Declan Joyce

Declan Joyce

Nacimiento : 1970-10-14, Cleveland, Ohio, USA


Declan Joyce was born on October 14, 1970 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. He is an actor and producer, known for April 29, 1992, Silent Twins (2022) and La última (2022).


Declan Joyce


Bet On Ben
Capt. Murphy Waylon
Ex-con Ben Burke returns home to reconcile with Heidi, his lost love, and seek closure from a former friend who made him take the fall on an arms deal years earlier. Once back home though Ben gets caught up in another arms deal that puts Heidi's life in jeopardy as well as his own.
TimeCrafters: The Treasure of Pirate's Cove
Father O'Reilly
While searching for lost treasure, time traveling pirates end up in the modern day and do battle with unlikely foes: a group of kids with the latest in techy gadgetry.
Legend of the Muse
A painter's life is changed forever when a mythical and deadly spirit from Celtic lore becomes his muse and lover.
Staged Killer
Chad Woods
When a former co-host, Jake Everett, works his way back into the professional life of popular TV morning show host Naomi Spencer, the show's success skyrockets, but Naomi's personal life begins to fall apart.
Chris Ray
Colt (Chad Michael Collins), un cazador de hombres lobo del lejano oeste, se despierta de su tumba sin motivo aparente y descubre que la banda de estos seres que mató a su mujer sigue campando a sus anchas por el pueblo de High Moon. Ayudado por una viuda (Chelsea Edmundson), un sheriff escéptico (Matthew Thompkins) y por un alcalde corrupto (Sean Patrick Flanery), Colt debe hace todo lo posible para evitar que su pueblo vuelva a ser destruido.
Cops and Robbers
Officer Banks
A police hostage negotiator plays a dangerous game of cat and mouse with a cornered bank robber who is hell bent on getting out of the bank and humiliating his brother, the police hostage negotiator, in the process.
Raptor Ranch
Special Agent O'Reilly
A group of young people stuck in the small Texas town of Fossil Ridge have to fight for their lives against dinosaurs that have been reanimated by a local scientist.
A Kiss for Jed Wood
Nineteen year old Orla from Country Antrim wins 'Follow a Star' on the Irish national TV station. Her prize is a quest - to find C&W star Jed Wood, give him a kiss, and report on her adventure on the following week's show. Ray Timmons, a middle aged documentary cameraman, is the only person available to document her on her quest. Together they travel to New York, meet up with a jaded sound recordist, Mike, and set about chasing down Jed - arriving at film sets, recording studios, everywhere Jed is due to be. Their progress is followed by a couple of DJs on a local radio station. During the week the chase continues, their relationship changes, and they learn a lot about each other and bout pursuing their own dreams, before they return to face the music back home. Written by Anonymous (
The Black Waters of Echo's Pond
Nine friends take a holiday at a Victorian home on a private island and uncover a game that when played brings out the worst in each of them. Jealously, greed, hatred, lust, all of the things they keep buried deep inside themselves rise to the surface and come to a boil.
No Bad Days
Ubicado en el exótico terreno de la Península de Yucatán, NO BAD DAYS es una película de acción y aventuras que manifiesta todas las cualidades que conforman una película entretenida y cautivadora. El estilo de ritmo rápido es una sorpresa en todo momento, mientras que el carisma y la química de los personajes principales crean una subtrama romántica. La historia comienza cuando los malvados invasores de tumbas roban preciosos artefactos mayas y pronto se enfrentan a su oponente más difícil, un imprevisible, robusto y ex militar que descubre su verdadero yo luego de terminar 5 años escondido. Nuestro héroe se encuentra siendo perseguido a través de junglas, espiando en canales subterráneos y enamorándose de una atractiva, aunque obstinada, mujer estadounidense que busca a su madre desaparecida, una arqueóloga que estaba en el lugar equivocado en el momento equivocado.
The Blue Rose
Successful as a real estate agent, Vince Gallagher leads a second life as a casual drug user and small time dealer, getting his supply from a friend. While most would be considered an addict living the way he does, Vince's rationale is that since he feels he can quit at anytime on his own will, he doesn't have a "problem." Some of the folks he deals to though, have relatives, like "Junk", that deliver a message for Vince to stop dealing - or pay a price. Never strong with relationships or settling down, Vince meets Andrea, a recently divorced woman who walks into his office to request his services. Vince is more than eager to oblige, even offering to help her move. A relationship develops between the two that takes their lives into a total transformation when Andrea discovers Vince's hidden secret of drug addiction that will test their bond and love for one another.
30.000 leguas de viaje submarino
El Capitán Nemo va hasta lo más profundo de su locura en esta fantasía hipnótica basada en el cuento de Julio Verne. De nuevo en el timón de su temible, avanzando salvajemente con su navío, el loco náutico con su submarino de alta tecnología, pondrá empeño para tomar venganza del mundo de la superficie.
Shattered Day
Six: la hermandad
En un futuro próximo, un poderoso dictador ha conseguido dominar el planeta Tierra. Para ello ha implantado un chip de control a todos y cada uno de los habitantes que hay en el mundo, y los que se han negado a ello están en prisión y condenados a la pena capital. No hay libertad y tampoco alternativas a esta represión. Sin embargo, uno de los condenados a muerte se niega a rendirse al poder establecido. ¿Será capaz de derrotar a un enemigo omnipresente e imbatible?
Deputy Corrigan
Comedy drama about an overseas trade fair for a building components company (doors and louvres to be precise), company boss John Garrard is too caught up in trying to make a success of his business to realise that his long time secretary Mrs Rogers is carrying a major torch for him, once it is pointed out to him by a colleague he sets out to seduce her but a series suspected heart attack) conspires against it.
Bikini Bob
Welcome to the dark underworld of Hollywood's Golden Age where monsters really do exist.