Connie Angel
Johnny Sorrento un ex gangster que ha conseguido salir del hampa y que ahora se dedica a negocios legales, es acusado del asesinato de su esposa. Por mediación de su abogado, amigo de Perry Mason, consigue que éste le defienda.
Robin Jones
A nerdy high school super whiz experiments with a chemical which will transform his guinea pig "Mr. Mumps" from a gentle pet into a ravenous monster. In a fit of rage against his tormentors at the high school, Vernon Potts goes on a killing spree, eliminating all of those who ever picked on him - the Gym Coach, the School Jock, The Creepy Janitor & his hated teacher, Ms. Grindstaff.
Charlotte Beale
La enfermera Charlotte Beale llega al extraño hospital para enfermos mentales.Pronto comienzan a asesinar personas y alguien acosa a Charlotte
Three eerie tales based on actual events are enacted in this film. First, three college students play a prank on a geeky classmate, who is accidentally shot and killed. His vengeful mother forecasts the deaths of the three young men she holds responsible, on 7, 14, and 21 days hence. And, one by one, her grim predictions come true. Next, a ghoulish sound emanates from a mist-shrouded hole in the Earth near where a Missouri boy has lost his dog. The boy's father is lowered into the hole and lets out an agonizing scream! Finally, a senator returning home from a party finds a lost girl on a bridge and learns from her father that she died years earlier