Henry Morgan
A Maritime Board of Inquiry investigates the loss of the merchant ship, the Black Rover . Its captain, Jim Parker, offers the following testimony on his own behalf: Jim is recommended by Fred Winthrop to his father, owner of the Winthrop Shipping Line, to command the Black Rover after its captain and crew refuse to make the voyage. Jim, who has just received his captain's papers, agrees, unaware that Winthrop is illegally running a cargo of contraband weapons. The film has never had a theatrical release. Production began in 1930 under the title "Contraband," stopped when the producers ran out of money, then began again under the title "Contraband Cargo." Production soon stopped again and was not resumed until 1939, when new footage was shot and footage from HELL HARBOR (1930) was edited in. The film was still deemed not suitable for theatrical distribution, and it was not until 1949 that it was finally released... for late night airing on television.
Prison Guard (uncredited)
Una farsa con cierto estilo según la novela de Rosamund Marshall, que bebe directamente de la idea de Pigmalión. Esta vez se traslada la acción al Londres del siglo XVIII, donde unos conspiradores transforman a una chica de la calle (Paulette Goddard, tan divertida y natural como de costumbre) en una gran dama. Traman un plan consistente en casar a la muchacha con un noble de la Corte para sacarle todo el dinero posible.
Parishioner (uncredited)
Historia de un simpático cura y su actividad a favor de su parroquia, así como las discrepancias con otro sacerdote mayor y más severo
Servant (uncredited)
En la Inglaterra victoriana, una bella mujer (Ingrid Bergman) se casa con un famoso pianista (Charles Boyer). La felicidad desaparece cuando en la casa, donde años atrás se cometió un asesinato, la mujer empieza a oír extraños e inexplicables ruidos; mientras tanto, su marido la atormenta hasta hacerla creer que se está volviendo loca.
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Tras su muerte, el mayor Pete Sandidge (Tracy), piloto de un bombardero, se convierte en el ángel guardián de otro piloto, el capitán Ted Randall (Van Johnson), al que no sólo protegerá en las batallas, sino que también ayudará a resolver los problemas con su novia (Irene Dunne). Melodrama bélico de carácter propagandístico y elementos fantásticos.
Opera patron (uncredited)
Una chica de pueblo cambia de identidad para triunfar en Nueva York, y su novio resulta sospechoso de su "desaparición".
Reporter (uncredited)
Después de sufrir un periodo de amnesia, un diplomático (William Powell), es acosado por un extorsionador que lo amenaza con revelar su pasado como maleante.
Man on Boat (uncredited)
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, una familia inglesa, que vive en un pequeño pueblo, logra sobrevivir a los bombardeos alemanes. La madre se encuentra al frente de la casa esperando que su hijo y su marido regresen de la guerra.
When Andrew Long, hyper-efficient small town accountant, finds a $1240 discrepancy in the city budget, his superiors try to explain it away. When he insists on pursuing the matter, he's in danger of being blamed himself. In his trouble, the spirit of Andrew Jackson, whom he idolizes, visits him, and in turn, summons much high-powered talent from American history...which only Andrew can see.
Villager (uncredited)
Tras varios años en Estados Unidos, el hijo de un noble inglés regresa a la mansión de su padre en Gales. Una noche que asiste a una feria zíngara es mordido por un lobo y su vida comienza a cambiar cuando teme ser el responsable de las muertes que se están produciendo en la localidad.
Churchgoer in Wheelchair (uncredited)
La segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) también llegó a Kenia, país situado entre el imperio colonial británico y las colonias alemanas. En Manieka, un puñado de soldados inleses protegía la frontera de posibles ataques alemanes. En aquel clima infernal, lejos de la metrópoli, al anochecer, todos charlan y sienten nostalgia de su patria. Cuando llega el mayor Combes, el nuevo delegado del gobierno, la situación mejora, sobre todo, porque cerca acampa una caravana de árabes dirigida por Zi, una hermosísima princesa mitad árabe mitad francesa.
Cafe Customer (uncredited)
Un director de cine quiere que estrella se lleve un bebé en un viaje en tren, con el fin de conseguir publicidad. Ya en el tren, la actriz se encuentra con un joven médico al que conoció en el colegio, y del que sigue enamorada. Pero la presencia del bebé causará todo tipo de problemas y malentendidos...
Posse Member
El Dr. Bernard Adrian es un científico amable que busca curar la polio de una mujer joven. Necesita líquido cefalorraquídeo humano para completar la fórmula de su suero experimental. Mientras tanto, un simio de circo vicioso ha escapado de su jaula y está aterrorizando a la gente del pueblo. ¿Puede haber una conexión?
Doctor (uncredited)
Shipping magnate Cyrus Wentworth, downcast over a disaster to his ocean liner 'Wentworth Castle' (carrying, oddly enough, an illicit shipment of Chinese bonds) is shot in his office at the very moment of kicking out his daughter's fiance Dick Fleming. Of course, Captain Street arrests Dick, but reporter Bobbie Logan, the attractive thorn in Street's side, is so convinced he's wrong that she enlists the help of detective James Lee Wong to find the real killer.
Un joven que aspira a convertirse en pintor acaba alistándose en un regimiento del ejército. El mayor Rogers, al mando de la unidad, trata de encontrar un paso que cruce desde el continente americano al noroeste.
Rancher (uncredited)
A New Yorker moves West when he inherits an Arizona ranch.
Villager (uncredited)
A.J. Raffles, hombre de mundo y jugador de cricket de primera, se mantiene solvente cometiendo robos atrevidos. Cuando se reencuentra con Gwen, su amor de adolescencia, vuelve a enamorarse otra vez de ella y pasa el fin de semana con sus padres, Lord y Lady Melrose. Un valioso collar supone una tentación irresistible para él, pero deberá tener cuidado con uno de los mejores agentes de Scotland Yard, que también está al acecho.
The daughter of a mill-owner is sent undercover to the mill of a rival, where she gets mixed up in romantic antics.
In this espionage drama, a Secret Service agent must discover who has been smuggling British arms into China. The prime suspect is a prosperous Chinese merchant-philanthropist and the agent thinks the merchant is working with the notorious Chinese guerilla warlord General Ling.
1st Captain
A man ignores a warning to stay away from a sinister house on marshland near Liverpool; when someone drowns close by, he finds the evidence doesn’t add up…
Revolt on a prison island is a parable of workers revolution. A cruel and repressive penal colony is the setting for a prison revolt with a special twist...the prisoners want to stay on and govern themselves in a humane and productive working community. Well that's the theory anyway but circumstances make their venture a lot more complicated than that.
British comedy film directed by Leslie Pearce.
A batty Scottish professor attempts to prove the existence of the Loch Ness Monster, but everyone thinks he's crazy. Meanwhile, a foolish young reporter attempts to get a scoop on the story.
Film by Andrew Marton.
Don Alfredo, Carmen's Poor Husband
Con el paso de los años, Don Juan, el mayor seductor de todos los tiempos, vive más de su leyenda que de sus encantos. Prueba de ello es que, cuando se difunde la noticia de su muerte, desaparecen sus dotes de seducción. Finalmente, empujado por un sentimiento de fracaso, decide pasar por la vicaría.
John Dragan
An expedition goes in search of a party lost in the Arctic the year before. This is the English language version of the German film S.O.S. Eisberg (1933), made at the same time but with a slightly different cast and released later that year. The German film is approximately 10 minutes longer.
John Dragan
La historia trata sobre una expedición de cuatro hombres que son llevados a Groenlandia para el rescate de un explorador que se suponía que había muerto, pero que se presume vivo tras encontrar una nota escrita en un diario. La expedición se mete en problemas cuando al intentar cruzar una zona semicongelada, ésta se rompe hacia el océano en forma de iceberg en lo que parece su definitivo final.
During World War 1, an Austrian Battalion holds a mountain stronghold against the attack of the Italian army.
Mike Donovan
Jack Marian isa gambler with an unsavory past. Suspected of being an outlaw, Jack plays along with this misconception, the better to infiltrate a gang of smugglers. Along the way, he clears the name of the brother of Texas ranger Mike Donovan, and helps patch up the romance between Donovan and heroine Bernice.
Committee Member (uncredited)
Martin Arrowsmith es un joven e idealista doctor que, tras graduarse, se ve obligado a renunciar a un puesto como investigador con el prestigioso Dr. Max Gottlieb para casarse con la enfermera Leora Tozer. Regresa a su hogar natal en el campo, estableciendo una pequeña consulta, y en su tiempo libre desarrollará un suero para detener una mortal plaga del ganado.
Bartender (uncredited)
En un pueblo del Pacífico, Seth, un pescador viudo, se casa con Ruth, una jovencita que podría ser su hija. Poco a poco, la chica comienza a sentirse atraída por Matt, el hijo de Seth.
A cowboy takes a job as sheriff in a small town and finds that one of his first jobs is trying to stop trouble between newly arrived sheepmen and local cattle ranchers, who don't want the sheep grazing on "their" range.
Two street cleaners save the life of the police commissioner. In gratitude, he gives them jobs as policemen. Their first assignment? Capture the #1 criminal on the "Ten Most Wanted" list.
The sister of a sponge diver killed by a stingray loves an escaped convict posing as a priest.
Henry Morgan
En una remota isla del Caribe, poblada por los descendientes de la tripulación del pirata Henry Morgan, el tátara-tátaranieto de éste quiere obligar a su hija Anita a que se case con el despreciable prestamista Joseph Horngold para poder disponer de mucho oro. El marinero americano Bob Wade acude en su rescate y su presencia hace estallar una revuelta en la isla.
On a volcanic island near the kingdom of Hetvia rules Count Dakkar, a benevolent leader and scientist who has eliminated class distinction among the island's inhabitants. Dakkar, his daughter Sonia and her fiance, engineer Nicolai Roget have designed a submarine which Roget pilots on its initial voyage just before the island is overrun by Baron Falon, despotic ruler of Hetvia. Falon sets out after Roget in a second submarine and the two craft, diving to the ocean's floor, discover a strange land populated by dragons, giant squid and an eerie undiscovered humanoid race.
Black Bastien
Sergeant Malone of the Mounties and effeminate Etienne Doray are both in love with Rose-Marie, but she doesn't light up until soldier of fortune Jim Kenyon drifts into the post. Soon Jim is accused of murder but he escapes.
Angry Driver (uncredited)
Un granjero convive felizmente en el campo con su esposa. Pero la aparición de una seductora mujer de la ciudad hace que comience a enamorarse de ésta, y a pensar que su mujer es un estorbo que se interpone en la felicidad entre él y su nueva y sofisticada amante.
The Blacksmith
The transition from horses to automobiles at the turn of the century causes problems between a father and son.
Simon Leegree
Topsy is the main character in this movie. When the black girl who "jes' growed" is auctioned as a slave but nobody will bid on her, Little Eva purchases Topsy for a nickel. That's the one part of this movie that I found plausible: slaveholders often refused to buy children, since their upkeep in food usually exceeded any labour they performed. There's a gooey romantic subplot between Mariette (the niece of Simon Legree) and George Shelby, son of a prominent slaveholder.
Silent 'Oklahoma' Joe
Deputy Marshal Jerry Steele (Ken Maynard) heads off to Oklahoma where a gang of nasty cattle rustlers is terrorizing the local ranchers. After a bit of detective work -- greatly aided by a motley group of would-be outlaws deputized for the occasion -- Steele unmasks a supposedly upstanding citizen Bob Crew (Tom Santschi) as the leader of the rustlers.
Ephraim Adamson
In the small farming community of Spring Valley, young Aurora Lane has caused a scandal by bearing a son by townsman Lucius Henderson, who refuses to marry her or even admit that he's the father. Shunned as a "sinful" woman by most of the town, she turns over her son, Don, to be raised by Miss Julia, the town librarian, who tells the boy that she's his "aunt". Don grows up and goes to college, and when he comes back home the town gossips begin a rumor-mongering campaign. When the town policeman tries to drive Aurora out of town he is found murdered, and Don is arrested for the crime.
Montero, son of a Gypsy leader, is about to take a bride according to primitive ritual, when the Duke de la Garda demands his right as feudal lord--to take the bride to his castle for a night. Rather than accede to the duke's advances, the girl chooses death by her own hand. Montero swears vengeance.....
Gentleman of Rome (uncredited)
La acción se desarrolla en Roma, en la época de los Borgia, Lucrecia (Estelle Taylor), César (Warner Orland), y el Conde Donati (Montagu Love). Don Juan (John Barrymore), a quién su padre Don José (también John Barrymore) enseñó que las mujeres sólo traen tres cosas: vida, desilusión y muerte, tiene múltiples romances a sus espaldas, pero vive obsesionado con la única mujer que nunca pudo tener, Doña Isabel (Jane Winton). Ella y él sufrirán la ira de Lucrecia, despechada por ser ignorada por Don Juan, así como por matar este al conde Donati en un duelo...
Destaca por ser la primera película de la historia con una banda sonora completa y efectos de sonido sincronizados, al ser el primer largometraje de la Warner Bros que utilizó el sistema de sonido Vitaphone. Sin embargo, en esencia, y al margen de estos detalles técnicos, se concibió y produjo como una película muda, sin ningún diálogo sonoro, siendo todos los diálogos a base de intertítulos al igual que en el cine mudo.
Simon Buquet
En los sótanos de la Ópera de París vive oculto el misterioso Eric, el hombre de voz de ángel y rostro desfigurado de demonio, que acecha entre pared y pared a la hermosa soprano Christine Daeé, a la que desea catapultar hasta la cima de la fama; pero cuando se entera de que la cantante está prometida al apuesto vizconde Raoul, se vuelve loco de celos.
While in Europe, Chaddie Green, a society girl, discovers that she has been left penniless. She returns to the United States and meets Duncan MacKail, who is equally broke though he owns grainland in the West. Duncan and Chaddie are married and go west to homestead. Duncan hires Ollie, a Swedish caretaker, who frightens Chaddie. When business takes Duncan away, Chaddie goes to take care of Percy Woodhouse, an Englishman who has become ill at his place fifteen miles away. Her horse runs away, and she is forced to spend the night there. She sleeps under a wagon, but Duncan is nevertheless angry and jealous.
John McTeague
Un supuesto dentista se casa con una mujer a la que le ha tocado la lotería. El frustrado novio de ésta le acusa de no tener licencia para ejercer como tal. A causa de ello, el matrimonio vive pobremente, pero la mujer ahorra compulsivamente. La avaricia y los celos conducirán a una tragedia. Existen dos versiones: la censurada, de dos horas y media, y la completa, de cuatro horas.
Cowhand Jim Cleve is wrongly accused of murder and rescued by Jack Kells, leader of a band of Idaho outlaws known as the Border Legion. But when the Legion takes Joan Randall prisoner and leaves Cleve to guard her, he realizes that he cannot remain part of an outlaw band and decides to rescue Joan.
Le Turc
Jean and Marise, young lovers forced from their homes, flee to Paris. Irrevocably separated there, their lives deviate into the slums and hard labor of low-class French society. All the while, the two desperately search for one another.
Michael Le Prim
A societal romance drama based on an Alice Duer Miller novel.
A young woman fights to keep her Wyoming sheep ranch from being overrun and destroyed by cattle ranchers.
Jo Portugais
Snobbish attorney Charles 'Beauty' Steele loses his wife due to his drinking and his airs at the same time that his brother-in-law absconds with funds belonging to one of Steele's clients. In search of the thief, Steele is attacked and left for dead. He is rescued by a kindly couple, but suffers from amnesia.
Gideon Blank
Oscar Krug es visto con recelo por sus vecinos debido a su apellido. Cuando los Estados Unidos declaran la guerra a Alemania, un grupo de ciudadanos ataca a Krug. Se encuentran con una fuerte oposición de Krug y deciden dejarlo abandonado. Bill Tavish, su mayor oponente, se convierte en su mejor amigo y juntos recorren los mares como capitán y primer oficial. Krug se casa con Alice Morse en contra de los deseos de su familia, siendo expulsada de su hogar, por lo cual se queda en el barco con su marido. Durante un ataque de un submarino alemán, Alice le es arrebatada a Krug por un oficial alemán. Krug, preso de ira, planea una terrible venganza...
Silent Sepp
An Austrian military officer and rogue attempts to seduce the wife of a surgeon. The two men confront each other in a test of abilities that ends surprisingly.
Secondary Role (uncredited)
A woman holds up an Eastern millionaire, who then tells a big story of his encounter with a bandit, and afterward gives a large check to keep from being exposed.
Mike Burley
After young Ruth Bowman's mother dies, the child is raised by Agatha Pixley, and in time, the girl falls in love with Agatha's son, Eric. While Eric is at sea with Captain Scudder on a boat owned by Jim and Hiram Hawley, a jealous villager spreads the tale that Ruth is illegitimate, and the townspeople inevitably snub her. Jim Hiram sets his boat on fire after its arrival in port so that he can collect insurance money, and Ruth, believing that Eric is on board, tries to rescue him. When Ruth and Eric escape safely, Captain Scudder reveals that he, Ruth's long-lost father, was legally married to her mother, which re-establishes Ruth's good name and enables her to marry Eric. - From IMDB
Musician (uncredited)
In order to claim his inheritance, our hero must first produce a wife and family.
Batt Truxton
Greek Conniston, after living a life of ease and comfort, is forced by his millionaire father to get a job and earn his own living. While traveling West with his friend Roger Hapgood, Greek meets Argyl Crawford and, entranced by the girl, takes a job on her father's ranch.
After an argument with his father, in which he is accused of stealing, Bill Carmody leaves home. His girlfriend Ethel is mad at him because of his carousing. So he heads out West, but he gets in a railroad accident and saves the life of Appleton, who owns a lumber mill. To reward Bill, Appleton gives him a job, and it doesn't take him long to discern that Buck Moncrossen, the camp boss, is crooked.
Marion, who has kept house for her father since her mother's death, has two suitors, Rufus Strong, the village blacksmith, and Eph Little, the village beau brummel.
Dr. Ballard (as T.W. Gowland)
When her husband dies and leaves her penniless, Mrs. Lawrence Evringham moves in with her wealthy but grim father-in-law and schemes to marry Eloise, her daughter, to the rich Dr. Ballard.