Molly Lamont

Molly Lamont

Nacimiento : 1910-05-22,

Muerte : 2001-07-07


Molly Lamont


The First Legion
Mrs. Nora Gilmartin
A Catholic priest fights against his colleagues' immediate acceptance of an ambiguous “miracle”.
South Sea Sinner
Kay Williams
A tramp steamer lands sick crewman Jake Davis on rubber-growing island Oraka, from which voluptuous, bedroom-eyed saloon singer Coral is about to be ejected because "men like her too much." But Coral's slimy boss Cognac gets her a reprieve so she can learn Jake's secret.
Christmas Eve
Harriet Rhodes
The greedy nephew of eccentric Matilda Reid seeks to have her judged incompetent so he can administer her wealth, but she will be saved if her three long-lost adopted sons appear for a Christmas Eve reunion. Separate stories reveal Michael as a bankrupt playboy loved by loyal Ann; Mario as a seemingly shady character tangling with a Nazi war criminal in South America; Jonathan as a hard-drinking rodeo rider intent on a flirtatious social worker. Is there hope for Matilda?
Bella Crail
Inglaterra, principios del siglo XX. Ivy Lexton (Joan Fontaine) es una pérfida mujer que no duda en utilizar todos sus recursos para escalar en la alta sociedad, llegando incluso al asesinato para conseguirlo. Adaptación de una novela de Marie Belloc Lowndes. El final moralizante de la película fue impuesto por la censura.
Scared to Death
Laura Van Ee
El Dr. Josef Van Ee dirige una institución mental privada en donde él y su hijo, Ward, mantienen a su nuera, Laura, en contra de su voluntad. Laura está convencida de que su marido intenta aterrorizarla, pero Ward asegura que necesita de su ayuda
Así es mi amor
Cousin Garnet Allison
Un excéntrico inventor del siglo XIX está prometido a una hermosa mujer, convencida de que su novio le aportará la estabilidad económica que tanto desea. Al final, el amor se impondrá a la codicia.
Devil Bat's Daughter
Ellen Masters Morris
Wishing to dispose of his wife, psychiatrist Dr. Elliott makes his patient Nina think that she suffers from a compulsion to kill. He drugs Nina, murders his wife and leaves evidence that points to Nina. The latter, pre-conditioned by Elliott, also thinks she is guilty.
Envuelto en la sombra
Lucy Wilding (uncredited)
Un detective privado, que casi vive en la miseria, descubre un día que lo están siguiendo. Tras acorralar a su perseguidor, averigua que actúa a las órdenes de un antiguo socio con el que acabó enemistado. Poco después se ve envuelto en un calculado plan de asesinato.
El sospechoso
Mrs. Simmons
Charles Laughton ofrece una magistral interpretación en este obra del cine negro en la que da vida a un hombre casado que se enamora de una joven.
Juventud salvaje
Mrs. Webster (uncredited)
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), todos los hombres útiles fueron reclutados por el ejército para ir al frente. Mientras que en las fábricas se hacían turnos de veinticuatro horas, los adolescentes pululaban a sus anchas por las calles trapicheando sin temor a reprimendas. Un soldado herido, que regresa a casa, decide abrir un centro de acogida para enseñar a los chicos a encauzar sus vidas y ofrecerles la oportunidad de conseguir su primer trabajo.
El señor Skeffington
Miss Norris (uncredited)
Nueva York, 1914. Para salvar a su hermano, que ha cometido un desfalco, Fanny Trellis (Bette Davis), una mujer egoísta que sólo se preocupa por su belleza, se ve obligada a casarse con Job Skeffington Claude Rains), el director del banco, un hombre poco atractivo y mucho mayor que ella, pero paciente y bondadoso. El matrimonio, concertado y sin amor, pasará por varias etapas en las que ambos verán pasar dos guerra mundiales, varios amantes, una cruel enfermedad, persecuciones nazis, la ceguera y el pánico al envejecimiento.
Las rocas blancas de Dover
Helen Hampton (uncredited)
Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Susan y John se casan muy enamorados, pero, al estallar la guerra, él tiene que ir al frente. Después de su muerte en combate, Susan se queda en Inglaterra criando a su hijo. El muchacho, al igual que su padre, se hace militar y cuando estalla la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) también participará en la contienda.
Minstrel Man
Caroline Johnson
Unusually elaborate for a PRC film, Minstrel Man is a lively musical drama built around the talents of veteran vaudevillian Benny Fields. The star is cast as Dixie Boy Johnson, who rises from the ranks of minstrel shows to become a top Broadway attraction. On the opening night of his greatest stage triumph, Dixie Boy's wife dies in childbirth. Profoundly shaken, he walks out of the show, leaving the baby to be raised by his showbiz pals Mae and Lasses White (Gladys George, Roscoe Karns). The kid grows up to be an attractive young woman named Caroline (Judy Clark), who follows in her dad's footsteps by billing herself as-that's right-Dixie Girl Johnson. This leads to a tearful reunion between Caroline and the father she'd long assumed to be dead. If Minstrel Man seems at times to be a dress rehearsal for Columbia's The Jolson Story (1946), it shouldn't surprising: the PRC film was directed by Joseph H. Lewis, who went on to helm Jolson Story's musical highlights.
Thumbs Up
Welfare Supervisor
In this wartime musical, a feisty singer working in a London dive swears that she will become a star. She gets a job in an airplane plant when she learns that her fiance, a producer, and his partner are looking for new talent at the war factories. While working there, the woman meets a handsome RAF officer and falls in love. This causes some trouble.
Somewhere I'll Find You
Nurse Winifred
Los hermanos Johnny y Kirk Davis trabajan en uno de los diarios más grandes del país como corresponsales de guerra. Están unidos por una gran amistad hasta el momento en que aparece una antigua compañera de trabajo que está comprometida con Kirk.
La pícara puritana
Barbara Vance
Jerry y Lucy Warriner están a punto de divorciarse y luchan por la custodia de su perro, Mr. Smith. Antes de que el divorcio se haga oficial, Jerry decide volver con Lucy, pero se entera de que ella va a casarse con un hombre que se ha hecho rico gracias al petróleo. Jerry contraataca anunciando su compromiso con la aristocrática Molly Lamont.
A Doctor's Diary
Mrs. Fielding
A Doctor's Diary is told through the eyes of Dr. Dan Norris (John Trent), resident physician in a private hospital. In his search for a cure for spinal meningitis, Norris recklessly runs roughshod over the feelings of his colleagues. The doctor's older, wiser supervisor, Dr. Clem Driscoll (George Bancroft), tries to curb Norris' impatience, pointing out that nothing takes place overnight. Angrily, Norris accuses Driscoll of malpractice and is forced to resign from the clinic -- just when a meningitis epidemic breaks out.
La princesa de la selva
Durante un safari en Malasia con su prometida, un tigre ataca a Powell y los guías nativos huyen, dándole por muerto. El tigre es la mascota de Ulah, una hermosa joven que creció en la selva. Se lo lleva a su cueva, le cura y se enamora de él. Cuando Powell vuelve a su campamento, ella le sigue. Su prometida se pone celosa, a los nativos no les gusta Ulah ni su tigre, y empiezan las complicaciones...
Una mujer se rebela
Young Girl with Sick Baby (uncredited)
Pamela es una mujer inglesa de finales del siglo XIX que posee una ideas muy avanzadas por su época. Entre otras cosas, no piensa casarse, sino que desea desarrollarse como persona. Después de muchas dificultades para encontrar trabajo, finalmente encuentra un puesto en la típica revista de mujeres sobre la cocina y los trabajos del hogar. Cuando el editor se enferma, Pamela empieza a tratar temas como la igualdad, la atención a la infancia, los cuidados médicos, y la búsqueda de empleo. Pronto se ve convertida en líder de un movimiento por estos temas, y además se deberá enfrentar a la difícil tarea de criar a un hijo sola, un escándolo para la sociedad... (FILMAFFINITY)
Fury and the Woman
June McCrae
A tough Irishman tries to help a logging company owner on Vancouver Island who is being sabotaged by a nearby competitor.
María Estuardo
Mary Livingstone
María Estuardo abandona Francia y regresa a Escocia, dispuesta a ocupar el trono del que es heredera. Pero los conflictos se acumulan: la nobleza le es hostil, comenzando por su medio hermano el conde de Moray, y su apego al catolicismo choca con la fe que predica John Knox, fundador de la Iglesia presbiteriana en Escocia. Por otro lado, su prima Isabel Tudor, hija ilegítima de Enrique VIII, teme que reclame la corona inglesa. Su único aliado es el conde Bothwell, comandante de las tropas escocesas, de quien se enamora.
Muss 'em Up
Nancy Harding
Famous private detective Tip O'Neil is summoned by telegram to the estate of old friend Paul Harding, but finds the telegram was sent by Paul's attractive secretary, Amy Hutchins. Paul admits his dog was shot by extortionists to show they mean business, and shows Tip some threatening notes they sent. That night, Paul's ward, Corinne, is kidnapped by two gangsters and her driver is found dead the next morning. The kidnappers contact Tip demanding $200,000, which is delivered according to instructions. Awaiting the return of Corrine, Tip learns her fiancé, Gene Leland, is an ex-convict, and he also investigates why a thug, Maratti, was found prowling around the grounds, and why Paul's brother-in-law, Jim Glenray, was seen leaving the estate late the night before. And when the chauffeur is murdered with Amy's gun as he was about to confess some complicity, Tip has to piece together various clues to pinpoint the culprits.
Another Face
Mary McCall
The surgeon who did the job was dead. Only the nurse knew what this gangster looked like in his new face. He learned about women from her!
Rolling Home
A sacked engineer stows away on another vessel
Pheasant Vaughn Whiteoaks
A young poet, accompanied by his new bride, returns home to his large family at their Canadian farm.
Alibi Inn
Mary Talbot
A British drama film directed by Walter Tennyson
Murder at Monte Carlo
Margaret Becker
A professor comes up with a system to win at roulette, and goes to the famous casino at Monte Carlo to try it out. When he turns up murdered and his "system" missing, a reporter sets out to find the killer--and the system.
The Third Clue
Rosemary Clayton
Set in an Old Dark House, a man is murdered in his study. With his dying breath, he tells his brother of two clues to finding hidden Eastern Indian jewels that were part of a precious idol. He wants his brother to locate the treasure, so that it can be given to his son. But before the treasure can be found, a third clue must be discovered.
White Ensign
Colonel's Daughter
'Santa Barbara. British battleship quells rebellion promoted by big business.' (British Film Catalogue)
Leave It to Me
Eve Halliday
The owner of a professional help agency poses as a poet at a wealthy patron's ball and prevents a necklace from being stolen by thieves.
Letting in the Sunshine
Lady Anne
A window cleaner bumps into an old flame, and the pair turn detective in an attempt to foil a gang of burglars.
Lord Camber's Ladies
In this drama the owner of a flower shop falls in love with one of her patrons. Unfortunately, he is married to a shrewish actress and cannot get out of the marriage. The distraught woman then leaves her shop to become a nurse. Trouble ensues when the actress suddenly appears, accuses the nurse of fooling around with her husband and dies leaving the nurse and the husband to be charged with murder. Fortunately, they are found innocent and they are free to fall in love at last.
His Wife's Mother
A newlywed has a trying time proving his innocence when his mother-in-law catches him kissing another girl!
The Strangler
Frances Marsden
A British crime film directed by Norman Lee
The Last Coupon
Molly Carter
A frugal coal miner turns into a spendthrift when he wins £20,000 on the football pools!
Lucky Girl
Lady Moira
Stephan Gregorovitch, the unwilling king of a bankrupt Ruritanian country, along with his hucksterish chancellor and musically-inclined bodyguard, travel incognito to London for some fun. An invitation to a party held by Duke Hugo seems just the ticket, but the presence of jewel thieves in the vicinity soon puts paid to any ideas of a relaxing evening!
Brother Alfred
Vaudevillian Gene Gerrard stars as George, a young man on a yacht moored off Monte Carlo who has a tiff with his fiancée, goes ashore on a glorious binge, then finds himself accused of assaulting a prince! When he attempts to extricate himself by pretending to be his non-existent twin brother, he finds he's really in trouble...
The House Opposite
A Police Officer pursues a gang of blackmailers.
Strictly Business
Maureen Stewart
The daughter of an American leather magnate is sent on a series of sightseeing tours in London with her father's business associate, but finds herself targeted by an opportunistic blackmailer.
Dr. Josser K.C.
Betty O'Neill
'Crook dons disguises to attempt blackmail.' (British Film Catalogue)
My Wife's Family
Farcical confusions ensue when newlywed bride Peggy Gay overhears her husband Jack discussing the purchase of a piano, and somehow interprets what he has said to mean he is the father of an illegitimate child.
Jill Dexter
The estranged son of a newspaper owner returns to his father's good favour by unmasking a gang of criminals.
What a Night!
Nora Livingstone
While staying at a reportedly haunted inn a traveller discovers that the 'ghost' is a thief.
Old Soldiers Never Die
A comedy film directed by Monty Banks.
Uneasy Virtue
A comedy film directed by Norman Walker
The Black Hand Gang
Wee Georgie Wood and his gang have their sights set on a notorious villain.