Billy Connolly invites us to his newly adopted home of the Florida Keys for an intimate look at the life he leads since deciding to step back from stand-up comedy.
A study of the comedian and actor based on interviews, TV appearances, and stand-up performances from his career, revealing his journey from a childhood of mother abandonment in Glasgow tenement blocks to the pinnacle of worldwide showbusiness.
As all-time comedy-great Sir Billy Connolly steps back from his legendary stand-up shows, this star-studded special celebrates Billy’s uproarious time on-stage and laughs along with his greatest stand-up moments. Filmed at his home in the Florida Keys, Billy looks back fondly at five hilarious decades on stage. There are exclusive chats with some of Billy's biggest famous fans including Sir Paul McCartney, Sir Elton John, Dustin Hoffman, Whoopi Goldberg, Russell Brand, Sir Lenny Henry, Aisling Bea, Armando Iannucci and Sheridan Smith - alongside the insider insights of his wife and soulmate, Pamela Stephenson. Billy Connolly: It’s Been A Pleasure… is a definitive celebration of a comedy colossus. An uplifting, emotional and hysterically funny 75 minutes in the company of the Big Yin at his entertaining best. It will make you laugh. It may even make you cry. A festive treat and a fitting send-off for a stand-up like no other.
Himself (archive footage)
Schooled in Fife, coming of age in a rock ’n’ roll band, then finding her forte was directing temperamental actors, Cora Bissett is no stranger to theatrical Scottish swearing. So who better to present a celebration of Caledonian cursing? This documentary sees Cora sing, swear and scrutinise why Scotland swears so well. Cora begins with the first hurdle – how does one discuss swear words on the BBC? Aunty Beeb is the institution that has been historically priggish about language - always bleeping words and apologising for those that slipped through. So Cora runs a list past BBC Scotland’s head of editorial standards to see what she can get away with.
Himself - Interviewed Guest
Billy Connolly returns to Glasgow’s famous Kings Theatre, where his journey into comedy first began, to talk life, death and laughter, in a no holds barred encounter with Will Gompertz.
Hailed as the UK’s most influential comedian of all time, legendary Scot Billy Connolly is coming to cinemas with this brilliant show from his final stand-up tour. Recorded in 2015, during the Australian leg, this whip smart routine is a riotous journey filled with outrageous tales and blistering observations of everyday absurdities. Screening as a special one-night-only event, Connolly will also muse upon his career, life and legacy in a deeply personal interview filmed exclusively for cinema audiences.
Billy Connolly takes you on a tour of his home in Florida. The journey is intercut with Billy reflecting on 25 years of distinctive and joyful global travelogues.
Celebrating Billy Connolly's 75th birthday and 50 years in the business, three Scottish artists - John Byrne, Jack Vettriano and Rachel MacLean - each create a new portrait of the Big Yin. As he sits with each artist, Billy talks about his remarkable life and career which has taken him from musician and pioneering stand-up to Hollywood star and national treasure.
Fans from around the globe share anecdotes about how Billy Connolly inspired them, with contributions from Judi Dench, David Tennant, Andy Murray, Elton John and Peter Kay
The craft, creative process and complicated lives of Stand-up Comedians.
This documentary celebrates one of Britain’s greatest actors, Dame Judi Dench, and looks back over her remarkable 60-year career.
Stand-up legend, Billy Connolly returns in his ‘High Horse Tour’. Even at the age of 72, the legendary Scot has a wild and manic energy—and is still as sharp as ever.
Stand-up legend, Billy Connolly returns in his ‘High Horse Tour’. Even at the age of 72, the legendary Scot has a wild and manic energy—and is still as sharp as ever.
Stand-up legend, Billy Connolly returns in his ‘High Horse Tour’. Even at the age of 72, the legendary Scot has a wild and manic energy—and is still as sharp as ever.
Eva acaba de quedarse viuda y ha recibido por error un cheque de la seguridad social por valor de $900.000 en lugar de los $900 que deberían haber sido. Junto con su mejor amiga van a Gran Canaria para tener el viaje de su vida, pero acaban convirtiéndose en fugitivas de la justicia y en la sensación de los medios de comunicación.
Después de haber recuperado el reino del Dragón Smaug, la Compañía ha desencadenado, sin querer, una potencia maligna. Un Smaug enfurecido vuela hacia la Ciudad del Lago para acabar con cualquier resto de vida. Obsesionado sobre todo con el reino recuperado, Thorin sacrifica la amistad y el honor para mantenerlo mientras que Bilbo intenta frenéticamente hacerle ver la razón por la que el hobbit toma una decisión desesperada y peligrosa. Pero hay aún mayores peligros por delante. Sin la ayuda aparente del mago Gandalf, su gran enemigo Sauron ha enviado legiones de orcos hacia la Montaña Solitaria en un ataque furtivo. Cuando la oscuridad se cierna sobre ellos, las razas de los Enanos, Elfos y Hombres deben decidir si unirse o ser destruidos. Bilbo se encontrará así en la batalla épica de los Cinco Ejércitos, donde el futuro de la Tierra Media está en juego.
Gordie McLeod
Doug y Abi son dos padres normales que tienen tres hijos encantadores aunque muy excéntricos. Cuando el estrés de ser padres pone en peligro su estabilidad mental y su matrimonio, deciden realizar un viaje a Escocia con sus hijos. Allí participarán en una gran reunión familiar y se reencontrarán con Gordie, el increíblemente extravagante padre de Doug. Sin embargo, lo que prometían ser unas vacaciones para la reconciliación pronto se convierte en un campo de minas no exento de situaciones hilarantes en el que rencores familiares, malentendidos y egos maltrechos conforman el orden del día. Cuando los niños precipitan un giro inesperado en los acontecimientos, la familia se ve obligada a aparcar sus diferencias y a colaborar, pues de lo contrario corren el riesgo de perder aquello que más aprecian.
Inspector McGuffin
What About Dick? begins with the birth of a sex toy invented in Shagistan in 1898 by Deepak Rushdie Obi Ben Kingsley (Eddie Izzard), and tells the story of the subsequent decline of the British Empire as seen through the eyes of a Piano. The Piano (Eric Idle) narrates the tale of Dick (Russell Brand); his two cousins: Emma, (Jane Leeves) an emotionally retarded English girl; her kleptomaniac sister Helena (Sophie Winkleman) and their dipsomaniac Aunt Maggie (Tracey Ullman) who all live together in a large, rambling, Edwardian novel. When the Reverend Whoopsie (Tim Curry) discovers a piano on a beach, a plot is set afoot that can be solved only by a private Dick, the incomprehensible Scottish sleuth Inspector McGuffin (Billy Connolly) who with the aid of Sergeant Ken Russell (Jim Piddock) finally reveals the identity of the Houndsditch Mutilator.
Wilf Bond
Un grupo de viejos amigos que viven en una especie de residencia para cantantes de ópera retirados organizan cada año, coincidiendo con el aniversario de Giuseppe Verdi, un concierto para recaudar fondos que les permitan mantener la casa en que viven. Los problemas surgen con la llegada de un nuevo residente que resucita una antigua rivalidad entre dos divos.
Fergus (voice)
Merida, la indómita hija del Rey Fergus y de la Reina Elinor, es una hábil arquera que decide romper con una antigua costumbre, que es sagrada para los señores de la tierra: el gigantesco Lord MacGuffin, el malhumorado Lord Macintosh y el cascarrabias Lord Dingwall. Las acciones de Merida desencadenan el caos y la furia en el reino. Además, pide ayuda a una sabia anciana que le concede un deseo muy desafortunado. La muchacha tendrá que afrontar grandes peligros antes de aprender qué es la auténtica valentía.
Billy Connolly’s most requested comedy clips – in addition to his first live TV performance. Billy is universally recognised as the master of observational humour, and here we see the comic genius at his hilarious best. You Asked For It features extracts from Billy’s most popular TV and theatrical stand-up performances, as well as his first ever TV special, broadcast in 1976.
Gerry Rafferty, who died in January 2011, was one of Scotland's best-loved singer/songwriters, famous around the world for hits such as "Baker Street" and "Stuck in the Middle With You". This ArtWorks Scotland film, narrated by David Tennant, tells the story of Rafferty's life through his often autobiographical songs and includes contributions from Gerry's daughter Martha and brother Jim, friends and colleagues including Billy Connolly, John Byrne, and Joe Egan, admirers such as Tom Robinson and La Roux, and words and music from Rafferty himself.
Narrator (voice)
Una criatura legendaria y amistoso llamado Nessie vive feliz en un pequeño estanque con su amiga MacQuack, un pato de goma. Cuando un rico desarrollador toma el estanque y la tierra que lo rodea para construir un campo de golf en miniatura, Nessie se ve obligado a buscar un nuevo hogar. Ella encuentra rechazo en todas partes y siempre se dijo que mantuviera un labio superior tieso y no llorar. Por último, Nessie pierde toda esperanza y empieza a llorar por días, semanas y meses. Cuando ella no puede llorar más, se encuentra con que sus lágrimas han creado el lago, un hermoso y perfecto nuevo hogar para ella y MacQuack.
King Theodore
Lemuel Gulliver (Jack Black), un aspirante a escritor que trabaja como repartidor en un importante periódico de Nueva York, sueña con escribir libros de viajes. Toma entonces la decisión de navegar hacia al Triángulo de las Bermudas, pero una terrible tormenta lo arrastra hasta una isla pérdida que está habitada por personas diminutas, los liliputienses. Después de un comienzo no muy amistoso, el gigante Gulliver se convierte en fuente de inspiración y confianza para sus diminutos amigos. Así, bajo sus órdenes, los liliputienses consiguen una gran victoria sobre sus enemigos de la isla vecina. Sin embargo, Gulliver aún tendrá que saldar cuentas con sus propios defectos para poder salir, por fin, de su limitado mundo
Finally, the wait is over. Billy Connolly, the King of Comedy, returns in his first brand new stand up DVD for three years. As funny, topical and downright brilliant as ever, Billy Connolly Live in London 2010 is the master at his best. From raging about Britain’s political elite to reporting about the oddities of America, Live in London 2010 takes the audience on a hilarious series of anecdotes, digressions and yarns. Filmed this year during 20 sell-out nights at London’s Hammersmith Apollo, this is the show that caused a ticket website to crash from the demand when it first went on sale.
Finally, the wait is over. Billy Connolly, the King of Comedy, returns in his first brand new stand up DVD for three years. As funny, topical and downright brilliant as ever, Billy Connolly Live in London 2010 is the master at his best. From raging about Britain’s political elite to reporting about the oddities of America, Live in London 2010 takes the audience on a hilarious series of anecdotes, digressions and yarns. Filmed this year during 20 sell-out nights at London’s Hammersmith Apollo, this is the show that caused a ticket website to crash from the demand when it first went on sale.
A look behind the scenes of satirical sketch show Not the Nine O'Clock News.
Poppa Il Duce
Los hermanos MacManus viven escondidos junto a su padre, Il Duce, en los tranquilos valles de Irlanda, alejados de su antigua vida como vigilantes. Un día se enteran del asesinato de un amigo sacerdote católico a manos de la mafia en Boston. Los dos hermanos regresarán entonces para hacerle justicia.
McSquizzy (voice)
Tras enamorarse de la cabeza a los pies de Giselle, el camino de Elliot hacia el altar toma un ligero cambio de rumbo cuando Mr. Weenie es secuestrado por un grupo de mascotas que tienen la idea de devolverlo a sus dueños. Boog, Elliot, McSquizzy, Buddy y el resto de las criaturas del bosque se aventuran en una misión de rescate del perro salchicha y pronto se encontrarán en campo enemigo: el mundo de las mascotas. Liderados por un poodle llamado Fifi, las mascotas no piensan dejar a Mr. Weenie irse sin pelea.
Father Joseph Crissman
Varias mujeres desaparecen en una población rural de Virginia. Un sacerdote que tiene "visiones" mandará a la policía a un lugar concreto, donde encontrarán una serie de fosas con cuerpos humanos congelados que parece ser un experimento médico secreto y que puede tener relación con las mujeres desaparecidas... Vuelven los agentes del FBI Mulder y Scully, protagonistas de una de las series más populares de la historia de la televisión. Dirigida por el propio creador de la serie, Chris Carter, una nueva adaptación cinematográfica que se puede ver de forma independiente, sin necesidad de estar familiarizado con la popular serie de TV.
The name of the documentary comes from Drew's recording of "September Song", the Kurt Weill and Maxwell Anderson song made popular through recordings by a number of artists. With the founding of his revolutionary folk band, The Dubliners in 1962, Ronnie Drew has become synonymous with his native Dublin. September Song (2008) is an intimate portrayal of the legendary singer in which he recalls growing up in his granny's house in Dun Laoghaire, the founding of The Dubliners in O'Donoghue's pub on Merrion Row, his days of touring the world, the poignant loss of his wife of forty years, and his own battle with cancer. Featuring interviews with son Phelim, daughter Cliodhna and friends and fans Bono, Billy Connolly and Damien Dempsey.
Billy Connolly's sensational show "Was It Something I Said?" was filmed in Adelaide on the Australian leg of his sell out 2006 World Tour. This recording captures comedy legend Billy at his brilliant, inspirational, hilariously funny best.
Billy Connolly's sensational show "Was It Something I Said?" was filmed in Adelaide on the Australian leg of his sell out 2006 World Tour. This recording captures comedy legend Billy at his brilliant, inspirational, hilariously funny best.
A documentary on the expletive's origin, why it offends some people so deeply, and what can be gained from its use.
McSquizzy (voice)
Boog, un oso pardo nada habilidoso, vive en un mundo perfecto en el tranquilo pueblo de Timberline hasta que conoce a Elliot, un flacucho, salvaje y parlanchín ciervo. A pesar de su mejor juicio, Boog libera a Elliot del cazador Shaw y Boog es convencido por este ciervo de salir de su cómoda vida para conocer el bosque. Así regresan los dos busca-problemas a la vida salvaje justo 3 días antes de la temporada de caza. Con la temporada de caza y Shaw sobre ellos, Boog y Elliot deberán aprender a trabajar juntos y unir a las criaturas del bosque para librar una ruda batalla y cazar a los cazadores.
Debido a una nube de polvo espacial, los muertos han vuelto a la vida sembrando el terror en la pequeña ciudad de Willard. Eso ocurrió mucho antes de que la empresa ZomCom inventara un collar para domesticar zombies, transformándolos en sujetos útiles a la sociedad. Hasta Fido, el zombie doméstico de la familia Robinson, se ha convertido en el mejor amigo de Timmy, el pequeño de la casa.
Continuación de las andanzas del famoso y revoltoso gato Garfield, en esta ocasión de viaje por Londres con su colega canino Odie. Su intención es sorprender a su dueño, Jon Arbuckle, quien está en Londres para proponerle matrimonio a su novia, la veterinaria Liz Wilson.
Billy Connolly's pathologically devoted fans have helped make him the best-selling comedian around the world. In this raucous special taped in New York, Billy Connolly brings his uncensored, uncut and unpredictable stand-up to the U.S.
Billy Connolly
Billy Connolly's pathologically devoted fans have helped make him the best-selling comedian around the world. In this raucous special taped in New York, Billy Connolly brings his uncensored, uncut and unpredictable stand-up to the U.S.
This concert film was created for the London premiére launch of Live Aid on dvd in November 2004. It contains selected highlights of the marathon fundraising concert that took place across two continents with worldwide TV coverage on july 13, 1985. The event was never re-broadcast and never available until the release of the Live Aid 4-dvd set almost 20 years later. The 52-minute premiére version allows you to relive the experience that was Live Aid with songs and excerpts from more than 40 live performances from the event
Documentary which traces the story of Live Aid from its humble beginnings, a pop tune cobbled together in the back seat of a taxi, to the eve of the biggest televised event ever. Artists from the time tell the story of the day that music rocked the world. Organiser Bob Geldof recalls how after 12 weeks of manic preparation, the big day finally arrived.
An affectionate tribute to the Glasgow-born Cutler who has been Britain's best kept secret with his mix of poetry, music, painting and comedy.
Aclamado documental sobre la comedia y los cómicos.
Dr. Montgomery Montgomery
Lemony Snicket cuenta la historia de los Bauedelaire, tres jóvenes huérfanos, Violet, Klaus y Sunny, quienes mientras buscan un nuevo hogar son tomados por un grupo de raros parientes y otra gente, incluyendo Lemony Snicket, quien narra la historia, y comenzando con el astuto y cobarde Conde Olaf que desea arrebatarles la herencia. Violet es la mayor, con 14 años y es la más valiente de los tres. El niño del medio, es el único varón, de 12 años, que es sumamente inteligente y obsesionado con las palabras, y Sunny, la más pequeña, habla un lenguaje que solo sus hermanos pueden entender y tiene tendencia a morder.
The Secret Policeman benefit shows for Amnesty International brought together comedy grand masters - from Python and Beyond the Fringe - and performers then relatively unknown, like Rowan Atkinson. Narrated by Dawn French, the programme includes interviews with many of the comedians and musicians who took part: John Cleese, Stephen Fry, Michael Palin, Sting, Lenny Henry and many more. The shows and their stars had a huge effect on modern British comedy. There are few comics today whose careers have not been heavily influenced by the anarchic and surreal humour of these events.
Stand up comedy from Billy Connolly filmed live in Brisbane in 1999, plus a compilation of highlights from his many live performances over the years.
Zebulon Gant
1870. El capitán Nathan Algren es un hombre a la deriva. Las batallas que libró en otro tiempo parecen ahora lejanas e inútiles. Una vez arriesgó su vida por el honor y por la patria, pero, en los años transcurridos desde la Guerra de Secesión estadounidense, el mundo ha cambiado. El pragmatismo ha reemplazado al valor, el interés personal ha ocupado el lugar del sacrificio y el honor no se encuentra en ninguna parte, especialmente en el Oeste, donde su papel en las campañas contra los indios acabó en desilusión y tristeza. En algún lugar de las implacables llanuras junto a la ribera del río Washita, Algren perdió su alma. En un mundo completamente distinto, otro soldado ve como su modo de vida está a punto de desintegrarse.
Professor E.A. Johnston
En el valle del Dordoña (Francia), un equipo de estudiantes de arqueología y su profesor se esfuerzan por descubrir las ruinas de un castillo del siglo XIV. Para el profesor Edward Johnston, el proyecto representa la culminación de sus sueños. Con la ayuda del profesor adjunto, André Marek, de su hijo Chris y de sus alumnos Kate, Stern y François, Johnston ha hecho grandes progresos, no sólo en la excavación del castillo, sino también en la de un monasterio y otras estructuras del pueblo cercano de Castlegard. Pero las cosas están a punto de torcerse. El Profesor Johnston tiene sospechas sobre el benefactor de la excavación - la empresa International Technology Corporation, encabezada por Robert Doniger – y se dirige a Nuevo México en busca de respuestas.
A collection of the funniest routines from Billy Connolly's three decades of stand-up comedy.
Ventitres años después del primer documental sobre The Rutles, famosos artistas, actores y músicos hablan sobre la forma en que el grupo los inspiró a lo largo de su carrera.
Documental que narra el complicado rodaje de la película "The Boondock Saints" (1999).
A portrait of Richard Thompson, co-founder of folk-rock group Fairport Convention and also an eminent singer/guitarist/songwriter in his own right.
A BAFTA tribute celebrating the career of Billy Connolly.
Bogle McNeep
Christmas is coming to Ten Acre Field and Worzel Gummidge (Jon Pertwee) is determined to enjoy it in style. He goes searching for Aunt Sally (Una Stubbs), hoping to invite her to the Scarecrow Ball, but before he can find her he runs into his old friend Saucy Nancy (Barbara Windsor), herself heading for a spell in panto. Then, before he gets much further, our multi-headed hero gets sidetracked again when he runs into angry Scots scarecrow Bogle McNeep (Billy Connolly) and his anti-Christmas brigade. Will Worzel ever get to enjoy the season with his beloved?
Barry Kolker
Astrid es una adolescente que vive en California con su madre Ingrid, una bella mujer que se dedica al arte. Aunque nunca conoció a su padre, ambas llevan una vida perfecta hasta que aparece en sus vidas Barry, del que Ingrid se enamorará locamente. Pero un día Ingrid es acusada de asesinar a Barry y condenada a cadena perpetua, por lo cual Astrid ve obligada a ir a casas de acogida. Durante años Astrid experimenta todo tipo de sensaciones; relaciones apasionadas, la religión, el cariño de un hogar... A pesar de todo ese tiempo y de los consejos que recibe sobre no fiarse de nadie ni de nada, Astrid mantiene el contacto con su madre.
Frankie (Crossing the Line) (archive footage)
En su segunda compilación de películas tras su serie 'Boogeymen: The Killer Compilation', FlixMix te lleva a la historia de las películas de acción de Hollywood al cine de Hong Kong que abarca un período de 20 años. Esta cuenta con escenas de acción de 16 películas llenas de acción con gurús de acción, Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh, Chow Yun-Fat, Jackie Chan, Jean-Claude Van Damme y muchos más.
Billy Connolly: Live in Dublin 2002 presents highlights from the Big Yin's 2002 stage tour. The program is divided in two, the first part offering an hour from his Dublin show, the second delivering 45 minutes of highlights from eight other performances. Now 60, age has not withered Connolly--even if, as he is fond of reminding us, his pubic hair has turned grey--and his restless energy, enthusiasm, casual obscenity, and anger is as intense as ever. And, of course, very, very funny. Whether talking about the horrors of a prostate examination or reminiscing about his youth, Connolly has the audience in hysterics.
Billy Connolly
Billy Connolly: Live in Dublin 2002 presents highlights from the Big Yin's 2002 stage tour. The program is divided in two, the first part offering an hour from his Dublin show, the second delivering 45 minutes of highlights from eight other performances. Now 60, age has not withered Connolly--even if, as he is fond of reminding us, his pubic hair has turned grey--and his restless energy, enthusiasm, casual obscenity, and anger is as intense as ever. And, of course, very, very funny. Whether talking about the horrors of a prostate examination or reminiscing about his youth, Connolly has the audience in hysterics.
Steve Myers
A lawyer becomes a fisherman from frustration. When his one piece of property, his boat, is struck by lightning and destroyed he is denied insurance money because it was “an act of God”. He re-registers as a lawyer and sues the insurance company and, as God’s representative, The Church.
Dr Savian
Critical Jim, un temido asesino a sueldo que tiene pasión por las películas clásicas, cree tener en su poder, atado a una silla de un hotel, a un hombre llamado Cletis Tout. Lo que ignora es que Tout está muerto y que el hombre a quien ha secuestrado es Trevor Finch, un convicto que huyó de prisión y que adoptó el nombre del fallecido. El asesino acepta aplazar la ejecución de su víctima a cambio de que le cuente su historia.
A young boy believes he can save his dying father if he can become an angel.
En el día de su casamiento con la princesa Gwendolyn, el príncipe John (Sean Maguire) es sorprendido siéndole infiel a su futura esposa. Como castigo, tanto el príncipe como su leal sirviente Rodney son convertidos en sapos por toda la eternidad, o hasta lograr que una dama, no solo los besen sino también que se casen con ellos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Kingdom Swann
The career of the once successful classical portraitist, Kingdom Swann, has hit bad times. When a leading gallery rejects his work, he seems at the point of giving up. It is only the support of his housekeeper, Violet Askey, that keeps him going and it is she who encourages him to switch to photography. Soon Swann has developed a healthy (and respectable) business with portraits of naked women in classical and exotic settings. However, the nature of Swann's new work is open to misinterpretation and he finds himself at the centre of a scandal involving the misuse of his pictures by a SOHO pornographer, and the focus of a campaign by suffragettes against the expoitation of women. At the same time, he loses the support of the loyal Violet, who leaps to the wrong conclusion about Swann's relationship with one of his models. When Violet then becomes involved in the suffragette and amti-pornography movements, it seems all may be lost for Swann - both professionally...and personally.
En la convulsa Belfast de los años ochenta, dos jóvenes -uno católico y otro protestante- tratan desesperadamente de abrirse camino en el complicado gremio de la peluquería. (FILMAFFINITY)
Joe es un florista neoyorquino de origen irlandés, cuya apacible vida se tambalea por dos graves circunstancias. Deseando cambiar de vida, se dirige a Louisville (Kentucky). Allí conoce a Hush, una exbailarina de striptease y madre soltera. Su pasión por las apuestasla lleva a contraer deudas con un mafioso. Cuando Joe, valientemente, decide ayudarla, acaba metido en un gran embrollo.
Stand up comedy from Billy Connolly filmed live in Brisbane in April ‘99 it is Billy at his best - in front of a packed house and the best of the rest - a brand new feature compilation of the very best of Billy Connolly’s live performances, spanning a career of over 30 years.
Nickie Dryden
Mean, gritty, dirty and low, and that's just the policeman Gary Keltie, out for retribution for the horrendous crimes against the helpless people of Edinburgh during the 1970s, by notorious, torturous, and killer, debt collector Nickie Dryden.
II Duce
En Boston, los hermanos irlandeses Connor y Murphy McManus, se convierten, de repente, en los "santos" de un barrio, tras matar a unos mafiosos rusos. Deciden entonces eliminar a toda la escoria de la ciudad, pues creen que Dios los ha elegido para erradicar el mal de la Tierra. La policía y, especialmente un agente homosexual del FBI, les siguen la pista, aunque éste reconoce que lo que están haciendo es lo que él siempre ha deseado. Por su lucha en favor de la Verdad ("Veritas") y la justicia ("Aequitas"), los Santos cuentan con la simpatía de los ciudadanos.
Billy Connolly
The very best of Billy Connolly's stand up comedy, from 30 years of performances around the world!
Según la revista Rolling Stone, una magnífica pieza de entretenimiento que captura la vitalidad y la locura del rock de los años sesenta.
Oscar-winning actor Sean Connery is profiled in this segment of "Intimate Portrait." Includes film clips, never-before-seen photos and interviews with
Mr. Sparks, the Tennis Pro
Arthur (Tucci) y Maurice (Platt) llevan una vida insignificante y mezquina, pero actúan siempre que pueden. Tras una pelea de borrachos con el pretencioso y fatal Sir Jeremy Burton (Alfred Molina), un actor shakespeariano, se ven forzados a ocultarse como polizones en un barco que va a emprender un crucero. Desafortunadamente para ellos, Burtom resulta ser uno de los pasajeros.
Movie adaptation of the 17th century tragedy play, originally written by Thomas Middleton and William Rowley.
A profile of the Hippest band of the 60's and 70's as they prepare for a reunion gig.
PC (voice)
Un chico de 14 años se hace cargo de un perro que parece abandonado. Pero el animal esconde un gran secreto...
John Brown
Desolada tras la muerte de su marido el Príncipe Alberto, la Reina Victoria (1837-1901) encuentra consuelo en el leal caballero escocés John Brown, con el que mantendrá una relación amistosa por encima de las barreras protocolarias.
Deacon Brodie
Drama based on the true story of Deacon Brodie one of Scotland's most notorious criminals. In 1788 Deacon Brodie a master cabinet maker and town councillor is a rogue and a hedonist. He steals money but gives it back. He attempts to steal a fortune from the city's Customs and Excise office but the attempt fails and he is caught. There is a widely-publicised trial and he is sentenced to death to be hanged on the gallows he designed.
Japanese Antique Shop Proprietor (uncredited)
Un Ninja sin demasiado talento está decidido a salvar a una misteriosa dama en apuros. Chris Farley en Haru, un niño huérfano que llega a Japón y es confundido con el legendario Gran Ninja Blanco. Criado con un grupo de ninjas de élite, debido a su gran tamaño se convierte en la vergüenza de su clan. Pero cuando una bella rubia le pide ayuda para resolver una peligrosa misión en Beverly Hills, Haru tiene una oportunidad de oro, aunque sea arriesgando su vida, para demostrar de lo que es capaz.
This 90 minute recording is excerpts of 45 minutes each from Billy Connolly's live appearances in London and Glasgow in 1997. Topics include; The Irish, Limousine Service, fat people, "toffs", mad cow disease, Ageing and shouting.
Billy Bones
Cuando el joven Jim Hawkins recibe el mapa de un tesoro, se lanza a una divertida aventura junto a sus amigos Gonzo, Rizzo y el pirata patapalo Long John Silver (Tim Curry). Jim, junto al Capitán Smollet (la rana Gustavo) y su tripulación de Teleñecos, navegará hacia una remota isla. Allí Silver y sus secuaces capturan al joven Jim y le quitan el mapa del tesoro, lo que obliga a Smollet y sus amigos a preparar un plan de rescate con la ayuda de la Reina de los Jabalíes, Peggy.
Comedian, actor and national treasure, Billy Connolly, travels to the wilds of Arctic Canada to spend quality time by himself , with just his thoughts and camera for company.
Comedian, actor and national treasure, Billy Connolly, travels to the wilds of Arctic Canada to spend quality time by himself , with just his thoughts and camera for company.
Concert from 1995 filmed during Billy's World Tour Of Scotland TV series , Live At The Usher Hall - Edinburgh.
Concert from 1995 filmed during Billy's World Tour Of Scotland TV series , Live At The Usher Hall - Edinburgh.
'Billy Connolly's World Tour of Scotland' chronicles Billy's 40 date concert tour and is a personal celebration of Scotland, seen through the eyes of the country's foremost comedian. Billy's odyssey takes in Scotland in all it's diversity: the urban hustle and bustle of major cities such as Glasgow and Edinburgh, the windswept beaches of secluded islands, the tranquil charms of lowland villages, and the dramatic beauty of the highlands. Join Billy as he travels the length and breadth of his native country, re-visiting old haunts and discovering new ones. On stage Billy covers a range of topics including sex, religion and knitting. Combining personal revelations with original concert footage, 'Billy Connolly's World Tour of Scotland' is a fast-moving and entertaining exploration of Billy's homeland.
Ben (voice)
Pocahontas, la hija del Jefe Powhatan, vigila la llegada de un gran grupo de colonos ingleses, guiados por el ambicioso gobernador Radcliff y el valiente capitán John Smith. Con su juguetón compañero Meeko, un travieso mapache, y con Flit, un alegre pájaro, Pocahontas entabla una fuerte amistad con el Capitán Smith. Pero cuando empiezan a surgir tensiones entre las dos culturas, Pocahontas recurre a la sabiduría de la Abuela Sauce para encontrar una manera de lograr la paz entre su pueblo y los conquistadores.
Jimmy Tarbuck parades his comic wares in front of a celebrity audience, including Cilla Black, Bruce Forsyth, Billy Connolly, Michael Parkinson, Harry Secombe and Henry Cooper.
Filmed during Billy's record breaking twenty two night run at London's famous Hammersmith Apollo.
Filmed during Billy's record breaking twenty two night run at London's famous Hammersmith Apollo.
JoJo Donnelly
Set in Glasgow, Louie, the detective son of an upright police sergeant, is about to marry. His intended is the daughter of JoJo (Connolly), a wealthy and compulsive thief who attempts a spectacular robbery. Louie is put in charge of the investigation of JoJo's latest enterprise. JoJo learns of his peril and begins an exercise in risk management.
Auction M.C.
David (Harrelson), arquitecto, y Diona Murphy (Moore), agente inmobiliario, son un matrimonio felizmente casado y bien avenido que, por culpa de un traspié económico, ve peligrar su nivel de vida. En Las Vegas, donde buscan un golpe de suerte en el juego que les traiga algo de dinero, un maduro y apuesto multimillonario (Redford) ofrece a David un millón de dólares a cambio de pasar una noche con su mujer. A pesar de las dudas iniciales, ambos acaban aceptando la propuesta...
Sheer brilliance. Billy Connolly's razor-sharp mixture of bewildered surrealism and ultra-perceptive observational comedy is showcased here. If you're not pained with laughter at the routines on football, swimming and cookbooks, something vital has been removed from your brain. Buy it - it's better therapy than the stuff you get in clinics.
A rare comedy hour on HBO starring Scottish-born comedian Billy Connolly
A rare comedy hour on HBO starring Scottish-born comedian Billy Connolly
Unemployed Ayrshire teenager Sammy Nelson is a dreamer, using his vivid imagination to conjure up a gallery of heroes. But far from simply providing an escape from grim reality, his dreams become weapons to confront it. With appearances by Deacon Blue. Billy Connolly and Marianne Faithful
Danny (Liam Neeson) es un ex-boxeador escocés que, tras doce años como minero, se encuentra desempleado intentando sacar adelante a su familia. Ahora por fin le ha llegado una ocasión de oro para ganar dinero fácil: el jefe de la mafia de Glasgow, Matt Mason, ha organizado un combate clandestino, sin guantes, y le ha ofrecido mucho dinero para que pelee. Cuando la esposa de Danny conoce la noticia, le abandona por olvidar sus principios. Ya con poco que perder, el ex-púgil acepta la oferta con la idea de ganar el dinero suficiente para vivir bien y poder recuperar a su esposa.
HBO stand up comedy presents Whoopi Goldberg and Billy Connolly
Francia, siglo XVII. Han transcurrido casi veinte desde el encuentro del joven D'Artagnan con Athos, Porthos y Aramis, los tres mosqueteros del rey. Tras la muerte de Milady de Winter, su hija Justine conspira con el cardenal Mazarino para controlar la Corona. Los mosqueteros tendrán que unir sus fuerzas para salvar a Francia de su maligna influencia.
Wembley Stadium hosts a concert featuring stars from the fields of music, comedy and film, in celebration of the 70th birthday of imprisoned ANC leader Nelson Mandela. Highlight of the evening is the one hour live performance of Dire Straits feat. Eric Clapton.
Billy Connolly
Billy Connolly, captured live on stage at London's Royal Albert Hall in July 1987, offering his own unusual views of (among others) Thatcher and Reagan, Linoleum, Tarantulas And Their Wily Ways and the Khyber Pass...
The Bellman
This is a musical by Mike Batt based on Lewis Carroll's nonsense poem. Mike Batt conducts the London Symphony Orchestra.
In April 1986, inspired by the previous summer's bombastic Live Aid event and the success of Amnesty's first four Secret Policeman's Ball shows, the UK's alternative comedy scene (and a few of the old guard) put on a fund-raising comedy revue at The Shaftesbury Theatre, London. The show's took place on 4-6 April, a recording was broadcast by the BBC on 25 April.
Parker Braithwaite
This is the British remake of 1984 Danny DeVito film
Billy Connolly delivers his special brand of stand-up comedy and abrasive humour in front of a celebrity audience.
Billy Connolly delivers his special brand of stand-up comedy and abrasive humour in front of a celebrity audience.
Live Aid (en español, ayuda en directo) fueron dos conciertos organizados por el líder y vocalista de la banda de rock The Boomtown Rats Bob Geldof, y el líder y vocalista de la banda de pop Ultravox Midge Ure, realizados el 13 de julio de 1985 de forma simultánea en el Estadio Wembley de Londres (Reino Unido) y en el John F. Kennedy Stadium de Filadelfia (Estados Unidos), con el motivo de recaudar fondos en beneficio de Etiopía y Somalia. Pocos meses antes, artistas principalmente británicos, publicaron la canción "Do They Know It's Christmas?" con los mismos fines, de igual forma los músicos estadounidenses colaboraron con la canción "We Are The World", para recaudar fondos.
Larry sueña con convertirse en un actor estrella, pero hasta entonces maneja un taxi y trabaja como chofer para el sombrío Ramírez. Un día él echa un vistazo a la maleta que lleva Ramírez: ¡está llena de dinero! No puede resistirse y lo roba. Frente a sus amigos afirma que finalmente consiguió un contrato con un director famoso y los invita a celebrar, mientras que la multitud está detrás del dinero.
Delgado Fitzhugh
La idílica existencia de un diplomático en una nación de las islas antillanas se transforma en el caos, cuando una empresa de perforación encuentra una enorme fuente de agua mineral natural.
Hawkeye McGillicuddy
The dashing Captain Hugh "Bullshot" Crummond - WWI ace fighter pilot, Olympic athlete, racing driver, part-time sleuth and all round spiffing chap - must save the world from the dastardly Count Otto van Bruno, his wartime adversary. And, of course, win the heart of a jolly nice young lady.
Recorded in 1982, Hand Picked By Billy was recorded at the Cambridge Theatre in London on Billy's "The Pick of Billy Connolly" tour. This show takes the best bits from that 3 night show and includes the infamous story of the Glasgow sewage worker.
Recorded in 1982, Hand Picked By Billy was recorded at the Cambridge Theatre in London on Billy's "The Pick of Billy Connolly" tour. This show takes the best bits from that 3 night show and includes the infamous story of the Glasgow sewage worker.
Following the success of the 1979 show and the financial benefits accruing to Amnesty from the spin-off movie, TV special and record albums – Cleese, Lewis and Walker planned the next show to be a more spectacular event. Cleese focused on broadening the comedic talent to be presented at the show. In addition to the Amnesty show stalwarts drawn from the Oxbridge/Monty Python/Beyond The Fringe orbit, he invited newcomers such as Rowan Atkinson’s colleagues from the BBC TV show Not the Nine O'Clock News including Pamela Stephenson and Griff Rhys Jones; comedian Victoria Wood and regional comic Jasper Carrott. Lewis secured a return appearance by Billy Connolly and a debut appearance by "alternative" comedian Alexei Sayle who Lewis had recently discovered and was managing. Building on the success of Pete Townshend's 1979 appearance Lewis recruited other rock musicians to perform at the 1981 show including Sting, Phil Collins, Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Donovan and Bob Geldof.
Billy Connolly
Highlights from Pick of Billy Connolly concerts.
Organized by Paul McCartney and the United Nations, these concerts were in response to the 1975-79 Khmer Rouge’s reign, where three million persons perished in Cambodia. During the concerts, McCartney brought three generations of popular musicians together. The older generation included McCartney and the Wings, The Who and members of Procol Harum. The middle generation was represented by Queen and members of Led Zeppelin. Most notably, there was the new generation of mainly New Wavers and Punk Rockers, such as The Pretenders, Elvis Costello and The Attractions, Ian Dury and the Blockheads, The Clash, and The Specials.
From the days when he still had red hair and was rising to the peak of his career, this is one of Billy’s legendary early performances. The culmination of a marathon British tour that started in 1980, Billy Bites Yer Bum Live was filmed at London’s Apollo Victoria over two nights in February 1981.
Billy Connolly
From the days when he still had red hair and was rising to the peak of his career, this is one of Billy’s legendary early performances. The culmination of a marathon British tour that started in 1980, Billy Bites Yer Bum Live was filmed at London’s Apollo Victoria over two nights in February 1981.
Una serie de conciertos a beneficio de Amnesty International. El film incluye varias actos de comedia y números musicales por un variado grupo de artistas, mayormente británicos. Entre ellos, varios miembros de Monty Python, Rowan Atkinson y Peter Cook.
Una serie de conciertos a beneficio de Amnesty International. El film incluye varias actos de comedia y números musicales por un variado grupo de artistas, mayormente británicos. Entre ellos, varios miembros de Monty Python, Rowan Atkinson y Peter Cook.
En un colegio católico, el padre Goddard se enfrenta a un terrible dilema: mantener el secreto de confesión o acudir a la policía para relatarles los crímenes cometidos por uno de sus alumnos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Early stand-up television special starring Billy Connolly
Bunny has told his wife he is working as a postman, but in fact is wandering the hills all day, wondering why he doesn't want to work. He meets Jody, an older man who has told his wife he's working in a factory, but is in fact doing the same thing. The two men spend a day of friendship together, but what does the future offer them? And tonight is supposed to be pay night...
Billy Connolly was, in the 1970s, a sort of Scottish Lenny Bruce, who, with devastating humour, sliced through the hypocrisies he perceived. This 1976 documentary follows the singer-comic during his 1975 Irish tour. Made in a cinema verité fashion, the performer appears to be completely unaware of the presence of the camera in his off-stage and backstage moments.
Billy Connolly was, in the 1970s, a sort of Scottish Lenny Bruce, who, with devastating humour, sliced through the hypocrisies he perceived. This 1976 documentary follows the singer-comic during his 1975 Irish tour. Made in a cinema verité fashion, the performer appears to be completely unaware of the presence of the camera in his off-stage and backstage moments.
It's the day of the Orange Parade in Glasgow, but for Jon, the thrill of leading the parade and swinging the mace soon turns to horror as he learns the truth behind the costumes and songs.
The story of songwriting genius Matt McGinn. Featuring Robbie Coltrane among many others. Recorded by Stramash 1988 on cassette (Greentrax Records). Stramash featured vocals by Adam MacNaughtan; Anne Neilson; John Eaglesham (concertina); Kevin Mitchell; Bob Blair (guitar) Finlay Allison (guitar, fiddle, mandolin). They all feature on this STV program celebrating Matt's life at the time of the publication by Glasgow Libraries of the book 'McGinn of the Calton'.
Scottish documentary which tells the story of one of the greatest footballers of all time, Celtic's Jimmy Johnstone
Midday with Ray Martin from 1985 - 1993.