
Robert "Buzz" Henry

Nacimiento : 1931-09-04, Alamosa, Colorado, USA

Muerte : 1971-09-30




El eslabón perdido
Second Unit Director
Una expedición con el duro Douglas Temple encuentra en Nueva Guinea una raza de pequeños hombres mono llamados "los Tropi".
Grupo salvaje
Second Unit
Un grupo de veteranos atracadores de bancos, desarraigados ladrones que viven al margen de la ley y que actúan en la frontera entre los Estados Unidos y México, se ven acorralados por unos cazadores de recompensas y el ejército mexicano.
Grupo salvaje
Bounty Hunter (uncredited)
Un grupo de veteranos atracadores de bancos, desarraigados ladrones que viven al margen de la ley y que actúan en la frontera entre los Estados Unidos y México, se ven acorralados por unos cazadores de recompensas y el ejército mexicano.
El oeste loco
Un jugador deslenguado compra un mapa que enseña la localización de un cargamento de oro robado y escondido en un abrevadero. En poco tiempo, se verá perseguido por el sheriff, unos ladrones y la hija del agente de la ley... (FILMAFFINITY)
El oeste loco
Un jugador deslenguado compra un mapa que enseña la localización de un cargamento de oro robado y escondido en un abrevadero. En poco tiempo, se verá perseguido por el sheriff, unos ladrones y la hija del agente de la ley... (FILMAFFINITY)
F de Flint
Cuando el presidente de los Estados Unidos es secuestrado y suplantado por un malvado impostor, el encargado de resolver el misterio es el elegante e intrépido superespía Derek Flint. En una remota y exótica isla del Caribe, descubre una conspiración de mujeres tan bellas como peligrosas, que han ideado un insólito sistema de lavado de cerebro para dominar el mundo. (FILMAFFINITY)
F de Flint
Cuando el presidente de los Estados Unidos es secuestrado y suplantado por un malvado impostor, el encargado de resolver el misterio es el elegante e intrépido superespía Derek Flint. En una remota y exótica isla del Caribe, descubre una conspiración de mujeres tan bellas como peligrosas, que han ideado un insólito sistema de lavado de cerebro para dominar el mundo. (FILMAFFINITY)
F de Flint
Cuando el presidente de los Estados Unidos es secuestrado y suplantado por un malvado impostor, el encargado de resolver el misterio es el elegante e intrépido superespía Derek Flint. En una remota y exótica isla del Caribe, descubre una conspiración de mujeres tan bellas como peligrosas, que han ideado un insólito sistema de lavado de cerebro para dominar el mundo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Stunt Coordinator
La boda en Luisiana entre la debutante Phoeb Am Maylor y Don Andrea de Baldasar, es interrumpida por la caballería debido a un asunto de honor. Don Andrea huye a través del río hacia Texas, donde se encuentra con Sam Hollis y su compañero indio Kronk, que están transportando rifles a la ciudad de Moccasin Flats.
El coronel Von Ryan
American POW
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Al mismo tiempo que los aliados consiguen hacer retroceder a las tropas del Tercer Reich hacia Alemania, el Coronel Josep Ryan, piloto de combate, tiene la mala suerte de ser herido y trasladado a un campo de prisioneros americanos e ingleses. Más preocupado por sobrevivir que por escapar, se gana el humillante apodo de Von Ryan. Pero, cuando tiene que relevar al oficial inglés al mando, se propone alcanzar la libertad por medio de un arriesgadísimo plan, que consiste en huir en tren, a través de Italia, para llegar a Suiza.
La ley del hampa
Bodyguard (uncredited)
En los años veinte, Jack "Legs" Diamond (Ray Danton), apodado "el piernas", y su hermano Eddie (Warren Oates) llegan a la ciudad de Nueva York en busca de fortuna. Empiezan como pequeños ladrones de joyas, pero pronto comenzarán a subir para alcanzar la cumbre del crimen organizado...
El rostro de un fugitivo
Burton (uncredited)
Un hombre llamado Jim Larson es acusado de un asesinato que no ha cometido. Acosado por la policía, consigue huir hasta un pequeño pueblo cercano a la frontera donde adopta una nueva personalidad. Ray Kincaid, que es su nuevo nombre, desafía poco después a un poderoso ranchero de la zona que está usurpando tierras públicas.
Lieutenant Crittenden (as Robert Buzz Henry)
Un adolescente sioux que debe demostrar su hombría captura y entrena a un potro al que bautiza Tonka. En poco tiempo, el potro se convierte en un hermoso caballo que tendrá que ceder a su primo. Pero el destino del animal será el de las tropas del general Custer, cuyo objetivo es despoblar la zona de nativos.
Furia en el valle
Jason Sweet es un rudo ovejero que se ve obligado a enfrentarse con los ganaderos de la comarca, sobre todo con Stephen Bedford. Dell Payton, una despreocupada chica de frontera, atrae la atención tanto de Jason como de Bedford. (FILMAFFINITY)
Slim Barrett
Frank Harris, contable de un gran hotel de Chicago, conoce al millonario ganadero Tom Reece. Con la idea de hacerse cowboy, Harris aprovecha que Reece ha perdido una gran cantidad de dinero, para ofrecerle ayuda y proponerle que se haga su socio. Al día siguiente, salen para México a comprar el ganado al señor Vidal, al que Harris ha conocido en el hotel y de cuya hija, María, está enamorado. Comienza para Frank un duro aprendizaje.
El tren de las 3:10
El azar obliga a un pobre campesino a sustituir al sheriff para escoltar a Ben (Glenn Ford), un peligroso delincuente, que es, además el jefe de una banda de temibles forajidos. Tras cometer un asesinato, Ben es apresado y escoltado hasta un pueblo, por donde pasa el tren que debe llevarlo a Yuma (Arizona) para ser juzgado. Mientras tanto, su banda prepara su rescate.
El tren de las 3:10
Wade Henchman (uncredited)
El azar obliga a un pobre campesino a sustituir al sheriff para escoltar a Ben (Glenn Ford), un peligroso delincuente, que es, además el jefe de una banda de temibles forajidos. Tras cometer un asesinato, Ben es apresado y escoltado hasta un pueblo, por donde pasa el tren que debe llevarlo a Yuma (Arizona) para ser juzgado. Mientras tanto, su banda prepara su rescate.
The Lawless Eighties
Little Wolf
After deceitful Indian agent Grat Bandas has his men shoot Brother Van, gunfighter Linc Prescott saves the peaceful circuit rider and agrees to help him put a stop to Bandas's plans to start an Indian war and grab their land for himself. Meanwhile, Prescott takes a shine to the daughter of a local rancher.
La ruta de Denver
Buzz (as Buzz Henry)
Bill y Sam son dos hermanos muy diferentes. Bill decide separarse de Sam y emprende un viaje a Denver, en donde encuentra trabajo como conductor de una diligencia. Por su parte, Sam entra en contacto con un maleante, dueño de un salón. Ambos acabarán en lados opuestos de la ley, y el enfrentamiento será inevitable. (FILMAFFINITY)
Hell's Outpost
Chick Hanna (uncredited)
A returning Korean War vet becomes embroiled in a fight over possession of a tungsten mine.
El marginado
Zeke Polsen
Jet Cosgrave regresa a casa para reclamar el rancho que le fue robado, después de la muerte de su padre. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Homesteaders
Homesteaders Mace Corbin and Clyde Moss pick up much needed dynamite and begin a journey to transport it from an army fort to their homes, hiring a crew of ex-soldiers just released from the army prison. Mace knows he's got his work cut out for him with unstable dynamite, undisciplined hired hands and possible hostile Indians but he doesn't have the slightest hint that his trusted friend Clyde has betrayed him.
Heart of the Rockies
Dave Braddock
Roy is put in charge of a highway construction project. A rancher tries to stop Roy from putting a highway across his land because he fears that the authorities are going to discover the unscrupulous manner in which he got it.
Cerco de fuego
Kip Waterson (CSA)
Un oficial confederado intenta reclutar tropas en California. Desafortunadamente, los únicos que se quieren alistar son bandidos, asi que tendrá que cuidar sus espaldas. Los hombres de Barstow salvarán a la prometida de un oficial de la Unión de un ataque indio, pero no la dejará marchar para que no revele la posición de sus tropas.
Blue Grass of Kentucky
Sandy McIvor
The story revolves around a colt born in Kentucky and named "Blue Grass". and the training of the colt to win the Kentuck Derby. and how all of that affected the lives, fortunes and, relationships and romances of the people associated with the colt's race-track career.
Tex Granger: Midnight Rider of the Plains
Timmy Perkins
Tex Granger heads toward Three Buttes when he comes across a young boy guarding a gold shipment which he has just rescued from a stagecoach that had been held up by Blaze Talbot and Reno
Last of the Redmen
Davy Munro
A family-oriented adaption of James Fenimore Cooper's "The Last of the Mohicans." As the French-Indian War rages across the untamed territory of the Great Northwest, the embattled wilderness gives birth to a legend -- the proud legend of "The Last of the Red Men." August, 1757, General Montcalm and his Iroquois alalies are on the war path -- and General Munro fears for the lives of his children as they travel to join him at Fort William Henry. Although Munro dispatches a letter urging them to take refuge at Fort Edward until the road is safe, an Iroquois scout intercepts the warning. So Major Duncan Hayward, handsomely portrayed by Jon Hall, is unaware of the danger as he escorts Alice Munro (Evelyn Ankers), her sister Cora (Julie Bishop), and her young brother Davy (Buzz Henry) from the sanctuary of the fort. When their guide Magua, a vengeful Iroquois played by Buster Crabbe, betrays them, only one man can save the travelers from his savage trap. Starring Jon Hall and Michael O'Shea.
Law of the Canyon
Spike Coleman (as Buzz Henry)
Freight wagons are being stolen and ransomed back to their owners. Government agent Steve Langtry (and his alter ego the Durango Kid) is sent break up the Hood Gang that's behind the robberies.
King of the Wild Horses
Cracker (as Buzz Henry)
The deep unbreakable bond between a wild stallion and the boy he rescues is chronicled in this children's adventure.
Wild West
Skinny Bannister (as Robert 'Buzzy' Henry)
Eddie and his sidekicks have been called in to help get a new telegraph line through. Dawson and his men along with his stooge Judge are out to stop them. When Eddie and the boys catch three of Dawson's men destroying telegraph equipment, the Judge releases them and this leads to the showdown between the two sides.
Rolling Home
Gary Miller
An elderly rodeo rider, his young grandson and their injured horse help transform the lives of various citizens in a small town. Released in 1946.
Son of the Guardsman
Roger Mowbry
David Trent is a nobleman who forms an outlaw group to combat his evil uncle Sir Edgar Bullard. The outlaws of Sherwood Forest are championing young Roger Mowbray, really Prince Richard, whose right to the throne is being usurped by an evil regent.
Wild Beauty
Johnny (as Robert 'Buzzy' Henry)
In this western, a Native American boy and his horse Wild Beauty make friends with a gentle doctor who helps the boy save his beloved steed from the cruel industrialist who has been slaughtering horses and using their hides for making shoes. Read more at
El castillo de Dragonwyck
Messenger Boy (uncredited)
Año 1844. Miranda, la frágil e inocente hija de unos granjeros, es invitada a pasar una temporada en el castillo de Dragonwyck, donde vive un primo lejano de su madre, Nicholas Van Ryn, su esposa enferma y su hija. Miranda se enamora de Van Ryn, quien, al poco de enviudar, se casa con ella, pero entonces empiezan a salir a la luz turbios secretos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Hop Harrigan: America's Ace of the Airways
Jackie Nolan
Hop Harrigan, a top Air Corps pilot, leaves the military and he and his mechanic, Tank Tinker, open up a small charter air service. They are hired to fly an inventor, Dr. Tabor, to his secret laboratory, where he is working on a new and powerful energy machine. However, a mysterious villain named The Chief Pilot is determined to have the new energy machine for his own purposes and kidnaps Dr. Tabor.
Danny Boy
Jimmy Bailey
A U. S. Marines dog is returned to his young owner in the small town of Monrovia at the end of WWII, but a grouchy neighbor believes the animal's military training makes him a threat to the community and files charges to have the dog destroyed.
The Great Mike
Jimmy Dolan
Story of a boy and his horse. Mike is the horse and is owned by Speck and his best friend Jimmy, together they have a paper route, on which they deliver papers to customers via a wagon pulled by Mike. Recently a horse track has been built in the area and attracts horse breeder and racer Colonel Whiteny. He takes out a subscription for delivery and meets Mike and Speck & Jimmy. Clever Jimmy talks both the Colonel and Speck into taking on the Colonel's pure bred race horses at the track with comedic results.
Trail to Gunsight
Tim Wagner (as Buzz Henry)
In this western, an innocent saddletramp is blamed for killing a man. Fortunately he finds the real culprit before it is too late.
Three of a Kind
Jimmy Collins (as Buzzy Henry)
Two vaudeville acrobats adopt the son of an actor friend.
Trigger Trail
Chip Kincaid (as 'Buzz' Henry)
The tale of Clint Farrell, an aspiring lawyer who must use both his wits and his brawn to save his town from being taken over by a villainous railroad financier.
Calling Wild Bill Elliott
John Culver Jr. (as 'Buzzy' Dee Henry)
When territorial governor Steven Nichols (Herbert Heyes) terrorizes the population with violence and heavy taxes, the Culver family stands up to him, but after the family patriarch is murdered, wandering gunslinger Wild Bill Elliott (Wild Bill Elliott) is falsely accused of the crime.
Ridin' Down the Canyon
Bobbie Blake
Roy Rogers takes on crooked wartime profiteers in the musical western Ridin' Down the Canyon. Posing as solid citizens, the crooks spend their evening hours stealing horses from local ranchers, then selling the steeds to the government at exorbitant prices. The head of the bad guys runs a dude ranch where Rogers and his pals (The Sons of the Pioneers) are employed.
Mr. Celebrity
Danny Mason
A couple attempts to win custody of their orphaned grandson, who's being raised by his veterinarian uncle in a racetrack environment.
Ranger Courage
Buzzy Harper
The Harper wagon train is carrying money and Bull and his gang are after it. When their first attack is foiled by the rangers, Allen trails them. But he is captured and his ranger badge used to divert the rangers away leaving the wagon train unprotected.
Rio Grande Ranger
Buzzy Cullen (as Robert Henry)
Sayres and his outlaw gang operate out of a town just across the border and out of the jurisdiction of the Texas Rangers. Ranger Bob Allen is sent across the border where he poses as an outlaw hoping to lure the gang back into Texas. He gets into Sayres' gang displacing the gang boss but the disgruntled ex-boss is able to expose the hoax and Bob is made a prisoner.
The Unknown Ranger
Buzzy Wright (as 'Buzzy' Henry)
Bob Allen in his starring debut gets a job on Wright's ranch where he hopes to find the rustlers no one else has been able to locate. Everyone is looking for men when the actual rustler is a horse.
Western Frontier
Pee Wee Harper
Ken and his sister are separated while young when the Indians attack their wagon train. Ken, now grown, is sent after the outlaw known as the Golden hair Girl only to find that she's his long lost sister.