Peter Faber
Nacimiento : 1943-10-09, Schwarzenbach an der Saale, Germany
Peter Faber is best known for being a German/Dutch stage, television and film actor.
Durante el fin de semana familiar anual en el parque temático "De Efteling", Teun, de once años, descubre que su abuelo recientemente fallecido le dejó una última búsqueda del tesoro dentro del parque.
La historia de esta película holandesa se sitúa en el año 700 d.C., cuando el norte de Europa se encuentra dividido. Por un lado están los frisones, sajones y daneses y, por otro lado, los francos. Los últimos pretenden conquistar Europa usando el cristianismo como forma de aplacar a los no creyentes. En una de las zonas más destacadas del continente está el rey frisón Aldigisl. Los francos asaltan sus tierras y acaban con la vida del rey, además de arrojar al mar a Redbad. Éste naufraga y acaba en costas vikingas, quienes le acogen. Sin embargo, Redbad tiene un objetivo: regresar y recuperar aquello que le fue arrebatado.
Anne quiere renunciar a su trabajo en la revista Glossy porque no puede escribir de la manera que quiere. Pero todo cambia cuando empieza a trabajar junto a su atractivo compañero, Rick.
Four teenagers decide to spend their summer holiday on a camping at the beach. Officially to disseminate ashes of a grandfather, but foremost to finally get laid.
A man must turn a woman into a murderer while escaping his own troubled soul.
Dutch children’s friend Saint Nicholas is at his wit's end. The letters from children are stacking up and the list of gifts just keeps getting longer. How is he supposed to deliver all those gifts to all those sweet little children in one night? When Diego proposes to ask good old Santa for help, they travel to the North Pole, together with Clumsy Pete and children Max and Anna. Everything seems to work out fine, until Famke and Yvette, two escaped convicts, mess things up. Will Saint Nicolas and his Petes be able to save the feast of St. Nicholas?
Chez Nous es el nombre un bar gay de Amsterdam, Holanda, el cual está muy endeudado, lo que significará su próximo cierre. En este bar Bertie es la draq queen más querida, mientras que Adje el propietario atraviesa una grave crisis económica que le impide afrontar nuevos pagos de su local. Para salvar el bar, un grupo de gays idea un plan, que consiste en robar un collar de diamantes de un museo de alta seguridad, durante el Desfile del Orgullo LGBT.
How the helpers of Sinterklaas are able to do their tricks and get into every house is one of the magical powers of Sinterklaas' Book. But when the book loses it's power, it becomes impossible to to fulfill their duties on December 5. To prevent that from happening, Piet Diego and his Elite team embark on an adventure. Quite a big adventure, because the only place to recover the much needed powers is a magical source in Myra - the birthplace of Sinterklaas!
Minister of Defence
Gerrie, Richard, Rikkert, Robbie and Barry from Maaskantje are in a big fight with the village of Schijndel. When a zombie kills someone from Brabant, things get out of hand.
Dr. Mentink
When Eva opens her eyes a young girl finds herself chained terrified for being abused. Her fears become reality in a way no one could ever imagine.
Olga van Walraeven en Jeanine van der Schathuyzen zijn een rijk en uiterst succesvol modeduo. Hun lingerie wordt over de hele wereld verkocht, geen glamourblad komt uit zonder Olga en Jeanine op de cover en jonge, knappe minnaars staan in de rij om hun jet-set leventje met ze te delen. Maar niet alles is rozengeur en maneschijn. Wanneer hun grote concurrent op slinkse wijze de ontwerpen van hun nieuwe collectie steelt, komt hun bedrijf in zware problemen. De dames gooien alle principes overboord om hun luxe leventje te behouden. List, bedrog of moord, alles is geoorloofd om maar niet af te glijden naar een modaal burgerlijk bestaan.
Koning Flurkentijn
Karen, Kristel en Kathleen krijgen een uitnodiging van koning Flurkentijn en diens vrouw, die afkomstig zijn uit een sprookjesrijk, om op de verjaardag van prinses Fleur te zingen. De prinses gedraagt zich echter als een verwend nest en is niet onder de indruk van de zangkunsten van het drietal. Maar wat is er nu precies aan de hand met prinses Fleur? Karen, Kristen en Kathleen besluiten om dit uit te zoeken.
Donald Heerooms
When ex-colleague Peter de Beer is killed, detective De Cock is facing the ultimate challenge. Peter’s daughter Michaelle, a witness of the murder, is in shock and cannot help De Cock. But, does the killer also know this? Out of precaution De Cock takes the little crown witness under his wings. To his regrets he concludes that his past pursues him. The trail is leading to a couple of old-India travelers. These old but very tough men already prevented him to solve a murder case years ago. Also this time they try whatever is in their power to keep the murder covered up.
Documentary about the Dutch theatregroup the Werktheater. The aim of the company was to create socially relevant theater by means of cooperative processes and improvisation. They often played their performances on location, such as in hospitals, prisons, healthcare institutions and schools. In this documentary, those involved are interviewed about this remarkable theater group.
Tony is really handsome, but he smells. A scientist gives him a potion that should get rid of his fishy smell. Unfortunately, there are some serious side effects.
Van Bergen Henegouwen
Johan Ten Berghe joins the Dutch army when the Dutch East Indies unilaterally declare independence as Indonesia. He initiates his naive driver Twan in life in the East, having grown up there as son of colonial official Hendrik, now missing. Their adventures intertwine with Johan's childhood memories, especially concerning his native best friend, Oeroeg, who joined the rebellion, as well as their nanny and later de facto stepmother. Conflicting loyalties become tangible in extreme situations
Vader van Hans
A man from the province looks back on his graduation year, some teachers, the parental home and especially his father.
Peter Heg
Brigadier de Gier
John Gisberts
When a wife and mother of two finds out her husband has an affair, she tries to make his life a living hell. The sequel to Dutch move hit Schatjes!
Leopold / Paul Chevrolet
The actual life and the fiction created by a successful pulp author begin to blend together.
Vader Cor
En el Amsterdam de 1955, Ciske, un chico de 11 años de edad, vive en una barriada. Su madre trabaja en un bar y su padre está fuera de casa. Ciske, pese a su corta edad, se propone combatir las injusticias de la vida, pese a que ello le traerá más de un problema... (FILMAFFINITY)
John Gisberts
A peaceful family-life is suddenly disturbed when the children enter puberty. The children take over the house and disrupt the lives of their parents.
When Eva no longer finds satisfaction in her relationship with Hans, her phobias reappear. Through Hans' former colleague Jack she learns to deal with her fears, the hard way.
Hedwig, a young wealthy woman growing up in the straight-jacket of bourgeois morality in the Victorian era, descends into madness after years of sexual repression and tragedy.
Patients in a psychiatric clinic are placed in a special home in the city, where they have access to the outside world. Another change to their previous situation is the fact that two female patients come to live with them.
Frits Blech
In 1939, Charlotte Salomon leaves Berlin to seek refuge at her grandparents' villa in the south of France. A little later, war breaks out, and Charlotte must, besides forgetting all she left behind, deal with her grandmother's depression, and her mother's suicide. To fight despair, Charlotte starts to paint, producing over one thousand images. "Is my life real, or is it theater?" This is the title she gives her body of work, which highlights her former life in Berlin. She finds herself though her art, but in 1943 is deported to Germany and Auschwitz.
Dirk Tabak
In 1928 in the northern part of the Netherlands, a man has an affair with the wife of one of his friends (who is in jail at the time). Because she abandons her children to move in with him, the police are sent to arrest her. This leads to a dramatic confrontation.
Jules Depraeter
Based on a true story. A treasure is discovered in the trunk of a car, with far-reaching implications.
Eva, una joven madre es enviada de vacaciones a Francia por su marido para que se relaje. Allí conoce a Liliane, una chica lesbiana que vive en una comuna.
Marc Dumont
A 40-year-old architect begins to doubt his role as a father in a world sliding into decadence. When he meets a young Polish girl he runs off with her to Rhodes. His psycho-moralistic angst is presented in a series of flashbacks when the hijack of his airplane forces him to take stock of his life.
Will Dostgaarde
Las vidas de Erik Lanshof y cinco de sus amigos más cercanos toman rumbos diferentes cuando el ejército alemán invade los Países Bajos en 1940: lucha y resistencia, miedo y resignación, colaboración y alta traición.
Dokter Vlimmen
A veterinarian lives together with his sister and her son in a small village in the Dutch province of North Brabant. He has to cope with gossip and distrust from the villagers.
Max Havelaar
An idealistic Dutch colonial officer posted to Indonesia in the 19th century is cohvinced that he can make the kinds of changes that will actually help the local people he is in charge of, but circumstances soon make him realize just how out of touch he really is, and it doesn't take long for things to go from bad to worse.
Wessel Franken
Documentairy about the progressive theatre group 'Het Werkteater' at their home base on Kattengat 10 in Amsterdam.
After her mother -- a prostitute -- is murdered by her father, Sien is raised by her grandparents. Instead of a bourgeois life with grocer's son Gerrit van Buren, she chooses for an adventurous life with toutman Jan Meier. She follows him and becomes a revue artist in an Amsterdam cabaret, until her father comes to see her...
Finales del siglo XIX. Katty, huyendo de la pobreza, abandona su pueblo y se traslada a Ámsterdam, donde ejerce la prostitución para mejorar el nivel de vida de su familia. En la capital conocerá el poder de corrupción del dinero y el sórdido mundo de la explotación sexual.
A worried father tries to end the relationship that his son Andries has with the wife of a wrestler.
Dos mineros italianos, Federico y Vincenzo, pasan un fin de semana con dos prostitutas que trabajan en el barrio rojo de Amsterdam, donde se exhiben en los escaparates. Una de ellas se enamorará de Vincenzo...