Patrick Malahide

Patrick Malahide

Nacimiento : 1945-03-24, Reading, Berkshire, England, UK


Patrick Gerald Duggan (born 24 March 1945), known professionally as Patrick Malahide, is a British actor, known for his roles as Detective Sergeant Albert Chisholm in the TV series Minder and Balon Greyjoy in the TV series Game of Thrones.


Patrick Malahide


La protegida
Cuando no era más que una niña, Ana (Maggie Q) fue rescatada por Moody (Samuel L. Jackson), un legendario asesino, su mentor y figura paterna. Tras 20 años, Ana se ha convertido en una de las mejores asesinas a sueldo del mundo.
Mortal Engines
Magnus Crome
Miles de años después de la destrucción de la civilización por un cataclismo, la humanidad se ha adaptado y, ahora, existen gigantescas ciudades en movimiento que vagan por la tierra sobre enormes ruedas absorbiendo a los pueblos más pequeños para obtener recursos. En una de esas colosales urbes Tom Natsworthy (Robert Sheehan), proveniente de la clase baja de Londres, deberá luchar por su vida junto a la peligrosa fugitiva Hester Shaw (Hera Hilmar). Dos opuestos, cuyos caminos nunca debieron cruzarse, forman una peculiar alianza destinada a cambiar el curso del futuro.
Bridget Jones' Baby
George Wilkins
Después de romper con Mark Darcy, Bridget Jones, con los cuarenta recién cumplidos y soltera de nuevo, decide centrarse en su trabajo y rodearse de antiguos y nuevos amigos. Por una vez en su vida, Bridget parece tenerlo todo bajo control. Pero su vida amorosa toma una nueva dirección cuando conoce a un elegante estadounidense llamado Jack, un galán que tiene todo lo que no tiene el Sr. Darcy y descubre que está embarazada, pero no sabe a ciencia cierta quién es el padre.
National Theatre Live: Hamlet
National Theatre Live’s 2010 broadcast of Hamlet returns to cinemas as part of the National Theatre's 50th anniversary celebrations. Following his celebrated performances at the National Theatre in Burnt by the Sun, The Revenger's Tragedy, Philistines and The Man of Mode, Rory Kinnear plays Hamlet in a dynamic new production of Shakespeare’s complex and profound play about the human condition, directed by Nicholas Hytner. He is joined by Clare Higgins (Gertrude), Patrick Malahide (Claudius), David Calder (Polonius), James Laurenson (Ghost/Player King) and Ruth Negga (Ophelia).
Into The Storm (Durante la tormenta)
Major General Bernard Montgomery
Secuela del film para televisión "The Gathering Storm" (Amenaza de tormenta).
A Short Stay in Switzerland
Just after losing her husband to a similar condition, Dr Anne Turner is diagnosed with a fatal neurological condition. So she plans to end her life herself. Based on a true story.
Los 39 escalones
Professor Fisher
La historia comienza el 28 de junio 1914, un ingeniero de minas y un oficial de inteligencia durante la Segunda Guerra , se encuentran en Londres tras su reciente regreso de África.
Retorno a Brideshead
Mr. Ryder
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Evelyn Waugh. En la Universidad de Oxford, el joven Charles Ryder entabla amistad con Sebastian Flyte, hijo de Lord Marchmain, gracias al cual se va introduciendo en el exclusivo mundo de la alta sociedad británica. Cuando visita por primera vez Brideshead, la majestuosa mansión de los Flyte, conoce a Julia, la hermana de Sebastian, y desde el primer instante queda cautivado por su belleza. Los Flyte vivirán una serie de años convulsos, durante los cuales Charles será testigo del declive de la familia.
Mente criminal
Alex Forbes es un privilegiado joven acusado de asesinar a su compañero de clase Nigel Colby, pero sin pruebas tangibles. El detective del caso está bajo presión para retirar la acusación, por lo que la piscóloga forense debe determinar su culpabilidad. Sumergiéndose en el extraño mundo de secretos y juegos mentales de los jóvenes, descubrirá que, aunque muerto, la influencia de Nigel sobre Alex sigue patente...
Friends & Crocodiles
Paul Reynolds is a Gatsby-like figure: owner of a magnificent house, the host of great parties, and a collector of interesting people. He persuades Lizzie Thomas, a secretary at a local estate agent's, to come and work for him as his assistant, to bring some order to his chaos. He inspires her with his enthusiasm and imagination, and frustrates her with his apparent carelessness and destructiveness, which culminates in her calling the police as one of his parties is attacked by local troublemakers, seemingly with his tacit approval. But their paths are destined to cross again and again as Lizzie, with the help of some of the people that she met at Paul's house, rises through the changing landscape of corporate Britain. This is the tale of a meaningful and powerful relationship that isn't a love story; it's about those rare people who profoundly influence and shape our lives.
Ambassador Polidori
El maestro explorador y aventurero Dirk Pitt (Matthew McConaughey) trabaja para una agencia del gobierno que protege los fondos marinos y se embarca en la gran aventura de su vida cuando decide recorrer las regiones más peligrosas del oeste de África a la caza de un tesoro. Pitt busca lo que los lugareños llaman "El barco de la muerte", una nave de la Guerra Civil perdida hace mucho tiempo. Cuando él y su ayudante (Steve Zahn) se dan cuenta de que el barco puede estar relacionado con misteriosas muertes en la misma zona, deben usar su inteligencia y todas sus habilidades para ayudar a la Doctora Eva Rojas (Penelope Cruz), también involucrada en el caso. La doctora Rojas está investigando la expansión de un virus que puede afectar no sólo al continente africano, sino a todo el mundo.
Arthur Frommer
Cuando la berlinense Mieke se declara, vía e-mail, al norteamericano Scott, éste la rechaza creyendo que es un hombre. Cuando descubre su error intenta ponerse en contacto con ella, pero resulta imposible. La única forma de conquistarla parece viajar hasta Berlín (Alemania) y para ello, en su viaje le acompañarán su amigo Cooper y los gemelos Jenny y Jamie.
El último acto
Dr. Colworth
Los protagonistas son dos presentadores de televisión: el veterano J.J. Curtis (Peter O'Toole), con una carrera llena de éxitos, y Dave Turner (Aidan Gillen), un prometedor joven que está dispuesto a todo con tal de llegar a la cima. El enfrentamiento entre ambos para alcanzar el mayor nivel de audiencia los llevará a saltarse las reglas y a actuar prescindiendo de toda clase de escrúpulos.
The Abduction Club
Sir Myles
Un grupo de nobles irlandeses secuestra a niñas para casarse con su fortuna y evitar ser sacerdotes o soldados.
Goodbye, Mr. Chips
In the later years of the nineteenth century Latin master Mr. Chipping is the mainstay of Brookfields boys boarding school, a good teacher and a kindly person but he is considered to be married to the job so that it is a surprise when, on a walking holiday, he meets and marries the vivacious Kathie,who becomes his helpmate at the school but sadly pre-deceases him. Just before World War One insensitive new headmaster Ralston tries to edge Chipping out but the boys rally and Sir John Rivers, an old pupil of Chipping's and now head of the board of governors, invites him to stay and,when the war breaks out and Ralston joins up, Chipping becomes the new head.
victoria y alberto
Sir John Conroy
The passionate love story that was Queen Victoria and Prince Albert's lengthy marriage. Beginning in 1837, the year of King William IV's death and 18-year-old Victoria's ascension to the throne, the series charts the tumultuous period in 19th Century England where Victoria comes to terms with the enormous duties that lay ahead of her, while also falling deeply in love with her beloved Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. The marriage and birth of their nine children are featured, as is Albert's frustration by the inactivity he experienced in the early years of his role as Prince Consort.
La mandolina del capitán Corelli
Colonel Barge
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Cefalonia (Grecia), 1940. El doctor Iannis (John Hurt) vive en las afueras del pueblo con su hija y alumna Pelagia (Penélope Cruz), la prometida de Mandras (Bale), un pescador que participa en la contienda contra los italianos. Pasan los meses y Pelagia no recibe respuesta a las numerosas cartas que le ha enviado a su novio. Cuando el ejército italiano ocupa Cefalonia, los soldados, que se toman su estancia en la isla como unas vacaciones de verano, se ganan muy pronto la confianza de los nativos, gracias a su alegría, su música y sus ganas de vivir. A cambio de suministros médicos, el doctor Iannis acepta alojar en su casa al capitán Corelli (Nicolas Cage), un hombre lleno de amor por la vida, por la música y por Pelagia..
Francia siglo XVIII. El Marqués de Sade pasa los diez últimos años de su vida en el asilo Charenton. Allí entabla amistad con el abate Coulmier, con el que comparte el afecto de Madeleine, la lavandera del asilo. Cuando Napoleón envía a un médico para que cure su presunta locura, el temperamento rebelde del marqués se agudiza todavía más. Obtuvo tres nominaciones a los Oscar, incluyendo el de mejor actor (Geoffrey Rush).
Billy Elliot (Quiero bailar)
En 1984, durante una huelga de mineros en el condado de Durham, se suceden los enfrentamientos entre piquetes y policía. Entre los mineros más exaltados están Tony y su padre. Éste se ha empeñado en que Billy, su hijo pequeño, reciba clases de boxeo. Pero, aunque el chico tiene un buen juego de piernas, carece por completo de pegada. Un día, en el gimnasio, Billy observa la clase de ballet de la señora Wilkinson, una mujer de carácter severo que lo anima a participar. A partir de ese momento, Billy se dedicará apasionadamente a la danza.
Fortaleza infernal 2
Peter Teller
Siete años después de haberse fugado de la mítica Tecno-Prisión de Men Tel, John Brennick y su familia continúan huyendo de los hombres de la compañía. Finalmente, decide entregarse, sólo para ver cómo es inmediatamente encerrado en otra cárcel de máxima seguridad, situada en el espacio, a 26.000 millas de la Tierra. Pero Brennick no es un hombre que se rinda fácilmente, y con un hijo de diez años esperándole, luchará hasta el final para repetir su famosa evasión.
Criminal y decente
Commissioner Daly
Comedia criminal ambientada en el mundo de los gángsters del Dublin actual. Spacey es un carismático criminal de doble moral, famoso en toda la ciudad, que tiene a la policía pisándole los talones.
El mundo nunca es suficiente
Tras la muerte del magnate británico del petróleo Sir Robert King en un atentado en el cuartel general del MI6, su hija Elektra hereda su billonaria fortuna en yacimientos petrolíferos en el mar Caspio. El agente 007, sintiéndose culpable de la muerte de su padre, se convierte en su guardaespaldas. Su fortuna atraerá la atención de la prensa internacional y también de su asesino, Renard, un hombre con una bala alojada en el cerebro que le impide sentir dolor físico y cuya única obsesión es la venganza.
All the King's Men
Capt. Claude Howlett
Feature-length drama about the mystery of Sandringham Company, which disappeared in action at Gallipoli in 1915. Commanded by Captain Frank Beck, their estate manager, the men advanced into battle, were enveloped in a strange mist and never seen again.
Captain Jack
Mr. Lancing
A sea captain with a vessel not deemed sea worthy by the ship inspectors assembles a motley crew to sail along the path of Captain Scoresby, a sea captain who sailed from Whitby in northern England to the Arctic in 1791. His crew includes bickering sisters, an Australian hitchhiker who is hiding from his girl friends, and the seaman's confidante who runs a local trailer park. Putting the ship to sea, the group is pursued by the authorities.
A struggling architect, being sued for divorce by his wife and struggling with booze and gambling, finds work remodeling a friend's strip club, the Paradise. There he meets a transsexual stripper who is bothered by accurate, but extremely violent visions of future events. The increasingly violent visions start including the architect, who doesn't believe in the prophesy. One who does however is a psychiatrist who is seeing both the stripper and the architect and is sleeping with the ex-wife. He uses the prophecies for his own financial gain. Finally the scenes from the vision move into reality amidst many plot turns.
Lost at Sea: The Search for Longitude
John Harrison
It was one of humankind's most epic quests - a technical problem so complex that it challenged the best minds of its time, a problem so important that the nation that solved it would rule the economy of the world. The problem was navigation by sea—how to know where you were when you sailed beyond the sight of land - establishing your longitude. While the gentry of the 18th Century looked to the stars for the answer, an English clockmaker, John Harrison, toiled for decades to solve the problem. His elegant solution made him an unlikely hero and remains the basis for the most modern forms of navigation in the world today. This film will be both a celebration of Harrison's invention and an adventure story. An expedition on a period sailing vessel as it sails the open sea will demonstrate the life and death importance of finding your longitude at sea.
Miracle at Midnight
Georg Duckwitz
Gripping historical drama presents a triumphant celebration of the human spirit. The true-life story of how one Danish family risked their lives in a remarkable effort to save thousands of their Jewish countrymen from the horror of Nazi concentration camps. Hendrik and his doctor father undertake the dangerous task of deceiving the Nazis and hiding Jewish families. When the Koster men must themselves go into hiding, Henrik's sister and mother are left to face capture by the suspicious Gestapo.
U.S. Marshals
Bertram Lamb
Mark Sheridan, acusado del asesinato de dos agentes secretos, es arrestado y trasladado en avión a una penitenciaría. Durante el viaje, debido a una revuelta, el avión sufre un accidente que le permite escapar. Comienza entonces una implacable persecución por parte del agente federal Sam Gerard, que hace años vivió una experiencia similar persiguiendo al doctor Kimble, el famoso fugitivo.
Hasta que te encontré
Una romántica incurable y un soñador coinciden en la demolición de un edificio. Ella se opone y él ha de supervisar el derribo.
Deacon Brodie
Bilie Creech
Drama based on the true story of Deacon Brodie one of Scotland's most notorious criminals. In 1788 Deacon Brodie a master cabinet maker and town councillor is a rogue and a hedonist. He steals money but gives it back. He attempts to steal a fortune from the city's Customs and Excise office but the attempt fails and he is caught. There is a widely-publicised trial and he is sentenced to death to be hanged on the gallows he designed.
La niñera y el presidente
Leonid Kleist
Joy Miller (Fran Drescher), una esteticista de Queens, es confundida con una profesora de ciencias por Grushinsky, el embajador de una nación del este de Europa. Grushinsky está de visita en EE.UU. en busca de una tutora para los hijos del dictador de su país. Joy, tras aceptar el empleo, viaja a Europa, donde conoce al malhumorado líder de Slovetzia, Boris Pochenko (Timothy Dalton).
Memoria letal
Leland Perkins
Samantha Caine, una dulce maestra que padece amnesia, contrata a Mitch Henessey, un detective privado para que la ayude a averiguar su pasado. El resultado de la investigación le deparará una enorme sorpresa.
The Writing on the Wall
When a bomb explodes in a British RAF base in Germany, MI5 terrorist specialist Bull (Bill Paterson) is called in to investigate. However, the further he begins to dig into the secrets behind the terrorism, the more he finds himself immersed in dodgy goings-on in the corridors of power of NATO itself.
Dos muertes
George Bucsan
Mientras en las calles de Bucarest reina el caos de la guerra civil, el Dr. Daniel Pavenic organiza una cena en su lujosa mansión. Durante el curso del magnífico banquete, sus invitados descubren la apasionada relación de amor que une al doctor con su ama de llaves.
La isla de las cabezas cortadas
Morgan Adams y su esclavo, William Shaw, se lanzarán a la búsqueda de los tres trozos de un mapa del tesoro. Por desgracia, el último trozo está en manos de su cruel tío Dawg. Su tripulación no cree mucho en sus dotes de liderazgo, así que antes deberá enfrentarse a un conato de motín contra ella. Todo se complicará aún más con los esfuerzos de la Corona Británica para terminar con sus incursiones piratas.
Cuando el padre del joven caballero escocés David Balfour muere, él deja la escuela para recoger la herencia de su tío Ebenezer, quien a su vez vende al niño como futuro esclavo a un barco pirata.
Un hombre sin importancia
Inspector Carson
Alfie Byrne is a middle-aged bus conductor in Dublin in 1963. He would appear to live a life of quiet desperation: he's gay, but firmly closeted, and his sister is always trying to find him "the right girl". His passion is Oscar Wilde, his hobby is putting on amateur theatre productions in the local church hall. We follow him as he struggles with temptation, friendship, disapproval, and the conservative yet oddly lyrical world of Ireland in the early 1960s.
The Blackheath Poisonings
Robert Dangerfield
The investigation of Paul Vandervent into the mysterious death of his father brings further discord among two feuding families tied together in business and marriage, living under the same roof.
A Doll's House
Dr. Rank
One of Ibsen's best known plays, A Dolls House caused a sensation when first published, as it provided a critique on the conventions of Victorian marriage. Nora Helmer feels suffocated and belittled in her marriage to banker Torvald. When faced with blackmail as a result of an attempt to save her husband's life, Nora decides that the only way to discover the real world is to step outside the illusions within her doll's house.
The Secret Agent
Assistant Commissioner
1992 BBC adaptation of the Joseph Conrad novel of 1907 concerning the mostly inactive spy Alfred Verloc, who is ordered by his superior Mr Vladimir to carry out a terrorist act. Verloc reluctantly plans the operation, seeking help from The Professor. Verloc is also an informant for the police and the Assistant Commissioner and Chief Inspector Heat add additional pressure on Verloc and his attempts to carry out his plan. Verloc’s subsequent actions gravely affect his wife who is devoted to her mentally unbalanced brother Stevie.
Children of the North
Colonel Mailer
The murders of two MI6 agents in Northern Ireland add up to an explosive political situation.
Smack and Thistle
With a drug-addled lifestyle and a prison sentence firmly behind him, Abel is determined to go straight and stay clean... as soon as he's seen to one final heist. In the house that he burgles he comes across Elizabeth - rich, desperate, hopelessly addicted to a heroin and unconscious. Saving her from the clutched of an overdose, Abel stays out of compassion which eventually evolves into attraction. But when Abel takes on Elizabeth he also takes on her family. His resolution to go straight has to go on the back burner while he struggles against a drugs conspiracy that stretched from the slums of the East End to the Houses of Parliament.
Living with Dinosaurs
Uncle Adrian
A socially awkward young English boy deals with his fears about his unemployed artist father, his pregnant mother, and his asthma, with the help of his favorite doll, a stuffed dinosaur named Dog.
December Bride
Rev. Edwin Sorleyson
At the beginning of the 20th century, a young servant provokes an independent Irish farm community by her relationship with two brothers. Pregnant, she refuses to reveal the name of the father.
Who Bombed Birmingham?
Mike Mansfield
Docudrama film exploring the efforts of World in Action researchers Ian MacBride and Chris Mullin in proving that the "Birmingham Six" only admitted to the bombing under extreme duress, and that the five IRA members were in fact responsible for the deadly attacks
Reasonable Force
In times of civil unrest, crack police units like Inspector Maclntyre 's get the job of keeping order on the streets. But when a demonstrator dies after a riot, who will the public - and the Police Force itself - hold accountable?
Miss Julie
Complex battle of the sexes and classes as a neurotic rich woman has an affair with her father's calculating valet.
Un mes en el campo
Reverend Keach
Cinco siglos atrás, un mural fue creado en una iglesia rural al norte de Inglaterra, para ser luego cubierto bajo capas de pintura blanca. Tom Birkin, veterano de la Primera Guerra Mundial, llega al pequeño pueblo para restaurar el mural, en contra de los deseos del Reverendo y gran parte del pueblo, quienes lo ven como un intruso que llega para alterar el orden establecido.
The Pickwick Papers
Mr. Jingle
The Pickwick Papers is a twelve-part BBC adaption of The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens, first broadcast in 1985. It starred Nigel Stock, Alan Parnaby, Clive Swift and Patrick Malahide, with narration spoken by Ray Brooks.
Los gritos del silencio
Sydney es un periodista del "The New York Times" enviado a Camboya en 1972 como corresponsal de guerra. Una vez allí, conoce a Dith Pran, un nativo que le sirve de guía e intérprete durante la guerra. En 1975, al caer el gobierno camboyano, los EE.UU. se retiran del país, y toda la familia de Pran emigra a Norteamérica excepto él, que decide quedarse con el periodista para seguir ayudándole. Ambos viven refugiados en la embajada francesa, pero cuando deciden abandonar Camboya, el ejército revolucionario prohíbe salir del país a Pran, que es recluido en un campo de concentración.
Comfort and Joy
Radio host Alan 'Dickie' Bird witnesses how an icecream van is attacked and destroyed by angry competitors. This leads him into the struggle between two Italian families over the icecream market of Glasgow.
Video Stars
Steve Rideaux
A new underground TV-Channel is set up.
Murphy's Stroke
The horse Gay Future is at the centre of an Irish betting syndicate in 1974 which saw trainer Antony Collins present a poor performing horse at his stables. The betting stakes were subsequently raised, before the real horse was entered in the race.
Sweeney 2
Major Conway
The plot is set on a group of bank robbers, who are both violent and successful, strangely getting away each time with an amount around the £60,000 mark, and often leaving behind cash in excess of this sum. The robbers are willing to kill their own team, to get away. As Jack Regan himself puts it after the first raid in the film: "I've never seen so many dead people". Armed with gold-plated Purdey shotguns, they evaded Regan and the Flying Squad for quite some time, before Regan finds encouragement from his Detective Chief Superintendent who was sent down for corruption because Jack wouldn't testify in court for him.