Bodil Rosing

Nacimiento : 1877-12-27, Copenhagen, Denmark

Muerte : 1941-12-31


Bodil Rosing was born on December 27, 1877 in Copenhagen, Denmark. She was an actress, known for Sunrise (1927), You Can't Take It with You (1938) and Why Be Good? (1929). She was previously married to Einer Jansen. She died on December 31, 1941 in Hollywood, California, USA.


Marry the Boss's Daughter
Mrs. Polgar
Young man from Kansas goes to New York to work for his tycoon-hero. His superiors won't listen to his ideas about business, but the boss and his daughter do.
No Greater Sin
Ma James
The dangers of the dread venereal disease syphilis are depicted in this earnest drama from the 1940s. The story centers upon an intrepid health commissioner who is out to get rid of the tawdry hookers responsible for spreading the disease.
They Dare Not Love
Durante la huida que emprende un grupo de personas tras la invasión de las tropas alemanas, el príncipe austriaco Kurt von Rotenberg se enamora de Marta Keller. Al ser descubiertos por los nazis en Checoslovaquia, Von Rotenberg decide entregarse a cambio de que liberen a cuatro detenidos, entre ellos el novio de Marta. (FILMAFFINITY)
La ciudad que nunca duerme
Rita's Mother
Comedy of a North Woods clam-digger who journeys to Detroit to earn money for outboard motor by working on auto assembly line.
Tormenta mortal
Old Woman on Train
Victor Roth es un profesor universitario que vive tranquilamente con su familia en un pequeño pueblo del sur de los Alpes alemanes. Pero, cuando Hitler llega al poder (1933), los Roth, como todas las familias de origen judío, se ven obligados a separarse. Además Roth ve cómo su carrera se arruina y cómo sus hijos varones apoyan el nacionalsocialismo. En cambio, su hija Freya (Sullavan) y su prometido Martin (Stewart) ven con claridad meridiana que la única salida es huir del país.
Anna - Diana's Maid
Set against the backdrop of WWI Europe, a man and woman of different classes are brought together by their love of Lippizan horses.
Hitler - Beast of Berlin
Frau Kohler
Un grupo de jóvenes se enfrenta a la brutalidad de los nazis. Tienen un topo en la guardia de élite de Hitler, pero se ve obligado a participar en orgías y el alcohol le desata la lengua...
Nurse Edith Cavell
British nurse Edith Cavell is stationed at a hospital in Brussels during World War I. When the son of a former patient escapes from a German prisoner-of-war camp, she helps him flee to Holland. Outraged at the number of soldiers detained in the camps, Edith, along with a group of sympathizers, devises a plan to help the prisoners escape. As the group works to free the soldiers, Edith must keep her activities secret from the Germans
Hotel Imperial
Ratty Old Woman (uncredited)
It is the fate of a small frontier town, adjoining the no-man's-land where the Russians and Austrians are fighting out one of the final campaigns of World War I, to be occupied one day by the Russians, the next by the Austrians, and the inhabitants soon acquire a complacent view of the changing allegiances. To the town comes Ann Warschaska, intent on avenging the suicide of her sister, who has killed herself after being betrayed by an Austrian officer. She knows no more about his identity than the number of his room at the "Hotel Imperial".
Confesiones de un espía nazi
Passenger on Boat
Un agente del FBI (Robinson) investiga una amplia red de espionaje nazi que opera en Estados Unidos. Sus contactos llegarán hasta Suramérica y Europa. Se trata de una de las pocas películas del género antinazi rodadas antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, época en la que los Estados Unidos y, por consiguiente, Hollywood seguían una política aislacionista.
Vive como quieras
Mrs. Schmidt
Alice Sycamore, la única persona con un poco de cordura en una familia llena de lunáticos, se enamora de su jefe, Tony Kirby, que pertenece a una familia muy rica y muy cursi. La diferencia entre el estilo de vida y la mentalidad de ambas familias se agudizan cuando los padres de él van a cenar a casa de ella, y la cena termina con la llegada de la policía y la detención de todos los presentes, acusados de anarquistas.
The First Hundred Years
David and Lynn are a happily married couple. When David gets his dream job in another state, Lynn, a high-powered executive, doesn't want to leave NYC and her job
Desayuno para dos
Nanny - Blair's Household Staff
Valentine Ransome (Barbara Stanwyck), una rica heredera texana, está decidida a transformar en un hombre de provecho al joven Jonathan Blair (Herbert Marshall), último descendiente de una larga disnatía dedicada al transporte marítimo y con el negocio al borde de la ruina. Lo que 'Johnny' no sospecha es el precio que deberá pagar...
Village Woman (uncredited)
Cuando su tía se cansa de cuidarla, Heidi, una niña huérfana, debe ir a vivir a las montañas suizas con su arisco abuelo (Jean Hersholt), un ermitaño que pronto se encariña con ella. Pero la tía regresa para llevársela a vivir con una familia que necesita una compañera para su hija inválida (Marcia Mae Jones). A pesar de que una malvada institutriz (Mary Nash) le hace la vida imposible, Heidi consigue ganarse el cariño de todos los de la casa y no ceja en su intento de volver a reunirse con su querido abuelo.
Michael O'Halloran
Mrs. Polska
A wealthy woman's wild lifestyle finally drives her husband to take their two children, move out of the house and file for divorce. Positive she'll lose her children unless she shows the judge that she's changed her wild ways, she takes in two poor street kids, a brother and sister.
El detective y su compañera (Misterio en el museo)
Theresa the Cook
La maestra Hildegarde Withers y el policía Oscar Piper, tratarán de averiguar la verdad sobre la aparición del cadáver de un millonario asesinado en su mansión. Las sospechas recaen en una joven pareja de enamorados, antiguos alumnos de la profesora Withers.
Una mujer difamada
Justice of the Peace's Wife (uncredited)
Cuando Loy, una diva social, calumnia al periodista Tracy, éste decide contraatacar implicando en el asunto a su prometida y al desafortunado Powell, un famosísimo pescador deportivo. El plan de Tracy incluye un matrimonio improvisado, una falsa seducción, la pesca de la trucha, puñetazos, promesas rotas...
Thunder in the Night
A whodunit set in Budapest, starring Edmund Lowe as a detective investigating the murder of an unemployed vaudeville actor.
La destrucción del hampa
Mrs. Keefer
Narra las andanzas de tres agentes federales antimafia: Mal, Van y Tex. Después de frustrar el secuestro de una chica de la alta sociedad, ex novia de Van, Mal se enamora de ella, aunque no está de acuerdo con que la chica exculpe a su chófer. Todo desemboca, finalmente, en la persecución de una banda de atracadores de bancos en Ohio.
Four Hours to Kill!
A detective who has "four hours to kill" before delivering his prisoner, an escaped killer, spends the time in the lobby of a Broadway theater where a musical is playing. The film focuses on the relationship between the two men, and also between various characters in the theater audience, staff and cast.
A Night at the Ritz
Mama Jaynos
A PR man talks a swanky hotel into hiring his girlfriend's brother as chef.
Un jugador de fútbol americano viaja a París donde sin proponérselo se verá regentando una tienda de moda.
El velo pintado
Frau Koerber
Katrin es una atractiva mujer que realiza un viaje por China mientras atraviesa una etapa de soledad. Decide casarse con el doctor Walter Fane, pero éste, debido a su profesión, no puede dedicarle mucho tiempo a su esposa, y ella comienza un romance secreto con un amante.
Crimson Romance
Mama von Bergen
After Fred von Bergen, a German immigrant in America, is forced from his job by anti-German hysteria before the first world war, he and his friend Bob Wilson leave America and join the German air force. There, both men fall in love with ambulance driver Alida Hoffman. When America enters the war, Bob is caught between loyalty to his home country and the threat of execution for desertion and treason to Germany. It remains for his friend Fred to extricate him from the dilemma - but at what cost?
King Kelly of the U.S.A.
A theatrical troupe headed by a flashy showman finds itself in the tiny--and bankrupt--kingdom of Belgardia. The showman falls in love with the daughter of the dotty king, who has promised her to another.
Such Women Are Dangerous
An aspiring young writer becomes infatuated with a successful romance novelist, who realizes his life as a philandering Lothario is suddenly threatened.
Mrs. Kleinschmidt
Tras ser abandonada por su amante, una mujer se convierte en la figura principal de un club nocturno en decadencia; después tratará de olvidar su pasado embarcándose con destino a Mandalay.
La reina Cristina de Suecia
Innkeeper's Wife (uncredited)
Suecia, siglo XVII. Durante la guerra de los Treinta Años (1618-1648) muere, en la batalla de Lutzen, el rey Gustavo Adolfo de Suecia. Hereda el trono su hija Cristina, que desde la infancia se entrega en cuerpo y alma a los problemas de estado, lo que la lleva a renunciar al matrimonio con el principe Carlos Gustavo, héroe nacional y el pretendiente preferido por todos. Sin embargo, Cristina se enamora profundamente de Don Antonio, Conde de Pimentel y embajador del rey de España en Suecia.
Reunion in Vienna
Kathie - the Krug Family Maid
An exiled archduke (John Barrymore) tries to renew romance with a former lover (Diana Wynyard) now wed to a psychiatrist (Frank Morgan).
Mrs. Bauer - Helen's Mother
Although free spirit Helen Bauer does not believe in marriage, she consents to marry Don, but his infidelities cause her to also take on a lover.
The Crime of the Century
Hilda Ericson - Maid
A doctor who is also a “mentalist” confesses to a murder. The only problem is that the murder he’s confessed to hasn’t happened yet – although dead bodies are now starting to turn up all over the place. A reporter sets out to solve the “mystery”.
Soy un vagabundo
Undetermined Secondary Role
El jefe de un grupo de vagabundos del Central Park mejora su aspecto, del que no reniega, por el amor que siente por una joven que ha perdido la memoria. Cuando ella la recupera, él se convierte, de nuevo, en vagabundo.
The Match King
Frau Necher (uncredited)
Unscrupulous Chicago janitor Paul Kroll uses deceit to fund a return trip to his homeland of Sweden. There, via ongoing continuing deceit and manipulation, he gradually attains a monopoly on the matchstick market in several countries and becomes an influential international figure. Based on the true story of Ivar Kreuger.
6 Hours to Live
A murder victim is brought back to life by a scientific experiment. However, the effects only last for six hours, and he must find his killer in that time.
Los de abajo
A partir de una historia escrita por él mismo, John Gilbert interpreta a Karl, un chófer despreocupadamente amoral, cuya avaricia y lujuria amenazan con alterar el orden establecido en las propiedades del barón para el que entra a trabajar. Confiando en su atractivo, intentará seducir a la baronesa, la doncella y la cocinera. (FA)
Gran Hotel
Nurse Helping Old Lady Into Elevator (uncredited)
Las diferentes historias de los huéspedes de un elegante hotel es el argumento de este film de brillante reparto. Obtuvo tan sólo un Oscar, pero fue el de mejor película.
Three Who Loved
'Aunt Anna' Larson
A bank teller's love life falls apart when he's accused of embezzling.
Part Time Wife
Martha - the Cook
The story concentrates of neglectful husband Jim Murdock (Edmund Lowe) and his frustrated wife Betty (Leila Hyams). For lack of anything else to do, Betty takes up golf, soon achieving professional status. Meanwhile, Jim's doctor advises him to start playing golf as an outlet for his frustrations. Sure enough, Jim and Betty are reteamed on the links, and all is well -- for everyone except Betty's erstwhile beau Tommy Milligan (Tom Clifford)
Oh, for a Man!
Disenchanted opera star Carlotta Manson falls for ruffian cat burglar Barney McGann and gives up her career to marry him. But Barney grows disenchanted himself at being known as the husband of a diva and itches to get back to his life of crime and manliness.
Sin novedad en el frente
Mother of Hospital Patient (uncredited)
Mítica película antibélica que plasma los sentimientos, sensaciones y desilusiones de un grupo de jóvenes estudiantes que son enviados al frente en la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Es una adaptación de la novela homónima del escritor alemán Erich María Remarque. Su estreno provocó enfrentamientos entre nazis y comunistas.
Hello Sister
Martha Peddie
Olive Borden plays a modern jazz maiden who is forced to be good for six months or lose out on her grandfather's inheritance.
The Bishop Murder Case
Grete Menzel
The murders start with the body of Robin. He is found with a arrow through the heart, but Vance deduces that the body was placed and not found where he was killed. The note found dealing with the murder was part of a nursery rhyme and signed by 'Bishop'. The only witness may have been Mrs. Drukker and Adolph, but they are not talking. As the murders progress, each one is accompanied by a nursery rhyme. It is up to Philo Vance to unravel the clues and unmask the identity of the murderer 'Bishop'.
Broadway Babies
Una muchacha quiere ser artista al tiempo que ha decidir entre dos amores.
Andre's Mother
Vroni, una campesina suiza, vive un hermoso romance con Andre Frey. Por diversas razones, deciden mantener su affaire en secreto. Tras un tiempo separados, Andre viaja a Suiza para estar con ella, pero descubre que Vroni ha sido obligada a casarse con Poldi Moser, un rico y poderoso alcalde.
Amor eterno
Marcus Paltram, cazador de un pueblo suizo, está enamorado de Ciglia, pero es amado a su vez por Pia, una chica de las montañas que odia a Ciglia. Una noche, Pia seduce a Marcus y, obligado por la madre de ella, éste se casa con la muchacha. Ciglia se casa a su vez con Lorenz Gruber, que siempre la ha querido. Furioso porque Ciglia sigue amando a Marcus, Gruber trata de sobornarle para que abandone el pueblo. COMENTARIOS Ya bien asentado en América, el prolífico director que destacó por sus elegantes comedias realizó también, en la etapa anterior de cine mudo, numerosos dramas como este Amor eterno. Amor eterno, es una tragedia en toda regla, montada con un par de panorámicas de una aldea pintoresca como cualquiera habida en los nevados Alpes de aquellos tiempos, unos exteriores repartidos entre los desfiladeros montañosos y la calle principal del pueblo, una ordenada algarabía de vecinos de un lado para otro y un guión muy apañado.
Why Be Good?
Ma Kelly
Un flapper con una dudosa reputación disfruta de una noche vivaz de baile y sin saber muy bien cómo se encuentra vinculada románticamente a su jefe.
King of the Rodeo
A Montana cowboy battles lowlifes while preparing for a competition in Chicago.
The Woman from Moscow
A silent film directed by Ludwig Berger.
The Fleet's In
Mrs. Deane
A girl who works in a dance hall falls in love with a sailor, but he has the wrong idea of what it is she does and doesn't want anything to do with her.
Out of the Ruins
Mère Gilbert
He hid from life in the ruins -he came out of the ruins to death! A man condemned to live in the shadow of a great love-never to realize it until he makes the supreme sacrifice.
Ladies of the Mob
The mother
A dead criminal's daughter falls in love with a small-time crook and tries to get him to reform before he winds up like her father.
The Big Noise
Ma Sloval
John Stoval, a guard in a New York subway, thinks that Philip Hurd, who owns a concession at Coney Island, would make a good husband for his daughter Sophie. Sophie, however, has her sights set on Bill Hedges, the son of a wealthy farmer in upstate New York. Her father arranges for her to marry Hurd in exchange for a 25% interest in the concession, but matters come to a halt when John slips and falls off a subway platform and is injured.
The Law of the Range
Jim and the Kid's Mother
Jim Lockhart is out to capture the robbing and murdering "Solitaire Kid".
Wild Geese
Mrs. Sandbo
Silent romantic melodrama about a wife and mother who is desperate to keep a secret from the past IN the past, despite her husband's intentions to reveal it.
The Maid
Un granjero convive felizmente en el campo con su esposa. Pero la aparición de una seductora mujer de la ciudad hace que comience a enamorarse de ésta, y a pensar que su mujer es un estorbo que se interpone en la felicidad entre él y su nueva y sofisticada amante.
Blondes by Choice
Caroline Bennett
The City
The City is a lost 1926 silent film produced and released by the Fox Film Corporation. It was directed by Roy William Neill and is based on Clyde Fitch's 1909 Broadway play. A previous film on Fitch's play appeared in 1916. This version has been updated to contemporary 1926
The Midnight Kiss
Swedish maid
While vain Lenore Hastings busies herself with her romantic pursuits, Lenore's kid sister Mildred tries to keep the family of her boyfriend Thomas from going broke. Mildred works up a business arrangement, whereby she will sell Thomas' father's 250 pigs for a dollar each. Though Lenore is appalled by Mildred's "disgraceful" behavior, the younger girl quickly earns the respect of everyone in town
It Must Be Love
Mom Schmidt
Fernie Schmidt (Colleen Moore) lives with her parents in the rear of their delicatessen. The smells of the business - cheeses, sausages, garlic and pickled herrings - repulses Fernie, who dreams of leaving this environment and moving into a life that's more rarified. Her father, Pop Schmidt (Jean Hersholt) has plans for his daughter to marry Peter Halitovsky (Arthur Stone), a sausage salesman, but Fernie is repulsed by the idea. At a dance, Fernie meets Jack Dugan (Malcolm McGregor), who tells her that he is in stocks, a paper-counter, and she falls for him. Because of her rejection of her father's chosen candidate for matrimony, Pop puts Fernie out of the house.
The Sporting Lover
Captain Terrance Connaughton loses his stable of horses in a card game with Algernon Cravens.
Lights of Old Broadway
Widow Gorman
Adapted from the play The Merry Wives of Gotham, twin sisters are separated at birth - one of them becomes a society girl in New York, the other lives in the Irish slums.
El jazz-Band del Follies
Minor Role (uncredited)
Maggie es la primera actriz cómica del Follies, que anhela el tipo de relaciones románticas de sus más agraciadas compañeras de trabajo. Maggie, a resultas de caer en el tambor del batería de la orquesta, Al Cassidy, se enamora de éste. Se casan y tienen un hijo. Pero Selma Larson, una de las más guapas estrellas del Follies, se entrometerá en el matrimonio con el único fin de perjudicar a Maggie, ya que está celosa de ella por el éxito cómico de sus números...