Lindsley Parsons

Nacimiento : 1905-09-12, Tacoma, Washington, USA

Muerte : 1992-10-08


El terrón de azúcar
Ariadna Roman, una actriz de éxito, se casa con el magnate Charles Winthrop, pero el matrimonio no dura mucho. El hombre muere en un accidente de barco, en la costa mexicana. La hija de éste, Lisa, desprecia a Adriana y planea envenenarla con diversas sustancias con el fin de volverla loca y poder seguir con su novio drogadicto. Adriana no aprobaba la relación y acabar con ella no significaría solo mantener al novio, sino poder hacerse con la herencia cuanto antes. Un dramaturgo de Broadway llamado Frederick sospecha algo y, junto a una amiga íntima de Adriana, consigue sacar a la mujer del hospital psiquiátrico donde había sido ingresada.
Buenos tiempos
Sonny y Cher son jóvenes, están felizmente casados y triunfan como cantantes en Europa y América.
The Purple Gang
The story of the infamous Purple Gang - a ring of bootleggers, hijackers and killers in 1920's Detroit.
Portland Exposé
The owner of a tavern is pressured by the local mob to go into business with them, and figures it's better all around if he does that rather than cause trouble. However, when he starts to see what kind of place his nice little neighborhood bar is turning into, and when one of the mob's goons tries to rape his daughter, he decides to fight them.
Strange Intruder
A Korean War veteran must find his buddy's widow and children to keep a bizarre promise.
The Come On
A con woman tries to swindle her partner-in-crime husband with the help of one of her former marks. But is she to be trusted?
Finger Man
An ex-con is inspired to go undercover and "finger" the mob after finding out his sister is hooked on illegal drugs.
Cry Vengeance
Ex-cop Vic Barron crossed the wrong mobsters; his wife and child were killed and he himself scarred, framed and imprisoned. On release, Vic has but one desire, revenge on still-hiding Tino Morelli.
Bank teller Mike Donovan (Barry Sullivan) takes the first step on the road to Perdition when he fails to report a $49,000 shortage. Accused of theft, Donovan is fired from his job. He is then prevented from finding other employment by Javert-like insurance investigator Gus Slavin (Charles McGraw). Despite many setbacks, Donovan attempts to clear his muddied name.
Tangier Incident
Steve Gordon, an American agent posing as a black market operator, is in Tangier on a mission to stop the plans of three atomic-scientists who are there to pool their secrets and sell them in a package to the Communists.
Yellow Fin
WWII veteran Mike Donovan decides to sell his fishing boat after suffering a a series of accidents, the worst of which sends his father, Captain John Donovan, to the hospital suffering from amnesia. His decision is opposed by hie sweetheart, Nina Torres, and his loyal crew, but supported by his father's nurse, Jean Elliott, who also has romantic designs on Mike.
Yukon Manhunt
In this North Woods adventure, the Mounties investigate a series of payroll robberies and discover that it is an inside job.
Rhythm Inn
A bandleader, desperate to get his band's instruments out of hock, promises the pawnshop clerk--an aspiring songwriter--that he'll let the band's female singer do the clerk's songs at a local club if he will let the band "borrow" their instruments at night. The clerk's girlfriend, however, thinks that the band singer is after more than her boyfriend's songs.
Tuna Clipper
Hoping to become a lawyer, Alec (Roddy McDowall) becomes a tuna fisherman in order to pay a debt. This turn of events puts Alec on the outs with his taciturn family. Eventually, the lad proves himself on all fronts, and is welcomed back into the family fold.
Frontier Revenge
Marshals Lash and Fuzzy are sent to get the goods on Duce Rago. To join Rago's gang, Lash decides to pose as an outlaw by wearing the known belt buckle of a notorious outlaw.
In Scotland in 1752, seventeen-year-old David Balfour is cheated out of his birthright by his evil uncle Ebenezer.
Out fishing one day, painter John Hammond and his son Chris come across Bert Hillman, the foreman of a local ranch. He and his ranch hand are searching for a wild dog that killed one of their sheep. They find the animal and kill it, along with one of its puppies, but after they leave Hammond and his son discover another puppy still alive. They take it home and call it Rocky. John believes that a dog descended from sheep-killers will himself become a sheep-killer someday, but e gives his son a chance to raise and train the dog, hoping that he can train the killer instinct from it. Unfortunately, local farmers have reported an epidemic of sheep-killings, and they suspect that Rocky is responsible for them.
Below the Deadline
A veteran, Joe Hilton, returns from the war to find that his brother Jeffrey Hilton, a gangster, has been killed. His quest for revenge leads him to take over his brother's illegal operations but his sweetheart, Lynn Turner, persuades him to change his ways and return to the straight and narrow.
Bowery Bombshell
Slip (Leo Gorcey), Sach (Huntz Hall), Bobby (Bobby Jordan), Whitey (William Benedict) and Chuck (David Gorcey) unsuccessfully try to sell a dilapidated car to a street cleaner for a fabulous amount, so they can get enough money to save Louie's (Bernard Gorcey) Malt Shop. Sidewalk photographer Cathy Smith (Teala Loring) snaps a pictures of three bank robbers as they are fleeing a robbery but when the Bowery Boys and Cathy realize that Sach is also in the photograph, they break into the photo lab to destroy the negative, which might make the police think Sach was involved in the robbery.
B-movie film noir take on Crime and Punishment. A college student gets deeper and deeper in trouble when he takes a loan from a shady college professor.
Fashion Model
When two employees of a clothing factory are murdered, the shadow of suspicion falls upon a lowly stock boy.
Adventures of Kitty O'Day
A telephone operator plays homicide detective with her boyfriend, making it harder for the police.
Army Wives
When Jerry Van Dyke, a young debutante, decides to marry Barney, an Army corporal, whom she met at a USO dance, her family objects and consequently, the couple are unable to obtain a marriage license because Jerry doesn't come of age for four days.
Nearly Eighteen
A singer pretends to be younger so she can enter a music school.
The Mystery of the 13th Guest
Murders result from an uncle's wish to eliminate beneficiaries to a will.
Revenge of the Zombies
When Dr. Von Altermann's wife Lila dies mysteriously at his spooky mansion, her relations suspect murder. They little suspect he's turning her into a zombie, to join the army of living dead he hopes to devote to the Nazi cause. Lila, though dead, has developed a will of her own. Meanwhile, Lila's brother Scott and his friends are increasingly alarmed by the eerie events.
Melody Parade
The owner and staff of a Hollywood nightclub struggle to keep their establishment from closing.
Silver Skates
The management of touring ice show faces mounting debts.
Cosmo Jones, Crime Smasher
Cosmo Jones, a correspondence-school detective from a small town, comes to the big city to offer his services to the police. He happens by where a gangster is killed by an opposing gang. Socialite Phyllis Blake is running around with gang member Tom and the opposing gang plan on kidnapping her. Cosmo is with Sergeant Flanagan when the attempt is made in front of a night club, where a bystander is seriously wounded in the gun-battle. Police Chief Murphy blames Flanagan for the shooting and demotes him. Cosmo, with the aid of a porter, Eustace and Flanagan's fiancée, Susan, tries to find the killer. Phyllis is finally kidnapped and Cosmo decides the act was committed by one of the two gangs. He has her father place an ad in the newspaper that contact has been made with the kidnappers. Each gang thinks the other is pulling a double cross, and one gang wipes out the other.
You Can't Beat the Law
A wild playboy is framed by crooks for a robbery he didn't commit and eventually lands in prison. There he becomes pals with the prison's most hardened criminal, who plans a daring escape.
Police Bullets
A gangster running a protection racket gets information that he's about to be prosecuted on income-tax-evasion charges. He hires a man with a photographic memory to memorize his books, then destroys them all so the police won't have any evidence to link him to the racket.
Law of the Jungle
Nona Brooks, former member of a stranded theatrical troupe, earns a temporary living singing in a café in Duakwa, British Rhodesia, Africa. The café owner is secretly in league with two foreign agents with a goal of making the natives restless. American explorer Larry Mason leaves for the jungle with his servant, Jeff and a safari. Nona escapes the café into the jungle but is followed by the agents as, unknowing to her, she is carrying a report of the agent's activities. She joins the safari just as all hands are captured by a tribe of natives
Man From Headquarters
A police reporter solves a murder case in Chicago, then moves on to St. Louis-but not voluntarily, since he has been kidnapped by the minions of the Windy City gang leader (Max Hoffman Jr.) against whom he is scheduled to testify.
Let's Go Collegiate
Rawley University is about to receive a star athlete who could give it the first championship rowing team it's ever had. Unfortunately, he gets drafted into the army before he's able to join the team. Two of the team's members get the bright idea of passing off a burly truck driver as the "athlete". Complications ensue.
King of the Zombies
During World War II, a small plane somewhere over the Caribbean runs low on fuel and is blown off course by a storm. Guided by a faint radio signal, they crash-land on an island. The passenger, his manservant and the pilot take refuge in a mansion owned by a doctor. The quick-witted yet easily-frightened manservant soon becomes convinced the mansion is haunted by zombies and ghosts.
Oklahoma Terror
Cartwright's racket is to sell a ranch and then have Mason and his men drive the ranchers away so he can resell it. If they want their money back he gives it to them and then has them killed. Jack arrives and learns that Mason and his men are the culprits but that they have a boss. He suspects Cartwright and sets trap to expose him.
Boys' Reformatory
A tough street kid takes the rap for a burglary committed by the son of his foster family and is sent to a boys reformatory, where the inmates are under the thumb of corrupt guards and a brutal prison doctor.
Utah Trail
Tex and his sidekicks arrive to help out his friend Jeffers, a railroad owner, only to find that he has been killed. They quickly run into trouble with an outlaw gang in their attempt to find the mysterious ghost train that supposedly runs on Jeffer's line.
Rollin' Plains
It's cattlemen versus sheepmen and Trigger Gargan appears to be the leader of the gang causing the trouble. But unknown to Ranger Tex Lawrence, the respected town citizen Barrow is the boss and is tipping off the gang as to the Ranger's activities.
Panamint's Bad Man
A hero goes undercover to uncover outlaws while singing to a heroine and being sneered at by a bad guy.
Frontier Town
Regan is passing off counterfeit money at rodeos betting on his man Denby. When Tex appears and wins all the events, Regan has him accused of murder. As Tex looks for the counterfeiters, his pals Stubby and Pee Wee keep the Sheriff off his trail.
Tex Rides with the Boy Scouts
Tex is after the gang that robbed a train of a gold shipment. He suspects Dorman is the culprit and is hiding their gold at his mine. When Stubby sees Dorman's henchman Stark cash in some gold nuggets, Tex tricks Dorman into moving the gold. He hopes to round them up with the help of the posse and the local Boy Scout Troop.
El héroe de Texas
Están asesinando a estrellas del rodeo con agujas envenenadas, y Tex Ritter es el siguiente de la lista.
The Oregon Trail
Army Captain takes a leave of absence to find out what happened to his missing father.....
Headin' for the Rio Grande
Western - Singing cowboy Tex Saunders (Tex Ritter) finds himself in a heap of trouble when he agrees to investigate local gangsters at the behest of a lovely lady (Eleanor Stewart). As payment for his pains, he's framed by a saloon owner (Warner Richmond) for killing bad guy Red Dugan (James Mason) and forced to sweat it out in jail. Will his faithful sidekick, Chilo (Syd Saylor), show up to save his skin … or will Tex have a date with the gallows? - Tex Ritter, Warner Richmond, Eleanor Stewart
Lawless Range
John Middleton está investigando un robo de ganado, cuando es capturado y arrojado a una cueva junto a un ranchero que había desaparecido. Escapan y averiguan que el banquero del pueblo está intentando asustar a la población para apoderarse de unas minas de oro secretas.
Rumbo al Oeste
Mientras busca a su hermano, separados desde su niñez, John Wyatt forma un grupo de vigilantes para coger a un grupo de proscritos. Mientras sigue el rastro, tendrá un cara a cara con el líder de la cuadrilla: su propio hermano.
El cañón del Paraíso
Un círculo de falsificación que opera en la frontera méxico-americana es el blanco de una investigación conducida por el comisario John Wyatt (John Wayne). Uniéndose al show medicinal del Dr. Carter como un certero traidor, Wyatt pretende capturar a la banda. De lo que no se ha percatado es que el cerebro del plan es el ex -socio del Dr. Carter, quien no parará hasta asesinar a Carter y raptar a su hermosa hija...
El camino del desierto
La estrella del rodeo John Scott y su amigo Kansas Charlie son falsamente acusados de haber robado la recaudación de un torneo de rodeo y de haber asesinado al encargado. El sheriff va tras ellos y, tras escapar de la justicia, se encargan de buscar sus propios sospechosos.
El camino del desierto
La estrella del rodeo John Scott y su amigo Kansas Charlie son falsamente acusados de haber robado la recaudación de un torneo de rodeo y de haber asesinado al encargado. El sheriff va tras ellos y, tras escapar de la justicia, se encargan de buscar sus propios sospechosos.
El valle del arco iris
El agente secreto del Gobierno, John Martin, tiene la misión de proteger a los hombres que están construyendo una carretera en la ruta del oro. Para ello se hace pasar por un fugitivo y así atrapar a la banda de proscritos. Pero en el transcurso de la obra, se encontrará con Galt, un antiguo compañero de celda en la prisión, quien le pondrá trabas a su misión.
El largo camino
En la frontera de Estados Unidos con Canadá, un sheriff ha de encontrar a una mujer perdida y una mina de oro. Su misión se verá alterada por un peligroso grupo de bandidos...
El hombre de Utah
A John Weston (John Wayne), que es un gran jinete, lo contrata el sheriff del condado para que participe en el primer rodeo anual que se celebra en el Valle Dalton. Se sospecha que la organización del rodeo es fraudulenta, y la misión de Weston será desenmascarar a los posibles estafadores.
El hombre de Utah
A John Weston (John Wayne), que es un gran jinete, lo contrata el sheriff del condado para que participe en el primer rodeo anual que se celebra en el Valle Dalton. Se sospecha que la organización del rodeo es fraudulenta, y la misión de Weston será desenmascarar a los posibles estafadores.
El camino de Sagebrush
Un joven, condenado por un asesinato que no cometió, se escapa de la prisión con el firme objetivo de encontrar a los culpables y limpiar así su nombre. Pero cuando encuentra al verdadero criminal, la relación con él no será la que al principio esperaba.
El camino de Sagebrush
Un joven, condenado por un asesinato que no cometió, se escapa de la prisión con el firme objetivo de encontrar a los culpables y limpiar así su nombre. Pero cuando encuentra al verdadero criminal, la relación con él no será la que al principio esperaba.