de volver a ver a los suyos se transforma en frustración al ver cómo los expulsan de sus tierras. Para escapar al hambre y a la pobreza, la familia no tiene más remedio que emprender un larguísimo viaje lleno de penalidades con la esperanza de encontrar una oportunidad en California, la tierra prometida.
Prosecuting Attorne
A divorce lawyer prospers as a gambling tycoon.
Pvt. Young
El esfuerzo del ejército para capturar al jefe de Apache, Gerónimo, que lidera una banda de guerreros en un alboroto de asaltos y asesinatos, se ve obstaculizado por una disputa entre dos oficiales, que son padre e hijo.
Jim Tanner (uncredited)
A retired lawman gets back into action to fight political corruption.
Lawrence Carpenter (as Gaylord Pendleton)
Adaptación de una novela de Lloyd C. Douglas ("Sublime obsesión", "La túnica sagrada"), cuyos protagonistas son médicos que tienen concepciones contrapuestas de su profesión: unos son idealistas, y otros materialistas.
Naval Courier (uncredited)
Un agente del FBI (Robinson) investiga una amplia red de espionaje nazi que opera en Estados Unidos. Sus contactos llegarán hasta Suramérica y Europa. Se trata de una de las pocas películas del género antinazi rodadas antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, época en la que los Estados Unidos y, por consiguiente, Hollywood seguían una política aislacionista.
Adjutant (uncredited)
Vernon Castle, que se gana la vida como actor cómico de segunda fila, conoce en una playa a Irene, quien ve en él grandes aptitudes como bailarín. Ambos se enamoran y poco después se casan. Irene convence a Vernon para formar juntos una pareja de baile. Un malentendido les lleva a París, donde en realidad sólo le querían a él para interpretar un grotesco número cómico de vaudeville. La suerte, sin embargo, les sonríe de inmediato: una empresaria pone sus ojos en ellos y les hace debutar en el Café de París. Vernon e Irene triunfan por todo lo alto en el mundo de la moda. Pero estalla la guerra y Vernon siente la necesidad de alistarse.
Cadet Ormsby
Dos hermanos pilotos de aviación se disputan la misma mujer.
Cadet Rains
Un arrogante estudiante de Cambridge emigra a Estados Unidos y se enrola en West Point.
Mary's Brother
Charley falls for a waitress who mistakes him for a gangster.
Narra las andanzas de una caprichosa y alocada heredera que, para salvar un escollo testamentario, decide encontrar marido, lo antes posible, aunque sea pagando... Con lo que no contaba es con que podría enamorarse.
Camp Waiter (uncredited)
Teddy Shaw, a bored New York office girl, goes to a camp in the Catskill Mountains for rest and finds Chick Kirkland.
When Mountain City racketeer Charles Gillette is acquitted, he arrives at the Mountain City World newsroom and vows revenge on the Better Government Committee who put him behind bars. Members of the committee include Colonel Bogardus, owner of the World , Horace Mitchell, a candidate for mayor, and Mr. Franklin, a department store owner. First Gillette buys a rival newspaper, the Sentinel , and offers a pricey editorship to World newsman Ralph Houston, who refuses the offer on principle. That evening, Ralph and his partner, Tod Swain, are greeted at home by a creditor, and Vina Swain, Ralph's fiancée, is furious to find out he turned down Gillette's offer. When she learns Ralph went into debt to put her through college, she warns Gillette of a police raid and pays back Ralph's debt with Gillette's renumeration. When Ralph orders Vina not to work for Gillette, she breaks their engagement.
Martin Gang Member
A radio reporter sets out to rescue his ex-girlfriend when she is kidnapped by gangsters.
Soldier (uncredited)
Jimmy Davis se convierte en un héroe matando alemanes durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, pero resulta gravemente herido. Durante su estancia en el hospital se enamora de Rose, una enfermera que a su vez está enamorada de Fred, compañero de Jimmy. Fred es capturado pero ambos piensan que está muerto al no volver del campo de batalla, así que comienzan planes de boda. Cuando Fred aparece no se opone al matrimonio de ellos a pesar de quedar destrozado emocionalmente. Finalizada la guerra, Fred se encuentra con Jimmy y descubre que es un mafioso
Jones (as Gaylord Pendleton)
Dr. Kildare treats and falls for impoverished ex-con Janet Healy, widow of a bank robber, who can't find her baby. Later she helps Kildare sew up gangster Hanlon in a tavern back room. Kildare pursues Janet and enlists Hanlon to help her; the gangster's solution, not surprisingly, is violent.
Dennis Daly
Irlanda 1922. Traición entre amigos para un conocido filme de Ford. Rodada en apenas 3 semanas. En el agitado Dublín de los años veinte, Gypo Nolan, un tipo sin oficio ni beneficio, expulsado del Ejército de Liberación Irlandés y con tendencia a empinar el codo, sueña con viajar a Estados Unidos en compañía de su novia, Katie, que se gana la vida como prostituta. Animado por la recompensa que ofrecen las autoridades, Gypo delata el paradero del activista Frankie McPhillip, un viejo amigo y compañero.
A man gets hit on the head and decides to give his fortune to artists.
Brother in Play (uncredited)
Oscar Jaffe (John Barrymore) es un dramaturgo y director teatral de Broadway que goza de gran prestigio, pero que tiene un carácter insoportable. En uno de los castings conoce a una joven actriz llamada Mildred (Carole Lombard), a la que escoge como protagonista de su obra. La rebautiza con el nombre de Lily Garland, que resulta mucho más comercial y llamativo. El estreno es un éxito de crítica y público, y la actriz se convierte en una estrella de Hollywood.
John Z. Blake
When attacked by two dogs, Joe Gilmore leaves them on the desert to die. Later one of the dogs saves John Blake from drowning. Men arrive claiming the dog is killing their chickens. They want to kill the dog but John convinces them the dog's fate should be determined by a trial.
Tom Halloway
Adventure ensues as Judy Halloway arrives in Arizona to visit her brother, Tom.
Joshua Townsman
Looking for his missing father, Joe Gordon heads into the desert where Elders from a secret village find him unconscious. Attracted to Sheilla O'Neill, the two plan an escape from the village where no one is allowed to leave. But then he learns his father is being held prisoner and finding him, he is also made a prisoner.
Mientras interpreta la escena final de "El beso de la muerte", el protagonista muere asesinado. Los sospechosos son muchos, pues ha flirteado, actuado o contraido matrimonio con casi todas las mujeres del estudio. Cuando la protagonista es detenida, un guionista del estudio empieza a investigar el asesinato para demostrar su inocencia. (FILMAFFINIT)
Sally's Beau (uncredited)
Wealthy Jervis Pendleton acts as benefactor for orphan Judy Abbott, anonymously sponsoring her in her boarding school. But as she grows up, he finds himself falling in love with her, and she with him, though she does not know that the man she has fallen for is her benefactor.
The reckless son of a millionaire struggles to find a positive outlook on life, so he turns to a hard-nosed trainer for help.
Ens. Richard 'Dick' Cabot (as Gaylord Pendleton)
En los últimos días de la Primera Guerra Mundial, el estadounidense "Mistery Ship" zarpa de la costa de España. Su misión es encontrar y hundir un submarino que ha sido especialmente eficaz en atacar buques aliados. Haciéndose pasar por una goleta inofensiva, el "Mistery Ship" está equipado con un cañón formidable capaz de hundir submarinos.
Larry Pearson (as Gaylord Pendleton)
During the war two friends love the same nurse. After the war one becomes a detective, the other a racketeer.
Morris (uncredited)
Dos prisioneros se escapan de la cárcel para ayudar a una pareja que, tras cumplir su condena, se instaló en una pequeña localidad para que nadie conociera su oscuro pasado. Ahora la pareja ve amenazada su felicidad por un deshonesto vendedor que quiere implicar al hombre en sus fraudulentas actividades.
A man tries to win the admiration of a girl's father, by pretending he's earned medals for bravery.
A spoiled young rich girl is sent to prison for accidentally running down a pedestrian. There she learns about a life and people she had never even imagined existed before.
Joe (as Gaylord Pendleton)
The often-told film story of a drunken actor hitting the skids, making a comeback, and helping his grown daughter in the bargain.