Tony Burgess

Tony Burgess

Nacimiento : , Manchester, England


Tony Burgess is a stand up comedian, writer and actor. He is best known as playing Johnny Vegas' brother Troy in the BBC3 sitcom Ideal, which he contributed some additional writing to. He also penned the BBC3 prison-set sitcom The Visit.


Tony Burgess


Wallace y Gromit: La maldición de las verduras
Se acerca el Concurso Anual de Verduras Gigantes y se desata una “vegetalmanía” en el pueblo de Wallace y Gromit. Los dos amigos, se están haciendo de oro con su invento, el sistema “Anti-Pesto”, una forma humanitaria de controlar a los conejos que intentan invadir los preciados huertos. De pronto, todo se viene abajo cuando una enorme, misteriosa y voraz “bestia” empieza a aterrorizar al vecindario, atacando los huertos de noche. La organizadora del Concurso, Lady Tottington, absolutamente desesperada, encarga a Anti-Pesto que capturen a la terrible criatura y salven el concurso. Pero Victor Quartermaine, el engreído pretendiente de Lady Tottington, está al acecho, decidido a matar a la bestia de un tiro para convertirse en héroe local y conseguir casarse con la rica heredera. El concurso está en juego, y Lady Tottington no tiene más remedio que dejar que Victor vaya detrás de la voraz criatura, pero las verdaderas intenciones del cazador pueden tener graves consecuencias.
Johnny Vegas: Who's Ready for Ice Cream?
Johnny Vegas has crawled his way to the top of the showbiz ladder. Fame, wealth and awards are his but there's a problem...he's lost his edge. He's no longer funny and the fans have begun to take notice... The solution? Return Vegas to his stand-up roots - The Edinburgh Fringe Festival. How? Kidnap Johnny and surround him with a mad lifestyle manager, a meglomaniac sponsor and his obsessive comic flatmate who should've been sectioned years ago. Then just sit back, watch his world fall apart and hope his new found misery means he can reclaim his place amongst stand-up comedy's finest with hilarious results! Succeed or fail, one question must be answered...Who's Ready For Ice Cream?
Johnny Vegas: Who's Ready for Ice Cream?
Tony Kenner
Johnny Vegas has crawled his way to the top of the showbiz ladder. Fame, wealth and awards are his but there's a problem...he's lost his edge. He's no longer funny and the fans have begun to take notice... The solution? Return Vegas to his stand-up roots - The Edinburgh Fringe Festival. How? Kidnap Johnny and surround him with a mad lifestyle manager, a meglomaniac sponsor and his obsessive comic flatmate who should've been sectioned years ago. Then just sit back, watch his world fall apart and hope his new found misery means he can reclaim his place amongst stand-up comedy's finest with hilarious results! Succeed or fail, one question must be answered...Who's Ready For Ice Cream?