Daniel Chapman

Daniel Chapman

Nacimiento : 1952-08-20,

Muerte : 1994-02-24


Daniel Chapman


People Like Us: Making 'Philadelphia'
10 years after the release of "Philadelphia," director Jonathan Demme, Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington and others discuss about the making of that film and it's important legacy through the years of being the first mainstream Hollywood film about dealing with the topic of Aids, revealing its impact on culture and society. Cast and crew talk about the inception of the project, the making of it and curious stories about one of the greatest hits of 1993.
Classic Albums - Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Sound Designer
The worlds of glitz, glam, and pop-rock fused immortally on Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, born of the formidable partnership of Elton John and Bernie Taupin. This 1973 double album may well have been the peak of their collaboration. Ranging from perennial favorites like "Candle in the Wind," "Benny and the Jets," and the title track to more ambitious compositions like "Funeral for a Friend (Love Lies Bleeding)" and everything in between, Goodbye is unmatched in its depth and scope. This entry in the Classic Albums series of DVDs documents the often tumultuous writing and recording sessions for that masterpiece through vintage clips of the musicians in the studio and new interviews with Elton, Bernie, producer Gus Dudgeon, and the band members. We may never know how the John-Taupin team achieved their magic, but this release offers a both a peek at the process and a few reasons why the album endures today.
One Foot on a Banana Peel, the Other Foot in the Grave: Secrets from the Dolly Madison Room
Secrets from the Dolly Madison Room This thoughts and feelings of gays with AIDS are revealed in this documentary set in a New York West Village clinic. One of the patients dies during the course of the film. The patients speak with candor and humor about their grave condition, about the support they give each other, and about their preparations for death. The outcome alternates between pathos and the upbeat.
Clinic Storyteller
Andrew Beckett, un joven y prometedor abogado de Philadelphia, es despedido del prestigioso bufete en el que trabaja cuando sus jefes se enteran de que ha contraído el sida. Decide entonces demandar a la empresa por despido improcedente, pero en un principio ningún abogado acepta defender su caso.
Wildest Dreams
The geeky owner of an antique shop accidentally releases a beautiful genie from her imprisonment. She grants him three wishes.
¡Qué mal te lo montas, tío!
Agent in jungle
En los años sesenta, dos hippies se esconden en la jungla huyendo del FBI. Cuando vuelven a Nueva York en los años ochenta, sus compañeros y amigos hippies resulta que se han convertido en ricos yuppies.
Chauvinistic businessman Leo Blockman picks up a woman who shoots him, causing him to fall into a river and inexplicably emerge as a woman. Renaming herself Cleo Clock, her female personality gradually begins to take over, and she's forced to navigate a sexist world while attempting to find a way to transform back into a man.
Exquisite Corpses
An attractive young cowboy, new to the city meets a gay casting agent.
Arde Mississippi
Agent MacMillan
En 1964, en un pueblo sureño, donde el racismo está profundamente arraigado y el Ku Klux Klan sigue celebrando sus ritos y reuniones, tres activistas defensores de los derechos humanos desaparecen sin dejar rastro. Dos agentes del FBI, de caracteres muy diferentes, se harán cargo de la investigación. Allí chocarán con un comisario racista.
Bad Blood
Sheriff Stevens
An artist who lives in an old mansion imagines that her dead husband has been reincarnated as her son.
Death Collector
Wade Holt
In a future time, when things have reverted back to the days of the Old West, a man goes after the gang that murdered his brother.
New York's Finest
A cross dresser helps three whores on their search for rich husbands
Joyce seems to have the perfect life - she lives in a nice apartment with a wealthy husband, is soon going to give birth to a baby boy, and has all the money she'll ever need. But while her husband is away in London on business, Joyce is attacked by a masked intruder, that unleashes within her a frightened little girl, haunted by her "special" relationship with her daddy, and a crazed madwoman who is hungry for revenge. From then on, Joyce's wild hallucinations take over, and she begins to murder anyone and everyone who comes near her, in a violent fit of rage.
Jóvenes Enfermeras Enamoradas
Trás el telón de acero, una hermosa mujer recibe la misión de infiltrarse , como la enfermera Ellis, en un famoso hospital americano. Allí comparte el destino con un explosivo grupo de enfermeras, que, naturalmente, ignoran su condición de espía comunista.Tienen otras preocupaciones... por ejemplo, tratar de que sus encantos no se salgan de sus uniformes, un par de tallas más pequeños de lo debido. Realizan su labor en un área reservada del hospital... donde se guarda el esperma de genios, líderes, personajes famosos y los hombre más viriles del Universo. Un auténtico tesoro, mejor custodiado que Fort Knox ... y que la enfermera Ellis ha de robar para su país, aunque antes, con sus nuevas compañeras, ha de recolectar el esperma suficiente para las necesidades diarias.
A tourist group is shown the latest in Soviet virtual reality technology through the Potemkin.