Andrew Davies

Andrew Davies

Nacimiento : 1936-09-20, Rhiwbina, Wales


Andrew Wynford Davies is a Welsh writer of screenplays and novels, best known for House of Cards and A Very Peculiar Practice, and his adaptations of Vanity Fair, Pride and Prejudice, Middlemarch, Bleak House and War & Peace. He was made a BAFTA Fellow in 2002.


Andrew Davies


Andrew Davies: Rewriting the Classics
How Andrew Davies transforms the classics into prime-time television. A profile exploring both his creative process and the influence of his childhood in Cardiff.
A Poet in New York
In 1953 Dylan Thomas went to New York for the last time, his marriage a wreck, his drinking out of control. He was on his way to meet Stravinsky and to wallow in New York acclaim - but what was he escaping? How did such a triumph become a requiem? The last days of a great poet.
Katharine Hepburn: La gran Kate
Katharine Hepburn llegó al mundo del cine a principios de los años 30. Era una mujer intelectual con una fuerte personalidad, testaruda, que encarnó a una mujer carismática en la pantalla. Los productores no tardaron en darse cuenta de que tenía carisma y madera de estrella. Y que personificaba el espíritu de la época.
Katharine Hepburn: La gran Kate
Katharine Hepburn llegó al mundo del cine a principios de los años 30. Era una mujer intelectual con una fuerte personalidad, testaruda, que encarnó a una mujer carismática en la pantalla. Los productores no tardaron en darse cuenta de que tenía carisma y madera de estrella. Y que personificaba el espíritu de la época.
Los tres mosqueteros
Francia, siglo XVII. Athos, Porthos y Aramis son tres prodigiosos espadachines que pertenecen al cuerpo de mosqueteros del rey Luis XIII de Francia (1610-1643). A París llega un joven y valeroso gascón que ingresa en la guardia del Rey para hacerse mosquetero. Los cuatro tendrán que hacer frente a una maquiavélica conspiración urdida por el cardenal Richelieu para derrocar al rey. Adaptación actualizada de la novela homónima de Alejandro Dumas.
Sleep With Me
A couple are torn apart when a French woman enters their loves and pulls them into personal a game of lust and obsession.
En la Inglaterra de fines del siglo XIX, Margaret Prior (Anna Madeley) es una mujer de clase alta que visita la cárcel de mujeres con la intención de servir de apoyo espiritual a las internas. En la prisión conoce a Selina Dawes (Zoe Tapper), una espiritista que fue acusada de estafadora. En un principio Margaret duda del don de Selina, pero más tarde irá descubriendo, de la mano de ésta, todo un mundo sobrenatural lleno de sombras y secretos. Entre tanto, surge entre ambas una fuerte atracción... prohibida para la época... (FILMAFFINITY)
Retorno a Brideshead
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Evelyn Waugh. En la Universidad de Oxford, el joven Charles Ryder entabla amistad con Sebastian Flyte, hijo de Lord Marchmain, gracias al cual se va introduciendo en el exclusivo mundo de la alta sociedad británica. Cuando visita por primera vez Brideshead, la majestuosa mansión de los Flyte, conoce a Julia, la hermana de Sebastian, y desde el primer instante queda cautivado por su belleza. Los Flyte vivirán una serie de años convulsos, durante los cuales Charles será testigo del declive de la familia.
Las hermanas Bolena
Script Consultant
Inglaterra, siglo XVI. Narra la historia de dos hermanas, Ana y María Bolena (Portman & Johansson). El padre y el tío de ambas, movidos por la ambición de mejorar el nivel social y el poder de la familia, convencen a las jóvenes para que conquisten el amor de Enrique VIII, Rey de Inglaterra. Ana y María abandonan su vida en el campo para trasladarse al peligroso y apasionante mundo de la corte. Pero, pronto surge entre ellas una rivalidad sin cuartel para obtener el amor del Rey. Al principio, el Rey escoge como amante a María y tiene con ella un bastardo. Pero Ana, que es muy inteligente y astuta, consigue eclipsar a su hermana e, incluso, que el rey repudie a Catalina de Aragón, su legítima esposa.
Una habitación con vistas
Lucy Honey Church , una joven inglesa de buena familia, se encuentra de viaje en Florencia, acompañada por su prima y dama de compañía Charlotte Bartlett. En la pensión donde se hospedan conocen al excéntrico señor Emerson y a su hijo George , que, amablemente, les ceden sus habitaciones para que las damas disfruten de una ventana con vistas a la ciudad.
La abadía de Northanger
Catherine Morland, la hija de un clérigo rural es invitada por el Sr. y la Sra. Allen a pasar el verano a Bath. Allí conocerá a la familia Thorpe, incluida Isabella, que se compromete con James, hermano de Catherine y a John, el hermano de Isabella que se siente atraído por Catherine...
Fanny Hill
Huérfana a causa de la viruela, la joven Fanny Hill acepta alegremente la oferta de su amiga Esther Davies para unirse a un grupo de jóvenes que trabaja en Londres con la señora Brown.
The 50 Greatest Television Dramas
Boasting an amazing selection of the most watched, most influential and most highly acclaimed programmes ever made, The 50 Greatest Television Dramas presents a long overdue assessment of the rich heritage television drama has to offer. Channel 4 invited over 200 of Britain's top television drama professionals – writers, directors, producers and commissioners – to take part in an exclusive poll to discover what they consider the finest dramas ever produced.
The Diary of a Nobody
Based on the English comic novel written by the brothers George and Weedon Grossmith in the 1880s. The diary records the daily events in the lives of a London clerk, Charles Pooter, his wife Carrie, his son Lupin, and numerous friends and acquaintances, over a period of 15 months. The hapless Victorian diarist records the minutiae of life in the suburbs with a dry wit, sarcasm and mostly misunderstood humour, as he battles with impertinent tradesmen, exasperating friends and his wayward son Lupin's various misdemeanours.
The Chatterley Affair
The trial, under The Obscene Publications Act, of the publishers of D.H. Lawrence's 'Lady Chatterley's Lover'in 1960 was a sensation that consumed the nation. The movie follows two fictional jurors, Helena and Keith, who become passionate lovers during the course of the trial and whose affair mirrors the themes of the novel.
Henry Kent meets writer Daisy Langrish and offers to take care of her overgrown garden. The relationship develops but Mr. Kent is fooling no one but Daisy!
Bridget Jones: Sobreviviré
Bridget Jones ya es feliz: vive con el apuesto Mark Darcy y ha dejado al cretino de su ex-jefe Daniel. Lo malo es que Rebeca, estropea su relación con Mark. Tampoco le van bien las cosas en el trabajo, pero lo peor de todo es lo que le ocurre durante un viaje a Tailandia. No obstante, como siempre, sigue contando con el apoyo de sus amigos que la animan a conocer gente nueva. Pero, ¿quién sabe si Bridget no estará pensando en volver con Daniel?
La reina de la guerra
Boudica, reina de los Icenos, se convierte en la líder de un levantamiento armado contra el Imperio Romano, consiguiendo unificar a varias de las tribus celtas del este de Britania.
With freshly rechristened characters and brand-new dialogue, this British TV production of Othello is a "rethinking" of Shakespeare's play, albeit still retaining the original's power and potency. The story is set in the London of the near future, a crime-ridden metropolis virtually torn apart by racial hostilities. By order of the Prime Minister, black police officer John Othello (Eamonn Walker) is promoted to Commissioner, a post dearly coveted by Othello's friend, mentor and fellow officer Ben Jago (Christopher Eccleston). Seething with jealousy, Jago contrives to discredit Othello in the eyes of the public, and to destroy John's interracial marriage to the lily-white Dessie (Keeley Hawes). Among those used as unwitting dupes to gain Jago's ends are Othello's trusted lieutenant, Michael Cass (Richard Coyle), scrupulously honest police constable Alan Roderick (Del Synnott), and Jago's own wife, Lulu (Rachael Stirling).
El diario de Bridget Jones
Bridget Jones es una treintañera soltera y llena de complejos, cuya vida sentimental es un desastre. Tiene sólo dos ambiciones: adelgazar y encontrar el amor verdadero. El día de Año Nuevo toma dos decisiones: perder peso y escribir un diario. Pero muy pronto su vida amorosa se vuelve a complicar, pues se encuentra dividida entre dos hombres. Por un lado, Daniel Cleaver, su jefe, un tipo encantador y sexy, pero peligroso; por otro, Mark Darcy, un viejo amigo de la familia, que al principio le parece demasiado reservado y aburrido.
El sastre de Panamá
A Andy Osnard, un seductor espía británico, lo destinan a Panamá por culpa de una aventura con la mujer de un embajador. Una vez allí, se pone en contacto con un sastre de oscuro pasado, pero muy bien relacionado con personalidades de la política y de la mafia y cuya esposa trabaja para el presidente del país. La misión de Osnard consiste precisamente en averiguar cuáles son las intenciones del presidente panameño con respecto al canal.
Take a Girl Like You
Set in the 1950s, it follows the progress of twenty year old Jenny Bunn, as she moves from her family home in the North of England to a London suburb to teach primary school children. Jenny is a traditional Northern working-class girl whose striking good looks are in sharp contrast to her prosaic upbringing, and to her strong belief that a girl should preserve her virginity until her wedding night. Because of her attractiveness, Jenny's views on virginity and marriage cause conflicts. The film centres on the (increasingly desperate and cruel) attempts of Patrick Standish, a 30 year old schoolmaster at the local grammar school, to seduce Jenny, against a backdrop of his skirmishes with his school authorities and with the shabby, suburban middle class milieu in which the film is set.
A Rather English Marriage
A squadron leader and a retired milkman decide to bury their differences and move in together after they are both widowed on the very same night. They become a companionable if odd couple, until their unlikely friendship is threatened by the arrival of an alluring woman with a hidden agenda.
B. Monkey
Beatrice, más conocida como B. Monkey, es una profesional del robo a mano armada y, aunque es una mujer de espíritu violento, desea desesperadamente controlar su vida para llevar una existencia anclada en la estabilidad y la serenidad domésticas. Harta de sus colegas y de su mundo, se aferra a Alan con la esperanza de empezar una nueva vida. Y, aunque al principio todo parece ir bien, su pasado seguirá acosándola vaya donde vaya.
Getting Hurt
The safe, secure, boring life of Charlie Cross, a wealthy, successful solicitor is irretrievably shattered when he embarks on an illicit, passionate affair with the beautiful, mysterious Viola whom he meets one evening whilst investigating the background of her husband, Edgar Bosco.
The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Moll Flanders
After being born in prison, Moll Flanders wends her way through the top and bottom of 18th-century English society, has five husbands and many male and female lovers, travels to America and back again, and in general discovers all that is cruel and sweet in life.
Emma Woodhouse (Kate Beckinsale) es una atractiva joven de familia pudiente que ocupa su ocio en emparejar sentimentalmente a cuantos ella desea, aunque no siempre con buenos resultados. Telefilm sobre la conocida novela de Jane Austen (que ese mismo año conoció una adaptación al cine protagonizada por Gwyneth Paltrow). Obtuvo 2 premios Emmy en la edición de 1997: mejor dirección artística y mejor vestuario. (FILMAFFINITY)
Pride and Prejudice: From Page to Screen
A making of featurette about the translation of the classic Jane Austen-novel into a screenplay, filled with interviews with the director, the screenwriter, leading make up, costume and others.
Círculo de amigos
Irlanda, años 50. Bernadette "Benny" Hogan y sus dos mejores amigas, la huérfana Eve Malone y la guapa Nan Mahon, dejan la pequeña aldea irlandesa en la que han crecido para ir a estudiar a la Universidad de Dublín. Allí en la capital las jóvenes se enfrentarán a la vida adulta, experimentando la emoción del primer amor y el dolor del primer desengaño.
A Few Short Journeys Of The Heart
A surreal and nightmarish selection of short stories derived from the cult collection DIRTY FAXES, refracted through the neurosis of a middle-aged writer.
Anna Lee: Headcase
A bright, pretty and determined young girl named Anna Lee quits the police department in search of adventure, and joins a small and somewhat stuffy detective agency, whose members don't look particularly kindly on her short skirts, somewhat cavalier attitude toward agency rules--like showing up for work on time--and her overall demeanor. However, the agency's owner takes a shine to her and assigns her to what seems to be a relatively straightforward case: finding a young girl who's gone missing and whose family is worried about her. As it turns out, the case involves quite a bit more than just a missing girl
A Very Polish Practice
Screen One movie that is a continuation of Andrew Davies' brilliant series A Very Peculiar Practice. Dr. Daker feels finally settled in his life in Poland with his new wife and son, but he soon find things to be just as tumultuous, not least because Bob Buzzard is still around. And is that those nuns again?
The Old Devils
An adaptation of the novel by Kingsley Amis about a group of university friends reunited in retirement. Alun Weaver has found success as a celebrated London-based writer. After returning home to Wales with his alluring wife Rhiannon he reunites with old friends who chose to remain in the valleys. Long dormant romance are rekindled and rivalries resurrected in this turbulent story of ageing, friendship, lust, nostalgia and nationalism.
Filipina Dreamgirls
Several men from Wales travel to the Philippines on an arranged tour to meet Filipina women for romance and possible marriage. None of the women are the ideal Asiatic beauties the men imagined, but by the end of the tour, most of the Englishmen return with a new bride.
Ball-Trap On The Cote Sauvage
Joe and Sarah Marriot are a pair of European campers who have pitched their tent for a little R & R at a campsite in France. The other families that have come to the site on holiday provide great comedy and plenty of people watching for the Marriots. Of course, you'd expect hilarity from characters dubbed the Fitness Family, Mr. and Mrs. Topless, Fatty Granada, and the In-the-Trades. But the Marriots' enjoyment of observing the outside world turns inward when the entrance of Early Bird, a free-spirited female, shakes up their little nest.
A Private Life
Jack and Stella were unable to marry in South Africa because she was classified as coloured. They persevere by living together in a mixed neighborhood, but their son Paul will suffer when he is unable to marry his white girlfriend Andrea.
Lucky Sunil
Young, handsome and alone in London at the start of a great career. But will Sunil's luck hold out against the seductions of pretty girls, the wiles of con-men and a hundred temptations of the great city?
Inappropriate Behaviour
Jo teaches ‘difficult’ children—American style. Young Helen, one of her most rebellious pupils, teaches horse-riding—Cotswold style. Who is going to learn the most?
Time After Time
'Oh I was naughty. And I'm still naughty so take care.' And so Leda was, all those years ago when she was the childhood friend of Jasper and his three sisters April, May and June. Now she returns to add a little spice to life in their crumbling Irish country house.
Bavarian Night
The dynamic young headmaster of St Peter's Primary School decides to liven up a parents' fundraising social by hiring a Bavarian band.
Fearless Frank
The outrageous - and not entirely reliable - memoirs of Irish writer Frank Harris, sometime cowboy in the Old West, friend to the famous in the literary world, essayist and critic, and seducer of beautiful women.
The Signalman
A traveller comes across a signalman stationed by the exit of a railway tunnel in a deep cutting. The traveller becomes familiar with the signalman, and finds that he is troubled by an apparition which appears by the tunnel.
Bill's New Frock